Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4. Planet Earth English Discovery

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4 English Discovery

85 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

1. Do the quiz with a partner. Then listen and check your answers.

(Giải câu đố với một người bạn. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn.)


Around 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans. But how much do you know about the mysteries hidden under the surface?

TRUE or FALSE? Write T or F in the box.

1. The sea is blue because it reflects the colour of the sky.

2. Winding rivers with strong currents exist deep under the ocean.

3. The blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever existed.

4. Most volcanic eruptions are underwater.

5. The Pacific Ocean was named after the person who discovered it.

6. Humpback whales live all year round in the calm seas around Hawaii.

7. It's impossible to surf huge waves of over twenty metres high.

8. The longest mountain range in the world is found underwater.

9. The Great Barrier Reef is composed of 900 tropical islands and can be seen from the moon.

10. The difference in the depth of water between low tide and high tide can be up to sixteen metres.

Tạm dịch:


Khoảng 70 % bề mặt Trái đất được bao phủ bởi các đại dương. Nhưng bạn biết bao nhiêu về những bí ẩn ẩn dưới bề mặt?

Đúng hay sai? Viết T hoặc F vào ô.

1. Biển có màu xanh vì nó phản chiếu màu của bầu trời. 

2. Những dòng sông uốn lượn với dòng chảy mạnh tồn tại sâu dưới lòng đại dương. 

3. Cá voi xanh là loài động vật lớn nhất từng tồn tại. 

4. Hầu hết các vụ phun trào núi lửa đều diễn ra dưới nước. 

5. Thái Bình Dương được đặt tên theo người đã phát hiện ra nó. 

6. Cá voi lưng gù sống quanh năm ở vùng biển lặng quanh Hawaii. 

7. Không thể lướt trên những con sóng khổng lồ cao hơn hai mươi mét. 

8. Dãy núi dài nhất thế giới được tìm thấy dưới nước. 

9. Rạn san hô Great Barrier bao gồm 900 hòn đảo nhiệt đới và có thể nhìn thấy từ mặt trăng. 

10. Sự khác biệt về độ sâu của nước giữa thủy triều thấp và thủy triều cao có thể lên đến 16 mét. 

Câu 13 :

4. Listen again and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

(Nghe lại và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. 'Friends of the Planet' is an after-school club with members from

('Những người bạn của hành tinh' là một câu lạc bộ sau giờ học với các thành viên từ)

A. one school. (một trường.)

B. seven schools. (bảy trường.)

C. six schools. (sáu trường.)

2. The aim's project is

(Mục đích của dự án là)

A. to make environmentally-friendly changes tonschools.

(để thực hiện những thay đổi thân thiện với môi trường trong trường học.)

B. to create a new type of solar panel for schools.

(để tạo ra một loại tấm pin năng lượng mặt trời mới cho các trường học.)

C. to help design a new environmentally-friendly school.

(để giúp thiết kế một ngôi trường mới thân thiện với môi trường.)

3. School dinners will include vegetables from

(Bữa tối ở trường sẽ bao gồm các loại rau từ)

A. a local farm.

(một trang trại địa phương.)

B. the local supermarket.

(siêu thị địa phương.)

C. the school garden.

(vườn trường.)

4. Science and technology lessons will

(Bài học khoa học và công nghệ sẽ)

A. be the same as in other secondary schools.

(giống như ở các trường trung học cơ sở khác.)

B. not focus on climate change.

(không chú trọng đến biến đổi khí hậu.)

C. concentrate a lot on environmental issues.

(tập trung nhiều vào vấn đề môi trường.)

5. The interviewer comments that

(Người phỏng vấn nhận xét rằng)

A. Michael is probably not a typical teenager.

(Michael có lẽ không phải là một thiếu niên điển hình.)

B. Michael is like every other student of his age.

(Michael giống như mọi học sinh khác ở độ tuổi của anh ấy.)

C. Michael likes games and gadgets.

(Michael thích trò chơi và phụ tùng.)

