Giải SGK, SBT Unit 2. Get well English Discovery

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 2 English Discovery

90 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 2 :

2. Each of the celebrities in the photos has insured a part of their body. In pairs, guess which part. Then listen and write in the blank.

(Mỗi người nổi tiếng trong ảnh đều có bảo hiểm cho một phần cơ thể của họ. Theo cặp, đoán đó là phần nào. Sau đó nghe và viết vào chỗ trống.)

How much are they worth?

Big celebrities earn big money for their talent and looks. But what would happen if they couldn't work or if their appearance changed? Football clubs, record companies, film studios and advertisers would lose a lot of money. So celebrities often insure parts of  their body!


RISKS: Football injuries are common and can end a career. Most common injuries are sprained ankle, thigh, knee and calf injuries, broken bones and head injuries.

Who? Cristiano Ronaldo, football player

What is insured? 1__________

How much? $144 million


Troy Polamalu, American football player

What is insured? 2__________

How much? $1 million


RISKS: Acting is not dangerous like football (except when the actor insists on doing their own stunts). But for some film and television roles, the star's looks are important.

Who? Daniel Craig, actor

What is insured? 3__________

 How much? $9.5 million

Who? Julia Roberts, actor

What is insured? 4__________

How much? $30 million


RISKS: Imagine a singer who loses her voice or her attractive image, or a guitarist who can't use his hands. Their career would be over.

Who? Rihanna, singer

What is insured? 5__________

How much? $1 million

Who? Keith Richards, guitarist

What is insured? 6__________

 How much? $1 million

Câu 17 :

3. Read the article on page 23 and answer the questions. Who:

(Đọc bài viết trang 23 và trả lời câu hỏi. Ai)

1. visited Hope's village?

2 . was sick with malaria?

3. gave Hope herbal medicine?

4. took her to the hospital?

5. had died from malaria two years before?

6. gave Hope an injection?


Hope is a sixteen-year-old girl who got malaria and recovered. Her classmate tells her story here.

Hope was one of the best students in our class. But she had been absent from school for several weeks and we were worried. We decided to go to her village and find out what was wrong.

When we arrived, Hope's mother told us that Hope was sick with malaria. We were shocked - we knew how serious malaria could be. We asked how it had started. Hope's mother explained, 'One evening, Hope was really hot and had terrible headaches. She had no appetite. This went on for a few days. We thought that she had been in the sun too long. My husband gave Hope some herbal medicine, but it didn't help. Her condition began to get worse and she developed new symptoms. The fever got higher and she started vomiting. At this point, I was sure she had malaria, but I didn't know what to do.'

Her mother took Hope to the hospital. She didn't want to lose another child. Two years before, Hope's baby brother had fallen ill with malaria and died.

At the hospital, the doctor had examined Hope and diagnosed malaria. He had given her an injection and prescribed some medicine. And now she was getting better thanks to the treatment.

We asked if we could see her. We weren't worried about catching the disease - we knew that malaria was not contagious. At school we had learnt that you catch malaria at night, from female mosquitoes. So we were upset to see that. Hope was sleeping without a mosquito net.

We know that she was very lucky to recover from this disease that kills one baby every sixty seconds.

Real Life Stories. 2 April

Câu 33 :

2. Read the article and answer the questions.

(Đọc bài viết và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Why is Micky's family proud of him?

(Tại sao gia đình Micky tự hào về anh ấy?)

2. What qualities of a good doctor does Micky have?

(Mickey có những phẩm chất gì của một bác sĩ giỏi?)

3. Why couldn't the writer be a doctor?

(Tại sao người viết không thể làm bác sĩ?)

4. What difficulties of becoming and being a doctor are mentioned?

(Những khó khăn khi trở thành bác sĩ được đề cập là gì?)

A doctor in the family!

After studying for an enormously long time, my brother has now graduated and we are very lucky to have a doctor in the family! My mum and dad, and me and my sisters are all interested in arts and languages. No one in the family has ever taken medicine as a subject before. So, we're all very proud of him. As well as this, we have a doctor of our own to ask about any medical problems we have! How good is that?

I think Micky will make an excellent doctor. He's patient and understanding and he cares a lot about people. He's already helped at car accidents and done some minor operations. I admire him very much. I can't stand the sight of blood and I get dizzy if I have an injection, so I could never do what he does!

