Giải SGK, SBT Review iLearn Smart World

Giải SGK, SBT Review iLearn Smart World

155 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 2 :

Read the text messages. Decide if the statements are True or False.

(Đọc tin nhắn văn bản. Quyết định xem các phát biểu đó là Đúng hay Sai.)


Hi, everyone. I hope you’re all remembering to practice English! Do you want to meet to practice English after school tomorrow at around 4 p.m.? Remember we all wanted to get together this week for speaking practice.


Hey, Jacob. I did a lot of reading last week. It was fun! I’m sorry, I can’t come tomorrow because it’s my mom’s birthday, and we’re having a small party to celebrate with the family. I hope I can meet up with you all soon to improve our speaking.


Hi, Jacob! Sure! I just found a great new song. I’ll bring it tomorrow to give us something to listen to. I might be a little late because I have an appointment with my teacher after class to review my homework. See you all tomorrow!


Hi, guys. Yes, I’m coming. I have an interesting new book to show you all. Tân, sorry to hear you can’t come. Since you’re not going to join us for speaking practice this week, make sure you read some more fun things in English before we meet again!


0. Jacob can’t meet tomorrow.                                                                                             False

(Jacob không thể gặp vào ngày mai.)

1. Tân read a lot last week.                                                                                                       _______

2. He is going to take his books to the meeting tomorrow.                   _______

3. Talia is going to take some music for her friends to listen to.            _______

4. She’ll be a bit late because she has a meeting with classmates.         _______

5. Himiko tells Tân he should do some more reading practice.             _______

Câu 3 :

Circle the correct answers.

(Hãy khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng.)

1. When you read in English, use a dictionary to _________ any new words you don’t know.

    A. note down                  B. come across                   C. look up                 D. turn on

2. You can find the _________ of your favorite songs on the internet.

    A. pages                         B. method                          C. career                      D. lyrics

3. It’s interesting to travel to _________ countries.

    A. international              B. foreign                          C. essential                  D. worldwide

4. Learning English will be useful for your future _________ because many jobs require it.

    A. career                        B. content                          C. opportunity   D. essential

5. I always _________ new words in a notebook when I read books in English.

    A. was noting down        B. am noting down             C. note down            D. will note down

6. When you watch TV in English, remember to use the _________.

    A. subtitles                               B. songs                            C. books            D. dictionary

7. If you speak English, you can communicate with people when you travel _________.

    A. opportunity                B. overseas                        C. international D. foreign

8. It’s _________ that you speak English if you study in an English-speaking country.

    A. method                      B. content                          C. career                      D. essential

Câu 12 :

Look and read. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

(Nhìn và đọc. Chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B, C hoặc D).)

My name’s An, and I live in Cần Thơ. I was born in Sóc Trăng, but my family used to live in a cottage in Cà Mau. We used to live near my grandparents, and I’d walk to their house after school with my sister and wait for my parents to come home.

I always had a good time while I was there. I have many cousins, and we used to play lots of games at my grandparent’s house. Sometimes, we’d go fishing, too. After that, we’d bring the fish to my grandma, and she’d fry or grill it. My grandpa used to make pottery. He’d let us play with the clay and try to teach us how to make clay pots. I was really bad at it and couldn’t make anything that looked like a pot. My suster was better and made some small pots for us. Sometimes, we’d climb one of the trees around my grandparents’ house and sit there looking at the rice fields, the river, and the clouds. Or we’d walk out to the fields and sketch the country.

Those afternoons at my grandparents’ home are some of my favorite memories. My grandparents don’t live there anymore, and sometimes I miss their old house in the country.


0. An used to live in __________.

A. Cần Thơ             B. Cà Mau               C. Sóc Trăng                          D. Hanoi

1. She used to wait __________ for her parents.

A. at school             B. at the market       C. at her house         D. at her grandparents’ house

2. She used to __________ with her cousins.

A. sketch clouds      B. play games and go fishing                   C. cook             D. make pottery

3. Her __________ taught her how to make clay pots.

A. grandmother       B. cousins                          C. grandfather                D. sister

4. She used to __________ with her sister at the rice field.

A. do pottery           B. look at the river             C. climb a tree                D. sketch the country

5. Which is NOT true about the writer?

A. She loves those memories.

B. Her grandparents still live there.

C. She misses visiting her grandparents.

D. She misses their old cottage.

Câu 13 :

Circle correct answers.

(Khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng.)

1. I used to love going to the temple with my mom on her ________.

    A. stall                           B. genration             C. tuk-tuk                           D. cottage

2. Jane’s an aunt now. Her sister just had a baby girl. Jane’s ________’s name is Deborah.

    A. nephew                                B. cousin                           C. extended family                 D. niece

3. My dad used to be the ________ of his family after my grandfather got sick. He worked three jobs to help send his younger brothers to school.

    A. house husband                     B. housewife           C. marriage                  D. breadwinner

4. My parents used to live in a(n) ________ together with all their relatives.

    A. extended family                   B. nuclear family     C. relative                    D. marriage

5. She didn’t become a ________ after getting married. She continued to work.

    A. breadwinner              B. housewife           C. house husband        D. relative

6. He worked at a ________ selling clothes at night to earn some money.

    A. clay pot                               B. nuclear family     C. stall                                          D. sketch

7. More than one ________ would live in the same home. My grandma lived with her parents and grandparents.

    A. single                        B. bake                    C. generation                                D. divorce

8. My sister is an artist. She loves to sit in the country and ________ the trees.

    A. bake                                    B. sketch                 C. marriage                  D. relative

Câu 25 :

Read the email. Choos the best word (A, B, C, or D) for each space.

