Giải SGK, SBT Unit 5. The world of work

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 5 Global Success

46 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

Our parents’ jobs

(Nghề nghiệp của bố mẹ chúng ta)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Lan: Come in, Mark. Did you find my place easily?

Mark: Yes, I actually met your dad in the street and he showed me the way. He said he was on his way to work.

Lan: That's right. My dad is a factory worker, so he works in shifts. Today he's on the night shift.

Mark: Working night shifts must be really hard. When does he sleep?

Lan: He goes to bed right after he comes home in the morning when there's no one at home. My mum's usually at work then. She teaches at a primary school.

Mark: Working with kids must be fun.

Lan: Yes, she loves her job though teaching can be tiring. Getting up in front of the class and putting up a performance every day seem so stressful.

Mark: I agree. My mum used to be a teacher, but she gave up her job to look after me and my brother.

Lan: How about your dad?

Mark: He has a nine-to-five job. He's an accountant at a bank.

Lan: Working with numbers must be difficult.

Mark: Yes, but it's not just numbers. You need to learn so many regulations and build good working relationships with clients.

Lan: I guess he often goes on business trips.

Mark: Not really, but he works overtime. He sometimes comes back home when I'm already in bed.

Lan: You're good at maths, so you should follow in his footsteps.

Mark: Definitely not. Neither I nor my brother wants to become an accountant. I'm interested in computer programming because it opens up so many job opportunities. What about you, Lan?

Lan: Well, I love working with children, so I want to become a primary school teacher like my mum.

Mark: Didn't you say last year you wanted to become a scientist?

Lan: (laughing) Yeah…

Câu 11 :

Job advertisements

(Quảng cáo việc làm)

1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss what you know about the jobs.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Nhìn vào các bức tranh và thảo luận những gì bạn biết về công việc.)


Tech World Magazine Online is looking to fill two vacancies in its technology section.

We want people who understand electronic products and can communicate their opinions clearly.

We offer flexible working hours and a bonus based on the number of times people view, share, and comment on your reviews.

Contact us at info@techworldmagazine.com


Heart-to-Heart Organisation is looking for four people to help at charity events.

You will be greeting and talking to guests, and sorting donations.

You need to be friendly, polite, and willing to work at weekends.

This is an unpaid role, but a great opportunity to develop new skills and make friends.

To apply, please call 09894653462 or email us at hearttoheart@webmail.com


We are looking for hard-working people to join our team, welcoming customers and arranging window displays.

You will need to work from Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

No experience is required. On-the-job training is given to all employees.

We offer an hourly wage plus additional benefits such as free meals and overtime pay.

Apply in person at TH Fashion, 32 Tran Hung Dao, Mon - Wed, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Ask for Mrs Lan.


The English department at Ha Noi School currently has five part-time vacancies open. Main responsibilities:

• Supervising classroom activities

• Supporting teachers

• Checking attendance


• Excellent English skills

• Must be responsible, enthusiastic, and organised

Successful applicants will be required to work 20 hours per week.

If you're interested, send your application to recruiting@hnschool.com


Are you looking for casual work? We need someone to take care of a two-year-old child every morning from Monday to Friday. The perfect candidate should be responsible, reliable, good with young children and preferably female.

To apply, call Ms Lam on 0989364731.

Câu 17 :

2. Work in pairs. Talk about the jobs in 1 using the adjectives. Compare your answers and explain your opinions and feelings.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Nói về công việc ở bài 1 bằng cách sử dụng các tính từ. So sánh câu trả lời của bạn và giải thích ý kiến và cảm xúc của bạn.)

Example: (Ví dụ)

A: I think working as a teaching assistant is a very rewarding job. I can help students who have questions or need encouragement during the lesson.

(Tôi nghĩ làm trợ giảng là một công việc rất bổ ích. Tôi có thể giúp đỡ những học sinh có thắc mắc hoặc cần sự động viên trong giờ học.)

