Giải SGK, SBT Unit 9. Career paths Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 9 Global Success

48 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

Q&A with a career adviser

(Hỏi đáp với người cố vấn nghề nghiệp)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Mr Kien: ... So, I've talked to you about future job opportunities. I hope you'll continue to keep up with the rapid changes in the job market. Have you got any questions?

Nam: Yes, do you think we need to have a university degree to pursue a career?

Mr Kien: Well, it depends on the industry and the field of work that you're interested in. There're many jobs that don't require a university degree. For example, you may consider becoming a flight attendant, car mechanic, or repair worker.

Nam: But how do you get a job without a degree or any experience? Employers look down on job applicants without a university degree.

Mr Kien: No, they don't. You need to show that you're hard-working and willing to learn. Many companies hire school-leavers and provide on-the-job training.

Mai: So, when do you think we should start thinking about our careers?

Mr Kien: Well, the sooner, the better. However, the best time is when you start senior secondary school.

Mai: I read that AI will replace many workers in the future. How do I make sure that the job I choose won't be taken over by a robot?

Mr Kien: That's a good question. Many factory jobs and jobs in customer service have already become automated. As AI continues to develop, more human employees may be replaced. That's why It's important to choose jobs that involve a high level of human interaction, critical thinking, and decision-making.

Nam: So, are these the most important job skills we'll need in the future?

Mr Kien: That's right! No matter what career you may consider, you'll need these skills. Good communication and teamwork will always be in demand. These soft skills will help you adapt to changes and come up with solutions to challenging problems.

Nam: Thank you very much for your answers.

Câu 12 :

2. Read the article. Circle the words or phrases with the closest meaning to the highlighted words or phrase.

(Đọc bài viết. Khoanh tròn các từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa gần nhất với các từ hoặc cụm từ được đánh dấu.)

Career experts' advice

Our Teen Talk magazine has recently received a lot of questions from secondary school students asking about things they should consider when choosing their careers. We've talked to our career experts, and here is their advice.

A. ________

First, learn about yourself and discover your personality type, beliefs, soft skills, and interests. For example, if you are passionate about working with people and helping them develop, you may consider becoming a social worker or a teacher. If you are interested in learning languages, history, art, and architecture, you might look at jobs in the tourist industry. Spend time thinking about what you want to do, and list what you are good at. This can help you come up with a career path that matches your personality.

B. ________

Next, you should take into account any career qualifications you may need. Many jobs require formal education at a university or college. In order to work as a doctor, for example, you will need to study at medical school for some years of general medical training, followed by several years of specialty training. But there are also jobs that don't require any formal qualifications. You can be hired as a server or a barista in a coffee shop, for instance, and you will be given on-the-job training.

C. ________

You should also consider your chances of being hired. Some fields of work may offer very few positions. With technology developing at a fast pace, some jobs such as cashiers and travel agents may become automated or obsolete. However, other jobs are on the rise. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, for instance, are in great demand because of ageing populations and increased life expectancy. That is why before you make a decision, you should carefully examine the opportunities that a career path may provide.

1. passionate

A. having strong feelings of enthusiasm for something

B. showing happiness and excitement about something

2. take into account

A. describe

B. consider

3. specialty

A. the subject of study that someone knows a lot about

B. the typical food that a restaurant is famous for

4. barista

A. an owner of a coffee shop

B. a person who serves in a coffee shop

5. obsolete

A. updated

B. out of date

Câu 21 :

3. Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

(Nghe lại đoạn hội thoại và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. What is the conversation about?

(Cuộc trò chuyện nói về chủ đề gì?)

A. How to qualify to teach in a school.

(Làm thế nào để đủ điều kiện giảng dạy ở trường.)

B. How to get a job as a home tutor.

(Làm thế nào để có được công việc gia sư tại nhà.)

C. How to become a good teacher.

(Làm thế nào để trở thành một giáo viên giỏi.)

