Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8. Cities of the future English Discovery

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8 English Discovery

92 câu hỏi
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Câu 19 :

2. Read the article. Find the clues that help you identify the meanings of highlighted words and write them in the table below. Then match them with the types of context clues given.

(Đọc bài báo. Tìm manh mối giúp bạn xác định nghĩa của các từ được đánh dấu và viết chúng vào bảng bên dưới. Sau đó kết hợp chúng với các loại ngữ cảnh được đưa ra.)

Singapore is becoming known as the City of Nature.

1Singaporean officials are purposely designing the city to use green spaces. The city has plants on roofs and in vertical gardens as part of its intention to create a more biodiverse city.

Originally, Singapore decided to go green as means of creating a desirable image, attracting visitors, and providing a more livable experience for its city dwellers. But “greening” the metropolis, the process of using plants to enhance a place, has also contributed to helping reduce urban heat, assist with sustainable water management, and improve the city's biodiversity.

2Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, for example, has been designed to effectively catch rainwater. Singapore relies on neighboring Malaysia for its water supply, so this feature will save natural resources. The park's architects hope that local residents will enjoy the park.

3In the future, they will want to take more of an active role in protecting their natural environment.

Singapore has limited space for growth, so the only way to expand is to go vertical, not horizontal. New buildings are now using every available metre for green spaces.

4City dwellers will realize that they can coexist with nature in an urban environment. By 2030, Singapore will have one million more trees to absorb carbon dioxide from cars and clean the air, making it both greener and healthier.

5Several European cities are now studying the example that Singapore provides to learn from it as they plan their own cities.

*Singapore: city/ country

Câu 40 :

2 Listen and read the presentation a student has made. Check if you understand the highlighted phrases.

(Nghe và đọc phần trình bày của học sinh. Kiểm tra xem bạn có hiểu các cụm từ được tô màu không.)

Good morning. Let me start by asking you to imagine this. It's the year 2050, and you will be going to school today. You will have taken a drone bus to school many times, but today you will walk. Architects will have designed your city so that all city dwellers can reach both their schools and workplaces in only 15 minutes by foot even from the suburbs. You will be enjoying the green parks and smart buildings that you pass by on the way to school. You will even pass by a sustainable industrial estate that does not pollute the environment. Not all students will be walking to school today, some will be riding their electric scooters in cycle lanes. On one side of your school is a recreational centre. And on the other side is a green space with tall trees and vertical farms with all sorts of local biodiversity. This week, every student will be spending one hour working on the vertical farms to grow fresh vegetables for school lunches. When your school is built, the builders will not use either concrete or metal. Instead, they will use recycled plastic to construct the school.

Does this sound like a city you would like to live in?

In my presentation today, I will share with you how our future cities will be designed to improve our lives, enhance biodiversity, and make living in a big metropolis more comfortable.

Let's start with how cities will be designed to improve our lives…

Câu 66 :

2. Read the article. Find the clues that help you identify the meanings of underlined words and write them in the table below. Then match them with the types of context clues given.

(Đọc bài viết. Tìm những manh mối giúp bạn xác định nghĩa của những từ được gạch chân và viết chúng vào bảng dưới đây. Sau đó nối chúng với các loại manh mối ngữ cảnh đã cho.)

Types of context clues: contrast, definition, example, logic, word form

Welcome to Lahti - The European Green Capital!

Finland is one of the greenest countries in the world. Lahti, a city in Southern Finland, has long been exemplary in its environmental efforts. In 2021, this country won the award for European Green Capital, setting the model for other European countries to follow. Here is why:


People in Lahti wanted to change the situation of the polluted lakes and rivers in the area. Lake restoration is one of their first environmental movements. Biomanipulation, the practice in which humans intentionally add or remove species from ecosystems, holds the key. This method helped to restore healthy water and bring back living creatures to the lakes.


Lahti stopped using coal in 2019. Now Lahti is heated with recycled fuel, not fossil fuels. They also use wood from the bioenergy plant. Most urban travel is via public transport, cycling and walking. Emissions from large industrial facilities have been held back and reduced significantly.


Residents are required to sign up for a mobile app called "CitiCAP". This app sets a CO2 limit for people to stick to each week. Locals can track their daily carbon footprint when it comes to transport. If people stay within the limit, they are rewarded. This makes it a big incentive to get the bus to work instead of driving.


Nature is an important part of the lives of Finns. Therefore they understand its value and are willing to act for the environment. Lahti provides the world with an important lesson, that is in order to achieve a greener tomorrow, we need joint efforts from individuals.

Câu 81 :

3. Read the letter expressing concerns about the challenges Mumbai and Shanghai will face in 2050.

(Đọc bức thư bày tỏ mối quan ngại về những thách thức mà Mumbai và Thượng Hải sẽ phải đối mặt vào năm 2050.)

1 How many challenges are mentioned?

2 What challenges mentioned in the letter are such big cities in Việt Nam as Hà Nội and Hồ Chí Minh city facing?

Dear Gardy,

I've just done some research for my final project about future cities, and I feel concerned about the futures of some megacities in the world like Mumbai and Shanghai. Every day, approximately 7,000 metric tonnes of rubbish are disposed of by Mumbaians. Mumbai's waste is accumulating each day, then rubbish dumps are already filling up. I'm fearful that the environment will be seriously polluted if there is no mandatory recycling waste system.

Moreover, about 60% of Mumbai's population live in slums without running water, electricity and gas. I find it concerning that people's health will be in great danger because the living standards in slums are very low and rubbish pollutes the surrounding areas.

Regarding one of the busiest cities in China, Shanghai, its population reaches up to 25 million people. Therefore, traffic congestion is becoming an alarming problem, especially in rush hours. I find it concerning that commuters will get much inconvenience if there are no solutions to upgrade and extend the transport systems. Furthermore, Shanghai's air quality is getting worse due to rising carbon emissions from vehicles. I'm surprised that Shanghai authorities will shut schools when there are forecasts of serious air pollution.

I'm worried that all the challenges will directly exert negative impacts on the environment and residents' health. I expect the government to take urgent actions to solve those issues.

Best wishes,
