Đề bài

4. Read the sentences and cross out the article if it isn't necessary.

(Đọc các câu và gạch bỏ mạo từ nếu nó không cần thiết.)

1. The poverty doesn't exist in big cities.

2. The cheapest form of public transport is the bus.

3. The food is mainly sold in big supermarkets.

4. The education and the healthcare are free.

5. The capital city is located in the north.

6. The pollution is only a problem in major industrial areas.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. The poverty doesn't exist in big cities.

(Cái nghèo không xuất hiện trong thành phố lớn.)

Giải thích: Trước danh từ trừu tượng không đếm được "poverty" (sự nghèo nàn) không dùng mạo từ.

2. The cheapest form of public transport is the bus.

(Loại hình phương tiện rẻ nhất là xe buýt.)

3. The food is mainly sold in big supermarkets.

(Đồ ăn chủ yếu được bán trong các siêu thị lớn.)

Giải thích: Trước danh từ không đếm được "food" (thức ăn) không dùng mạo từ.

4. The education and the healthcare are free.

(Giáo dục và chăm sóc sức khỏe được miễn phí.)

Giải thích: Trước danh từ trừu tượng, không đếm được "education" (giáo dục) và "healthcare" (chăm sóc sức khỏe) không dùng mạo từ.

5. The capital city is located in the north.

(Thủ đô thành phố nằm ở phía Bắc.)

6. The pollution is only a problem in major industrial areas.

(Ô nhiễm chỉ là vấn đề chủ yếu ở các khu công nghiệp.)

Giải thích: Trước danh từ không đếm được "pollution" (sự ô nhiễm) không dùng mạo từ.

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. In pairs, read the dialogue and decide whether each gap should be a / an, the or – (no article). Write your answers.

(Theo cặp, đọc đoạn hội thoại và quyết định xem mỗi chỗ trống có nên là a / an, the hoặc – (không có mạo từ). Viết các đáp án của bạn.)

Leah: What are you up to at 1________ weekend, Toby?

Toby: I’m going to go for 2________bike ride on Saturday. Do you fancy coming too?

Leah: I can’t, I’m afraid. I'm going to help my dad with some gardening. We're going to do some work for a neighbor.

Toby: That doesn't sound like 3________best way to spend your weekend. Gardening is 4________hard work! And according to the forecast, 5________weather isn't going to be good.

Leah: I know. But 6________neighbor is going to pay us for it. My dad’s 7________gardener, so he's got the right tools.

Toby: Really? I'll come and help you. I mean, if that's OK with you and your dad…

Leah: Sure. We’ll share 8________money with you. £10 9________hour. But what about 10________bike ride?

Toby: I’ll go on Sunday instead. The weather will probably be better than. Do you want to come?

Leah: Yes, please. I love 11________bike rides. But let's go in 12________afternoon. I will be exhausted when I wake up!

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Bài 2 :

3. Listen and check your answers. When are Toby and Leah going to do the activity in the photo?

(Lắng nghe và kiểm tra những câu trả lời của bạn. Khi nào Toby và Leah sẽ thực hiện hoạt động trong ảnh?)

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Bài 3 :

4. Studying the use of articles in the dialogue. Complete the Learn this! Box with a / an, the or – (no article).

(Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng mạo từ trong hội thoại. Hoàn thành phần khung Learn this! với a / an, the hoặc – (không có mạo từ).)

LEARN THIS! Articles

a. We use 1________when we mention something for the first time and 2________when we mention it again.

b. We use 3________when it is clear what we are talking about and in superlatives.

c. We use 4________to say what someone's jobs is.

d. We use 5________when we make generalization.

e. We use 6________to mean ‘per’ or ‘in each’

f. there are set phrases which do not follow a rule

go to school

at 7________ weekend

watch TV

go to the cinema

in 8____morning / afternoon

on Monday

listen to the radio


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Bài 4 :

5. Complete the sentences with a / an, the or – (no article). Use rules in the Learn this! box to explain your answers.

(Hoàn thành các câu với a / an, the hoặc – (không có mạo từ). Sử dụng các quy tắc trong phần Learn this! để giải thích câu trả lời của bạn.)

1. My mum is _______violin teacher. In fact, she's_______only violin teacher in our town.

2. I love_______Chinese food and there's_______Chinese restaurant near my house.

3. My brother, who is_______accountant with one of_______largest companies in London, earns £100

_______ hour.

4. If you’re hungry, there's_______sandwich in_______fridge.

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Bài 5 :

I.3 Articles

(Mạo từ)

We use a when we talk about something for the first time. We use the if we mention it again.

I've got a cat and a dog. The cat is black and white.

We use the when it is clear what we are talking about, perhaps because there is only one of them.

