Giải SGK, SBT Unit 3. Green living Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 3 Global Success

49 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

Green Classroom Competition

(Cuộc thi Lớp học Xanh)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Nam: Hey guys, look at this notice! Our school is holding a Green Classroom Competition. The greenest classroom will win an ecotour!

Mark: How exciting! But how will the classrooms be judged?

Nam: It says here that classrooms will be judged on the following: raising environmental awareness, reducing our carbon footprint, and using resources efficiently.

Mai: I guess we should start by cleaning up our classroom more frequently and having more plants in it.

Nam: Yes, this is the easiest thing to do, but we also need to change our classmates' behaviour so that we can develop eco-friendly habits in our class.

Mark: That sounds harder. I notice many of our classmates buy plastic water bottles every day and throw them away after a single use.

Nam: Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, which is certainly not good for the environment.

Mai: Well, we can place a big jug full of drinking water in the classroom so that we can refill our reusable bottles.

Mark: Good idea! Now, to reduce our carbon footprint, we should also make sure we turn off the lights and air conditioners before leaving the classroom. Sometimes people rush out and leave them on, which is a waste of electricity.

Mai: Sure. Why don't we place some brightly coloured signs next to all doors to remind people?

Nam: So many good ideas already. Let's meet after school to discuss more. I hope our class wins the ecotour!

Mark: That'd be fantastic!

Mai: Yes. Let's do our best!

Câu 13 :

2. Read some extracts from the emails sent to the Teen magazine. Match the highlighted words and phrases (1-4) with the pictures (a-d).

(Đọc một số đoạn trích từ email gửi đến tạp chí Teen. Nối các từ và cụm từ được đánh dấu (1-4) với các hình ảnh (a-d).)


Plastic has become very common in our daily life; however, most plastic items take up to 1,000 years to decompose in landfills. Can we enjoy the convenience of plastics and a greener world at the same time? Our readers have sent us many emails with useful tips this week.

... I try to use fewer plastic bags when shopping. The supermarket near my house even provides cardboard boxes, so I can pack my groceries and get rid of plastic packaging! When I must use plastic bags, I try to reuse them again and again instead of throwing them away after a single use. ...

Hai, 18

… I know how convenient it is to buy a bottle of water from a vending machine or a supermarket; however, I always bring my reusable water bottle. All I have to remember is to fill my bottle before going to school, and then use the water filling stations or drinking fountains at school. ...

Phuong, 16

 ... I always reuse plastic takeaway containers. I use them to store portions of cooked food and keep leftovers in the fridge, which is also better for the environment. ...

Hoang, 15

… I have learnt that most plastic containers have numbers at the bottom to show the type of plastic they're made of. So when you recycle a bottle, for instance, remove the cap because a bottle often has number 1 on it while the cap often has number 5. Numbers 1 and 2 are the most widely accepted plastics for recycling. ...

Ha, 16

...When I started recycling, I made the mistake of putting some plastic takeaway containers with some leftover food into the recycling bin. The next day, the whole bin was contaminated, so all the recyclables were taken to the landfill instead. So now I always rinse out containers before recycling them. ...

Binh, 17

Câu 19 :

3. Work in groups. Read the situations below and think of some possible responses to promote a greener lifestyle. Provide reasons for each answer.

(Làm việc nhóm. Đọc các tình huống dưới đây và nghĩ ra một số phản hồi có khả thi để thúc đẩy lối sống xanh hơn. Đưa ra lý do cho mỗi câu trả lời.)

1. After a club meeting, you notice that there are a lot of leaflets left, and they are only printed on one side. Your friend is asking you to help throw them away.

(Sau một buổi họp câu lạc bộ, bạn nhận thấy còn rất nhiều tờ rơi và chúng chỉ được in một mặt. Bạn của bạn đang nhờ bạn giúp vứt chúng đi.)

Example: 'Do not throw them away. We should reuse these leaflets by using the blank pages to take notes, which will save natural resources such as trees and water.'

(Đừng vứt chúng đi. Chúng ta nên tái sử dụng những tờ rơi này bằng cách sử dụng những trang trống để ghi chú, điều này sẽ tiết kiệm được tài nguyên thiên nhiên như cây cối và nước.)

2. Your group is preparing for a presentation, and everyone has found a lot of useful online material. A group member is asking you to print out about 50 pages of information for the group to read.

(Nhóm của bạn đang chuẩn bị cho bài thuyết trình và mọi người đã tìm thấy rất nhiều tài liệu trực tuyến hữu ích. Một thành viên trong nhóm yêu cầu bạn in ra khoảng 50 trang thông tin để nhóm đọc.)