Micky says he wants to work in hospitals where he can help people with serious illnesses. Although he knows doctors in hospitals work very long hours, he doesn't mind. In my opinion, it's wonderful if you can have a job that you really enjoy and Micky's found one. I just hope he isn't so busy that the rest of us have to make an appointment to say hello!

Câu 45 :


4. Read the text and choose the correct option A, B, C or D that best fits each blank.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn phương án đúng A, B, C hoặc D phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống.)


I don't think I was a very fussy eater as a child. I simply didn't like carrots, broccoli or other vegetables. After eating my meat and potatoes quickly, I would spend hours looking at the handful of peas on my plate. My mother, like most parents, would force me ¹______ everything. She wouldn't let me go even when I held my stomach and said I had 2______

At that time, I didn't know that my mum wanted me to eat vegetables to make sure that I was getting all the vitamins I needed. She was so worried about my health that every now and then she made 3______ at the doctor's and asked him to do a blood test on me. Blood tests were even worse than broccoli, as I've been afraid of injections all my life.

A few days ago, I found a book about the history of science. I couldn't 4______ when I found a chapter explaining that some 100 years ago people didn't know anything about vitamins! It was a Polish-born scientist, Kazimerz Funk, who formulated the concept of vitamins in 1912. It was a great discovery, and I wish my children now 5______ about it.


A. eat                       

B. to eat                       

C. eating                       

D. to eating


A. a rash                   

B. indigestion              

C. hay fever                

D. an infection


A. an appointment   

B. a diagnosis              

C. a prescription          

D. an injury


A. pull my leg          

B. believe my eyes      

C. give me a hand       

D. laugh my head off


A. know                   

B. knew                       

C. to know                  

D. knowing

Câu 50 :

4. Complete the conversations with the correct form of the words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.)

Conversation 1: Mum and Gavin

G: Mum, I'm calling from the hospital. It's about Ollie. He's got a 1 ________ (sprain) ankle.

M: What! Oh Gavin, your little brother! You were supposed to look after him. What happened? Are you sure it's not 2 ________ (break)?

G: Mum, it's not my fault! He 3 ________ (sprain) it skateboarding. Anyway, I drove us here and he's OK. The doctor says it's not a serious 4 ________ (sprain).

M: He's OK? Gavin! Why didn't you call me immediately? Is he upset?

G: It's OK, Mum! He's fine. He's 5 ________ (scratch) his knee and he's got a 6 ________ (cut) on his forehead.

M: He's 7 ________ (cut) his forehead! Oh my beautiful boy!

G: Ha, ha! Don't let him hear you say that.

M: Gavin! This is not funny.

G: Mum, chill out! It's not like he's got a horrible 8 ________ (burn) or anything. He'll be fine. Actually, he thinks it's cool. He says he hopes he has a scar and the doctor called him a tough guy.

M: Cool? A scar? Did he bang his head and go crazy? I'm on my way!


Conversation 2: Doctor and Agata

D: Do you want the good news or the bad news, Agata?

A: Good news? Is there any good news?

D: Well, yes. You have a 9 ________ (bruise) elbow and you've 10 ________ (dislocate) your shoulder, but you haven't 11 ________ (break) it.

A: OK... and that is good, is it?

D: Well, a 12 ________ (dislocate) shoulder is not usually as painful as a 13 ________ (break) shoulder and in your case, it's going to be a lot easier to fix.

A: Will I be able to ski again this week? We only arrived yesterday.

D: Er, that's the bad news, I'm afraid. After a 14 ________ (dislocate) like this, we recommend that you rest completely for at least six weeks.

A: Six weeks? Are you joking?

Câu 64 :

3. Read the text, choose the best heading for each paragraph.

(Đọc văn bản, chọn tiêu đề đúng nhất cho mỗi đoạn văn.)


A. Malaria is a disease that is caused by the bite from female mosquitoes. Although malaria is very dangerous to human being, it is not a contagious disease. In Việt Nam, malaria is common in areas where there are a lot of hills and forests. The peak of malaria transmission is from December to February. In 2017, the number of malaria cases reported in Việt Nam was 4.548. Three years later, the number reduced to only 1.376 cases. And Vietnamese government is trying to remove malaria completely in 2030.