Let's go to the park. (There's only one park near here.)

Pass me the cup. (I'm pointing to it.)

Look at the moon!

She's the tallest person in her class.

We use a to say what someone's job is.

My uncle is a taxi driver.

We don't use an article when we are making a generalisation.

I don't like spicy food.

NOT I don't like the spicy food. X

We use a to mean 'per' or 'in each'.

She earns £10 an hour.

There are only two buses a day into town.

Some set expressions include the:

at the weekend, in the morning / afternoon / evening, listen to the radio, go to the cinema, play the guitar

Some set expressions don't have an article:

on Monday, at night, watch TV, listen to music, go to bed, go to school / work, be at home / at work / in hospital / at university, have breakfast / lunch / dinner

Tạm dịch

Chúng ta sử dụng “a” khi chúng ta nói về điều gì đó lần đầu tiên. Chúng tôi sử dụng “the” nếu chúng ta đề cập đến nó một lần nữa.

Tôi có một con mèo và một con chó. Con mèo có màu đen và trắng.

Chúng ta sử dụng “the” khi rõ ràng chúng ta đang nói về điều gì, có lẽ vì chỉ có một người trong số họ.

Chúng ta hãy đi đến công viên. (Chỉ có một công viên gần đây.)

Đưa tôi cái cốc. (Tôi đang chỉ vào nó.)

Nhìn mặt trăng kìa!

Cô ấy là người cao nhất trong lớp.

Chúng ta dùng a để nói công việc của ai đó là gì.

Chú tôi là tài xế taxi.

Chúng ta không dùng mạo từ khi chúng ta đang khái quát hóa.

Tôi không thích thức ăn cay.

KHÔNG DÙNG Tôi không thích thức ăn cay. X

Chúng ta dùng “a” để chỉ 'mỗi' hoặc 'trong mỗi'.

Cô kiếm được £10 một giờ.

Chỉ có hai chuyến xe buýt mỗi ngày vào thị trấn.

Một số tập hợp bao gồm:

vào cuối tuần, buổi sáng/chiều/tối, nghe radio, đi xem phim, chơi guitar

Một số tập hợp không có mạo từ:

vào thứ Hai, buổi tối, xem TV, nghe nhạc, đi ngủ, đi học / đi làm, ở nhà / ở cơ quan / trong bệnh viện / ở trường đại học, ăn sáng / ăn trưa / ăn tối


1 Find seven more mistakes with articles in this paragraph.

(Tìm thêm bảy lỗi sai với mạo từ trong đoạn văn này.)

It was my mum's birthday last night, so we had the dinner in a restaurant near the station. Restaurant was quite expensive - water was about £5 the bottle - but it was worth it because food was fantastic! For me, a best part of the meal was the main course. My dad and I both had salmon with potatoes and a delicious sauce. My dad said it was very well cooked, and he's chef so he knows about cooking. My brother ordered steak because he hates the fish. My dad had ordered a birthday cake for pudding. We had a great time and didn't leave the restaurant until 11.30 at the night.

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Bài 6 :

The definite article the (Mạo từ xác định "the")

5. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. Peter, who is a plumber, starts work early in the morning/morning.

2. James is a musician and he plays guitar/the guitar.

3. The environmental committee is meeting in the Paris/Paris.

4. Jane is learning the French/French for her job as a flight attendant.

5. I want to become an astronaut and travel to the moon/moon.

6. There is a great exhibition on climate change at the museum/museum.

7. The group of politicians stayed at the Ritz/Ritz hotel in London.

8. Mia is studying the science/science and wants to help the environment.

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Bài 7 :

6. Fill in each gap with the or - .

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với “the” hoặc không dùng mạo từ.)


- More than 20% of 1) the Amazon Rainforest is gone.

- 8 million tonnes of plastic is thrown into 2) _______ oceans each year.

- 25% of 3) _______ world’s coral reefs are gone.

- People in 4) _______ UK recycle 17% of their 5) _______ waste.

- Scientists predict 6) _______  Mediterranean Sea to rise more than 1 metre in the next 100 years.

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Bài 8 :

2. Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS and complete the examples with the words in blue in the text.

(Đọc NGỮ PHÁP TRỌNG TÂM  và hoàn thành các ví dụ với các từ màu xanh lam trong văn bản.)



No article

・You don't use an article when you talk about things in general.

... Ø health care have improved and 1_______ are living longer.

・You don't use an article with continents, countries or cities.

Ø Asia, Ø India, 2_______

Exceptions: the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, etc.

Indefinite article a/an

・You use a/an to talk about something for the first time when it means “one of many”

There's 3_______ in the world... (There are many problems and this is one of them.)

・You use a/an with jobs. 4_______ said recently...

Definite article the

・You use the when the thing you are talking about has already been mentioned.