(Đọc email. Chọn từ đúng nhất (A, B, C hoặc D) cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

Dear Linda,

How are you? We moved to our new house three weeks ago, and… I don’t know if I like it or not. I’m so far away from you now. Our neighborhood is on the other side of town. I wish we still lived near each other. Another thing I don’t like is there (1) __________ any movie theaters or swimming pool nearby.

The boys who live next to us (2) __________ so loud. They play music and sing karaoke a lot. I wish they were a bit quieter, especially (3) __________ the weekends.

The good thing is I have my own bedroom now, and I don’t have to sleep in a bunk bed. (4) __________ I wish my room was a bit bigger. I also wish my room had a balcony. I want to have a small garden there.

We have some new appliances in our apartment, and they’re nice. I don’t have to do the dishes or sort the trash now (5) __________ we have appliances to do that. I wish we had a robot cleaner, though. Mapping the floor is my least favorite chore.

When are you coming back from your vacation? Let’s see a movie together.


1. A. isn’t                B. are                      C. aren’t                  D. is

2. A. is                    B. were                   C. weren’t               D. are

3. A. in                    B. to                        C. on                       D. of

4. A. To                   B. Or                       C. When                  D. But

5. A. because           B. who                    C. which                  D. so

Câu 26 :

Circle the correct answers.

(Hãy khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng.)

1. The __________ in my building broke down, and I had to climb the stairs to my apartment.

A. furniture             B. sensor                 C. curtain                D. elevator

2. I think the __________ is broken. It’s getting too hot.

A. air conditioner     B. voice assistant     C. bunk bed             D. monitor

3. We live in a pretty nice __________. There’s a big park, supermarket, and lots of things to do.

A. sensor                 B. neighborhood      C. game console      D. spa

4. Can you please close the __________s? It’s too bright in here.

A. appliances           B. monitor               C. curtain                D. system

5. My mom’s taking me to a __________ this weekend. It’s going to be relaxing.

A. nearby                B. neighborhood      C. spa                      D. elevator

6. The lights in my bedroom have __________s. I don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn off the lights.

A. sensor                 B. system                C. generate              D. appliance

7. My aunt gave me a __________ for my birthday. I use it to play lots of games.

A. air conditioner     B. curtain                C. game console      D. voice assistant

8. The biggest piece of __________ in my room is my bed.

A. bunk bed             B. flat-screen                     C. sensor                                D. furniture

Câu 35 :

Look and read. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

(Nhìn và đọc. Chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B, C hoặc D).)

Hi Bella,

I spoke to my family, and they had some great ideas for our trip to Barcelona this summer. They all visited Spain last year, but I had to stay home and study for my high school exams. It’ll be great to finally go!

My mom suggested we travel in May and June. She said the weather was the nicest then. She also suggested some places to visit. She said we should go to the La Sagrada Familia and the Camp Nou. I love soccer, so I would love to visit the Camp Nou.

My brother said we should eat at La Casa del Sabor Restaurant. He suggested we try the paella. He said it was the best he had there. He also said we should call the restaurant and book a table before we go because it’s always very busy.

Finally, my dad gave me really useful advice. He suggested we take socket adapters. They have different sockets in Spain. He also suggested we take fanny packs to keep our things safe. We should take both, right?

Did you find anything out?

Speak soon,



0. What is the best subject title for the email? (Tiêu đề tốt nhất cho email là gì?)

    A. My mom’s trip to Spain (Chuyến đi của mẹ tôi tới Tây Ban Nha)

    B. Our trip to Spain (Chuyến đi Tây Ban Nha của chúng tôi)

    C. Your trip to Spain (Chuyến đi đến Tây Ban Nha của bạn)

    D. My trip to Spain (Chuyến đi Tây Ban Nha của tôi)

1. Which of the following is true?

    A. They’re going in winter.

    B. Many people like the restaurant.

    C. Sarah hates soccer.

    D. The paella is bad.

2. Which phrase is the word safe in the email closest in meaning to?

    A. not lost

    B. no danger

    C. a strong metal box

    D. careful

3. Which topic is NOT mentioned in the email?

    A. food

    B. a sport

    C. the weather

    D. transportation

4. What does the word both refer to?

    A. Sarah’s dad and brother

    B. Sarah and Bella’s things

    C. adapter and fanny pack

    D. sockets

5. What can you infer about Sarah and Bella from the reading?

    A. They visited Spain before.

    B. They never visited Spain before.

    C. They want to go to Spain again.

    D. They don’t like Spain.

Câu 36 :

Circle the correct answers.

(Hãy khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng.)

1. I lost my passport. I need to go to the _________ to report it lost.

    A. pharmacy                   B. gallery                C. embassy              D. monument

2. The weather is very sunny there at this time of year. We need to take some _________ with us.

    A. dumplings                 B. pastries               C. sunblock             D. SIM cards

3. The _________ is open 24 hours a day. You can go shopping there any time.

    A. monument                 B. convenience store          C. top up                      D. fanny pack

4. I’m going to stay in a _________ because I don’t want to spend too much money.

    A. gallery                       B. embassy              C. pharmacy           D. hostel

5. I need to find a convenience store to _________ my phone.

    A. top up                        B. topped up            C. topping up                      D. will top up

6. In a _________, you can see lots of pictures.

    A. pastry                        B. bed and breakfast           C. monument               D. gallery

7. You should try the _________ at the local restaurant. They’re really good.

    A. dumplings                 B. fanny packs                   C. bakery                      D. socket adapter

8. Let’s take a _________ with us. Then, we can charge our laptops.

    A. fanny pack                 B. socket adapter     C. SIM card           D. top up

Câu 47 :

You will hear five short conversation. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy năm đoạn hội thoại ngắn. Bạn sẽ nghe mỗi cuộc trò chuyện hai lần. Có một câu hỏi cho mỗi cuộc trò chuyện. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

0. You will hear a teacher talking to a parent about his daughter. What’s the problem?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một giáo viên nói chuyện với một phụ huynh về con gái của ông ấy. Vấn đề là gì?)

