Đề bài

3 Complete the conversations with adjectives from Exercise 2. Use one of the adjectives twice.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với các tính từ trong Bài tập 2. Sử dụng một trong các tính từ hai lần.)


A: Are you ready to order, madam?

B: Yes, er, could I ask you about the Thái Red Curry? Is it a_______  ? Chilli gives me stomachache.

A: That's no problem, madam. I can ask the chef to make a b_______ version for you without the chilli.


A: Waiter! I'm not satisfied with this meal at all. First of all, the rice is cold and worse than that, the fish is completely uncooked - it's _______ ! Are you trying to poison your customers?

B: Sir, are you aware that this is a sushi restaurant?


A: I love travelling, but it's always great to get home. I'm hungry. What have we got?

B: Er, well, it looks like the electricity went off while we were away. The food in the fridge is not exactly fresh anymore. We've got some a_______ potatoes, some b_______  milk and there are a few slices of c______ bread.

A: Doesn't sound very tasty. Shall we phone for pizza?


A: So, what fruit do you eat in Indonesia, Aulia?

B: Well, we eat a lot of mangoes. At this time of year, most of them are yellow and a_______ or, in other words, ready to eat. Green ones can be quite b_______ tasting, but the yellow ones are exactly the opposite – really c_______ and delicious.

Lời giải chi tiết :


A: Are you ready to order, madam?

B: Yes, er, could I ask you about the Thái Red Curry? Is itmild? Chilli gives me stomachache.

A: That's no problem, madam. I can ask the chef to make amild version for you without the chilli.

(A: Bà đã sẵn sàng đặt hàng chưa, thưa bà?

B: Vâng, ờ, tôi có thể hỏi bạn về món Cà ri Thái Đỏ không? Có cay nhẹ không? Ớt làm tôi đau bụng.

A: Điều đó không có vấn đề gì, thưa bà. Tôi có thể yêu cầu đầu bếp làm cho bà một phiên bản cay nhẹ hơn mà không có ớt.)


A: Waiter! I'm not satisfied with this meal at all. First of all, the rice is cold and worse than that, the fish is completely uncooked - it's raw! Are you trying to poison your customers?

B: Sir, are you aware that this is a sushi restaurant?

(Phục vụ ơi! Tôi không hài lòng với bữa ăn này chút nào. Trước hết, cơm nguội và tệ hơn thế, cá hoàn toàn chưa nấu chín - nó còn sống! Bạn đang cố đầu độc khách hàng của mình sao?

B: Thưa ông, ông có biết đây là một nhà hàng sushi không?)


A: I love travelling, but it's always great to get home. I'm hungry. What have we got?

B: Er, well, it looks like the electricity went off while we were away. The food in the fridge is not exactly fresh anymore. We've got somerotten potatoes, some sour milk and there are a few slices ofstale bread.

A: Doesn't sound very tasty. Shall we phone for pizza?

(A: Tôi thích đi du lịch, nhưng thật tuyệt khi được về nhà. Tôi đói. Những gì chúng ta đã có là gì?

B: Ơ, có vẻ như mất điện khi chúng ta đi vắng. Thức ăn trong tủ lạnh không còn tươi nữa. Chúng ta có một ít khoai tây thối, một ít sữa bị chua và có một vài lát bánh mì bị ôi.

A: Nghe có vẻ không ngon lắm. Chúng ta sẽ gọi điện cho pizza chứ?)


A: So, what fruit do you eat in Indonesia, Aulia?

B: Well, we eat a lot of mangoes. At this time of year, most of them are yellow andripe or, in other words, ready to eat. Green ones can be quiteunripe tasting, but the yellow ones are exactly the opposite – reallysweet and delicious.

(A: Vậy, bạn ăn trái cây gì ở Indonesia, Aulia?

B: Chà, chúng tôi ăn rất nhiều xoài. Vào thời điểm này trong năm, hầu hết chúng đều có màu vàng và chín hay nói cách khác là sẵn sàng để ăn. Những quả màu xanh có thể có vị chưa chín hẳn, nhưng những quả màu vàng thì hoàn toàn ngược lại – thực sự ngọt và ngon.)


Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

5. Put the phrases below into the correct group (A, B or C).

(Đặt các cụm từ dưới đây vào nhóm chính xác (A, B hoặc C).)

a bit special

a real let-down


nothing special

not up to standard

out of this world

pretty average


A. Good_______________________________________

B. OK_________________________________________

C. Bad________________________________________

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Bài 2 :

2C Diets

1 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

(Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng: a, b hoặc c.)

1 If you're on a low-salt diet, you should avoid....

a bacon

b tomatoes

c eggs

2 A vegetarian would not eat....

a pasta

b mushrooms

c tuna

3 There are lots of vitamins and minerals in....

a vegetables

b crisps

c butter

4 A good source of iron is....

a peanuts

b steak

c cheese

5 Brown rice and wholemeal bread contain more... than white rice and white bread.

a fibre

b calcium

c fat

6 Which of these is not a source of carbohydrate?

a chicken

b rice

c cereal

7 Organic food does not usually contain…

a nutrients

b protein

c additives

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Bài 3 :

1. Choose the odd one out in each group. Then complete the sentences to explain why you chose each word.

(Chọn một cái khác biệt trong mỗi nhóm. Sau đó hoàn thành các câu để giải thích lý do tại sao bạn chọn mỗi từ.)