There's a growing problem in the world, and 5_______ is people ...

・You use the when the thing you are talking about is known or is 'the only one'

the population of  6_______

・You use the with historical periods, superlatives and ordinal numbers.

During the twentieth century...

7_______megacity is still Tokyo…

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Bài 9 :

3. Complete the text with a, an, the or Ø (no article). Then listen and check. What has Jack Ng invented and why?

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn với a, an, the hoặc Ø (không có mạo từ). Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra. Jack Ng đã phát minh ra cái gì và tại sao?)

Vertical farms in Singapore

1The biggest problem that megacities have is how to provide 2 Ø food and 3____water for their inhabitants. One small country may have found 4____ solution: Singapore is 5____  country which is famous for 6____ innovation 7____ tiny country has very little space to grow 8____  food. But Jack Ng, 9____  farmer, has invented 10____ vertical farm. It only produces a few different kinds of vegetable, but there are plans to expand 11____ vertical farm to include 12____ more plants.

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Bài 10 :

5. Complete the questions with a, an or the. Then, in pairs, ask and answer the questions.

(Hoàn thành các câu hỏi với a, an hoặc the. Sau đó, theo cặp, hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Do you live in the countryside?

2. Do you know ___ Great Barrier Reef?

3. Which one is bigger, ___ humpback whale or blue whale?

4. ___ eruption like this one can be dangerous and deadly.

5. Do you know the name of ___ longest mountain range in the world?

6. Do you like___ calm sea or___ rough sea?

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Bài 11 :

2. Complete the sentences with a, an, the or Ø (no article).

(Hoàn thành câu với a, an, the hoặc Ø – không dùng mạo từ.)

1. We were going to start climbing ____ steep mountain when we saw ____ park ranger on ____ horse.

2. In ____ twentieth century, a lot of people moved to ____ cities.

3. In fact, ____ scientists expect ____ major earthquake to hit ____ Los Angeles soon.

4. There was no ____  running water in where my granddad lived as ____ child.

5. Europe isn't ____ largest continent in ____ world.

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Bài 12 :

Articles, will and be going to

1. Read the dialogue. Tick the correct answers.

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại. Đánh dấu vào những câu trả lời đúng.)

Paddy: What are you doing at 1 _________ weekend?

Ellie: I’m going caving. There’s 2 _________ great place for it in the mountains near my uncle’s house.

Paddy: It’s 3 _________ dangerous hobby, isn’t it?

Ellie: Not really. My uncle is 4 _________ rock climbing instructor. He says 5 _________ caving is safer than 6 _________ climbing.

Paddy: I’d love to learn how to climb.

Ellie: My uncle could teach you, but he charges £25 7 _________ hour.

Paddy: I can’t afford that. But I think there’s 8 _________ indoor climbing wall in town. I could practise there.

1   a ☐           the ☐

2   a ☐           no article ☐

3   a ☐           the ☐

4   a ☐           no article ☐

5   the ☐       no article ☐

6   the ☐       no article ☐

7   an ☐         no article ☐

8   an ☐         the ☐

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Bài 13 :

2. Complete the text with a / an, the, or no article (-).

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn bằng a / an, the hoặc không có mạo từ (-).)

This man is inside 1 a cave. He’s 2 _________ professional caver, but he’s still feeling nervous. Why? Because 3 _________ cave is much bigger than it looks. In fact, it’s 4 _________  deepest cave in the world. It’s called 5 _________ Krubera Cave, and it’s near 6 _________ Black Sea. It is 7 _________ only cave on Earth that is more than 2 km deep. Caves like this are fascinating places for 8 _________ explorers because there are always new parts to discover. In 2005, 9 _________ Ukrainian caver called Alexander Klimchouk organised 10 _________ expedition into the cave. 11 _________ expedition involved 56 people and went deeper than 2 km. In 2012, a Ukrainian diver called Gennady Samokhin went even deeper by diving down through the muddy water at 12 _________ bottom.

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Bài 14 :


The definite article the

(Mạo từ xác định the)

3. Fill in each gap with the where necessary.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với the ở vị trí cần thiết.)

Did you know?

1 The river that passes through the most countries is _______ Danube, at 10!

2 The most expensive hotel in the world is the Royal Suite in _______ Burj Al-Arab Hotel in Dubai, at $28,000 a night!

3 Just 12 people have ever walked on _______ Moon!

4 The smallest ocean is _______ Arctic Ocean!

5 The biggest country in the world - _______ Russia is bigger than _______ Europe, _______ Antarctica and _______ Australia!