Câu 18 :

3. Read the article again. Choose from the sentences (A-F) the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence.

(Đọc lại bài viết. Chọn từ các câu (A-F) câu phù hợp với mỗi chỗ trống. Có một câu thừa.)

A. It can also inform people about environmental issues such as deforestation, endangered species and climate change.

(Nó cũng có thể thông báo cho mọi người về các vấn đề môi trường như phá rừng, các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng và biến đổi khí hậu.)

B. He understood that deforestation was destroying plants and wildlife and causing global warming.

(Anh ấy hiểu rằng nạn phá rừng đang hủy hoại thực vật và động vật hoang dã và gây ra sự nóng lên toàn cầu.)

C. Now anybody can 'visit' anywhere on Earth- places you never imagined visiting, such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert.

(Giờ đây, bất kỳ ai cũng có thể 'ghé thăm' bất kỳ nơi nào trên Trái Đất - những nơi mà bạn chưa bao giờ tưởng tượng sẽ đến thăm, chẳng hạn như Nam Cực và sa mạc Sahara.)

D. For five years the Surui tribe and Google worked as a team.

(Trong 5 năm, bộ lạc Surui và Google làm việc theo nhóm.)

E. Illegal logging is big business in Brazil and the wood is exported all over the world.

(Khai thác trái phép là ngành kinh doanh lớn ở Brazil và gỗ được xuất khẩu khắp thế giới.)

F. Without the forest, the Surui community would not survive and they knew they had to take action.

(Không có rừng, cộng đồng Surui sẽ không thể tồn tại và họ biết rằng họ phải hành động.)


When Google Earth was set up in 2005, satellite technology changed forever the way we see the world and we all became global tourists. 1_____ All you need for your virtual world trip is a computer and an Internet connection.

But Google Earth is not just a fun way to explore the world. 2_____ When Google Earth first appeared, nobody could have imagined that an Amazonian tribe would use this tool to help them protect their environment and their culture.

The Surui tribe live in the middle of the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. They had not had any contact with the outside world until 1969. Then illegal loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest. 3_____ So they elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.

Chief Almir first came across Google Earth on a visit to an Internet café. He immediately realised that he could use the interactive maps to tell people about the illegal logging that was destroying his people's environment.

The tribal chief wanted to show the effects of deforestation, not only on his local community, but on a global scale too. 4_____ He contacted Google and then travelled from the Amazon rainforest to Google headquarters in California and told them his story. They discussed ways of working together.

Google sent trainers to teach Surui teenagers how to use mobile phones to create YouTube videos and then upload them to Google Earth to share their way of life with people around the world. 5_____ They combined modern technology with the tribe's traditional knowledge of the rainforest. Rebecca Moore, Google employee, said that the Surui people and Google had worked together to bring the story of the forest to the global community.

Câu 24 :

4. Read the extra information from story C. Put these sentences in the right place, using non-defining clause as in the example.

(Đọc thông tin bổ sung từ câu chuyện C. Đặt những câu này vào đúng chỗ, sử dụng mệnh đề không xác định như trong ví dụ.)

1. Todd Endris lived next to the beach.

(Todd Endris sống cạnh bờ biển.)

2. The shark was five metres long.

(Cá mập dài 5m.)

3. Todd's friend was surfing close by.

(Bạn của Todd đang lướt sóng gần đấy.)

4. Todd's right leg was now in the shark's mouth.

(Chân phải của Todd bây giờ đang ở trong miệng cá mập.)

5. Dolphins had been playing in the waves nearby.

(Cá heo đang chơi trong làn sóng ở gần đấy.)

6. Surgeons managed to save his leg.

(Bác sĩ phẫu thuật cố gắng để giữ lại đôi chân của anh ấy.)


