Giải SGK Unit 6. Destinations Explore New Worlds

Giải SGK Unit 6 Explore New Worlds

36 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 27 :

D. Read the advertisement and answer the questions.

(Đọc quảng cáo và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

A Day (or Two) to Remember

Would you like to experience the life of Indiana Jones or Lara Croft? Do you like to explore the rainforest and be awed by the scenes you think only exist in the movie Avatar? Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng National Park is the destination to make all those dreams come true. This park was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003 for its geological value.

To catch a quick glance

Our one-day tour takes you to the Wildlife Rescue Center for a close-up experience with some unique species. After that, you have a short hike in the national park across a beautiful mountain valley to a large waterfall. The tour concludes with a choice of a boat trip on an underground river or a barbecue-style meal in the Weapon Cave.

For those with more time

Our two-day tour offers a longer hike along one of many amazing trails, a chance to see wildlife in their natural habitats, and a night camping in the Weapon Cave. You will hear our local guides tell the stories of the forest. Exceptionally daring and physically fit guests can also take part in a special night trek in the forest. Imagine looking straight into a nocturnal animal's eyes with your headlamp!

The first five guests to make a booking with us will receive a 10% discount.


geological (adj) relating to the scientific study of the Earth 

Lara Croft & Indiana Jones: two fictional characters known for the many adventures in their lives

1. Name at least three things you can find in Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park.

(Kể tên ít nhất ba thứ bạn có thể tìm thấy ở Vườn Quốc gia Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng.)

2. Where is the first stop in the one-day tour? 

(Đâu là điểm dừng chân đầu tiên trong chuyến tham quan một ngày?)

3. What does “that” in paragraph 2 refer to? 

(“Cái đó” trong đoạn 2 ám chỉ điều gì?)

4. How many options are there to end the one-day tour? 

(Có bao nhiêu lựa chọn để kết thúc chuyến tham quan một ngày?)

5. What is special about seeing animals in the two-day tour? 

(Điều gì đặc biệt khi nhìn thấy các loài động vật trong chuyến tham quan hai ngày?)

6. Who will tell you stories of the forest? 

(Ai sẽ kể cho bạn nghe những câu chuyện về khu rừng?)

7. Who should not participate in the night trek? 

(Ai không nên tham gia chuyến đi bộ đêm?)

8. What should you do to get a 10% discount?

(Bạn nên làm gì để được giảm giá 10%?)

Câu 33 :

D. Read the following extract of three online texts. Where do you think they are from? Why?

(Đọc phần trích sau của ba văn bản trực tuyến. Bạn nghĩ chúng đến từ đâu? Tại sao?)

1. A travel blog _____

(một blog du lịch)

2. A social media bio _____

(tiểu sử trên truyền thông xã hội)

3. A tourist website_____

(một trang web du lịch)

A. Hi! My name's Lydia Downie and I was born in 1993. When I was a child, I loved reading books so much, especially those about travel and culture. Between 2011 and 2014, I went to a local university and studied geography there. It was an interesting subject and I learned a lot about different places and cultures in the world. When I finished university, I didn't know what to do next. So, a year later, I made an important decision: left England and started to travel around the world! I've been to France, Australia, Japan, Korea, and Việt Nam. They are all very beautiful countries. I'm still traveling now and I hope to visit more countries in the future ...


B. Two days ago, we left Bangkok and traveled north to the province of Chiang Rai. It was nearly 800 kilometers from the capital, so we took a flight. On our arrival, a local tour guide met us and led us to a homestay. Yesterday, we walked 10 kilometers through the countryside and we didn't see any other tourists-it was amazing! The scenes were very calm and peaceful. We visited a village and learned how to catch fish in a nearby river. The villagers were very patient with us, but they surely had much fun when we tripped and fell into the river a lot of times. In the evening, we ate dinner with a local family. They were so friendly, and the local food was so delicious ...

C. At first, Hội An was only a fishing village. The fishermen did not have a chance to learn much, but they were brave and smart. They made small but strong fishing boats. With these simple boats, they went far from the shore to catch fish, and even came to nearby islands. During the 17th and 18th  centuries, the town became famous as a port, and many people sailed here from other countries. Many of the fishermen turned into merchants. Instead of selling fish, they started to sell silk and spices. The port was famous not only in the area but also all over the world. Last year, it celebrated its 500 birthday and local people had a big party in the streets with music and fireworks. There were also displays along the streets about the town's history in both fishing and business ...