    A.  She’s too thin. (Cô ấy quá gầy.)

    B. She getting obese. (Cô ấy ngày càng béo phì.)

    C. Her diets has many risks. (Chế độ ăn kiêng của cô ấy có nhiều rủi ro.)

1. You will hear a teacher talking to her student about losing weight. What does she suggest the girl (should) do?

    A. drink juice instead

    B. eat a healthy diet

    C. cut out sugar

2. You will hear two friends talking about a juice detox. What does the boy say about it?

    A. Fruit has more nutrients.

    B. A juice detox can be bad.

    C. A juice detox is good.

3. You will hear two friends talking about health. Which health myth or fact are they talking about?

    A. You shouldn’t eat bread.

    B. Bananas make you happy.

    C. Natural sugar is better.

4. You will hear two parents talking about their sons. What problem do their sons have?

    A. too much screen time

    B. staying up late

    C. not finishing schoolwork

5. You will hear two teachers talking about a new class. Which skill does Mr. Anderson want to teach?

    A. what makes a good diet

    B. how to deal with stress

    C. how to exercise

Câu 48 :

Read and circle True or False.

(Đọc và khoanh tròn Đúng hoặc Sai.)

Dear parents,

From next week, the school cafeteria will stop selling soda and junk food. Although many students like eating chips and candy at school, we are removing these foods. They are unhealthy and don’t help the students study well. Instead, we will include a variety of healthier snacks and fruit. We will also provide nourishing lunches every day for all students. We suggest noting any special diet needs on the school lunch form.

There will also be a weekly healthy eating and cooking class in the cafeteria. Here, students can learn about different diet, how to make a diet suitable for your body, and how to prepare simple and nourishing meals. This is a fun and free class that all students could really benefit from. Please sign up for it at the library.

We will also increase P.E. classes from two to four times a week. Although we already tried to promote exercise after school, students weren’t very interested. We hope this will help students form a habit of getting regular physical activity and understand its benefits.

Best regard,

Principal Andrew Thomas

0. Students will still be able to buy chips from the school cafeteria.             True/False

(Học sinh vẫn có thể mua khoai tây chiên từ căn tin của trường.)

1. The cafeteria will start selling more fruit and healthy snacks.                            True/False

2. Students can tell the school about any special diets they have.                            True/False       

3. Students can get free meals once a week in cafeteria.                                      True/False

4. Students will start having two P.E. classes each week.                                     True/False

5. The principal wants students to understand the benefit of eating healthily and doing exercise. True/False

Câu 49 :

Circle the correct answers.

(Hãy khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng.)

1. The city is trying to increase people’s __________ to healthy food by creating community gardens.

    A. access             B. fat                       C. chemical                            D. promote

2. How many ___________ you need to eat a day depends on your age, and amount of physical activity.

    A. viruses            B. calories               C. risks                                   D. cafeterias

3. Although many people believe it’s bad for us, _____________ is necessary for our bodies, especially our organs.

    A. bone                          B. nutrients              C. fat                                 D. risks

4. Scientists are trying to find the ___________ that causes the disease.

    A. virus                          B. bone                   C. nutrient                          D. calorie

5. Let me cook you a __________ dinner. You’ll feel better.

    A. obese              B. nourishing                     C. organ                             D. promote

6. I broke a ___________ last year. It really hurt, and I had to go to hospital.

    A. access             B. chemical             C. cafeteria                             D. bone

7. Did you know that you can be __________ to sugar? You’ll always want to eat sweet food.

    A. obese              B. access                 C. addicted                             D. fat

8. Your body needs lots of different ________ to be healthy.

    A. nutrients                    B. viruses                C. detoxes                          D. risks

Câu 50 :

Rearrange the groups of words in the correct order to make complete sentences.

(Sắp xếp lại các nhóm từ theo đúng thứ tự để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.)

1. you need./a healthy diet/with all the nutrients/Doctors suggest eating


2. Many people/them are dangerous./though some of/follow detox diets


3. that children and teens/Experts suggest starting/school later so/get more sleep.


4. doing exercise,/do it enough./people often don’t/are benefits to/Although there


5. cutting out soda/We often suggest/losing weight./and chips/to start


6. eating bananas,/Doctors suggest/to have a/yogurt, and fatty fish/healthy diet.


7. their children./are risks/Though there/on the internet,/don’t monitor/many parents


8. wants a/eat less/he doesn’t/want to/red meat./Although he/healthier diet,


Câu 58 :

Read the article. Choose the correct answers.

(Đọc bài viết. Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

Fakenham is well known for its natural beauty, including several beautiful forests and waterfalls. In this article, we are going to tell you all you need to know about the local waterfalls here in Fakenham.

Bless Falls is a very famous waterfall, and many people consider it to be the best of Fakenham’s natural wonders. It’s much bigger than any other waterfall in the area. However, it isn’t as accessible as the others. You can only visit it by helicopter.

Wish Falls is another great waterfall. It isn’t as big as Bless Falls, but it’s just as nice to visit. It’s a bit smaller than the other waterfalls in the area, but it’s far more beautiful. It’s just a short walk from Fakenham Grand Hotel. Wish Falls is also a great place to have a picnic, and you’ll often find locals gathering there on the weekends.

Giving Falls is much more scenic than most waterfalls you will see. High up on Mount Dogi, you can see over all of Fakenham. It’s a little more difficult to visit than Wish Falls, but it’s worth the hike. You won’t forget visiting Giving Falls.


0. What is Fakenham famous for?

(Fakenham nổi tiếng vì điều gì?)