B: I agree, but it seems like a challenging job. You'll have to be patient and explain the same thing over and over again. It can get very repetitive. Personally, I'd rather be an event volunteer.

(Tôi đồng ý, nhưng có vẻ như đây là một công việc đầy thử thách. Bạn sẽ phải kiên nhẫn và giải thích đi giải thích lại cùng một điều. Nó có thể rất lặp đi lặp lại. Cá nhân tôi thích làm tình nguyện viên sự kiện hơn.)

A: Why? You won't even get paid for that.

(Tại sao? Bạn thậm chí sẽ không được trả tiền cho việc đó.)

B: I know, but I'll meet interesting people and learn important skills like communication and time management. Besides, volunteer experience can help me find a better job later on.

(Tôi biết, nhưng tôi sẽ gặp những người thú vị và học những kỹ năng quan trọng như giao tiếp và quản lý thời gian. Ngoài ra, kinh nghiệm tình nguyện có thể giúp tôi tìm được công việc tốt hơn sau này.)

A: Oh, I get it.

(Ồ, tôi hiểu rồi.)

Câu 23 :

A job application letter

(Thư xin việc)

1. Read the job application letter for a part-time server below. Label the communicative functions (1-4) with the phrases in the box.

(Đọc thư xin việc cho người phục vụ bán thời gian bên dưới. Dán nhãn các chức năng giao tiếp (1-4) bằng các cụm từ trong hộp.)


Viet Organic Garden is hiring a part-time server and a part-time receptionist.

We are looking for hard-working people who can work at weekends.

Please send your letter of application to vietorganicgarden@webmail.com.

A. Reason for writing            

B. Relevant qualities and skills

C. Other relevant information            

D. Relevant experience

8181 Truong Chinh Road, Dong Da District, Ha Noi

Viet Organic Garden

1036 Hang Dau Street, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi

Ha Noi, 14 October, 20...

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Application for the position of a part-time server

I am writing to apply for the position of a part-time server, which you advertised on your website on 10 October. I believe having a part-time job is a great opportunity to learn valuable skills.

I am in my final year of secondary school. I have some experience in the hospitality industry. Last summer, I waited on tables for two months at a fast-food restaurant. My responsibilities included greeting customers and taking their orders. I also served food and drinks, answered questions about the menu, and made sure all customers enjoyed their meals.

I am a friendly, hard-working, and caring person with a love for people and good food. I can also speak English, so I can wait on foreign customers.

I would be delighted to meet you in person to discuss my application. I will be free for an interview any afternoon during the week. I have attached my CV for reference. If my application is successful, I will be available to start work after 24 October.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


Nguyen Van An

Câu 26 :

2. Work in pairs. Use the models in 1 to make similar conversations for these situations. One of you is A, the other is B. Use the expressions below to help you.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng các mẫu ở bài 1 để thực hiện những đoạn hội thoại tương tự trong những tình huống này. Một người là A, người kia là B. Hãy sử dụng các cách diễn đạt dưới đây để giúp bạn.)

1. A is worrying about his/her first day at work as a teaching assistant. B is comforting him/her.

(A đang lo lắng về ngày đầu tiên đi làm trợ giảng. B đang an ủi anh ấy/cô ấy.)

2. B is a new part-time employee of a company. He/She is worrying about having sent the email to the wrong customer. A is his/her colleague. She is comforting him/her.

(B là nhân viên bán thời gian mới của một công ty. Anh ấy/cô ấy đang lo lắng về việc đã gửi email nhầm địa chỉ cho khách hàng. A là đồng nghiệp của anh ấy/cô ấy. Cô ấy đang an ủi anh ấy/cô ấy.)

Useful expressions

Expressing anxiety

(Thể hiện sự lo lắng)


(Phản hồi lại)

- I'm really worried/nervous about…

(Tôi thực sự lo lắng/lo lắng về…)

- I can't concentrate on anything.

(Tôi không thể tập trung vào bất cứ điều gì.)

- I couldn't sleep last night.

(Đêm qua tôi không thể ngủ được.)