2. What do you need to do before starting a teacher training course?

(Bạn cần làm gì trước khi bắt đầu khóa đào tạo giáo viên?)

A. Get some teaching experience in the classroom.

(Nhận được một số kinh nghiệm giảng dạy trong lớp học.)

B. Get a degree in a related subject.

(Có được bằng cấp về chuyên ngành liên quan.)

C. Earn a teaching certificate.

(Nhận chứng chỉ giảng dạy.)

3. Which of the skills are NOT mentioned by Ms Hoa?

(Kỹ năng nào KHÔNG được cô Hoa nhắc đến?)

A. Good communication and teamwork skills.

(Kỹ năng giao tiếp và làm việc nhóm tốt.)

B. Understanding people's feelings.

(Hiểu được cảm xúc của mọi người.)

C. Tutoring skills.

(Kỹ năng dạy kèm.)

4. Why does Ms Hoa think reading is an important habit for teachers?

(Tại sao cô Hoa cho rằng đọc sách là thói quen quan trọng của giáo viên?)

A. It helps them learn new things.

(Nó giúp họ học những điều mới.)

B. It improves their communication skills.

(Nó cải thiện kỹ năng giao tiếp của họ.)

C. It exercises the brain.

(Nó rèn luyện trí não.)

5. According to Ms Hoa, what does 'a reference' mean?

(Theo cô Hoa, “tham chiếu” có nghĩa là gì?)

A. An application letter that gives additional information about someone's abilities.

(Thư xin việc cung cấp thêm thông tin về khả năng của ai đó.)

B. A person who agrees to provide information about a job applicant.

(Người đồng ý cung cấp thông tin về người xin việc.)

C. A record of the things someone has learnt and done.

(Bản ghi chép về những điều ai đó đã học và làm.)

Câu 23 :

Writing your CV

(Viết sơ yếu lí lịch)

1. Work in pairs. Look at the following job advert and the CV of a student applying for the job. Match the headings in the box to the correct sections.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hãy xem quảng cáo việc làm sau đây và CV của một sinh viên đang nộp đơn xin việc. Nối các tiêu đề trong khung với các phần thích hợp.)

1. Hobbies and interests (Sở thích và đam mê)

2. Education (Giáo dục)

3. Work experience (Kinh nghiệm làm việc)

4. Skills (Các kĩ năng)


(Cần trợ giảng)

- Do you have a passion for teaching children?

(Bạn có niềm đam mê dạy trẻ?)

- Are you a good communicator?

(Bạn có phải là người giao tiếp tốt?)

- Are you interested in organising learning activities?

(Bạn quan tâm đến việc tổ chức các hoạt động học tập?)

We need 10 volunteer teaching assistants to help at a summer camp for primary school students.

(Chúng tôi cần 10 tình nguyện viên trợ giảng để hỗ trợ trại hè cho học sinh tiểu học.)

If this interests you, please send your CV to summercamp@webmail.com

(Nếu bạn hứng thú công việc, vui lòng gửi CV của bạn đến summercamp@webmail.com)


Personal details

Full name: Ha Ngoc Nguyen

Phone: 1112345

Email: ngocha@webmail.com

Personal statement

Enthusiastic and hard-working senior secondary school student, currently studying towards a school graduation diploma. Passionate about teaching and learning, with excellent organisation and communication skills. Eager to find a volunteer position to help me gain work experience and prepare for a career in teaching.