    A. beaches and forests (bãi biển và rừng)

    B. mountains and lakes (núi và hồ)

    C. waterfalls and forests (thác nước và rừng)

    D. lakes and waterfalls (hồ và thác nước)

1. How can you visit Bless Falls?

    A. walk

    B. fly

    C. drive

    D. by boat

2. What does the word there refer to?

    A. Wish Falls

    B. other waterfalls

    C. Fakenham Grand Hotel

    D. Bless Falls

3. Which of the following is NOT great about Giving Falls?

    A. the view

    B. the scenery

    C. the water

    D. the hike

4. Which of the following is the best title for the article?

     A. Best Three Waterfalls Near Fakenham

     B. What to Do in Fakenham

     C. Best Accessible Waterfalls Near Fakenham

    D. Explore Fakenham in Three Days

5. Which of the following can you infer from the article?

    A. It’s easy to visit all three waterfalls in a day.

    B. The writer likes Bless Falls best.

    C. People who live in Fakenham like to visit Wish Falls.

    D. Giving Falls is the least accessible.

Câu 59 :

Circle the correct answers.

(Hãy khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng.)

1. The water running through the cave created the rocky ____________.

    A. outcrops                              B. summits              C. rangers          D. government

2. The biggest problem is that people ___________ in the park. There are plastic bottles everywhere.

    A. fine                           B. spoil                   C. create                      D. litter

3. I climbed all the way to the ___________ of Mount Snowdon. There was a great view from the top.

    A. beach                        B. formation            C. summit                    D. nature

4. Rangers shouldn’t let people __________ animals in the national park.

    A. fine                           B. hunt                    C. consider                   D. litter

5. The view from the top of the mountain is ____________.

    A. spectacular                B. accessible            C. tall                           D. close

6. So many animals live in the ____________.

    A. ranger                       B. Mount                 C. wildlife                    D. rainforest

7. If people __________ the wildlife, it could have a bad effect.

    A. consider                    B. keep                    C. float                         D. disturb

8. I hate littering. Don’t people know that it __________ the natural beauty here?

    A. explores                               B. reaches               C. spoils                      D. climbs

Câu 71 :

Read the email to the city mayor. Choose the correct answers.

(Đọc email gửi thị trưởng thành phố. Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

Dear Ms. Mayor,

I am writing to ask for your support to help our great city in three different ways.

First, I was walking to work yesterday along Main Street when I had an accident. Motorbike owners parked all over the sidewalk. I had to walk in the street and I fell over. Also, pedestrians couldn’t use the crosswalk on Main Street because motorbikes were taking up too much space on the sidewalk. Can you please send more traffic officers to the area?

Second, many streets in the city center are getting so congested that it will be impossible to travel around without sitting in traffic for hours. My son was taking the bus to school last week when he got stuck in a traffic jam for over two hours. I think we should ban cars in the city center and increase public transportation.

Finally, the population in the city is dropping so quickly that I’m afraid there won’t be enough people to work. I am a teacher, and there are fewer and fewer new students every year. The number of old people, on the other hand, is rising quickly. I think we should encourage young people to build families by giving them access to better housing and free child care.

I love our city, and I hope you will do something to make it a better place.


Matthew Walker


0. Mr. Walker wrote this email to request the mayor to ____.

(Ông Walker đã viết email này để yêu cầu thị trưởng ____.)

    A. make food cheaper (làm thức ăn rẻ hơn )

    B. stop making changes (ngừng thực hiện thay đổi)

    C. implement changes (thực hiện thay đổi)

    D. attend a meeting (tham dự một cuộc họp)

1. He said that ___ couldn’t use the sidewalk on Main Street.

A. crosswalks

B. motorbikes

C. motorbike owners

D. pedestrians

2. The streets in the city are becoming very ___.

A. congested

B. traffic

C. impossible

D. public

3. Mr. Walker suggested ___ cars from driving in the city center.

A. increasing

B. decreasing

C. stopping

D. improving

4. There are ___ in the schools every year.

A. more teachers

B. fewer teachers

C. more children

D. fewer children

5. He thinks the city should ___ to encourage people to have children.

A. make school cheaper

B. make child care free

C. make families rich

D. make safer roads

Câu 72 :

Circle correct words.

(Khoanh tròn những từ đúng.)

1. There are so many more cars on the streets now that there are ____________ every day.

    A. traffic jams                B. crosswalks                     C. owners                    D. congested

2. If there aren’t enough jobs, people will ____________ to find work.

    A. rise                            B. ban                                C. direct                      D. struggle

3. If the subway is free, it will ____________ people to use public transportation.

    A. will encouraging                  B. encourage           C. encouraging D. encouraged

4. The number of car owners in the city is ____________.

    A. struggling                  B. attracting             C. rising                  D. directing

5. Some people think that the government should ____________ cars in the city center.

    A. homeless                   B. ban                                C. accident                   D. sidewalk

6. If someone loses their job and their apartment, they can become ____________.

    A. struggle                               B. an owner             C. homeless                 D. a pedestrian

7. The cost of growing ____________ is rising every year.

    A. crops                         B. children              C. sidewalks           D. accidents

8. People struggle to get to work when the streets are very ____________.

    A. direct                         B. homeless             C. congested           D. crosswalk

Câu 73 :

Finish each of sentences so they have the same meaning as the sentence before it.

(Hoàn thành mỗi câu sao cho nghĩa tương tự như câu trước đó.)

