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Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8. Lifelong learning Bright

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8 Bright

59 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 7 :

2. Read the text. Complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

(Đọc bài khóa. Hoàn thành các câu sau với KHÔNG QUÁ BA TỪ cho mỗi câu trả lời.)


Lifelong learning is the ongoing process of acquiring new knowledge and skills throughout a person's life. Lifelong learners carry on their learning and personal development long after they have completed their formal education. In today's world, lifelong learning is more important than ever.

The importance of lifelong learning in the modern world is enormous. Today's job market is dynamic and fast-paced, so skills become outdated quickly. To compete for the best career opportunities, individuals must continuously develop themselves. It is considered that lifelong learning enhances the development of important skills and can help individuals to improve hard skills like language and soft skills, such as empathy. This makes them significantly adaptable to the needs of modem workplaces.

In addition, lifelong learning has significant benefits outside of the workplace. It can enable individuals to achieve personal fulfilment and satisfaction by allowing them to pursue their passions. It can also improve brain function and broaden their horizons by making them more open-minded. By continually learning and growing, they can develop their critical thinking skills and gain new insights into the world.

Thanks to the Internet and digital media, engaging in lifelong learning has never been easier with online courses, webinars, and workshops available on all kinds of topics. Many of the world's best educational institutions, such as Harvard, MIT, and Stanford, also offer a variety of online courses, providing access to high-quality education to people around the world. Online resources allow learners to acquire knowledge at their own pace, at a time and at a place that suits them.

In an ever-changing modern world, continuous personal development has become a crucial part of life. For lifelong learners, learning is not only a process but also a lifestyle choice. By committing to this approach, we can stay relevant in the workforce, follow our passions, and improve the overall quality of our lives.

1. Lifelong learners continue learning after their _____ has ended.

2. Continuous development is essential for people who want the _____.

3. When people _____ , they feel happier and more content with their life choices.

4 Thanks to distance learning, more learners can study at high-quality _____. 

5. People can create better lives by _____ lifelong learning.

Câu 16 :

Phrasal verbs (Cụm động từ)

Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and a particle or sometimes two particles that together have a new meaning.

(Cụm động từ được tạo thành từ một động từ và một tiểu từ hoặc đôi khi là hai tiểu từ cùng nhau mang một ý nghĩa mới.)

make up (= invent) put up with (= tolerate)

• Many phrasal verbs are transitive (they need an object) or intransitive (they don't need an object). Three-part phrasal verbs are always transitive.

(Nhiều cụm động từ là ngoại động từ (chúng cần tân ngữ) hoặc nội động từ (chúng không cần tân ngữ). Cụm động từ ba từ luôn là ngoại động từ.)

She switched off the light. (Cô ta tắt đèn.)

I can't put up with that loud noise any longer. (Tôi không thể chịu đựng được tiếng ồn lớn đó nữa.)

The plane took off on time. (Máy bay cất cánh đúng giờ.)

• When transitive phrasal verbs are separable, the verb and particle(s) can be separated or stay together. There is no difference in meaning.

(Khi các cụm động từ là ngoại động từ, chúng có thể tách rời thì động từ và các tiểu từ có thể được tách ra hoặc ở cùng nhau. Không có sự khác biệt về ý nghĩa.)

They turned the device off. OR They turned off the device. (Họ đã tắt thiết bị.)

However, the verb and particle(s) must be separated when the object is a personal pronoun (me, you, him, us, etc).

(Tuy nhiên, động từ và (các) tiểu từ phải được tách biệt khi tân ngữ là đại từ nhân xưng (me, you, him, us, v.v.).)

How about the lights? - Jo turned them off.

• When transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable, the verb and particle(s) cannot be separated, even if the object is a personal pronoun. Three-part phrasal verbs are often inseparable.

(Khi ngoại động từ không thể tách rời thì động từ và tiểu từ không thể tách rời, ngay cả khi tân ngữ là đại từ nhân xưng. Cụm động từ ba phần thường không thể tách rời.)

Did you run across Joe at the seminar?

Did you run across him at the seminar?