A. ________

Nguyen Hue Senior Secondary School, Ha Noi                     20XX-present

Nquyen Trai Junior Secondary School, Ha Noi                     20XX-20XX

Subjects and predicted grades: English – 9, Maths – 9.5, Literature – 8.5

Awards: Young Leaders Award, Ha Noi Outstanding Student Award

Extracurricular activities: Founding member of the school book club, conducting member surveys to choose reading materials and planning club meetings

B. ________

Childminder                                                                            20XX-present

- Supervise two children (aged 7 and 9) every Saturday while parents are away

- Help children do their homework and learn new concepts

Volunteer Tutor - Ha Noi Children's Village              Jul - Sep 20XX

- Tutored children aged 8-12 in maths and English at the local orphanage for three months

- Helped teachers make learning materials

C. ________

Fluent English: IELTS score 5.5

Digital skills: Good understanding of common digital software and platforms, basic coding skills

Effective communication skills

Excellent organisation skills

D. ________

Singing, reading, photography


Available upon request

Câu 26 :

2. Work in pairs. Use the models in 1 to make similar conversations for these situations. One of you is A, the other is B. Use the expressions below to help you.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng các mẫu ở phần 1 để thực hiện những đoạn hội thoại tương tự trong những tình huống này. Một người là A, người kia là B. Hãy sử dụng các cách diễn đạt dưới đây để giúp bạn.)

1. A is a Grade 12 student. B is a career adviser. B is explaining career path options. A is asking for clarification. B is giving clarification.

(A là học sinh lớp 12. B là cố vấn nghề nghiệp. B đang giải thích các lựa chọn con đường sự nghiệp. A yêu cầu làm rõ. B đang đưa ra lời giải thích.)

2. B is a new teaching assistant at a language centre. A has worked as a teaching assistant at the centre for several years. A is describing their job responsibilities. B is asking for clarification. A is giving clarification.

(B là trợ giảng mới tại một trung tâm ngoại ngữ. A đã làm trợ giảng tại trung tâm được vài năm. A đang mô tả trách nhiệm công việc của họ. B yêu cầu làm rõ. A Đang đưa ra lời giải thích.)

Useful expressions

Asking for clarification

(Yêu cầu làm rõ)

Giving clarification

(Làm rõ vấn đề)

- I'm not sure I understand

(Tôi không chắc rằng mình hiểu)

- Can you clarify ... for me?

(Bạn có thể làm rõ … cho mình?)

- Could you be more specific?

(Bạn có thể cụ thể hơn được không?)

- What do you mean by...?

(Bạn có ý gì khi nói rằng…?)

- Sorry, I'm confused about... Could you explain that again?

(Xin lỗi, tôi phân vân về… . Bạn có thể giải thích lại được không?)

- In other words,…

(Nói cách khác,...)

- Let me clarify that.

(Hãy để mình làm rõ điều đó.)

- To put it another way,…

(Để nói nó theo một cách khác,…)

- What I mean is...

(Ý mình là…)

- I'd like to explain that...

(Tôi muốn giải thích rằng…)

Câu 27 :

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

(Đọc văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi.)


Technology has brought a lot of changes to our lives. The introduction of new technologies and the growth of artificial intelligence have also created a lot of career opportunities. Here are some jobs that we'll be seeing more of in the coming years.

Software developers and other coding careers

Nowadays, coding - or the process of writing computer programs - is becoming a valuable skill that recruiters are looking for. A recent survey of tech workers and employers has found that the job of a software developer will be the most important tech job in the future. Not surprisingly, in many countries, coding has even been added to the primary school curriculum.

Content creators

Over the past few years, the demand for content creators - those creating content for digital channels - has increased dramatically. There are a lot of job opportunities for content creators in different industries such as media, IT, fashion, pop music, travel and food services. Companies need to communicate with their customers, so they will always need talented content creators to help them. As a result, content creation will continue to grow and will still be a career in the future.

Data protection jobs

Personal data should only be collected and used for specific purposes. However, personal data can also be misused or used illegally to commit offences. Therefore, the demand for data protection officers, who educate employees about data handling, and data detectives, who examine data and detect issues, will go up. There will be plenty of data privacy jobs for people with the right technical and legal skills.

The above-mentioned jobs are among the many in-demand jobs of the future. If you are really interested in any of them, try to spend some time exploring them, so you can prepare for your future career.

Which job(s) involve(s)...