1. We’re polluting so many rivers that there won’t be any fish left in ten years.

    There won’t be__________________________________________________________________

2. The old bridge was causing so many traffic jams that the government built a new one.

    The government built ____________________________________________________________

3. The government banned karaoke businesses after 10 p.m. because they were making so much noise.

    Karaoke businesses were __________________________________________________________

4. The population is rising so quickly that they’ll have to build five new apartment buildings by 2030.

    They’ll have to __________________________________________________________________

5. There won’t be any tourists in ten years because businesses are closing so much.

    Businesses are __________________________________________________________________

6. The city built lots of new crosswalks because there were so many pedestrians.

    There were _____________________________________________________________________

7. People were throwing away so much trash that the government banned plastic bags.

    The government _________________________________________________________________

8. People had a hard time finding houses because the population increased so quickly.

    The population increased _________________________________________________________

Câu 80 :

You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy năm đoạn hội thoại ngắn. Bạn sẽ nghe mỗi cuộc trò chuyện hai lần. Có một câu hỏi cho mỗi cuộc trò chuyện. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)


0. You will hear two friends talking about future jobs. What job does the boy want?

(Bạn sẽ nghe hai người bạn nói về công việc tương lai. Cậu bé muốn làm công việc gì?)

A. mechanic (thợ máy)                                                ☑

B. skincare specialist (chuyên gia chăm sóc da)             ☐

C. psychologist (nhà tâm lý học)                                   ☐

1. You will hear two friends talking about how to find the right job. What is their conclusion?

A. choose any job

B. ask parents

C. need to do research

2. You will hear a student asking a teacher about an apprenticeship. How long is a part-time apprenticeship?

A. two years

B. four years

C. five years

3. You will hear a father talking to his son. Which job does the son think is the most difficult?

A. astronaut

B. doctor

C. veterinarian

4. You will hear two parents talking about one of their daughters. What does she need?

A. a tutor

B. a psychologist

C. a university

5. You will hear a teacher talking to a student about jobs. What advice does the teacher give?

A. get a part-time job

B. do extra work after school

C. get a job as a tutor

Câu 81 :

Read and circle True or False.

(Đọc và khoanh tròn Đúng hoặc Sai.)

Which Jobs Is Right for You?

You shouldn’t worry if you don’t know what job you want to have. Most young people feel the same way.

However, we have to get a job if we want to have enough money to buy things and support a family.

Thinking about these things could help you choose that job:

• Personality – Being happy in your job is very important. If you know what you like (or don’t like), you can understand which jobs are right for you. Don’t choose a job just because of the money.

• Working style – You might enjoy working on a large team or alone. If you know the way you like to work, it could help you decide which type of job will suit you.

• Working environment – Maybe you work best in an office, or maybe outside. If you have an understanding of where you work best, you can expect to find jobs with the right working environment for you.

• Career test – If you like the idea of someone giving you career advice, you could always take an online career test. These tests are free, convenient, and widely available. When you complete the test, a report tells you the most suitable jobs for you.

According to the passage,…

0. many young people don’t know what job they want in the future. True/False

(Nhiều bạn trẻ chưa biết tương lai mình muốn làm nghề gì)

1. people need jobs to take care of their families and to buy things.           True/False

2. making money is more important than being happy at work.          True/False

3. people need to learn how to work on a team and by themselves.   True/False

4. understanding where you work best will help you choose the correct job for yourself. True/False

5. there are online tests that help give you an idea of the type of jobs you should do in the future. True/False

Câu 82 :

Circle correct answers.

(Khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng.)

1. There are always new ____________ that change what jobs are going to be popular in the future.

    A. innovations                B. podcasts              C. plumbers                  D. apprenticeship

2. Experts believe we will have meetings and play more games in _____________.

    A. media                        B. demand               C. skincare                   D. virtual reality

3. Most people learn new information from the _____________ or friends and family.

    A. podcast                      B. media                  C. research                   D. audience

4. The __________ at the movie was so scared. The people were all hiding behind their seats.

    A. audience                              B. mechanics                     C. psychologists           D. apprenticeships

5. The __________ for virtual reality designers is going to get bigger in the future.

    A. podcast                      B. demand               C. tutor                        D. research

6. People really want _________ content. They don’t want to watch the same thing as everyone else.

    A. producer                              B. innovation           C. personalized D. audience

7. The video _____________ had some really great ideas to make the video more interesting.

    A. producer                              B. mechanic            C. research        D. virtual reality

8. I listened to a great ______________ about future technology and its impact.

    A. demand                                B. apprenticeship     C. media                      D. podcast

Câu 93 :

You will hear two friends talking about learning English. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the conversation twice.

(Bạn sẽ nghe hai người bạn nói về việc học tiếng Anh. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C). Bạn sẽ nghe cuộc trò chuyện hai lần.)


(Ví dụ)

0. Why does Trang think English is useful?

(Tại sao Trang nghĩ tiếng Anh hữu ích?)

A. More books are in English.

(Nhiều sách hơn bằng tiếng Anh.)

B. More information is in English.

(Thêm thông tin bằng tiếng Anh.)

C. English helps her get better grades.

(Tiếng Anh giúp cô đạt điểm cao hơn.)

Thông tin: B: There's a lot more information available in English. When I do class projects, it's easier to find articles and books in English.

(Có rất nhiều thông tin có sẵn bằng tiếng Anh. Khi tôi thực hiện các dự án trên lớp, việc tìm các bài báo và sách bằng tiếng Anh trở nên dễ dàng hơn.)

1. How does Trang practice English?

(Trang luyện tập tiếng Anh như thế nào?)

A. She watches movies.

(Cô ấy xem phim.)

B. She plays computer games.

(Cô ấy chơi trò chơi trên máy tính.)

C. She reads books.

(Cô ấy đọc sách.)

2. How does Trang learn new words?

(Trang học từ mới như thế nào?)

A. She copies the actors.

(Cô ấy sao chép các diễn viên.)

B. She writes down song lyrics.

(Cô ấy viết lời bài hát.)

C. She keeps a notebook.

(Cô ấy giữ một cuốn sổ.)

3. What does Long do to practice English?

(Long làm gì để luyện tiếng Anh?)

A. He writes to a pen pal.

(Anh ấy viết thư cho một người bạn qua thư.)