It was a perfect day for surfing off the coast of California. Todd Endris, who lived next to the beach, was out on his surfboard. Without warning, something hit him from under the water. Todd knew immediately that it was a shark. He got back on his board, but the shark bit him on the back. Todd's friend saw the huge shark and at first thought it was a whale. Todd was kicking the shark with his free leg and didn't see the dolphins.. Suddenly, the shark let go of his leg. The dolphins had surrounded the injured surfer, and were protecting him from the shark. Three friends helped Todd get back on his board and reach the beach. A helicopter transported him to hospital. Six weeks later, Todd was back in the water.

Câu 30 :

1. Read the essay about animal testing in medical research and answer the following questions.

(Đọc bài viết về thử nghiệm trên động vật trong nghiên cứu y học và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

1. How many arguments for and against the topic does the writer give?

(Tác giả đưa ra bao nhiêu lập luận ủng hộ và phản đối đề tài?)

2. What is your personal opinion on the topic of the essay?

(Ý kiến cá nhân của bạn về chủ đề của bài luận là gì?)

Some people think that animals should be used in medical research to support the development of new medicines. Others believe that it is morally wrong to use them for research.

On the one hand, there are several arguments for animal testing. First of all, proponents think that some degree of pain in mice or rats can be acceptable if it saves human lives. Furthermore, some medicines have unknown negative consequences so they should be tested on animals first. For instance, the new vaccines against Corona virus were tested on mice can reduce the risk prior to any human-based trials.

On the other hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal testing. Firstly, humans have no right to cause animals any suffering because the lives of all creatures on this planet should be respected. Secondly, with the recent technological developments, scientists should use alternative methods to discover new medicines.

To sum up, personally, I think that a lot of caution needs to be taken in animal tested projects to avoid the unnecessary suffering to animals.

Câu 35 :

In your English class, you have been talking about keeping animals in zoos. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write your essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

(Trong lớp học tiếng Anh của bạn, bạn đã nói về việc nuôi động vật trong sở thú. Bây giờ giáo viên của bạn đã yêu cầu bạn viết một bài luận. Viết bài luận của bạn bằng cách sử dụng tất cả các ghi chú và đưa ra lý do cho quan điểm của bạn.)

Is it a good idea to keep animals in zoos?

(Nó có phải là ý kiến hay để giữ động vật trong sở thú?)

Notes (Ghi chú)

• research (nghiên cứu)

• animal suffering (động vật chịu đựng)

• _____ (your own idea)

A Write your essay in 150-180 words. Include the useful language in your writing. Then check your writing, using the checklist below.

(Viết bài luận của bạn trong 150-180 từ. Bao gồm các ngôn ngữ hữu ích trong văn bản của bạn. Sau đó kiểm tra bài viết của bạn, sử dụng danh sách kiểm tra bên dưới.)

Useful language

• Some people think that we should / shouldn't...

(Một số người cho rằng chúng ta nên/không nên...)

• On the one hand, there are several arguments for keeping ...

(Một mặt, có một số lập luận để giữ...)

• For example, we could…

(Ví dụ, chúng ta có thể...)

• On the other hand, there are many arguments against keeping...

(Mặt khác, có nhiều lập luận chống lại việc giữ...)

• To sum up, there are clearly arguments for and against...

(Tóm lại, rõ ràng có những lập luận ủng hộ và phản đối...)

• I personally believe that animals should/ shouldn't...

(Cá nhân tôi tin rằng động vật nên/không nên...)

Câu 45 :

1. Complete the forum posts with the given words.

(Hoàn thành các bài viết trên diễn đàn với các từ đã cho.)


Do you go to school in an unusual place or make an unusual journey to get there? If so, tell us about it below.


I go to an international school on the other side of Tokyo. Tokyo is a huge 1 city and I have to catch a train, then the underground, then a bus to get to school. It takes nearly two hours and I hate it.


My family lives on a very small 2 _____, so I get a boat every day to get to school. I can't be late because there's only one boat in the morning.


Australia is a huge 3 _____ and my parents own a farm hundreds of kilometres from the nearest big town. There's no secondary school in our little community, so I have all my lessons online.


I go to school near Cape Town in South Africa and about 20km from my school is the point where two 4 _____ meet - the Atlantic and the Indian. I think our school has the most beautiful location in the world.