1. stopping or detecting illegal actions?

2. helping businesses to understand their customers better?

3. a skill that some students can start learning from a young age?

Câu 32 :

School-leavers' career plans

(Kế hoạch nghề nghiệp của học sinh mới ra trường)

Work in groups. Ask questions to collect information from 8-10 classmates about their career plans.

(Làm việc nhóm. Đặt câu hỏi để thu thập thông tin từ 8-10 bạn cùng lớp về kế hoạch nghề nghiệp của họ.)

Report your survey results to the class.

(Báo cáo kết quả khảo sát của bạn trước lớp.)

Survey questions

(Câu hỏi khảo sát)

1. What kind of career are you interested in? Why have you chosen it?

(Bạn quan tâm đến loại nghề nghiệp nào? Tại sao bạn lại chọn nó?)


2. How does your career choice relate to your interests?

(Sự lựa chọn nghề nghiệp của bạn liên quan thế nào đến sở thích của bạn?)


3. What kind of training do you need in order to pursue your chosen career path?

(Bạn cần được đào tạo những gì để theo đuổi con đường sự nghiệp đã chọn?)


4. What skills do you need to develop to be successful?

(Bạn cần phát triển những kỹ năng gì để thành công?)


5. Is your chosen career in high demand? Will there be many employment opportunities for you (in your area / in the country)?

(Nghề nghiệp bạn chọn có nhu cầu cao không? Sẽ có nhiều cơ hội việc làm cho bạn (trong khu vực của bạn/trong nước) chứ?)


Câu 40 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. The management has decided to cut in on staff as the factory is being automated.

                                    A                    B  C                                  D

2. My sister didn't live up with my parents' expectations to become a teacher at a primary school.

                     A            B    C                                                 D

3. Although my parents expected my sister to sit her maths exams, she went in on a music competition.

                                         A                     B                                         C        D

4. I haven't been able to get down to the career adviser in order to ask for some advice.

                                            A                                    B          C          D

5. Many old people may find it difficult to keep on with the latest technology.

       A                      B                           C          D

6. My sister thinks that her colleagues look up on her because she doesn't have a degree.

                                                                 A   B                              C             D

7. Having spoken to experts in the field has helped me come on with many interesting ideas.

                            A                                                               B            C                        D

8. If local factories continue to cut down with staff, unemployment rates will go up.

                                                A           B                                              C         D

Câu 42 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

In a changing job market

The world of work is changing rapidly. A lot of common jobs such as travel agents and cashiers are expected to (1) ______ by the year 2050. At the same time, new jobs will be (2) ______. In such a rapidly changing job market, it seems (3) ______ to teach or learn technical or vocational skills for jobs that don't exist yet. So, what can we do to prepare for the job (4) ______ of the future? Researchers have suggested that both future employers and employees will always need (5) ______ skills such as collaboration, organisation, and communication skills. Some of the jobs or businesses that will exist in 30 years' time haven't been invented yet. But we will probably still work in organisations that (6) ______ of people from different generations. We will need to be open to different points of view and ways of thinking. Therefore, it is important for us to (7) ______ bias and be willing to take in new information and ideas. Having key soft skills and being (8) ______ about new things will help us prepare for the future world of work.

1. A. disappear

B. create

C. make

D. receive

2. A. removed

B. created

C. replaced

D. deleted

3. A. likely

B. certain

C. impossible

D. positive

4. A. application

B. employment

C. positions

D. opportunities

5. A. soft

B. hard

C. technical

D. working

6. A. deny

B. consist

C. decide

D. attack

7. A. develop

B. accept

C. overcome

D. challenge

8. A. open-hearted

B. close-minded

C. minded

D. open-minded

Câu 43 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.)

A guide to school-leavers' planning for the future

When you leave secondary school, you have different options, including going to a university or a vocational school, getting a job or taking a gap year. Sometimes choices may make you confused, so you should examine all your options before making any plans for the future. Below are some things you may like to try before making your decision.