(Bạn có tình cờ gặp Joe ở buổi hội thảo không?)

(NOT: run him across)

Do you get on with your neighbours? (Bạn có hòa thuận với hàng xóm của mình không?)

Who put you up to enrolling on that course? (Ai đã đưa bạn đăng ký vào khóa học đó?)

1. Choose the correct answer. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. It's never too late to _____ a new hobby or learn a new skill.

A. take up        B. fit in            C. make up      D. carry on

2. Jane took an online IT course to help her ______ all the latest technologies in her job.

A. make up for                        B. go along with

C. keep up with                       D. put up to

3. James doesn't enjoy formal education, so he wants to _____ school and do a vocation fit inal course.

A. keep up with                       B. drop out of

C. go along with                     D. look forward to

4 Did you _____ anyone you know at the skills seminar yesterday?

A. run across   B. drop off      C. hang out      D. come along

5. Phoebe doesn't have much work experience, but she _____ it with her soft skills.

A. puts up to                           B. catches up with

C. makes up for                       D. comes up with 

Câu 20 :

Simple/Compound/Complex sentences (Câu đơn/ Câu ghép/ Câu phức)

• A simple sentence consists of only one independent clause.

(Một câu đơn chỉ bao gồm một mệnh đề độc lập.)

Jen enjoys learning new recipes. (Jen thích học các công thức nấu ăn mới.)

• A compound sentence consists of two or more independent daisies. We use coordinating conjunctons (and, or, but, so, nor) to connect the clauses in a compound sentence. Sometimes paired conjunctions (not only ... but also, either... or, nether-nor) also be used.

(• Câu ghép bao gồm hai hoặc nhiều bông hoa cúc độc lập. Chúng ta sử dụng các liên từ phối hợp (and, or, but, so, nor) để nối các mệnh đề trong một câu ghép. Đôi khi các liên từ ghép nối (not only ... but also, either… or, nether… nor) cũng được sử dụng. )

Robert wants to get some practical experience for his future job, so he is doing an internship in a firm.

(Robert muốn có được một số kinh nghiệm thực tế cho công việc tương lai của mình nên anh ấy đang thực tập tại một công ty.)

• A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. We use subordinating conjunctions (after, before, when, while, as soon as, if, because, although, unless, so that, etc.) to connect clauses in a complex sentence.

(Câu phức gồm có một mệnh đề độc lập và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ thuộc. Chúng ta sử dụng các liên từ phụ thuộc (after, before, when, while, as soon as, if, because, although, unless, so that, v.v.) để kết nối các mệnh đề trong một câu phức tạp.)

Emma took notes on her laptop while she listened to the speaker at the seminar.

(Emma ghi chép trên máy tính xách tay của mình trong khi nghe diễn giả tại buổi hội thảo.)

5. Choose the correct option. Which are compound sentences (CP)? Which are complex sentences (CX)?

(Chọn đáp án đúng. Câu nào là câu ghép, câu nào là câu phức.)

1. Either Dan will win the employee of the year award _____ Sarah will.

A. and             B. or                C. both            D. neither

2. Jason has good negotiating skills, _____ he always represents his company to meet with clients.

A. but              B. although     C. so                D. because

3. _____ Fred is highly qualified, he's always improving his skills at work.

A. If                 B. Although     C. But              D. Despite

4. You won't fit in at this company _____ you are comfortable with collaboration.

A. after            B. unless         C. while           D. in case

5. Not only Lucy is fluent in English and German _____ she is good at negotiating.

A. so                B. but also       C. nor              D. and 

Câu 30 :

1. Read the essay. What is it about?

(Đọc bài luận. Nó nói về điều gì?)

Should students do internships?

A. Aren't internships worth the effort? This is a common question among students who want to take the first step on their preferred career path. In my opinion, students should do internships because of sufficient advantages that they offer.

B. To begin with, internships help individuals to gain valuable practical experience and develop skills like problem-solving, teamwork, time management and organisational skills. In this way, they can give students a competitive advantage in the real world of experiences and provide important insights into what modem workplaces will be required of them.