- I can't help/stop thinking about it.

(Tôi không thể ngừng nghĩ về chuyện đó được.)

- I'm afraid that I'll make a mistake during…

(Tôi sợ mình sẽ phạm sai lầm trong quá trình…)

- Stop worrying/thinking about it.

(Đừng lo lắng/nghĩ về điều đó nữa.)

- You'll be fine.

(Bạn sẽ ổn thôi.)

- You've got nothing to worry about.

(Anh không có gì phải lo cả.)

Câu 27 :

1. Read the texts and answer the questions.

(Đọc văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi.)


Around the world, there are some jobs that may seem quite strange and surprising to you.

Train pushers

In Japan, the railway system is huge and everyone there uses trains. This makes them overcrowded most of the time. During rush hour, railway station attendants called 'pushers' or 'oshiya' do the strangest job in the world - they push passengers into trains. They have to do this because of the large number of commuters who wish to arrive at their desired locations on time. That's why they must endure the pain in squeezing themselves inside the train.

Cleaners of the world's highest building

Have you ever wondered how the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, is cleaned? It takes a team of 36 window cleaners a total of three months to clean the tower's reflective windows. Working from the height of more than 800 metres, the cleaners face huge challenges especially during bad weather. They must be the bravest cleaners in the world.

Golf balls divers

Every year in the UK, millions of golf balls get lost in the water around golf courses. This gave rise to the demand for golf ball divers whose job is to dive deep into the lakes and ponds around golf courses to find the lost balls. Most of them are professional scuba divers, but they spend long hours crawling around in mud and carrying heavy buckets. On average, they find 5,000 balls per lake. After cleaning them, they resell or recycle the balls. Sounds dangerous, doesn't it?

Which job... (Công việc nào…)

1. requires bravery and no fear of heights?

(đòi hỏi sự dũng cảm và không sợ độ cao?)

2. helps people to be on time?

(giúp mọi người đến đúng giờ?)

3. requires good diving skills?

(yêu cầu kỹ năng lặn tốt?)

Câu 35 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. My father's company currently _______ 50 workers in total.

A. employee

B. employer

C. employs

D. employment


2. Ms Smith devoted her entire life to social work because she knew that it was a _______ career.

A. rewarding

B. difficult

C. relevant

D. demanding


3. Staff members were given a _______ for finishing the project on schedule.

A. wage

B. bonus

C. money

D. salary


4. Many companies offer benefits to their workers, such as _______ working hours and bonuses.

A. flexible

B. convenient

C. competitive

D. boring


5. I usually do _______ work to earn some pocket money during the summer holidays

A. casual

B. formal

C. permanent

D. urgent


6. The company will offer _______ training for those who don't have relevant experience.

A. within-the-job

B. in-the-job

C. out-of-job

D. on-the-job


7. There are still five teaching _______ in the language centre.

A. employers

B. vacancies

C. applicants

D. employees


8. If you are interested in the job, please write your _______ letter and send it to me.

A. application

B. apply

C. applicant

D. review


9. My father is a factory worker and he always works in _______.

A plans

B. shifts

C. systems

D. demands


10. My sister spent her summer holiday _______ tables in the local restaurant.

A. working

B. employing

C. waiting for

D. waiting on

Câu 38 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. The job is not well-paid, _______ it will give you the opportunity to learn about the food industry.

A. nor

B. or

C. but

D. and


2. She decided to learn English _______ she will have a better chance of finding a job with a multinational company.

A. although

B. so that

C. if

D. while


3. _______ Mai starts looking for a job or she continues her education at a vocational school.

A. Also

B. Both

C. Neither

D. Either


4. _______ I was young, I wanted to be a doctor like my father.

A. If

B. When

C. So

D. Because


5. Peter did not get the job _______ he had the relevant qualifications.

A. because

B. despite

C. although

D. because of


6. I want to change my job because it is neither interesting _______ demandin

A. if

B. also

C. or

D. nor


7. All applicants can take part in the interview _______ the hiring manager can choose the most suitable one.

A. because of

B. so that

C. due to

D. in order to


8. As a flight attendant, you should have good communication skills _______ you'll need to provide customers with clear information.

