Đề bài

3.  Complete the list below with the highlighted linkers in Minh's essay.

(Hoàn thành danh sách dưới đây với các liên kết đánh dấu trong bài luận của Minh.)

Use linkers to:

  • introduce the main paragraphs: To begin with, Next
  • give personal opinions: I would like to point out that, It seems to me that, 1________ , 2________
  • give examples: For example, For instance
  • add further support: In addition, 3________
  • emphasise a point by repeating it: In other words, 4________
  • introduce the conclusion: In conclusion, 5________

Lời giải chi tiết :

Use linkers to:

  • introduce the main paragraphs: To begin with, Next
  • give personal opinions: I would like to point out that, It seems to me that, 1I believe, 2I think
  • give examples: For example, For instance
  • add further support: In addition, 3Moreover
  • emphasise a point by repeating it: In other words, 4Put another way
  • introduce the conclusion: In conclusion, 5In summary

Tạm dịch:

Sử dụng trình liên kết để:

giới thiệu các đoạn chính: Để bắt đầu, Tiếp theo

đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân: Tôi muốn chỉ ra rằng, Dường như với tôi rằng, Tôi tin, Tôi nghĩ

đưa ra ví dụ: Ví dụ,

thêm hỗ trợ: Ngoài ra,

nhấn mạnh một điểm bằng cách lặp lại nó: Nói cách khác,

giới thiệu kết luận: Tóm tắt

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. After a class discussion on this news item, Minh wrote an opinion essay. Read the essay. Do you agree with the points he makes?

(Sau một cuộc thảo luận trong lớp về mẩu tin này, Minh đã viết một bài luận. Đọc bài luận. Bạn có đồng ý với những điểm anh ấy đưa ra không?)

It is not unusual for older generations, like the politician, to criticise younger people for their overuse of the Internet and their sedentary lifestyle. In my view, their comments about how young people live seem to be unfair.

To begin with, I believe not all young people are addicted to the Internet. Many youngsters communicate and share interests online, but most of us do not spend all our free time there. For example, my friends and I regularly meet and spend time doing and talking about the things we enjoy. In other words, we have real lives.

Next, as far as I am concerned, most young people are not lazy. Many of us have social lives which include a range of sports, hobbies and interests. Moreover, plenty of these activities involve spending time with friends and making the most of our beautiful country. Put another way, we are too busy to be lazy.

In summary, I do not think the politician who made these comments understands today's young people. I think he should visit some local schools, talk to some teenagers and find out what their lives are really like.

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Bài 2 :

4. Replace the underlined words with linkers from Exercise 3, adding commas where necessary. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

(Thay thế các từ được gạch chân bằng các từ liên kết từ Bài tập 3, thêm dấu phẩy khi cần thiết. Đôi khi cũng có khả năng có nhiều hơn một câu trả lời.)

1. I think / It seems to me that the celebrity's comments were extremely negative and unhelpful.

2. First/ ___________ although some young people may be unfriendly, this is not true for all of us.

3. My parents taught me to be well-mannered. And/ ____, we are expected to be polite at school.

4. In my opinion/ ____, there are many selfish people in the world and not all of them are young.

5. For example/ ____, lots of young people do voluntary work or raise money for charity.

6. Another way to say this is/ ____, most young people are aware of the importance of being a good citizen.

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Bài 3 :

5. Read the WRITING FOCUS and complete it with the words in the box.

(Đọc phần TRỌNG TÂM VIẾT và hoàn thành nó với những từ trong khung.)

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Bài 4 :

Writing task

(Bài tập luyện viết)


Young people today are unfriendly and selfish because their parents and schools don't teach them manners. Do you agree?

(Giới trẻ ngày nay bất hiếu và ích kỷ vì cha mẹ và nhà trường không dạy chúng cách cư xử. Bạn có đồng ý không?)


  • only a minority
  • influence of TV and films
  • _______ (your own idea)


A Write your essay in 150-180 words. Follow these steps. Use the ideas in the WRITING FOCUS and the model to help you.

(Viết bài luận của bạn trong 150-180 từ. Thực hiện theo các bước sau. Sử dụng các ý tưởng trong phần VIẾT TRỌNG TÂM và mô hình để giúp bạn.)

Useful language

• It is not unusual for young people to...

• To begin with, I'd like to point out...

• Next, as far as I am concerned, most…

• For example, many of my friends like to....

• In addition, many young people today...

