Giải SGK, SBT Unit 9. Good citizens English Discovery

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 9 English Discovery

83 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 5 :

4. Work in pairs. Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask and answer the questions.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Học sinh A đọc Văn bản A và Học sinh B đọc Văn bản B. Hỏi và trả lời câu hỏi.)


1. Which countries in Southeast Asia can a volunteer come and help underprivileged children?

2. Which programs can a volunteer take part in to support the children?

3. What is required if a person wants to help underprivileged children?



1. What are some purposes of ASEAN mentioned in Text A?

2. What do children benefit from the joining hands of ASEAN Member States?

Text A

ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, was established in 1967. Among many purposes, it aims to facilitate the economic development and sociocultural integration of its members. Since 1990s, with the joining hands of ASEAN Member States, child poverty has dramatically decreased. There have also been advances in healthcare, access to clean water, and hygiene standards for children. More children are attending primary and secondary school and have access to technology and the Internet. Countries in the region also do their best to protect their children from violence and child abuse.

Text B

Despite recent progress in improving children's general well-being in Southeast Asia, there's a lot more you can do to help underprivileged children in this region. You can come to Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, Việt Nam, or other countries and reach out to the needy children. Helping a young child learn a new skill gives them more opportunities in the future. As a volunteer, you can help them in a variety of settings, including community centres, after-school programs, and food programs. Most programs don't require prior experience, so all you need is just a helping hand and a kind heart!

Câu 17 :

3. Read the text and answer the questions.

(Đọc văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi)

1. What does 'paying it forward' actually mean?

2. What are some of the benefits of 'paying it forward"?


This week's lead article comes from journalist Amy Randall who tells us why she would like to live in a kinder society and explains the benefits of 'paying it forward'.

In today's 'cynical world, it's often difficult to give and accept kindness. The smallest acts of kindness are often met with suspicion, and yet there is plenty of evidence to suggest that being kind can make you healthier and happier.


So what sort of acts of kindness am I talking about? They can be big gestures, or just small everyday things that will make people smile. At one end of the scale, an anonymous person might pay for someone's expensive operation without expecting a thank-you. At the other, there are the small gestures which might seem ³trivial, but are often extremely welcome.

One example of this is the story of a twelve-year-old boy who found a stranger's phone on a train. When he contacted the owner, she was so impressed by his honesty, that she offered a small reward. He didn't accept the money, but he wrote a note and sent it with the returned phone. In the note he said that he didn't want the money, he just wanted the woman to do something nice for someone else.

This kind of gesture is known as 'paying it forward'. The idea is that if you do a good deed for someone but ask for nothing in return, they will then do a good deed for someone else, and kindness will "multiply and create a huge wave of good feeling across the globe.

There are many benefits to being kind. Giving to others can make you feel more connected to other people and increase your sense of purpose in life.

Câu 59 :

2. Match the activities (A-D) given with the paragraphs (1-4).

(Nối các hoạt động (A-D) với các đoạn văn (1-4).)

A Write a 'thank-you' diary

B Buy a homeless person a warm meal

C Contribute used books to a library

D Leave an 'I love you' note for your beloved ones

Paragraph 1 _____________

People accumulate so many books on their shelves that they either never get around to reading them or only open them once before closing them. Donations sustain libraries. You may significantly reduce the cost of books for libraries by donating your books. They might also sell your books to raise money for equipment expenses like computers and printers. 1 _______

Paragraph 2 _____________

Even though families are housed together, they seldom ever interact. People frequently use their phones or laptops while sitting in front of them, hooked on technology. 2 _______. You can write a handwritten card expressing your affection for each person of the household. To make them feel special, you can tuck the message beneath their door to the office or bedroom. You can hide the note in a lunch bag before someone leaves for work or school.

Paragraph 3 _____________

Homeless people are often outside of coffee shops or convenience stores. The next time you pass a homeless person, you can take the time to buy some hot food for them. To make sure you order exactly what they want, ask them if they have any requests. 3 _______

Paragraph 4 _____________

It can be challenging to find time to write in your gratitude journal at first because it feels like another item on your never-ending to-do list, but once you get into the routine, it comes naturally. Making gratitude writing a habit is the simplest approach to keep it up. 4 _______. By doing this, you will automatically have a time set out for writing. You can change your perspective and approach it as something you want to accomplish rather than a chore.

Câu 72 :

3. Read the essay quickly and decide which question the student has answered.

(Đọc nhanh bài luận và quyết định xem học sinh đã trả lời câu hỏi nào.)

Like many people, I was raised by both my parents. As far as I'm concerned 1_______ men and women may influence their children differently, but it is incorrect to suggest that women are better parents than men.

First of all 2_______, the physical connection between mother and child is often stronger than with the father. However, in my view 3_______, this does not mean she is a better parent. For instance, fathers who hold and bathe their babies also develop strong physical bonds with them. In addition 4_______, many babies are bottle-fed meaning that a father can feed his child just as well as a mother.

Next, I would like to point out that although women often spend more time with young children, this does not necessarily make them better parents. For example 5_______, if the father stayed at home, he could look after the child just as well as his partner.

Finally 6_______, both parents can be good role models. Girls will probably learn more about being female from their mother, but the opposite is also true. In other words 7_______, boys will probably learn more about being male from their father. In addition, it is important to teach children to be good people, regardless of their gender, and men and women are equally able to do this.

In summary 8_______, I think men and women are equally good at being parents, and I also believe that the ideal approach for parents and children is for partners to share the responsibility for raising a family.

1 Are women better parents than men? ☐

2 Do children really need both a mother and a father to bring them up? ☐

3 Which of your parents had the biggest influence on you as a child? ☐