Đề bài

2. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những lựa chọn đúng.)

1. Can I have a snack until / before we leave home or are we in a hurry?

2. Stir the eggs and sugar unless / until they are well mixed together.

3. We can prepare this dish without milk if/ unless you are allergic to dairy products.

4. The turkey is still in the oven. I'll call you as long as / as soon as it is ready.

5. I'm going to throw away the leftover chicken as long as/ unless you want to use it to make a sandwich.

6. You can drink fizzy drinks from time to time when/ as long as you have a balanced diet.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. before

2. until

3. if

4. as soon as

5. unless

6. as long as

1. Can I have a snack before we leave home or are we in a hurry?

(Tôi có thể ăn nhẹ trước khi chúng tôi rời khỏi nhà hay chúng tôi đang vội?)

before: trước khi

until: cho đến khi

2. Stir the eggs and sugar until they are well mixed together.

(Khuấy trứng và đường cho đến khi chúng được trộn đều với nhau.)

unless: trừ khi

until: cho đến khi

3. We can prepare this dish without milk if you are allergic to dairy products.

(Chúng ta có thể chế biến món ăn này mà không cần sữa nếu bạn bị dị ứng với các sản phẩm từ sữa.)

if: nếu

unless: trừ khi

4. The turkey is still in the oven. I'll call you as soon as it is ready.

(Con gà tây vẫn còn trong lò. Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn ngay khi nó sẵn sàng.)

as long as: miễn là

as soon as: ngay khi

5. I'm going to throw away the leftover chicken unless you want to use it to make a sandwich.

(Tôi sẽ vứt đi phần gà thừa trừ khi bạn muốn dùng nó để làm bánh sandwich.)

as long as: miễn là

unless: trừ khi

6. You can drink fizzy drinks from time to time as long as you have a balanced diet.

(Thỉnh thoảng bạn có thể uống đồ uống có ga miễn là bạn có một chế độ ăn uống cân bằng.)

when: khi

as long as: miễn là

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. Read the text and circle the correct verb forms.

(Đọc đoạn văn và khoanh tròn dạng đúng của động từ.)


1. Do you know the expression 'If you 1 ‘ll eat/ eat fish, you 2are/'ll be more intelligent'? Well, fish is certainly good for you and it contains Omega-3, which is important for the brain. But fish won't make you more intelligent unless you ³also study/'ll also study a lot.

2. Some people say you'll live longer if you 4‘ll eat/eat chocolate. In fact, dark chocolate can be good for you. However, you won't live longer unless you 5have/'ll have a healthy lifestyle and long living genes.

3. My granny used to say, 'As long as you 6'll eat/eat garlic, you 7won't get/don't get a cold!' She was wrong. When you 8'll cook/cook with garlic, you'll certainly add flavour. However, garlic won't prevent colds because colds are caused by viruses.

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Bài 2 :

3. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn với dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)

As soon as I 1get (get) home today, 1 2 ______(have) a snack. Then, if there 3______(not be) anybody at home, I 4______(watch) television for a bit. However, if my parents 5______ (be) at home, I 6______ (go) to my room. In my room, I'll switch on my computer and I 7______ (probably listen) to music unless my friends 8______(be) online. If my friends 9______(be) online, I 10______(chat) with them. When I 11______(finish) chatting, it 12______ (probably / be) time for dinner. I (finish) 13______ my dinner and housework, then I (do) 14______my homework.

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Bài 3 :

4. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Then compare with a partner.

(Hoàn thành các câu với ý kiến của riêng bạn. Sau đó so sánh với bạn cặp.)

1 When school finishes today, I'll go for a bike ride.

2 If he breaks her heart, ...

3 I'll always live in this area as long as ...

4 I'll stop studying English as soon as ...

5 I probably won't get a job until ....

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Bài 4 :

2 Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. Change the form of the verb and add a comma where necessary.

(Sắp xếp các từ theo đúng thứ tự để hoàn thành các câu. Thay đổi dạng của động từ và thêm dấu phẩy khi cần thiết.)

1 dinner / before / clean / Charlotte / I / make / 'll


2 cake / if / add / sweet / he / too / be / will / more

The ______________________________sugar.

3 we / for / eat / a walk / after / we / go / 'll


4 sandwiches / 'll / Jason / he / unless / take / be / some


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Bài 5 :

3 Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)


A: I' a_________ (help) you cook dinner when I b_________ (finish) my homework, Dad.

B: It's OK. Until you c_________ (take) your exams, I d_________(do) all the cooking.


A: As soon as I c_________(arrive) safely in London, I b_________(text) you.

B: If you c_________(use) Skype, Mum, you d_________ (not have to) pay.


A: Unless the weather a_________ (be) really bad, we b_________ (be) there by 9 o'clock.

B: Well, as long as it c_________ (not be) foggy or snowy, you d_________ (make) it by then.


A: Before you a_________ (go), I b_________ (give) you a piece of cake to take home.

B: Oh, thanks. I c_________ (eat) it after I d_________ (have) dinner tonight.

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Bài 6 :

4 Read the text and choose the correct option.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn phương án đúng.)

Click dish for ingredients and method.

1 Until / Before / When you want to impress your friends, this super- sticky Chinese dish will do the job.

2 As soon as / As long as / When you like spicy food, you'll love this mind-blowing recipe. It's hot, hot, hot!

This one-pot stew will keep you full all day long, 3 until / unless / as long as you have a dinosaur's appetite!

Spice up your life! 4 Before / After / Until you eat this Mexican Chilli Con Carne, you'll be as strong as an Aztec warrior.

You'll be licking your lips 5 as long as/ unless/ as soon as this delicious Jamaican pasta comes out of the kitchen.

6 Before / After / Unless you sit down to eat this Italian delight, you'll need to be as hungry as Nero's horse!

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Bài 7 :

5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Add commas where necessary.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa tương tự với câu thứ nhất. Thêm dấu phẩy khi cần thiết.)

1 First I'll lose weight and then I'll buy a new pair of jeans.

Until _____________________ a new pair of jeans.

2 We'll eat dinner when we get home.

As soon as _____________________ dinner.

3 If you don't cook rice for long enough, it won't be soft.

Rice _____________________ unless _____________________ for long enough.

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