1 jam





2 carrot





3 pineapple





4 milk





5 pumpkin





6 chicken





1 _______ is the odd one out because all the others usually come in _____.

2 _______ is the odd one out because all the others are types of _______.

3 _______ is the odd one out because all the others are types of _______.

4 _______ is the odd one out because all the others usually come in _______.

5_______ is the odd one out because all the others are types of _______.

6 _______ is the odd one out because all the others are types of _______.

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Bài 4 :

2 Write the opposites.

(Viết các từ trái nghĩa.)

1 bitter  ≠ _______ (e.g. sugar)

2 cooked  ≠ _______ (e.g. salad)

3 mild  ≠ _______ (e.g. chillies)

4 ripe  ≠ _______ (e.g. green bananas)

5 fresh  ≠ _______ (e.g. bread and cakes)

6 fresh  ≠ _______ (e.g. vegetables and meat)

7 fresh  ≠ _______ (e.g. milk)

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Bài 5 :

4 Complete the table with the noun forms.

(Hoàn thành bảng với các dạng danh từ.)

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Bài 6 :

5 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 4. The first letter of each word is given.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong Bài tập 4. Chữ cái đầu tiên của mỗi từ được cho sẵn.)

1 I don't have time to make freshly-squeezed j______ . It takes so long to clean the machine afterwards.

2 If you cook the salmon at a high temperature, the skin will be brown and c______.

3 Urgh! You've got g______ from the burger running all down your chin. Gross!

4 The trouble with s______  snacks like crisps and peanuts is that they make you very thirsty.

5 Emma, there is definitely a burning s______. Did you forget something in the oven?

6 This pizza has a very unusual t______. Ben. Are you sure you added salt and not sugar by mistake?

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Bài 7 :

6 Complete the word web with examples of food for each adjective.

(Hoàn thành hệ thống từ với các ví dụ về thực phẩm cho mỗi tính từ.)

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Bài 8 :

7 Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 Mum, how do I know if this chicken is stale / ripe / cooked? It's been in the oven for twenty minutes.

2 I don't mind mild cheese, but I can't stand raw / bitter / smelly cheese like the ones with the blue bits.

3 Mmm, delicious! How does your dad make simple fish so tasty / salty / rotten?

4 Wow! This coffee is extremely sour / bitter / crispy. Could you pass the sugar, please?

5 If you eat juicy / unripe / fresh fruit, you may get stomachache. Choose softer pieces as they are usually ready to eat.

6 We aren't eating burgers again, are we? I'm sick of raw / greasy / ripe food. Can't we have something healthy for a change?

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Bài 9 :

3. Listen and tick (✓) the things that Hiếu is eating recently.

(Nghe và đánh dấu (✓) vào những món mà Hiếu đang ăn gần đây.)

☐ crisps/snacks

☐ vegetables

☐ lean meat

☐ red meat

☐ fresh food

☐ fried food

☐ french fries

☐ sweets

☐ fast food

☐ fish

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Bài 10 :

1 Complete the sentences with the opposite of the words in brackets. The last letter of each word is given.

(Hoàn thành các câu với từ trái ngược với từ trong ngoặc. Chữ cái cuối cùng của mỗi từ được cho sẵn.)

1 Make sure you choose a ___e (unripe) mango. They aren't good if they're not ready.

2 Eurgh! I just drank a big mouthful of ___r (fresh) milk. I think I'm going to be sick!

3 A ___d (monotonous) diet can include some sweet or greasy food, just not too much.

4 Bring that ___e (fresh) bread with us to the park. We'll feed the ducks.

5 This salad dressing is a bit too ___y (tasteless). Let's add some more honey and lime juice.

6 I'm afraid I overcooked the pork and now it's rather ___y (juicy). Sorry everyone.

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Bài 11 :

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong khung. Có hai từ bị thừa.)

1 The best way to stay fit is to do plenty of exercise and have a _______ diet.

2 Don't have a big meal if you're not hungry.  Have a light _______ instead.

3 Will you _______ up some peppers and some carrots so we can dip them in this hummus?

4 For me, the hardest part of being on a diet is going _______ chocolate.

5 Mum won't let me take egg sandwiches to school. She says they are too _______

6 The problem with the school snack shop is that they don't sell any fresh _______. It’s just crisps, chocolate and nuts.

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Bài 12 :

3. Complete the words in the sentences. The first two letters of each word are given.

(Hoàn thành các từ trong câu. Hai chữ cái đầu tiên của mỗi từ được cho sẵn.)

1 I've bought some lovely ripe oranges and I'm going to make some fresh ju____. Would you like a glass?

2 I can't stand pr____. They are like insects that live in the sea - all those legs and those horrible black eyes! How can you eat them?

3 English breakfast is very gr____ if you fry everything. I prefer to grill the bacon and have scrambled eggs. It's much healthier that way.

4 Choose the lettuce carefully. I want a fresh cr____, green salad with no brown bits or soft lettuce leaves.

5 Our Atlantic Pizza is made with crab meat and tuna, and is ideal for lovers of se____.

6 The only types of sh____ I like are langoustines and crab. I can't stand oysters.

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