• Lastly, it seems to me that...

• In summary, I do not think that...

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Bài 5 :


5. Write an essay using the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Is “paying it forward” necessary?

(Viết một bài luận sử dụng các ghi chú và đưa ra lý do cho quan điểm của bạn.

“Cho đi để tiếp tục” có cần thiết không?)

• Introduction: your point of view

(Mở bài: ý kiến của bạn)

• Body: two or three paragraphs supporting your point of view

(Phần chính: 2- 3 đoạn văn để hỗ trợ cho quan điểm của bạn)

• Conclusion: restatement of your point of view and final comment.

(Kết bài: trình bày lại quan điểm của bạn và nhận xét cuối cùng.)

Write your essay in 150-180 words.

(Viết bài luận trong 150- 180 từ)

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Bài 6 :

1. Complete the linkers in the phrases. Some letters are given.

(Hoàn thành các từ liên kết trong các cụm từ. Một số chữ cái được cho sẵn.)

1 To b____n with, I think it's wrong to suggest…

2 w____d like to p____t o____t everyone feels the same about...

3 For i ____e, there are currently several female Prime Ministers who...

4 It s____s to me t____t we need to change our attitude towards...

5 L____y, we must not forget that...

6 In c____n, if we are really serious about saving the planet, then...

7 P____t another w____y, it is not acceptable for children to...

8 M____r, such changes would also benefit…

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Bài 7 :

2. Choose the correct option to complete the functions. Then match them with the linkers in Exercise 1.

(Chọn tùy chọn đúng để hoàn thành các chức năng. Sau đó nối chúng với các từ nối trong Bài tập 1.)

a give / introduce body paragraphs ☐ , ☐

b give personal examples / opinions ☐ , ☐

c give examples / paragraphs ☐

d add further support / point ☐

e emphasise / introduce a point by repeating it ☐

f introduce / repeat the conclusion ☐

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Bài 8 :

3. Read the essay quickly and decide which question the student has answered.

(Đọc nhanh bài luận và quyết định xem học sinh đã trả lời câu hỏi nào.)

Like many people, I was raised by both my parents. As far as I'm concerned 1_______ men and women may influence their children differently, but it is incorrect to suggest that women are better parents than men.

First of all 2_______, the physical connection between mother and child is often stronger than with the father. However, in my view 3_______, this does not mean she is a better parent. For instance, fathers who hold and bathe their babies also develop strong physical bonds with them. In addition 4_______, many babies are bottle-fed meaning that a father can feed his child just as well as a mother.

Next, I would like to point out that although women often spend more time with young children, this does not necessarily make them better parents. For example 5_______, if the father stayed at home, he could look after the child just as well as his partner.

Finally 6_______, both parents can be good role models. Girls will probably learn more about being female from their mother, but the opposite is also true. In other words 7_______, boys will probably learn more about being male from their father. In addition, it is important to teach children to be good people, regardless of their gender, and men and women are equally able to do this.

In summary 8_______, I think men and women are equally good at being parents, and I also believe that the ideal approach for parents and children is for partners to share the responsibility for raising a family.

1 Are women better parents than men? ☐

2 Do children really need both a mother and a father to bring them up? ☐

3 Which of your parents had the biggest influence on you as a child? ☐

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Bài 9 :

4. Read the essay again and replace the words in bold with linkers from Exercise 1. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

(Đọc lại bài luận và thay thế các từ in đậm bằng các từ liên kết từ Bài tập 1. Đôi khi có thể có nhiều câu trả lời.)

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Bài 10 :

5. In your English class, you have been talking about parents' responsibility for their children. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write your essay using all the notes below and give reasons for your point of view.

(Trong lớp học tiếng Anh, bạn đã nói về trách nhiệm của cha mẹ đối với con cái. Bây giờ giáo viên của bạn đã yêu cầu bạn viết một bài luận. Viết bài luận của bạn bằng cách sử dụng tất cả các ghi chú dưới đây và đưa ra lý do cho quan điểm của bạn.)

Should parents be punished for their children's bad behaviour?

(Cha mẹ có nên trừng phạt hành vi xấu của con mình?)

Notes (Ghi chú)

• unfair (không công bằng)

•  ineffective (không hiệu quả)

• ___________ (your own idea)

( ___________ (Ý tưởng riêng của bạn))

Write your essay in 150-180 words.

(Viết bài luận của bạn trong 150-180 từ.)

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