A. as

B. although

C. if

D. when


9. Mary wants to become an accountant _______ she wants to follow in her father's footsteps.

A. although

B. despite

C. because

D. because of


10. Being a nurse is a very tiring job. _______, you don't earn a high salary.

A. on the other hand

B. as a result

C. therefore

D. moreover


11. Please send your application letter to the hiring manager _______ you want to apply for the job.

A. when

B. if

C. while

D. and


12. On the one hand I want to go to the party, but _______,  I ought to be studying.

A. In fact

B. moreover

C. as a result

D. on the other hand


13. I didn't fail the interview; _______ it went really well

A. as a result

B. in fact

C. moreover

D. in addition


14. My father's job seems very easy and boring, _______ it is quite well-paid.

A. nor

B. or

C. yet

D. if


15. People in small towns or villages live a happy life _______ they lack modern facilities

A. because of

B. although

C. therefore

D. despite


16. _______ Mary appeared confident in the job interview. she didn't know much about the company.

A. Although

B. Since

C. Despite

D. When


17. He made one big mistake, and, _______, he lost his job.

A. although

B. in addition

C. as a result

D. besides


18. _______ she was very hard-working, she hardly earned enough to feed her family.

A. Because of

B. In spite of

C. Because

D. Although

Câu 39 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Though Tom was ill, he couldn't take part in the final interview with the company director.

         A               B                                        C                               D

2. She has performed very well over the past few months, and as a result, she promoted to the head of

A                                                                          B                         C                D

her department.

3. Mary found some information about the company that she can do better in the job interview.

               A                                  B                          C                    D

4. Although Mai is busy with her studies, but she finds time for a part-time job to earn some money for

                                        A                    B                                                                     C

her daily expenses.


5. As a restaurant server, she has to take orders, answer questions about the menu  because wait on

                                             A              B                                                              C          D


6. If you want to get hired, you mustn't show you have the skills that are relevant to  the job.

                      A         B                C                                             D

7. The students enjoyed the online course although the instructor made it very interactive.

                            A                                     B                               C                 D

8. Several part-time jobs are regularly advertised, but I'm certain you can find one this summer.

        A                                                      B         C                                         D

Câu 40 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.)

How to find a summer job? A guide for high school students

If you're currently in secondary school you may be interested in getting a job during your summer break. However, you may not know how to find a summer job. Here is some useful advice for you.

Firstly, you should find out when your school will close for the summer. Then you should plan to apply for jobs two to three months before the start of your summer break. This can help ensure that you have a job already lined up when summer arrives. After that you need to learn about the types of jobs that are available. For example, find out whether there are full-time or part-time jobs, and whether they require previous experience or training so that you can feel confident about applying.

Secondly, you should prepare an application letter for the job you want to apply for. In the letter, you should explain why you want the job and provide more details about the experiences or skills listed on your CV. You may have to change each application letter for every specific job to increase your chances of moving further in the hiring process. For example, your application letter for a shop assistant may highlight different qualifications than the one for a home tutor to a young child.

Lastly, you should prepare for the job interview. If an employer is interested in hiring you, they may ask you for an interview. Before the interview, prepare for some questions that the interviewer is likely to ask you, such as why you want the position and what relevant skills you have. On the day of the interview, bring printed copies of your CV and application letter in case the employer wants to review them. You should also wear a professional outfit and try to be positive and friendly during your interview.

