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Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4. Preserving World Heritage Bright

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4 Bright

60 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 6 :

1. Read the title and look at the picture. What is special about this place? Read the text to find out.

(Đọc tiêu đề và nhìn vào bức tranh. Nơi này có gì đặc biệt? Đọc văn bản để tìm hiểu.)

The Historic City of Ayutthaya, Thailand

Located on an island just north of Bangkok, Thailand, is the ancient site of Ayutthaya, once one of the greatest cities of the world. From the 14th to 18th century, Ayutthaya developed into a busy city and became a centre for both trade and government. The city, which was the capital of Thailand, grew to be one of the largest cities in the world at the time with over one million people. 1_______ Soon after, Bangkok became the new capital city.

Today, the ancient ruins of the city are a UNESCO World Heritage Site because the city was an important part in the development of Thai history and culture. Many people say it is the birthplace of true national Thai art.  2_______ All gives an idea of how rich and modern the city once was.

Visitors to the site can walk around the ruins that have over 400 temples and towers to explore. Each is an incredible example of Thai architecture of that time. They can also admire many giant statues of Buddha around the city as well as the paintings inside the temples and buildings.

3_______ Archaeologists work to repair and protect the buildings and monuments in the park. Ayutthaya is one of the six UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Thailand. People all around the world value its historical and cultural importance and try to protect it for future generations to enjoy.


Câu 18 :

3. Combine the sentences, using the words in brackets.

(Nối hai câu, sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Inside the pyramid, it was hot. It was humid, too. (not only ... but also)

(Bên trong kim tự tháp rất nóng. Nó cũng ẩm ướt.)

=> Inside the pyramid, it was not only hot but also humid.

(Bên trong kim tự tháp không chỉ nóng mà còn ẩm.)

2. Mike is buying the tour ticket of Edinburgh Castle or Linda is buying the tour ticket of Edinburgh Castle. (either ... or)

(Mike đang mua vé tham quan Lâu đài Edinburgh hoặc Linda đang mua vé tham quan Lâu đài Edinburgh.)

=> _____________________________________________________

3. Jeanie likes visiting heritage sites on holiday, and so does Robert. (both ... and)

(Jeanie thích đến thăm các di sản vào kỳ nghỉ và Robert cũng vậy.)

=> _____________________________________________________

4. Chloe isn't going on the museum tour. Her sisters aren't going on the museum tour, either. (neither... nor)

(Chloe không tham gia chuyến tham quan bảo tàng. Các chị gái của cô ấy cũng không tham gia chuyến tham quan bảo tàng.)

=> _____________________________________________________

5. Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary was the religious centre of Champa civilisation. It was the cultural centre, too. (not only ... but also)

(Thánh địa Mỹ Sơn là trung tâm tôn giáo của nền văn minh Chămpa. Đó cũng là trung tâm văn hóa.)

=> _____________________________________________________

6. We can take a tour of the Forth Bridge in Scotland. We can also see it by ourselves. (either ... or)

(Chúng ta có thể tham quan Cầu Forth ở Scotland. Chúng ta cũng có thể tự mình nhìn thấy nó.)

=> _____________________________________________________

Câu 35 :

1. Look at the advert in Exercise 3 on page 48. Then read the letter and answer the questions.

(Nhìn vào quảng cáo trong Bài tập 3 ở trang 48. Sau đó đọc bức thư và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

Dear Mr Blackwell,

I am writing to you regarding the volunteer programme at the Prambanan Temple Compound in Indonesia. I am interested in becoming a volunteer and would like to have some information about the programme.

Firstly, do you know what kind of training volunteers get? I have never worked at a heritage site before and I am a bit nervous about what I should do.

Secondly, could you tell me more about the accommodation with the families? Do volunteers have roommates? I also want to know how far the accommodation is from the site.

Finally, I want to find out more about the participation fee. Can you let me know if there are any other costs during the programme? I need to know the total cost for the trip.

I look forward to your reply and learning more about the programme. It sounds like an excellent volunteering experience. Thank you in advance for the information.

Kind regards,

Jack Hackett

1. Who is the letter from?

(Bức thư đến từ ai?)

2. Who is the letter for?

(Bức thư gửi cho ai?)

3. What is the letter about?

(Bức thư nói về cái gì?)

4. What opening/closing remarks did Jack use?

(Jack đã sử dụng câu mở đầu/kết thúc nào?)

5. Which paragraph requests information about the costs? the training? the accommodation?

(Đoạn nào yêu cầu thông tin về chi phí? đào tạo? chỗ ở?)

6. What does the writer do in the last paragraph?

(Người viết làm gì trong đoạn cuối?)

Câu 43 :

3. Read the text. Then read sentences (A-D) and choose the one that best fits each gap (1-3). There is one extra sentence.

(Đọc văn bản. Sau đó đọc các câu (A-D) và chọn câu phù hợp nhất với mỗi khoảng trống (1-3). Có một câu bị thừa.)

Bagan, Myanmar

Located in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar, the ancient city of Bagan was once the capital city of the Kingdom of Pagan. Between the 9th and the 13th centuries, Bagan developed into a very important cultural and religious centre. There were over 13,000 religious monuments including temples, monasteries and pagodas on the plains surrounding the capital. 1__ People came here to study languages, medicine, and astrology.

Today, the area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it is one of Asia's richest archaeological sites, with great historical and cultural importance. There are about 2,300 ancient structures remaining over 104 km2. 2__ The last major one to hit the area was in 2016 and it destroyed 400 temples. However, the government is working to restore them with the help of UNESCO experts.

Visitors to the Bagan Archaeological Zone can explore the temples and pagodas freely. Dhammayangyi Temple is the largest temple, dating from 1167-1170. The Ananda Temple is 51 meters tall and has got four standing Buddha statues. Thatbyinnyu Temple has got five storeys and it is the tallest temple at 66 metres. 3__ Shwesandaw is

Bagan's tallest pagoda at 100 metres and it has five terraces. It is a very important religious place and it has got some beautiful statues of the Buddha and some meaningful relics. There are several viewing platforms to see the stunning views of the area from on high. The best time to see Bagan at its most beautiful is at sunrise and sunset.

A It is a great example of Bagan's artistic style.

B Many of the temples started being restored in the 1990s.

C It was also an important educational centre.

D This is mostly due to earthquakes.