B. He copies actors.

(Anh ta sao chép diễn viên.)

C. He sings to songs.

(Anh ấy hát theo những bài hát.)

4. Why does Long learn English?

(Tại sao Long học tiếng Anh?)

A. He wants to meet foreigners.

(Anh ấy muốn gặp người nước ngoài.)

B. He wants to travel.

(Anh ấy muốn đi du lịch.)

C. He wants to understand songs.

(Anh ấy muốn hiểu bài hát.)

5. What job does Long want?

(Long muốn làm công việc gì?)

A. singer

(ca sĩ)

B. actor

(diễn viên)

C. businessman

(doanh nhân)

Câu 94 :

Read the passages about learning English. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Đọc các đoạn văn về việc học tiếng Anh. Chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

A. Hi, my name's Bora. I love learning English. I like learning English because I want to be a tour guide. Since I want to be a tour guide, I read English books about famous places to improve my English. I also write to a pen pal. He is from the USA, and he teaches me lots of interesting and useful words.

( Xin chào, tên tôi là Bora. Tôi thích học tiếng Anh. Tôi thích học tiếng Anh vì tôi muốn trở thành hướng dẫn viên du lịch. Vì muốn trở thành hướng dẫn viên du lịch nên tôi đọc sách tiếng Anh về những địa điểm nổi tiếng để cải thiện tiếng Anh của mình. Tôi cũng viết thư cho một người bạn qua thư. Anh ấy đến từ Mỹ và anh ấy dạy tôi rất nhiều từ thú vị và hữu ích.)

B. Hello. My name's Lorenzo. I learn English because I want to travel overseas. Since I want to travel, I really need to learn to read menus and signs. I copy what actors say on TV to practice my pronunciation. I also love watching English movies. I often turn on the subtitles and note down useful words.

(Xin chào. Tên tôi là Lorenzo. Tôi học tiếng Anh vì tôi muốn đi du lịch nước ngoài. Vì tôi muốn đi du lịch nên tôi thực sự cần học cách đọc thực đơn và biển hiệu. Tôi chép lại những gì diễn viên nói trên TV để luyện phát âm. Tôi cũng thích xem phim tiếng Anh. Tôi thường bật phụ đề và ghi lại những từ hữu ích.)

C. Hi, I'm Ayu. I like learning English because I want to study overseas after high school. I listen to lots of English songs, and I read the lyrics to improve my reading. I also note down any words I don't know and look them up in a dictionary. It's a really useful way to practice.

(Xin chào, tôi là Ayu. Tôi thích học tiếng Anh vì tôi muốn đi du học sau khi tốt nghiệp trung học. Tôi nghe rất nhiều bài hát tiếng Anh và đọc lời bài hát để cải thiện khả năng đọc của mình. Tôi cũng ghi lại bất kỳ từ nào tôi không biết và tra cứu chúng trong từ điển. Đó là một cách thực sự hữu ích để thực hành.)

Câu 95 :

You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy năm đoạn hội thoại ngắn. Bạn sẽ nghe mỗi cuộc trò chuyện hai lần. Có một câu hỏi cho mỗi cuộc trò chuyện. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)


(Ví dụ)

0. You will hear a girl talking to her grandma. Who are the people?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một cô gái nói chuyện với bà của cô ấy. Ai là người?)

A. her relatives

(họ hàng của cô ấy)

B. her friends

(bạn bè của cô ấy)

C. her classmates

(bạn cùng lớp của cô ấy)

1. You will hear a girl talking to her grandpa. Where did her grandpa use to live?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một cô gái nói chuyện với ông của cô ấy. Ông của cô ấy từng sống ở đâu?)

A. by the river

(bên bờ sông)

B. near the market

(gần chợ)

C. near a field of flowers

(gần cánh đồng hoa)

2. You will hear a boy talking his grandma. Who used to have a tuk-tuk?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một cậu bé nói chuyện với bà của mình. Ai đã từng đi xe tuk-tuk?)

A. his grandpa

(ông của anh ấy)

B. his aunt

(dì của anh ấy)

C. his grandma

(bà của anh ấy)

3. You will hear a man talking to his daughter. What did he use to do?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một người đàn ông nói chuyện với con gái mình. Anh ấy đã từng làm gì?)

A. bake with his mom

(nướng bánh cùng mẹ)

B. go fishing

(đi câu cá)

C. play with his fish

(chơi với cá của anh ấy)

4. You will hear a girl talking to her mom. Where did she use to go?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một cô gái nói chuyện với mẹ cô ấy. Cô ấy đã từng đi đâu?)

A. a market


B. a swimming pool

(một bể bơi)

C. a restaurant

(một nhà hàng)

5. You will hear a girl talking to her grandpa. Who did they talk about?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một cô gái nói chuyện với ông của cô ấy. Họ đã nói về ai?)

A. his nephew

(cháu trai của ông ấy)

B. his daughter

(con gái của ông ấy)

C. his son

(con trai của ông ấy)

Câu 96 :

Read the email. Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.

(Đọc email. Chọn từ đúng nhất (A, B hoặc C) cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

New Message

To: RJP@bmail.com

Subject: RE: Please help, Grandma!!

Dear Nancy,

I was very glad when I got your email asking me about life in the (0)           . I'm more than happy to share my memories and experience with you. Those were good days.

When I was young, family was the center of everything. People would often live with their

(1) and spend a lot of time together. I lived with all my uncles, aunts, and cousins. The men were usually the (2) . They'd go out to work on the fields or in factories, and the women would cook and do all the chores together.

As for what I used to do when I was young, I had a few (3) to keep me busy. I enjoyed  reading and learning how to (4)from my mother. Her pie and cake recipes are the best. We didn't have all the (5) options you have today, like TV and video games, but we had a lot of fun finding ways to spend our time.

