Giải SGK, SBT Unit 10. Cities of the Future iLearn Smart World

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 10 iLearn Smart World

64 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 2 :

a. Find the words from the passage that match the definitions below. Listen and repeat.

(Tìm các từ trong đoạn văn phù hợp với các định nghĩa dưới đây. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

1. downtown: in or towards the main business area of a city

2. __________: people on their way to work

3. __________: traffic jams

4. __________: done in a way that doesn't waste time, energy, or money

5. __________: the money you pay to travel by bus, plane, or taxi

6. __________: driven by a computer instead of a person

7. __________: a rule about how fast vehicles can travel

Many people live on the outskirts but work in the city center. They travel downtown to their offices. These commuters often have to spend a lot of time in the traffic because of congestion. If their vehicles aren't efficient in fuel use, they'll waste a lot of fuel and money, too. The city should really improve its public transportation system. It should increase the number of buses and reduce the fare. It's still a bit expensive to travel by bus.

In the future, self-driving cars will make driving safer because they won't go over the speed limit. However, the traffic might become even worse. Driving will become safer and more pleasant, but there will be more cars on the street.

Tạm dịch:

Nhiều người sống ở ngoại ô nhưng làm việc ở trung tâm thành phố. Họ đi du lịch trung tâm thành phố đến văn phòng của họ. Những người đi lại này thường phải dành nhiều thời gian tham gia giao thông vì tắc nghẽn. Nếu phương tiện của họ không sử dụng nhiên liệu hiệu quả, họ sẽ lãng phí rất nhiều nhiên liệu và cả tiền bạc nữa. Thành phố nên thực sự cải thiện hệ thống giao thông công cộng của nó. Nên tăng số lượng xe buýt và giảm giá vé. Nó vẫn còn hơi đắt để đi du lịch bằng xe buýt.

Trong tương lai, ô tô tự lái sẽ giúp lái xe an toàn hơn vì chúng không chạy quá tốc độ cho phép. Tuy nhiên, giao thông có thể trở nên tồi tệ hơn. Việc lái xe sẽ trở nên an toàn và dễ chịu hơn, nhưng sẽ có nhiều ô tô hơn trên đường phố.

Câu 21 :

a. Read the magazine interview. What effect will automation have on cities?

(Đọc bài phỏng vấn trên tạp chí. Tự động hóa sẽ có tác dụng gì đối với các thành phố?)

1. They will be less expensive and quieter. (Chúng sẽ ít tốn kém hơn và yên tĩnh hơn.)

2. They will be cleaner and safer. (Chúng sẽ sạch hơn và an toàn hơn.)


Dr. Amanda Hall is a science and robotics expert. In this issue of Teen Tech Weekly, we're talking to her about automation. Read on to find out how it will improve life in the cities of the future.

What is automation? Automation is when machines and computers do things instead of humans. Some people think that this is something that will happen in the future. Actually, it's happening all the time. The washing machine is one of my favorite examples. Washing clothes by hand takes a lot of time. We save a lot of time and energy when we use a washing machine.

What will be automated in the next five years? Fast food restaurants are already being automated. You order your hamburger and a drink using a touchscreen menu at some places. I think that soon, the food will be prepared by robot chefs. Deliveries will be automated, too. We buy a lot of things online these days. They often arrive late, or at the wrong time of day. Sometimes, they even go to the wrong place! In a few years, everything will be delivered by drones. This will be faster. cheaper, and more reliable than sending human drivers.

What else will be automated in the cities of the future? I think that in the future, almost everything will be automated. Everyone will live in smart cities. Their home security will be controlled by a computer. Household waste will be recycled automatically. Even the streets will be kept clean by robots!

So, there you have it. Automation has already begun, and it will make our cities better places to live!

Câu 35 :

a. Some students created model "cities of the future" which solve the problems of current cities. Then they wrote a report about how their solutions will help. Read Jessica's report and circle the three main problems Queen's Town has solved.

(Một số sinh viên đã tạo ra mô hình "thành phố của tương lai" để giải quyết các vấn đề của các thành phố hiện tại. Sau đó, họ đã viết một báo cáo về cách các giải pháp của họ sẽ giúp ích. Đọc báo cáo của Jessica và khoanh tròn ba vấn đề chính mà Queen's Town đã giải quyết.)

cheap houses                                       slow subway trains                

(nhà giá rẻ)                                         (tàu điện ngầm chậm)

dangerous taxis                                   use of non-renewable energy 

(taxi nguy hiểm)                                  (sử dụng năng lượng không thể tái tạo)

expensive houses                                expensive transportation        

(nhà ở đắt tiền)                                   (giao thông đắt tiền)

congestion                                           eco-friendly cities

(tắc nghẽn)                                          (thành phố thân thiện với môi trường)


My model city is called Queen's Town. I wanted to create a town that solved a lot of modern problems. Having spent a long time researching current cities, I understand the problems they have. Queen's Town has solved many of these problems using new technology and ideas.

The first thing that makes Queen's Town better is the housing. Having heard about the high house prices in many cities, I built lots of affordable apartment buildings. They were constructed with a 3D printer. There will be enough for everyone, so there will be no homeless people, and everyone will have more money.

The next improvement is the transportation. Having seen how congested many cities are, I introduced several new transportation systems. There is a subway that takes people anywhere in the city very quickly. In addition, there are sell-driving taxis for  shorter journeys. They will be used all over the city. They are safer and cheaper, than normal taxis. They look really cool, too!

Another thing that makes Queen's Town so good is how clean the air is. There will be very little pollution. Having understood the environmental effects of fossil fuels, I put solar panels on the sides of every building. Using renewable energy is cheaper and much more eco-friendly.

Queen's Town will be a wonderful place to live because of these modern solutions. I think everyone will love it!

Câu 51 :

a. Read the magazine interview and choose the best title.

(Đọc cuộc phỏng vấn trên tạp chí và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)

1. Old Cities, New Ideas

2. New Cities, New Ideas

Will Walker is an engineer and businessman. He is also the author of a new book titled Your Future, Our Cities. I interviewed him about how cities might change in the future.

What inspired you to write your book? Well, as an engineer, I often travel to different cities to work on projects like building bridges or skyscrapers. I’ve noticed a lot of ways that cities will be improved over the next decade. So I wanted to write a book about the new ideas.

What is one thing that will be improved the most? I can tell you that public transportation will be improved a lot. In Colombia, they built a cable car. The city has lots of hills so buses move very slowly. The cable car was a great idea. Air quality will also be improved in any city that builds a cable car because they can run on solar energy.

What changes will we see in the next few years? One change that I’m excited about is more work will be done from home or in co-working space. This is already happening in cities in the US and Canada. Co-working spaces are like a giant coffee shop where people work. People won’t have to travel a long way to an office. They’ll be driven to a nearby co-working space by an automated taxi. Congestion in cities will reduce.

To read the full interview and watch clips of the interview, go to www.futureus.mag/WillWalker