6 The most spoken language is _______ English, with 1.132 billion first and second language speakers!

7 The city with the most people is _______ Tokyo, with over 37 million!

8 My mother went to _______ school to see my teacher.

9 The most popular subject in the world is _______ maths!

10 Though _______ Mercury is the closest planet to _______ Sun, you can still find _______ ice on its surface!

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Bài 15 :

1. Read the text and choose the correct options.

(Đọc đoạn văn và chọn các phương án đúng.)

Visit Poland: Polish weather

Some people say 1 Ø / the Polish people love talking about 2 a / the weather. This is no surprise because Poland is 3 a / an relatively small country, but it has 4 a / an interesting and very diverse climate. For example, when 5 the / a sun is shining in Silesia, in March, 6 the / Ø lakes of Suwałki, are often still covered with 7 an / Ø ice. On average, Suwałki is 8 the / a coldest place in Poland, where 9 the / a local people cope with winter temperatures of minus twenty to minus thirty degrees. So if you meet a Polish person in 10 a / the lift somewhere and 11 a / the lift gets stuck, now you can say something about Polish weather!

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Bài 16 :

2. Cross out “the” where it's not necessary. One sentence is correct.

(Gạch bỏ “the” ở những chỗ không cần thiết. Có một câu đúng.)

1 The government should spend more on the education and less on the defence.

2 Has Emilia visited the Netherlands and the Germany?

3 In January 2013, only around thirty-nine percent of people in the United States owned the passports.

4 The population of the Estonia is about 1.3 million.

5 The citizens of Germany chose a female Prime Minister, and naturally the Prime Minister has promised to do more for the women of her country.

6 The biggest city in the China is the Shanghai. Around 16 million people live there.

7 The pollution is generally a problem in big cities, but the pollution in this city is worse than in most others.

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Bài 17 :

3. Complete the telephone conversation with a / an, the or Ø.

(Hoàn thành cuộc trò chuyện qua điện thoại với a / an, the hoặc Ø.)

A: Hi, Lisa.

B: Anna! It's you... I mean, hi. It's good to hear from you.

A: Yeah? Are you sure?

B: Of course, sorry. I was busy with something... A: I see. Well, how's life in 1___ London?

B: Oh pretty good, thanks. It's great studying in 2___ capital city.

A: Are you enjoying the course?

B: Yes. There's a long way to go, but I'm still hoping to be 3___ big, successful lawyer one day.

A: Ha! Well, I'm sure you'll be 4___ best. You're very dedicated, after all.

B: Well, er... thanks. I've moved into 5___ new flat, actually.

A: Oh cool. What's it like?

B: Well, 6___ flat is quite small, but I've got my own.

A: Great! Does that mean I can come and visit?

B: Sure, can't wait to see you again.

A: See you soon!

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Bài 18 :

4. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.

(Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu.)

1 We try to provide a food and water for the poorest families. __________

2 For me, Paris is a very special city. It's a city where I was born. __________

3 I'd like to become the journalist and report on our country's problems. __________

4 An economic development is positive, but not if it destroys the environment. ________

5 Pencils will not be allowed in the exam. Please bring the pen. __________

6 Hill that overlooks Barcelona is the best place to view the city. __________

7 Is this an only place to eat around here? __________

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Bài 19 :

4. Complete the sentences with a / an, the or Ø (no article).

(Hoàn thành câu với a/an, the hoặc Ø (không có mạo từ).)

1 Ladies and gentlemen, we have landed in ______ Madrid.

2 Last night I had ______ strange dream. The dream was about my teacher.

3 When Clara leaves school, she wants to be ______ architect.

4 Kevin has a plan. Actually, ______ plan was Ian's idea, but Kevin told us about it.

5 ______ swimming pool at our school is very old and a bit scary.

6 ______ unemployment in the country has fallen recently.

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Bài 20 :

The definite article the

(Mạo từ xác định “the”)

4. Circle the correct option.

(Khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng.)

1 Deforestation is ______ huge problem in ______ Amazon Rainforest.

a the, the

b a, the

2 If ______ climate change continues, places like ______ Sahara Desert will get bigger and island groups like ______ Outer Hebrides will disappear under water.

a -, -, the

b - , the, the

3 ______country that recycles the most is ______ Lithuania and ______ least is ______ Estonia. Other countries like ______ UK and ______ United States can do better.

a The, -, the, -, the, the

b The, -, the, -, -, -

4 Paul is going to______ university to study law.

a –

b the

5 He went to ______ Mediterranean on a cruise.

a -

b the

6 Eric can see ______ River Thames from his office in London.

a -

b the

7 Oliver works with lots of ______American people at his ______ job.

a -, -

b the, the

8 Denise and Hugo had ______ lunch together at an Italian restaurant at ______ weekend.

a the, -

b -, the

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Bài 21 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Species become extinct or endangered for _______ number of reasons, but the primary cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities.

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