C. Additionally, internships offer excellent networking opportunities. This means interns can start to develop a reputation and make industry contacts that could later lead to lucrative job offers. For example, when companies hire students as interns, they give them the chance to build relationships with people in different positions at the workplace. This will later increase their chances of landing positions with several different companies.

D. In conclusion, I believe doing internships is a great way for students to gain practical experience and the chance to make valuable connections. In the end, careers are not all about money. They are also about fulfilment, self-development and lifelong learning, and internships have something to offer in all of these aspects.

Câu 39 :

Reading (Đọc hiểu)

3. Read the text. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best fits each gap (1-5).

(Đọc bài khóa. Chọn đáp án (A, B, C hoặc D) phù hợp với mỗi chỗ trống (1-5).)

In Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is a non-stop process of acquiring skills and knowledge throughout your life 1) _____ you have finished your formal education. These days, it is very necessary, and it is also quite easy to do. Here are some simple ways you can participate in lifelong learning.

First, read, read, read. You can find all sorts of useful information in books and online. Choose a topic that interests you and read everything you can about it. Spend some time researching that topic and 2) ______ notes. In the same way, you can find other areas that you are interested in.

Second, talk to people. Stay in contact with people you admire, experts and specialists in areas 3) _____ interest you and ask them questions. Start an online or real-life chat group and join online forums run by experts so that you can find those who are interested in the same topics as you are.

Third, you can try out new approaches 4) ______ learning. You can try visual learning by watching documentaries and drawing diagrams, or auditory learning by listening to lectures or podcasts while you are on the go.

Finally, there are many opportunities to learn in the workplace. You can take part in on-the-job training as well as professional seminars and workshops. You can also talk 5) _____ senior staff and more experienced colleagues who can share helpful information and help you develop new skills.

Lifelong learning is a commitment that you need to make because it is essential and should be one of your top priorities. Therefore, it is essential to develop and encourage characteristics such as curiosity, creativity and perseverance in order to engage in lifelong learning effectively.

1. A. because               B. after                        C. although                 D. since

2. A. taking                 B. take                         C. to take                     D. to taking

3. A. where                  B. that                         C. whom                     D. whose

4. A. about                   B. to                            C. over                        D. with

5. A. about                   B. of                            C. to                            D. on

Câu 47 :

Simple / Compound / Complex sentences (Câu đơn/ Câu ghép/ Câu phức)

3. Read the sentences and state which is CP (compound sentence) or CX (complex sentence).

(Đọc các câu dưới đây và cho biết nó là câu phức hay câu ghép.)

1. She possessed both hard and soft skills, so she got the job.

(Cô ấy sở hữu cả kĩ năng cứng lẫn kĩ năng mềm, nên cô ấy có được công việc.)

2. She was going to apply to a university when she suddenly decided to quit her studies and find a job.

(Cô ấy chuẩn bị nộp đơn vào một trường đại học khi cô ấy bất ngờ quyết định nghỉ học và tìm việc.)

3. You ought to do an internship so that you will develop some skills.

(Cậu cần đi thực tập để phát triển một vài kĩ năng.)

4. Bookkeeping isn't considered a soft skill, neither is digital literacy. 

(Kĩ năng sổ sách không được coi là kĩ năng mềm, cả sự am hiểu về tin học cũng thế.)

5. After she looked at his CV, the HR manager decided to hire him.  

(Sau khi nhìn vào CV của anh ta, quản lí nhân sự quyết định thuê anh ta.)

6. Although she possessed lots of strong hard skills, she lacked some basic soft skills.

(Dù cô ấy sở hữu nhiều kĩ năng cứng mạnh, nhưng cô ấy vẫn thiếu những kĩ năng mềm cơ bản.)

7. Digital literacy is a prerequisite for this job, but collaboration skills are just as important.

(Sự am hiểu tin học là một điều kiện tiên quyết cho công việc này nhưng kĩ năng làm việc nhóm cũng quan trọng.)

8. You need to develop your empathy, or you must change your job.

(Bạn cần phát triển sự đồng cảm, hoặc là nhảy việc.)