B. It is quite easy to recognize if a person is having malaria. About two weeks after being bitten by mosquitoes, the patients will feel ill and tired. After that, when the situation becomes more serious, they will also have a fever and begin to vomit many times. If the patients do not receive proper treatments, they may die after a few weeks. Therefore, people who have these above symptoms should be sent to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

C. There are several ways to prevent malaria. First of all, people especially those are living near forests or hills should sleep in mosquito nets to prevent mosquito bites. Secondly, schools should educate children about malaria so that they can protect themselves. Moreover, we can also raise money to buy medicine and provide patients with injections and vaccines to prevent and cure malaria. Finally, we need to keep our living places clean and remove dirty water frequently so that mosquitoes cannot breed and therefore cause less harm to people.

Tạm dịch

A. Sốt rét là bệnh do vết đốt của muỗi cái. Mặc dù bệnh sốt rét rất nguy hiểm đối với con người nhưng nó không phải là bệnh truyền nhiễm. Ở Việt Nam, bệnh sốt rét phổ biến ở những nơi có nhiều đồi núi và rừng rậm. Cao điểm truyền bệnh sốt rét là từ tháng 12 đến tháng 2. Năm 2017, số ca mắc sốt rét được báo cáo tại Việt Nam là 4.548. Ba năm sau, con số giảm xuống chỉ còn 1.376 trường hợp. Và chính phủ Việt Nam đang cố gắng loại bỏ hoàn toàn bệnh sốt rét vào năm 2030.

B. Rất dễ nhận biết một người đang bị sốt rét. Khoảng hai tuần sau khi bị muỗi đốt, người bệnh sẽ cảm thấy khó chịu và mệt mỏi. Sau đó, khi tình trạng trở nên nghiêm trọng hơn, họ cũng sẽ bị sốt và bắt đầu nôn mửa nhiều lần. Nếu bệnh nhân không được điều trị thích hợp, họ có thể chết sau vài tuần. Do đó, những người có các triệu chứng trên nên được đưa đến bệnh viện gần nhất càng sớm càng tốt.

C. Có nhiều cách phòng chống bệnh sốt rét. Trước hết, người dân đặc biệt là những người sống gần rừng hoặc đồi núi nên ngủ trong màn để tránh bị muỗi đốt. Thứ hai, các trường học nên giáo dục trẻ em về bệnh sốt rét để chúng có thể tự bảo vệ mình. Hơn nữa, chúng ta cũng có thể quyên góp tiền để mua thuốc và cung cấp cho bệnh nhân các mũi tiêm và vắc-xin để phòng và chữa bệnh sốt rét. Cuối cùng, chúng ta cần giữ nơi ở sạch sẽ, thường xuyên loại bỏ nguồn nước bẩn để muỗi không có điều kiện sinh sôi và ít gây hại cho con người.

Câu 72 :

1. Read the paragraph below. Underline the purposes of the activities in bold.

(Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây. Gạch dưới mục đích của các hoạt động in đậm.)

Lan decided to live a healthy life last summer. She started with changing the eating habit. She ate more vegetables and fruits in every meal in order to improve her skin. Her mother also bought her two badminton rackets so that she could play badminton every morning. She also went jogging every afternoon to reduce weight. About the sleeping routine, Lan went to bed before 11.00 p.m. so as not to upset her body clock. She also said no to caffeine drinks in order to avoid sleeplessness. The result was that she had a beautiful appearance only after three months of summer vacation.

Tạm dịch

Lan quyết định sống một cuộc sống lành mạnh vào mùa hè năm ngoái. Cô bắt đầu với việc thay đổi thói quen ăn uống. Cô ăn nhiều rau và trái cây trong mỗi bữa ăn để cải thiện làn da. Mẹ cô cũng mua cho cô hai cây vợt cầu lông để cô có thể chơi cầu lông mỗi sáng. Cô cũng chạy bộ vào mỗi buổi chiều để giảm cân. Về thói quen đi ngủ, Lan đi ngủ trước 11 giờ đêm để không làm đảo lộn đồng hồ sinh học của cô ấy. Cô cũng nói không với đồ uống có cafein để tránh mất ngủ. Kết quả là cô ấy đã có một ngoại hình xinh đẹp chỉ sau ba tháng nghỉ hè.