Đề bài

1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

(Hãy nhìn vào bức tranh và hoàn thành những câu sau đây.)

1. Picture ____  must be a lion because of the long hair around the head and neck.

2. Picture ____  might be a puma or it could be a cheetah.

3. Picture ____ can't be a tiger because the head is too small.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Picture C must be a lion because of the long hair around the head and neck.

(Hình C chắc là sư tử vì có lông dài quanh đầu và cổ.)

2. Picture A  might be a puma or it could be a cheetah.

(Hình A có thể là một con báo sư tử hoặc có thể là một con báo.)

3. Picture B can't be a tiger because the head is too small.

(Hình B không thể là hổ vì đầu quá nhỏ.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

3. Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS and complete the examples with the verb forms in blue in the article.

(Đọc NGỮ PHÁP TRỌNG TÂM và hoàn thành các ví dụ với các dạng động từ được tô màu xanh lam trong bài viết.)

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Bài 2 :

4. Complete the sentences with an appropriate modal structure and the verb in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu với cấu trúc tình thái thích hợp và động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Dave can't have left yet, his coat is still here. (not yet leave)

(Dave chưa thể rời đi, áo khoác của anh ấy vẫn ở đây. (chưa rời đi))

2. The traffic's really bad, I'm worried we ________ our train. (miss)

3. They're not at home. They ________ away for the weekend. (go)

4. I can't find Jo. She ________ home. (go)

5. The plane landed over an hour ago. Bill ________ in baggage reclaim. (not still be)

6. Buy a laptop? With my pocket money?! You ________ serious. (not be)

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Bài 3 :

5. Choose a sentence below and write a dialogue including the sentence. Then act out your dialogue to the class.

(Chọn một câu dưới đây và viết một đoạn hội thoại bao gồm câu đó. Sau đó diễn lại cuộc đối thoại của bạn trước lớp.)

1. must have left it in the shop.

(chắc đã để quên ở tiệm rồi.)

2. You might have hurt yourself!

(Bạn có thể đã làm tổn thương chính mình!)

3. You must be joking!

(Chắc bạn đùa thôi nhỉ?)

4. I can't have left it them at home.

(Tôi không thể để nó ở nhà.)

5. There must be some mistake.

(Phải có một số nhầm lẫn.)

A: Oh no!

B: What's wrong?

A: I can't find my wallet. I must have left it in the shop.

B: Oh dear. Never mind. Let's go back and look for it.

(A: Ôi không!

B: Chuyện gì vậy?

A: Tớ không thể tìm thấy ví. Chắc tớ đã để quên ở tiệm rồi.

B: Ôi trời, đừng lo. Hãy quay lại và tìm nó nào.)

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Bài 4 :

2. Complete the second sentence using the word in capitals so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Do not change the word in capitals.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai bằng cách sử dụng từ in hoa để nó có nghĩa tương tự như câu đầu tiên. Không thay đổi từ in hoa.)

1. I'm sure that snake isn't dangerous. There aren't any poisonous snakes in this area.


That snake ________ dangerous. There aren't any poisonous snakes in this area.

2. I don't know how they got to London, but it's possible that they travelled by train.


They ________ to London by train.

3. I'm certain that animal is a jaguar - look how fast it can run!


That animal ________ - look how fast it can run!

4. Let's print out our itinerary. It's possible that we'll need it.


Let's print out our itinerary. We ________

5. I'm sure Jack lived in China as a child. MUST

Jack ________ as a child.

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Bài 5 :

a. Circle should’ve or shouldn’t have.

(Khoanh vào “should’ve” hoặc “shouldn’t have”.)

1. You should’ve/ shouldn’t have ignored me when I told you to clean your room.

2. You should’ve/ shouldn’t have listened to your mom. Now she’s angry with you.

3. She should’ve/ shouldn’t have worn that dress because it wasn’t suitable.

4. He should’ve/ shouldn’t have argued with his parents. Now, he’s in trouble.

5. His grandmother is upset. He should’ve/ shouldn’t have respected her more.

6. You should’ve/ shouldn’t have shouted at your mom like that.

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Bài 6 :

b. Unscramble the sentences.

(Sắp xếp lại câu.)

1. more./ respected/ my/ I/ parents/ should’ve

2. shouldn’t/ out/ I/ last/ stayed/ so/ have/ night./ late

3. told/ you/ when/ to/ room/ You/ your/ I/ should’ve/ cleaned

4. You/ going/ should’ve/ knocked/ in./ before

5. should’ve/ He/ his/ before/ going/ out./ homework/ finished

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Bài 7 :

Write two sentences about things you should have done and two sentences about things you shouldn’t have done.

(Viết hai câu về những điều đáng lẽ bạn nên làm và hai câu về những điều lẽ ra bạn không nên làm.)

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Bài 8 :

must vs have to, modals in the past

(must, have to, động từ khiếm khuyết trong quá khứ)

I can use must, have to and past modals correctly.

1. Circle the correct modals to complete the sentences.

(Khoanh tròn các phương thức đúng để hoàn thành câu.)

1 All students must / have to / has to post their assignments on the online discussion forum today.

2 There's still some pizza. We mustn't / have to / don't have to buy more

3 Juliet can't have / may have / must have gone on holiday. She was at school yesterday!

4 I didn't get your email. Do you think you can't have / could have / must have sent it to my old email address?

5 Your smartwatch probably is dead again. You mustn't / must / don't have to let the batteries charge fully before using.

6 The school show is on YouTube. Our teacher can't have / might have / must have uploaded it.

7 You are going 130 km in less than an hour. You mustn't / can't have to / must drive very fast!

8 Maxisn't replying to my texts. He can't have / might have / must have taken his phone with him.

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Bài 9 :

2. Complete the sentences with must have or can't have and the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu với must have hoặc can't Have và các động từ trong ngoặc.)

1 Jack is usually here by now. He ______________ (miss) his bus.

2 Madison didn't know about the party. She ______________ (get) your email.

3 They've left school already. Their lessons ______________ (finish) early today.

4 He ______________ (injure) his leg badly. He cycled home!

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Bài 10 :

4. Complete the dialogue with the modals below. You can use the same modal more than once.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với các động từ khiếm khuyết dưới đây. Bạn có thể sử dụng cùng một động từ khiếm khuyết nhiều lần.)

Erica: What's the matter, Jack? You look worried.

Jack: I can't find my phone. I 1_______ left it somewhere

Erica: Did you have it on the bus?

Jack: Yes, I did. But I 2_______ left it there because I used it just after I got off. I sent you a text.

Erica: You 3_______ dropped it when you wer walking here from the bus stop.

Jack: Yes, that's possible. I was listening to my MP3 player.

Erica: Somebody 4_______ found it by now and handed it in to the police.

Jack: Or they 5_______ handed it in. They 6_______ kept it

Erica: Shall I phone the police station and ask?

Jack: Yes, OK. But why don't you call my phone number first?

Erica: OK, I will. I can hear your phone ringing.

Jack: Me too. I 7_______ dropped it in the street.

Erica: No. You 8_______ put it down somewhere in the house.

Jack: That's a relief! But where is it?

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Bài 11 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following question.

It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn’t.

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