Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8. Change the world Friends Global

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8 Friends Global

119 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 10 :

LEARN THIS! Emphasis (1)

1 We can emphasise key information in a sentence by: a adding a clause with it is/was, etc.... that... at the start of the sentence.

Joe bought a tablet last weekend.

→ It was Joe who bought a tablet last weekend.

→ It was a tablet that Joe bought last weekend.

→ It was last weekend that Joe bought a tablet.

We often use this structure to make a contrast:

It was a tablet that Joe bought, not a smartphone.

b adding a clause with What.

Kate lost her debit card.

→ What Kate lost was her debit card.

→ What Kate did was lose her debit card.

→ What happened was that Kate lost her debit card.

2 We can use All (that) in the same way as What. It means “the only thing”.

I just need some money.

→ All (that) I need is some money.

→ They only needed to ask.

→ All (that) they needed to do was ask.

Tạm dịch

LEARN THIS! Nhấn mạnh (1)

1 Chúng ta có thể nhấn mạnh thông tin quan trọng trong câu bằng cách: thêm mệnh đề với it is/was, v.v.... that... vào đầu câu.

Joe đã mua một chiếc máy tính bảng vào cuối tuần trước.

→ Chính Joe đã mua một chiếc máy tính bảng vào cuối tuần trước.

→ Đó là một chiếc máy tính bảng mà Joe đã mua vào cuối tuần trước.

→ Cuối tuần trước Joe đã mua một chiếc máy tính bảng.

Chúng ta thường dùng cấu trúc này để tạo sự tương phản:

Đó là một chiếc máy tính bảng mà Joe mua, không phải điện thoại thông minh.

b thêm một mệnh đề với What.

Kate bị mất thẻ ghi nợ.

→ Thứ Kate bị mất là thẻ ghi nợ của cô ấy.

→ Điều Kate làm là làm mất thẻ ghi nợ của cô ấy.

→ Chuyện xảy ra là Kate bị mất thẻ ghi nợ.

2 Chúng ta có thể dùng All (that) giống như What. Nó có nghĩa là “điều duy nhất”.

Tôi chỉ cần một ít tiền.

→ Tất cả những gì tôi cần là một ít tiền.

→ Họ chỉ cần hỏi thôi.

→ Tất cả những gì họ cần làm là hỏi.

Câu 36 :

LEARN THIS! Verb + object + infinitive

1 We can use these verb patterns to talk about making things happen:

get + object + infinitive with to

I shouted, but couldn't get her to hear me.

have + object + infinitive without to

We'll have someone fix the computer.

make + object + infinitive without to

My parents make me clean my room every week.

2 In a passive structure we use sb was made to do sth (infinitive with to).

He was made to pay back the stolen money.

3 We can use I'd prefer + object + infinitive with to to talk about preferences.

The government would prefer citizens to use public transport more often.

Tạm dịch

LEARN THIS! Động từ + tân ngữ + nguyên thể

1 Chúng ta có thể sử dụng các mẫu động từ này để nói về việc khiến mọi việc xảy ra:

get + tân ngữ + nguyên mẫu với to

Tôi hét lên nhưng không thể khiến cô ấy nghe thấy.

have + tân ngữ + nguyên thể không có to

Chúng ta sẽ nhờ người sửa máy tính.

make + tân ngữ + động từ nguyên thể không có to

Bố mẹ tôi bắt tôi dọn phòng mỗi tuần.

2 Trong cấu trúc bị động chúng ta dùng sb was made to do sth (nguyên thể với to).

Anh ta bị buộc phải trả lại số tiền bị đánh cắp.

3 Chúng ta có thể sử dụng I'd Prefer + tân ngữ + nguyên thể với to để nói về sở thích.

Chính phủ mong muốn người dân sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng thường xuyên hơn.

Câu 45 :

2 Read the articles. What do Wilson To and Rene Silva have in common?

(Đọc các bài viết. Wilson To và Rene Silva có điểm gì chung?)



Wilson To was beginning his final year at school when he decided to get a school Facebook page started. Nothing unusual about that, you might think, but Wilson's motivation for setting up the page wasn't to discover the latest school gossip. He believed that Facebook could help him take on a problem that was making life difficult for a few schoolmates: bullying.

Without mentioning his plans to his friends, Wilson launched 'A-tech compliments', a Facebook page which invited students to send in anonymous compliments about each other, their teachers and their school. At first, Wilson wasn't expecting much of a response and he monitored messages closely in case unpleasant comments or racism appeared. However, Wilson needn't have worried. 'A-tech compliments' was an instant success and quickly had five hundred regular followers, all of them being positive. It seems that the students were just waiting for the opportunity to say nice things about each other and their school!

Although everybody wanted to know who had thought up this great idea, Wilson kept s his identity secret until the end of the school year, when the school intercom asked the creator of the Facebook page to reveal himself. Wilson stepped forward to receive the applause and thanks of the whole school. He was also given one last job to do: train a new administrator so the page could continue after Wilson stepped down. Today, the idea has also spread to high schools across the country.



A teacher spotted Rene Silva's talent for writing when he was just eleven and encouraged him to set up a community newspaper. Rene accepted the challenge and took on publishing Voz da Comunidade (Voice of the Community) and he soon realised that the monthly newspaper could help his neighbourhood. Rene lives on the edge of Rio de Janeiro in a favela, a poor town that used to be controlled by armed drug gangs. Rene's newspaper quickly became a vehicle for protest about the poor conditions in the favela and gave a voice to local residents who were campaigning to make the community a safer and better place to live.