1. What is the passage about?

A. Differences between summer jobs.

B. Difficulties in finding a job.

C. Advantages of doing a summer job.

D. Tips on finding a summer job.

2. The phrase ‘lined up’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to


A long

B. ready

C. occupied

D. engaged


3. The word 'one' in paragraph 3 refers to ______

A. shop assistant

B. application letter

C. home tutor

D. young child

4. The word 'outfit' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to


A. uniform

B. fitness

C. clothes

D. accessories


5. According to the passage, information about summer jobs.

A should be gathered before the holiday starts

B. can be obtained easily on the Internet

C. should be kept secret during the application process

D. can be shared widely among applicants

6. According to paragraph 3,

A. the application letters to different employers should be the same

B. applicants should adjust the information to better sult the job they apply for

C. details about skills and experiences should be presented in the CV rather than in the application letter

D. the application letter for a home tutor may be paraphrased from the one for a shop assistant

7. How should students prepare for a job interview?

A. They should think of possible questions that they may be asked in the interview.

B. They should wear casual clothes when coming for an interview.

C. They should demonstrate their skills and experiences as much as they can.

D. They should avoid questions related to wages and salaries.

8. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. If students want to get a summer job, they will need to find the information and prepare in advance.

B. Most of the summer jobs require qualifications and experiences.

C. Having an impressive CV is more important than writing a good application letter.

D. Applicants can wear the most comfortable clothes to a job interview.

Câu 41 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

What does a shop assistant do?

The day-to-day work of a shop assistant includes greeting customers as they enter the store and answering questions about products or services (1) ______ in stores. (2) ______, shop assistants help customers find what they need and inform them (3) ______  price changes. A shop assistant may also assist with complaints about items not working correctly when (4) ______ from a particular location.

Successful shop assistants should have excellent communication skills and understand customer (5) ______. They have to be friendly and helpful, especially when working in clothing stores or fashion houses. They also need to have good problem-solving skills and an ability to think on their feet to deal with difficult situations (6) ______ may occur during their working hours.

A shop assistant usually works alongside a cashier. The shop assistant directs the customers to cashiers (7) ______ they are ready to purchase items. They might also (8) ______ any cashier duties when understaffed.


1. A. possible

B. available

C. convenient

D. applicable


2. A. Despite

B. Although

C. However

D. In addition


3. A. of

B. in

C. on

D. out


4. A. selected

B. equipped

C. purchased

D. limited


5. A. needs

B. demands

C. offers

D. actions


6. A. when

B. which

C. who

D. where


7. A. who

B. where

С. whom

D. when


8. A. take after

B. take out

C. take over

D. take in

Câu 42 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. Then practise reading them.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi cuộc trao đổi sau đây. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)

1. Jim: I couldn't sleep last night. I just kept thinking about my job interview tomorrow.

Kayla: ______. You'll be fine.

A. Keep going!

B. Stop thinking about it.

C. It's really strange.

D. It scares me.

2. Peter: I'm so ______ that I will lose my job.

Nam: Why? You've been doing quite well. Don't worry.

A. worried

B. surprised

C. curious

D. amazed

3. Ms Hoa: I'm concerned that your part-time job will affect your studies.

Tom: _________, Ms Hoa. I only work on Sunday afternoons for two hours.

A. Don't worry

B. Don't be so nervous

C. Be confident

D. Be sure about it

4. Dana: Mum, I can't ______ anything! I'm so worried about the interview outcome.

Mum: Oh, Dana. Just do something fun. Everything will be fine.

A look into

B. concentrate on

C. carry on

D. hang on

5. Kim: I ______ my presentation on the jobs of the future.

Tim: You've prepared a lot. You're a good public speaker. Don't worry!

A. can stop thinking

B. can't stop talking about

C. can't help working on

D. can't stop thinking about

6. Daniel: I'm so worried. My application for the job was not successful.

Dad: ______. You'll have many other opportunities.

A. Don't mention it.

B. You should apply again.

C. You've got nothing to worry about!

D. Keep thinking about it.

7. June: ______ I'll not get on well with my new co-workers.

Peter: You'll be fine.

A. I'm happy that

B. I'm worried that

C. I'm amazed that

D. I'm hopeful that

8. Jim: I'm sick. I can't go to work today. I'm worried I won't be able to meet the project deadline.

Dad: ______. I'll help you with that.