I hope this information helps you with your class project. If you have any more questions, write to me or call me anytime.

With love,


(Tin nhắn mới

Tới: RJP@bmail.com

Tiêu đề: RE: Bà ơi giúp cháu với!!

Nancy thân mến,

Bà rất vui khi nhận được email của cháu hỏi bà về cuộc sống ở... Bà rất vui được chia sẻ những kỷ niệm và trải nghiệm của mình với cháu. Đó là những ngày tốt đẹp.

Khi bà còn trẻ, gia đình là trung tâm của mọi việc. Mọi người thường sống với....và dành nhiều thời gian bên nhau. Bà sống với tất cả các chú, dì và anh chị em họ của bà. Đàn ông thường là... Họ ra ngoài làm việc trên đồng hoặc trong nhà máy, còn phụ nữ sẽ nấu ăn và làm mọi việc nhà cùng nhau.

Về những việc tôi từng làm khi còn trẻ, bà có một vài việc… khiến bà bận rộn. Bà rất thích đọc và học cách .... từ mẹ bà. Công thức làm bánh và bánh ngọt của bà ấy là tuyệt nhất. Bọn bà không có tất cả...các lựa chọn mà cháu có ngày nay, như TV và trò chơi điện tử, nhưng bà đã có rất nhiều niềm vui khi tìm cách sử dụng thời gian của mình.

Bà hy vọng thông tin này sẽ giúp ích cho dự án lớp học của cháu. Nếu cháu có thêm câu hỏi, hãy viết thư cho bà hoặc gọi cho bà bất cứ lúc nào.

Với tình yêu,

Bà của cháu)


(Ví dụ)


A. present

(hiện tại)

B. past

(quá khứ)

C. future

(tương lai)


A. extended families

(đại gia đình)

B. cottages

(nhà tranh)

C. stalls

(quầy hàng)


A. house husbands

(nhà chồng)

B. breadwinners

(người trụ cột gia đình)

C. relatives

(họ hàng)


A. clay pots

(bình đất sét)

B. nuclear families

(gia đình hạt nhân)

C. hobbies

(sở thích)


A. bake


B. clean

(lau dọn)

C. sketch

(phác họa)


A. generation

(thế hệ)

B. nephew

(cháu trai)

C. entertainment

(sự giải trí)

Câu 98 :

Read the passages about three smart apartments. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Đọc đoạn văn về ba căn hộ thông minh. Chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

A. Cozy Homes: These apartments have sensors that can monitor the temperature of your house. They can also turn off the lights when you're not at home. The apartments cre the perfect size for people who live alone. There are only a few rooms, and each room is pretty small. But they still have all the important features you look for in a home.

B. Smart Cubes: These modern-looking apartments have voice assistants that can control all the smart appliances, such as the flat-screen TV, the stove, and the fridge. The voice assistants can also create shopping lists and remind you about your appointments. These apartments are great for anyone with a busy lifestyle.

C. Happy Homes: These smart apartments have solar panels that generate electricity for all the special features, such as the elevator, gym, and spa. They also provide electricity for some of your appliances, so you don't have to worry about your electricity bill. You can also sleep well at night knowing you are helping protect the planet.

(Những ngôi nhà ấm cúng: Những căn hộ này có cảm biến có thể theo dõi nhiệt độ trong ngôi nhà của bạn. Họ cũng có thể tắt đèn khi bạn không ở nhà. Các căn hộ có kích thước hoàn hảo cho những người sống một mình. Chỉ có một vài phòng, và mỗi phòng đều khá nhỏ. Nhưng chúng vẫn có tất cả các tính năng quan trọng mà bạn tìm kiếm trong một ngôi nhà.

Khối thông minh: Những căn hộ có vẻ ngoài hiện đại này có trợ lý giọng nói có thể điều khiển tất cả các thiết bị thông minh như TV màn hình phẳng, bếp nấu và tủ lạnh. Trợ lý giọng nói cũng có thể tạo danh sách mua sắm và nhắc nhở bạn về các cuộc hẹn. Những căn hộ này rất phù hợp cho những ai có lối sống bận rộn.

Ngôi nhà hạnh phúc: Những căn hộ thông minh này có tấm pin mặt trời tạo ra điện cho tất cả các tính năng đặc biệt như thang máy, phòng tập thể dục và spa. Họ cũng cung cấp điện cho một số thiết bị của bạn, vì vậy bạn không phải lo lắng về hóa đơn tiền điện. Bạn cũng có thể ngủ ngon vào ban đêm khi biết rằng bạn đang giúp bảo vệ hành tinh.)


(Ví dụ)

0. Which apartments have sensors to monitor air conditioners?

(Những căn hộ nào có cảm biến giám sát điều hòa?)


Giải thích: These apartments have sensors that can monitor the temperature of your house.

(Những căn hộ này có cảm biến có thể theo dõi nhiệt độ trong ngôi nhà của bạn.)

1. Which apartments aren't very big?

(Những căn hộ nào không lớn lắm?)

2. Which apartments can tell you what you need to buy?

(Những căn hộ nào có thể cho bạn biết bạn cần mua gì?)

3. Which apartments can help you save money?

(Căn hộ nào có thể giúp bạn tiết kiệm tiền?)

4. Which apartments let you control your TV with your voice?

(Căn hộ nào cho phép bạn điều khiển TV bằng giọng nói?)

5. Which apartments can tell you when you need to meet someone or go somewhere?

(Những căn hộ nào có thể cho bạn biết khi nào bạn cần gặp ai đó hoặc đi đâu đó?)

Câu 99 :

You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy năm đoạn hội thoại ngắn. Bạn sẽ nghe mỗi cuộc trò chuyện hai lần. Có một câu hỏi cho mỗi cuộc trò chuyện. Với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)


(Ví dụ)

0. You will hear a tourist asking for directions. Which exit should she take at the traffic circle?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một khách du lịch hỏi đường. Cô ấy nên đi theo lối ra nào ở vòng xuyến?)