But one Saturday morning, Voz da Comunidade was transformed from a small local newspaper into Brazil's most popular source of information. The government had decided to force the drug dealers out of the favela and had sent soldiers onto the streets. Journalists from the mainstream media waited outside the favela for news, but Rene and his team of teenage reporters were in the middle of the action. Using their mobile phones to film and take photos, the Voz da Comunidade Twitter account suddenly had thousands more followers than usual and Rene's reporting was praised by the mainstream media. More importantly, it started a debate about how the government should help the inhabitants of Brazil's hundreds of favelas. Rene and the Voz da Comunidade brought positive change to the community.

Câu 69 :

2 Read the text. Check your answers in exercise 1. What do you find most impressive about Sophia?

(Đọc văn bản. Kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn ở bài tập 1. Bạn thấy điều gì ấn tượng nhất về Sophia?)

Humanoid robots, eminent characters in science fiction novels and sci-fi films, are becoming a reality. Sophia, as an example, was first activated on Valentine's Day in 2016. One month later, she had her premiere in Texas, USA and has made multiple public appearances around the world since then. At one such event, Sophia was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship in October 2017 and even became the first Innovation Champion of the United Nations Development Programme later that year. During Sophia's trip to Viet Nam in 2018, she addressed the Industry 4.0 Summit and Expo.

Sophia the Robot is the latest humanlike robot created by a Hong Kong-based company whose combined efforts in Al research, engineering and design have given birth to robots. Undoubtedly, Sophia together with other Hanson robots represents the rapid advancement in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. She has been designed to assist humans in healthcare, customer support and education.

Sophia's physical appearance is inspired by both the famous actress Audrey Hepburn and the creator's wife. She has cameras for eyes and microphones for ears, allowing her to see and hear like a human. But what makes her more lifelike than other robots is the patented artificial skin called Frubber, which has the feel and flexibility of human skin.

Sophia amazes the world with her ability to communicate naturally. The Sophia Intelligence Collective, which is a combination of AI and human input, and other sophisticated perception techniques enable Sophia to recognise human faces and identify human emotions and gestures. Equipped with machine learning algorithms, Sophia can understand human speech and interact with people. Questions and jokes are pieces of cake to her whereas sarcasm is intelligible. What distinguishes Sophia from other humanlike robots is her social behaviour, i.e. her facial emotions, hand movements and conversation skills, and most importantly, her learning capability. Sophia is programmed to learn from experiences and adapt to new situations.

Câu 76 :

Read paragraphs (A-C) and questions (1-6). Match the paragraphs with the questions. Each paragraph matches with two questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn (A-C) và câu hỏi (1-6). Nối các đoạn văn với câu hỏi. Mỗi đoạn phù hợp với hai câu hỏi.)

In which paragraph does the author mention a breakthrough which...

1 relieves a painful condition?

2 has an impact on a life-threatening situation?

3 is used in particular areas of the world?

4 replaces a device already available?

5 needs to be used for a short period daily?

6 helps people do things they couldn't do before?

Medical breakthroughs


After twenty years of research, scientists have finally succeeded in developing a vaccine for dengue, a viral disease found in tropical areas. The illness causes high fever and severe joint pain, and in some cases, it can be fatal. According to the World Health Organisation, each year between 50 and 100 million people develop dengue, which is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. The commercialised vaccine can protect children in Asia and Latin America against the virus.

B Artificial limbs have been around since ancient times, but no prosthetic has been as lifelike as the Bebionic small hand. The appliance not only looks like a hand, but it also works like one. Electrical impulses triggered by the user's muscle movements connect to individual motors and powerful microprocessors in each finger, causing it to move. Specifically aimed at women and teenagers, the artificial hand enables the user to perform a range of activities previously unmanageable, such as using cutlery and riding a bike.


Good news for migraine patients - a special device is available. The battery-driven headband sits across the forehead and over the ears and has a self-adhesive electrode, which helps it stay in place. This electrode applies an electric current to the skin and tissue below the headband stimulating the nerves which are said to trigger the headaches. By wearing the headband for the recommended twenty minutes per day, users are said to experience significantly fewer migraines.

Câu 92 :

Hashtag activism

I can use discourse markers to help predict what will be said next.

'I'm Charlotte. I'm seventeen and I live in Bristol, which is 1_______ , one of the coolest cities in the south-west of England. My friends and I saw reports of the national anti-furcoat demonstration in London - 2_______, where people were protesting against the selling and wearing furcoats. It was too far for us to travel, but 3_______ we wished we could have been there. And then one of my friends said, "4_______, why don't we organise one here?' We put up an invitation on Facebook to all of our friends. 5_______, we hadn't done anything like it before so we didn't know what to expect. But it just grew from there, and on the day, three hundred people turned up to demonstrate! It was a completely amazing experience.

6_______, a lot of great things have come out of that one Facebook page. 7_______, we are now collecting food and warm clothes for children in remote mountainous areas. We're only young, but 8_______, with Facebook, we're effective!'

1 Choose the correct linkers (a-c) to complete the text.

(Chọn các liên kết đúng (a-c) để hoàn thành đoạn văn.)

1 a all the same

b incidentally

c for instance

2 a you know

b nevertheless

c well

3 a all the same

b by the way

c for instance

4 a Well

b Nevertheless

c As I was saying

5 a Mind you

b For instance

c Talking of which

6 a All the same

b By the way

c However

7 a Still

b Incidentally

c For instance

8 a even so

b for instance

c by the way