3. Your club is organising a meeting, including a game in which people should write down something about themselves to share with others. The club president is asking you to buy a lot of Post-it notes for the game.

(Câu lạc bộ của bạn đang tổ chức một cuộc họp, trong đó có một trò chơi mà mọi người nên viết ra điều gì đó về bản thân để chia sẻ với người khác. Chủ tịch câu lạc bộ đang yêu cầu bạn mua rất nhiều giấy ghi chú Post-it cho trò chơi.)

Câu 26 :

2. Read a problem-solving report and match the sections (A-D) with the correct headings (1-4).

(Đọc một báo cáo giải quyết vấn đề và nối các phần (A-D) với các tiêu đề chính xác (1-4).)

1. Conclusion (Kết luận)

2. Problems (Vấn đề)

3. Introduction (Mở bài)

4. Solutions (Giải pháp)

A. ____

This report describes the problem of single-use plastics in our school and suggests three main solutions to the problem.

B. ____

Many students at our school buy bottled water or takeaway food. As a result, hundreds of water bottles and single-use plastic containers are thrown away every day. Besides, students often put containers with leftovers in them into the recycling bin, which can lead to contaminating the recyclable waste. This means our school produces a lot of plastic waste that goes to landfills and has a harmful effect on the environment.

C. ____

To solve this problem, we propose the following solutions. First, we suggest that the school should provide more recycling bins. Second, the Youth Union should hold regular sessions to teach students how to recycle properly. Third, we recommend that we make use of plastic waste in arts and crafts projects, for example, for making plant pots or bird feeders.

D. ____

Reusing and recycling single-use plastics will lead to a greener school environment and help promote a green lifestyle among young people. Therefore, we recommend you put the suggested solutions into practice as soon as possible.

Câu 30 :

1. Read the following text. What are the environmental problems of each tradition as mentioned in the text? Put a tick () where relevant.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau. Các vấn đề môi trường của mỗi truyền thống như được đề cập trong văn bản là gì? Đánh dấu vào chỗ thích hợp.)


Festivals come with many traditions that bring happiness and joy. However, some of these customs may not be environmentally friendly, and may need to be changed for a sustainable future. Below are three of them.

1. Balloons and sky lanterns

In countries such as China, India, and Japan, releasing balloons or sky lanterns provides a spectacular sight. They are also flown for bringing good luck and sending wishes to the sky. However, the litter left behind the balloons and lanterns is hard to decompose. The frames of the lanterns can harm wild animals, and many animals mistake the balloons for food. Lanterns also caused wildfires in the past.

2. Fireworks

In Australia, the US, and many other countries, there are fascinating firework displays that people won't want to miss. However, fireworks actually release a lot of harmful chemicals into the air. Like sky lanterns, they can also cause fires.

3. Christmas trees

Real or fake Christmas trees are often displayed in almost every house, office, and shop during the festive season. When Christmas is over and the real trees go to landfills, they produce methane and carbon dioxide, which are two harmful greenhouse gases. Fake trees can be reused for many years, but during their production, harmful pollutants are released inta the air. And when they end in landfills, they will take hundreds of years to decompose.

Câu 38 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Electric cars are generally more ______ -friendly than cars running on petrol.

A. eco

B. ecology

C. ecology's

D. ecological


2. My mum never throws away any ______, but recycles them into new dishes.

A. leftovers

B. waste

C. packaging

D. compost


3. I try to buy food that is packed in recyclable ______.

A. cardboard

B. bins

C. containers

D. layers


4. Organic ______ made from dry leaves and grass can help make your garden healthy and beautiful.

A. waste

B. compost

C. leftovers

D. landfills


5. Many volunteers are participating in the campaign to ______ up our beaches.

A. rub

B. wash

C. clean

D. rinse


6. Burying waste in ______ can lead to other environmental problems such as soll and air pollution.

A. landfills

B. recycling plants

C. containers

D. cardboard boxes


7. Organic waste such as fruit and vegetables can ______ more quickly than other materials.

A. decrease

B. decompose

C. destroy

D. degrade


8. We can ______ glass jars for storing cookies, jam, or nuts

A. reduce

B. reuse

C. recycle

D. waste


9. Industrial ______ can be poisonous and should be treated very carefully.

A. waste

B. compost

C. landfill

D. leftovers


10. You should first break down and flatten ______ boxes before putting them in the recycling bins.

A. leftover

B. plastic

C. cardboard

D. metal


11. Plastic ______ is more durable, but it is not good for the environment.

A pack

B. package

C. packaging

D. packing


12. I decided to fly less in order to reduce my ______.

A. carbon dioxide

B. contamination

C. packaging

D. carbon footprint

Câu 41 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. We all agreed _____ a plan to make our classroom greener.