If there are teachers you really love or look up to, you can ask them for some advice. Your teachers have been observing you for months, so they know your strengths, talents, and personality. You may share your dreams and concerns with them and ask them to give you an honest opinion about what option may be suitable for you.

If possible, you can talk to a career adviser when you are still undecided about your future plans and ask for their advice. If you can't find a career adviser, you can take some career-matching tests online. These tests are typically created by career experts and psychologists, so they can help you make an informed decision.

Visiting a college or university campus is also important as it will make you think about if you can see yourself there or not. Usually, educational institutions have orientation days for secondary school students to experience university life first-hand. You could even contact the university.

So try following the above suggestions, and you will certainly make a more informed decision about your future plans.

1. How many choices for school-leavers are mentioned?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

2. What is paragraph 2 about?

A. Getting advice from teachers.

B. Speaking to a career adviser.

C. Taking a career test.

D. Visiting colleges or universities.

3. What is paragraph 3 about?

A. Asking parents and teachers for useful advice.

B. Speaking to a career adviser or taking a career test.

C. Paying visits to colleges or universities.

D. Making your own decisions based on collected information.

4. How many things are secondary school students advised to do before making their decision?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

5. The word “observing” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______

A. watching

B. teaching

C. listening to

D. working with

6. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to ______

A. dreams

B. concerns

C. teachers

D. advisers

7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a suggestion for school-leavers?

A. Asking teachers for advice.

B. Talking to career advisers.

C. Visiting a university campus.

D. Sharing your dreams with the admission team.

8. What is the writer's attitude towards the topic?

A. Optimistic.

B. Pessimistic.

C. Angry.

D. Neutral.

Câu 44 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. Then practise reading them.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi cuộc trao đổi sau đây. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)


Career adviser: You all know that the job market is very competitive, so besides technical knowledge, you need to develop soft skills.

Tom: Oh, I'm not sure what soft skills' include. (1) _________ this term for me?

Career adviser: Well, (2) _________, these are personal qualities such as teamwork, communication skills, and emotional intelligence that will enable you to work well with other people.

Tom: I see. Thank you very much.

Career adviser: You're welcome.


A. Could you explain

B. Do you know

C. What do you explain

D. Do you want to explain


A. I'm not sure I know

B. I don't really understand

C. to put it another way

D. in order to understand


Lan: Nam, have you written your CV for the job you saw on the school notice board?

Nam: Well I haven't finished it yet. I'm still confused about the Work experience section. (3) ________ what it should include?

Lan: Well, it should include any work-related experience, (4) _________, any jobs you have done that are relevant to the position you want to apply for.

Nam: Oh. I understand now. Thank you.


A. Do you explains

B. Would you like

C. Who can clarify

D. Can you clarify


A. by the way

B. in other words

C. to some extent

D. in short


Career adviser: In the future, many of the current jobs will become obsolete, and new jobs will be created.

Khoa: Oh, really? I don't really understand. (5) ________

Career adviser: Well. (6) ________ technology will continue to develop and many jobs will be automated. So accountants or cashiers might be replaced by robots.

Khoa: Oh, I see. I understand now.


A. Could you be more specific?

B. How can this be avoided?

C. This is impossible.

D. I can't believe it.


A. to put it another way

B. in other words

C. what I mean is

D. let me see


Mr Le: It's really important for you to gain some work experience.

Nam: Mr Le. I don't know why I need work experience in order to apply for a job. (7) ________ that for me?

Mr Le: (8) ________ You know, when a position is advertised, a lot of people apply for it. If you have relevant work experience, it'll be an advantage.

Nam: Oh, I see. Thank you.


A. I'm not sure I understand

B. Let me explain

C. Could you be more specific

D. Could you explain


A. I'm not very clear about it.

B. Let me clarify that.

C. What do you mean?

D. Why don't you understand it?