A. You'll be fine.

B. My pleasure.

C. Good luck!

D. Don't mention it.

Câu 44 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. The new employee completed the training programme, and now she is ready to start her new job.

A. After completing the training programme, the new employee is now ready to start her new job.

B. The new employee completed the training programme, which prepared her for her new job.

C. The new employee had finished the training programme, so she can now start her new job.

D. Before the new employee completed the training programme, she was ready to start her new job.

2. The manager gave the team some words of encouragement before the big presentation, but they still felt nervous.

A. Despite the manager's words of encouragement, the team still felt nervous for the big presentation.

B. The team received some words of encouragement from the manager, so they felt nervous before the big presentation.

C. Although the manager gave the team some words of encouragement, they were still nervous before the big presentation.

D. Before the big presentation, the manager gave the team some words of encouragement, so that the team remained nervous.

3. The company hired a new CEO, and she implemented a new strategy to boost profits.

A. The new CEO were hired by the company, but she didn't implement a new strategy to boost profits.

B. After hiring, the new CEO of the company implemented a new strategy to boost profits.

C. The company hired a new CEO who was implemented a new strategy to boost profits.

D. After the new CEO was hired, she implemented a new strategy to boost profits.

4. The project deadline was moved up, so we had to work overtime to finish the project on time.

A. We had to work overtime to finish the project on time before the deadline was moved up.

B. Because the project deadline moved up, we had to work overtime to finish on time.

C. After the deadline was moved up, we had no choice but to work overtime to finish the project on time.

D. The project deadline was moved up, which forced us to work overtime to finish in time.

5. New employees are usually nervous on their first day, but they quickly adapt to the new environment.

A. Despite of feeling nervous on their first day, new employees quickly adapt to the new environment.

B. New employees often feel nervous on their first day, but they are able to adapt to the new environment quickly.

C. Although new employees adapt quickly to the new environment, they are nervous on their first day.

D. On the first day, new employees are very nervous, although they quickly adapt to the new environment.

6. The employees worked late every day, so they could finish the project before the deadline.

A. The employees worked late every day in order to finish the project before the deadline.

B. The employees worked late every day, which allowed them to finish the project after the deadline.

C. In order finish the project before the deadline, the employees worked late every day.

D. Working late every day prevented the employees from finishing the project before the deadline.

7. The company decided to invest in new technology to increase efficiency and productivity.

A. Because of the efficiency and productivity, the company invested in new technology.

B. The company decided to spend money on new technology to increase efficiency and  productivity.

C. New technology is decided by the company to boost efficiency and productivity.

D. To invest in new technology, the company increased efficiency and productivity.

8. The manager assigned a difficult task to the new employee, and he completed it successfully.

A. Completing the difficult task which assigned by the manager was successful for the new employee.

B. After assigned a difficult task by the manager, the new employee successfully completed it.

C. The manager assigned a difficult task to the new employee, but he completed it successfully.

D. The new employee successfully completed the difficult task assigned by the manager. 

Câu 45 :

2 Use the words and phrases, and add some words where necessary to make meaningful sentences. You can change the forms of verbs if necessary.

(Sử dụng các từ và cụm từ, đồng thời thêm một số từ cần thiết để tạo thành các câu có ý nghĩa. Bạn có thể thay đổi dạng động từ nếu cần thiết.)

1. Many people / belleve / career success / depend / not only / hard work / but also / networking and communication skills.


2. To get a promotion, / employee / should not only / perform well / the job / but also / able to demonstrate / leadership qualities.


3. After / graduate from university / some students / prefer / start their own business / instead / work for a company.


4. If you want / successful / workplace / it / be / important / have a clear understanding / your strengths and weaknesses.


5. Working long hours / without taking breaks / can / lead / burnout, which / can have/ negative impact / your mental and physical health.


6. In order / build a successful career / important / have a long-term plan / willing / to make sacrifices / along the way.


7. Although technology / leave / people / out of work / it / also / create / many / new jobs.


8. In today's competitive job market, it / be / important / have a wide range / skills / be able / adapt / change circumstances.