A. for

B. in

C. of

D. on


2. When we arrived _____ the beach, the festival was over, and the beach was full of rubbish.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. to


3. If you care _____ the environment, why don't you join our Green Lifestyle campaign?

A. for

B. with

C. of

D. about


4. Global temperatures continue to rise and we don't know what will happen _____ our planet in 100 years.

A. with

B. for

C. to

D. on


5. Everyone knows there is an environment problem in our school, but no one wants to talk _____ it.

A. of

B. about

C. with

D. on


6. We're preparing _____ the Green Ideas competition, which will take place next week.

A. for

B. with

C. about

D. on


7. We're thinking _____ starting a Go Green campaign. Are you free to help?

A. on

B. with

C. at

D. about


8. They were waiting _____ the results of the Green Ideas competition to be announced.

A. to

B. about

C. for

D. with


9. Since most people in Hong Kong can't afford a car, they rely _____ public transport.

A. to

B. about

C. for

D. with


10. You forgot to turn _____ the tap in the bathroom. It's a waste of clean water!

A. on

B. off

C. up

D. down


11. We're going away for a month. Can you look _____ our garden?

A. for

B. into

C. after

D. at


12. Sheets of paper printed on one side should not be _____. You can take notes on the other side.

A. thrown

B. thrown away

C. thrown

D. thrown off


13. The park provides facilities for topping _____ your water bottle to reduce the use of plastic.

A. on

B. in

C. up

D. off


14. Remember to rinse  _____ the food containers before recycling them.

A. out

B. over

C. up

D. away


15. The local authorities managed to turn the old building _____ a sports complex.

A. in

B. into

C. out of

D. from


16. While it is very hard to give _____ plastic completely, you can always reduce your plastic waste.

A. away

B. in

C. up

D. out


17. Since children's lungs are not fully developed, they suffer more _____ pollution.

A. to

B. in

C. of

D. from


18. Billions of trees are cut _____ every year releasing carbon dioxide back into the air and contributing to climate change.

A. up

B. down

C. over

D. out

Câu 42 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Julle applied to the position of a marine biologist in a non-profit organisation because she is

                        A                    B                              C

interested in ocean life.


2. To respond people's concerns, the local authorities have installed more recycling bins across the city.

            A                                                         B                            C                            D       

3. Cycling to school is not only a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint, but also a  great way to

                 A                                                 B                               

deal about stress and boost mental health.

          C                     D

4. The future of all life depends with our willingness to take action now, and protect and conserve the

                                                   A                           B                            C                        D     

natural world.


5. The teacher explained for us that plastic bags end up in landfills where they can take around 300

                                       A                                      B                                                     C       

years to decompose.


6. We submitted a proposal on water conservation after the green club announced that they were

                                         A                                 B

looking after new ideas about making our school more eco-friendly.

              C                     D

7. The environment project they carried with last month was so effective that our school was able to

                                                              A                            B                                                   C      

reduce its energy bills by 30 percent.


8. The beach was full of rubbish after the storm, so we organised a group of volunteers to clean it over.

                                 A                                                                          B                        C         D

Câu 43 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.)

How to develop eco-friendly habits

It's easy to adopt eco-friendly habits, and you can always start at home. Here are three tips to help you.

A. __________

There are so many electrical appliances around us, so if we could save even a little amount of energy from each appliance, it would add up to a lot. For example, there are likely to be tens of light bulbs in your house, so if you can replace them with LED ones, which are more energy-efficient and long-lasting light bulbs, you would save a lot of electricity. Before you buy a new appliance, you should also check its energy star rating, which shows how much energy it will use in a year. It's easy to understand: the more stars there are, the more energy you can save!

B. __________

To reduce your carbon footprint, you should also turn off the lights when you leave a room. In addition, keep your windows or curtains open during the day to let natural sunlight in or place more mirrors near a lamp to maximise lighting in the house. This can also help to reduce both energy consumption and your energy bills.

C. __________

While many people already know that turning off appliances around the house when they finish using them can save energy, they may not know that it is even better to unplug them. It is estimated that we could save up to 10% of our electricity bills every month simply by unplugging appliances when they're not in use. This is especially true for chargers. Many people tend to leave their fully charged phones connected, not knowing that it consumes around 2.24 watts. The figure goes up to 29.84 watts for laptops and computers. Leaving an empty charger plugged in has a similar effect, so make unplugging a habit!