I go to school in Istanbul, which is famous for being the only city in the world where two 5 _____ meet. My school is in Asia, but when I look out of the window, I can see Europe.

hellokaty 14

Everyone has heard of the famous 6 _____ in our city, but most people don't know that the city is also called Niagara Falls. In fact, my school is called Niagara Falls High School!


My family lives in Dubai, very close to the 7 _____. It hardly ever rains, but we regularly have storms - sand storms! When that happens we have to stay indoors, so it's impossible to get to school.


My parents own a restaurant high in the 8 _____ and I have to get a cable car down to

the town to get to school every day. Sometimes, if it's really windy, I just have to stay

at home ;)

Câu 54 :

1. Read the extract from an interview with a student about a project for an eco-school. Choose the correct options to complete the collocations in bold. Then listen and check.

(Đọc đoạn trích từ cuộc phỏng vấn với một học sinh về dự án trường học sinh thái. Chọn các phương án đúng để hoàn thành các cụm từ in đậm. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

A: First of all, we have solar panels on the roof of the school. [...]

B: And will they 1 use / provide / have power for the whole school?

A: Yes, that's the idea. It will 2 pay / cost / save a lot of money on electricity. [...]

Our eco-school will 3 eat / grow / cook vegetables and we'll use them for school dinners. [...] We'll also have chickens, rabbits and ducks.

B: And will they go into the school dinners too?

A: Ha, ha, no! That would be terrible. They'll be pets and they'll be useful. They'll 4 throw away / use / eat the leftovers from the kitchen and the chickens will 5 provide / eat / collect eggs.

B: Very good. So what other plans do you have to make the school more environmentally friendly?

A: We'll 6 use / buy / make low-energy light bulbs in all the classrooms. We'll also 7 clean / have / empty recycling bins in every classroom and in the school grounds.

B: And what about your lessons - will they be different from non-eco-schools?

A: Most of our lessons will be similar to lessons in any secondary school. But in our science lessons, we'll 8 focus / think / learn more on environmental issues like climate change and global warming. Then, in our technology lessons, we'll 9 consider / learn / study about things like renewable energy and even how to make solar panels.

B: I see. Well, we've almost run out of time. Thank you for talking to us about your project. It's very nice to meet a teenager who is so 10 confused / concerned / nervous about the environment. [...]

Câu 59 :

3. Which paragraph has the following information?

(Đoạn văn nào có thông tin sau?)

1 ☐ The number of lost forests in Việt Nam in a period of 20 years

2 ☐ The reason for the fact that many animals have been in danger or died out

3 ☐ The number of trees planted by an organization

4 ☐ The reason for deforestation before the year 2000

5 ☐ The percentage of forest cover in a certain time in Việt Nam

6 ☐ A chemical substance that has increased in volume due to the reduction of green trees


A Việt Nam had a difficult history with deforestation. During the 20 years of Việt Nam war, rainforests in Việt Nam were immensely destroyed by Agent Orange and bombs. Millions of hectares of forests across the country were heavily damaged. Therefore, tree-planting activities were initiated and developed by the government and non- governmental organizations in the 1980s.

B However, this attempt has been hindered by the increasing illegal logging. From 2001 to 2021, Việt Nam has lost 3.26 megahectares of forest, which was equivalent to 20% of the total forested area of the country. Although about 45% of Việt Nam used to be covered by forest according to the U.N, this number is decreasing year by year, posing a challenge to the nation.

C Deforestation has seriously affected the ecosystem and the life of Vietnamese people. Due to the illegal logging of primary forests, floods are becoming more devastating, especially for people living in mountainous areas. Summer in Việt Nam is also becoming hotter as trees - the natural cooler, have been widely chopped down and the amount of CO2 emissions therefore has surged significantly. Regarding wildlife, many animals are becoming endangered species or even extinct due to the loss of habitats, which leads to the deterioration of biodiversity.