A. the first exit

(lối ra đầu tiên)

B. the second exit

(lối ra thứ hai)

C. the third exit

(lối ra thứ ba)

Giải thích: B: Sure. Go to the traffic circle over there and take the second exit.The station is down that street.

(Chắc chắn rồi. Đi đến chỗ vòng xuyến ở đằng kia và đi theo lối ra thứ hai. Nhà ga ở cuối đường đó.)

1. You will hear a man asking for information at his hotel. What does he want to know?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một người đàn ông hỏi thông tin tại khách sạn của anh ta. Anh ấy muốn biết điều gì?)

A. what time the pool closes

(hồ bơi đóng cửa lúc mấy giờ)

B. if he can use the pool

(nếu anh ấy có thể sử dụng hồ bơi)

C. when the pool opens

(khi hồ bơi mở cửa)

2. You will hear a woman asking a young man for information. Where can she top up her phone?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một người phụ nữ hỏi thông tin từ một chàng trai trẻ. Cô ấy có thể nạp tiền điện thoại ở đâu?)

A. the store across the street

(cửa hàng bên kia đường)

B. the store on the next street

(cửa hàng ở đường tiếp theo)

C. the store down the street

(cửa hàng dưới phố)

3. You will hear a boy asking a man for help. How should the boy get to where he needs to go?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một cậu bé nhờ một người đàn ông giúp đỡ. Làm thế nào cậu bé có thể đến được nơi cần đến?)

A. ride his bike

(lái xe đạp của cậu ta)

B. walk

(đi bộ)

C. take a bus

(đi xe buýt)

4. You will hear a woman asking a man for information. What place is she looking for?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một người phụ nữ hỏi một người đàn ông để biết thông tin. Nơi nào mà cô ấy đang tìm kiếm?)

A. a farm

(một nông trại)

B. a pharmacy

(một hiệu thuốc)

C. a town

(một thị trấn)

5. You will hear a boy asking a woman for information at a movie theater. How much is his ticket?

(Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một cậu bé hỏi thông tin từ một người phụ nữ ở rạp chiếu phim. Giá vé của anh ấy là bao nhiêu?)

A. $5

(5 đô)

B. $10

(10 đô)

C. $15

(15 đô)

Câu 100 :

Read the email about suggestions for a trip. Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.

(Đọc email về những gợi ý cho một chuyến đi. Chọn từ đúng nhất (A, B hoặc C) cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

New Message

To: tuannguyen2007@fmail.com

Subject: Our trip to Malaysia

Hey Tuan,

My family gave (0) me some great suggestions for the trip to Malaysia you and I are taking next month, and I wanted to tell you about them. My mom suggested we (1)Langkawi Island. She said it has the best beaches in Malaysia. I know how much you love the beach. She also said we should go (2) the Kuala Lumpur Tower because the view from the top is amazing. We'll take lots of photos there. My dad suggested we (3) up Mount Kinabalu. He said it's pretty difficult, but if we go with a tour it'll be OK. I think that sounds really fun. I love mountains. He also told me about some great Malaysian (4) to eat such as apam balik, pancakes, and chicken rendang. He said the chicken rendang was his favorite when he went.

Finally, my sister gave me some really useful advice. She suggested we (5) fanny packs with us to the beach. She said they're really useful for carrying small items so we don't lose anything. What do you think? Did you find out anything interesting?

Speak to you soon,


(Tin nhắn mới

Gửi tới: tuannguyen2007@fmail.com

Chủ đề: Chuyến đi Malaysia của chúng tôi

Này Tuấn,

Gia đình tôi đã cho tôi một số gợi ý tuyệt vời cho chuyến đi Malaysia mà bạn và tôi sẽ thực hiện vào tháng tới, và tôi muốn kể cho bạn nghe về chúng. Mẹ tôi đề nghị chúng tôi.....đảo Langkawi. Bà ấy nói nơi đây có những bãi biển đẹp nhất ở Malaysia. Tôi biết bạn yêu bãi biển đến mức nào. Bà ấy cũng nói chúng tôi nên đến Tháp Kuala Lumpur vì quang cảnh nhìn từ trên xuống thật tuyệt vời. Chúng tôi sẽ chụp rất nhiều ảnh ở đó. Bố tôi đề nghị chúng tôi.....lên núi Kinabalu. Ông ấy nói điều đó khá khó khăn, nhưng nếu chúng tôi đi du lịch thì sẽ ổn thôi. Tôi nghĩ điều đó nghe có vẻ thực sự thú vị. Tôi yêu núi. Ông ấy cũng kể cho tôi nghe về một số món ăn tuyệt vời của Malaysia.... để ăn như apam balik, bánh kếp và món gà rendang. Ông ấy nói món gà rendang là món ông ấy thích nhất khi đến đây.

Cuối cùng, chị tôi đã cho tôi một số lời khuyên thực sự hữu ích. Cô ấy đề nghị chúng tôi mang theo túi đeo hông đến bãi biển. Cô ấy nói chúng thực sự hữu ích trong việc mang theo những vật dụng nhỏ nên chúng ta không bị thất lạc gì cả. Bạn nghĩ sao? Bạn có phát hiện ra điều gì thú vị không?

Nói chuyện với bạn sớm,



(Ví dụ)


A. me


B. them


C. you



A. climb


B. visit

(thăm nom)

C. ride

(lái/ đạp)


A. down


B. along

(dọc theo)

C. up

(hướng lên)


A. run


B. hike

(đi lang thang)

C. fly



A. dishes


B. plates


C. bowls



A. make


B. fix

(sửa chữa)

C. take