1. Which of the following is the best heading for Section A?

A. Replace your light bulbs in your house!

B. LED light bulbs are the best!

C. Use energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances!

D. Check the energy stars!

2. Which of the following is the best heading for Section B?

A. Don't keep lights on all the time, but improve home lighting.

B. Turn off the lights when you're out.

C. Use simple tricks around the house.

D. Reduce your energy bills by keeping windows open.

3. Which of the following is the best heading for Section C?

A. Turn off unused appliances.

B. Turn off and unplug appliances when not in use.

C. Chargers should be unplugged.

D. Laptops and computers consume more energy than you thought.

4. Why should people try to save even a small amount of energy when using home appliances?

A. Because they often use the most energy in the house.

B. Because there are a lot of them around the house.

C. Because they are simple and easy to understand.

D. Because they are energy-efficient and long-lasting.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that an appliance rated five energy stars  than another one rated two stars.

A. is more expensive

B. is more advanced

C. consumes more energy

D. consumes less energy

6. It can be inferred from the passage that saving energy with home appliances can also help us to

A. improve home lighting

B. charge mobile phones faster

C. be safe at home

D. save money

7. Up to 10% of electricity could be saved if we

A. turn off lights

B. turn off electrical appliances when not in use

C. unplug electrical appliances when not in use

D. unplug phones and laptops when they are fully charged

8. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. adopting eco-friendly habits can be difficult at first, but we'll get used to them

B. LED light bulbs are eco-friendly because they use less energy and don't break easily

C. having fewer home appliances cannot reduce electricity consumption

D. we should unplug laptops rather than phones when they are fully charged

Câu 44 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a movement organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The event takes (1) ______ annually around the world. It encourages everyone to turn (2) ______ non- essential electric lights, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of March. The initiative was proposed in 2004 in Australia, but the idea of a (3) ______ movement was developed in 2006 under the name The Big Flick. In 2007, the first Earth Hour was held on 31 March in Sydney, Australia at 7:30 p.m., local time. Later in October 2007, a similar event called 'Lights (4) ______ was held in San Francisco.

(5) ______ the success of these events, the organisers decided to hold Earth Hour annually around the world since then. A study in 2014 claimed that the event (6) ______ electricity consumption by an average of 4%. More importantly, it has helped raise (7) of climate change and has become a symbol of our commitment to protecting our planet. Although one hour can't change the world. It encourages governments and people to set long-term (8) ______ for sustainable development around the world.


1. A. part

B. place

C. over

D. on


2. A. up

B. down

C. off

D. on


3. A. personal

B. local

C. wide

D. worldwide


4. A. Up

B. Over

C. Out

D. In


5. A. Due to

B. Besides

C. Despite

D. In addition to


6. A. reused

B. reduced

C. recycled

D. increased


7. A. belief

B. thoughts

C. actions

D. awareness


8. A. desires

B. ideas

C. goals

D. activities

Câu 45 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. Then practise reading them.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi trao đổi sau đây. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)

1. Jim: Who do you think will win the World Cup next year?

Mark: I really don't know much about football, but ______ Argentina will win.

A. I know

B. I guess

C. I'm not sure

D. I want

2. Mark: Should we start the meeting now or should we wait for Mai?

Nam: ______ She's just texted me to let me know that she's missed the bus. So let's start!

A. She's going to be late

B. She's probably late

C. She may be late

D. She might be late

3. Tom: Let's go to the beach tomorrow afternoon!

Mal: I'm not sure. According to the weather forecast, ______. Perhaps we should check the weather again tomorrow morning.

A. It's not going to rain

B. it will rain

C. it rains

D. it's raining

4. James: Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow?

Kyle: I'm not sure. ______ and look after my brother if my mother goes out. I'll tell you later.

A. I'm going to stay at home

B. I'll stay at home

C. I may have to stay at home

D. I'm staying at home

5. Kim: Mum, can I stay in the shopping centre a bit longer?

Mum: Well, the traffic ______ get bad in just an hour, so we should go now or we'll be late for your piano lesson.

A. is likely to

B. is unlikely to

C. is hard to say

D. is hard to predict

6. Joe: Do you think that people will use less plastic in the future?

Teacher: To be honest, _____ that people will reduce plastic use soon due to its low cost and convenience.

A. it's likely

B. it's unlikely

C. it's hard to say

D. it's hard to predict

7. Joe: Who do you think will win the TV talent show tonight - Kim or James?

Mitch: ______ who will. Kim can sing beautifully, but James has fantastic magic tricks that always amaze everyone. It'll be interesting to watch.

A. It's likely

B. It's unlikely

C. I'm sure

D. It's hard to predict

8. Jim: Do you think Earth Hour has achieved its purpose of saving energy?

Teacher: Well, its goal is not to save energy, but to inspire people to reduce their carbon footprint ______.

A. in the long term

C. in the short term

B. in the medium term

D. now