D To prevent the loss of rainforests in Việt Nam, dedicated volunteers organize regular reforestation events. An example is the organization called PeaceTrees Việt Nam. Throughout years of working, they have planted nearly 45,000 indigenous trees, which is an incredible number. The Vietnamese government has also enacted stricter laws against illegal logging in an attempt to slow down the pace of global warming and climate change.

Câu 73 :

1. Read the essay below about animal testing. Label each paragraph.

(Đọc bài luận dưới đây về thử nghiệm trên động vật. Đánh dấu cho mỗi đoạn văn.)

1 __________

Animal testing is a controversial issue. Many people argue that we should conduct medical experiments on animals before applying to humans while the others think that it is unnecessary and unethical to use animals as the objects for testing.

2 __________

On the one hand, there are several arguments for animal testing. First of all, when scientists test medical products such as vaccines on animals that have similar genetic features to humans, they can immediately see the results. For instance, vaccine against dengue virus was tested on mice first before being applied to humans. Moreover, testing medicine on animals is much easier than on humans. In fact, finding volunteers is hard and more expensive than choosing animals model for medical tests.

3 __________

On the other hand, there are still arguments against animal testing. Firstly, risking life of animals is considered an unethical action. Animals are believed by many people to have emotions and feelings like humans. Besides, animal testing is not always accurate and fast. There are more modern ways of testing medicine such as organ-on-chips or computer modelling.

4 __________

In conclusion, animal testing has its own advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, it depends on the type of medical problem that we choose to carry out tests on animals or not.

Câu 78 :

2. Read the discussion task and then complete the conversation two students had about it. The first letter of each word is given.

(Đọc nhiệm vụ thảo luận và sau đó hoàn thành cuộc hội thoại của hai học sinh về vấn đề đó. Chữ cái đầu tiên của mỗi từ được đưa ra.)

Here are some things we can do to help the environment.

1 Talk to each other about how useful these things are for helping the environment.

2 Decide which of these things can help most.

v How useful are these things for helping the environment? Which of these things can help most?

- recycling our rubbish

- cycling instead of using cars

- not using plastic bags

- collecting rainwater to water the garden

- switching off lights and gadgets

Tạm dịch

Dưới đây là một số điều chúng ta có thể làm để giúp ích cho môi trường.

1 Hãy nói chuyện với nhau về việc những thứ này hữu ích như thế nào trong việc giúp ích cho môi trường.

2. Quyết định xem điều nào trong số này có thể giúp ích nhiều nhất.

v Những thứ này hữu ích như thế nào trong việc giúp đỡ môi trường? Điều nào trong số này có thể giúp ích nhiều nhất?

 - tái chế rác của chúng ta

- đi xe đạp thay vì sử dụng ô tô

- không sử dụng túi nhựa

- hứng nước mưa để tưới vườn

- tắt đèn và các thiết bị


A: OK. 1 L____ s____ w____ t____ o____ - recycling our rubbish. I think this is really useful because then we don't throw so much onto landfill sites. 2 W____ d____ y____ t____?

B: Yes, 3 y____ r____. It helps the countryside and we can also make new products from the rubbish that we recycle. 4 W____ a___ t____ i____ - cycling instead of using cars?

A: I 5 t____ t____ i____ a g____ i____. It's also very healthy for people to do.

B: I 6 c____ a____ w____ y____. It makes the air much better and we don't use so much petrol.

A: Switching off lights and gadgets. Do you think that's useful?

B: 7 l____ n____ s____ s____. I don't think it saves much energy, do you?

A: No, but not using plastic bags is good. They can cause a lot of damage to animals, especially birds.

B: And they last for hundreds of years! We don't collect rainwater, do you?

A: 8 T____ p____ w____ t____ i____ is you need a big thing to collect it and some people don't have anywhere to put it!

B: True!

A: So, which of these things can help most? 9 P____, Iw____ g____ f____ switching off lights.

B: You're right. 10 O____ o____ t____ i____. I w____ g____ f____ the recycling. Everyone can do it and it's really useful.

A: I completely agree with you.