Đề bài

4. Fill in each gap with the correct question tag.

(Điền vào mỗi khoảng trống với câu hỏi đuôi đúng.)

1 Don't support wars, _______?

2 Susie has never given any of her clothes to charity, _______?

3 You can sign the volunteer form, _______?

4 Let's volunteer again this summer, _______?

5 You won't forget to bring the food donations, _______?

6 There are lots of volunteers at the community kitchen, _______?

7 Everyone helped out at the fundraising event, _______?

8 No one is waiting outside the homeless shelter, _______?

9 That charity raised a lot of money for poor families, _______?

10 You've never been unemployed, _______?

Phương pháp giải :

*Cách làm bài tập câu hỏi đuôi:

Phủ định động từ chính (lưu ý ở dạng viết tắt nếu có “not”) + Chủ ngữ

*Lưu ý:

Động từ đầu câu => will you?

Let’s => shall we?

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 Don't support wars, will you?

(Đừng ủng hộ chiến tranh, phải không?)

2 Susie has never given any of her clothes to charity, has she?

(Susie chưa bao giờ tặng bất kỳ quần áo nào của mình cho tổ chức từ thiện, phải không?)

3 You can sign the volunteer form, can't you?

(Bạn có thể ký vào đơn tình nguyện, được không?)

4 Let's volunteer again this summer, shall we?

(Chúng ta hãy tình nguyện một lần nữa vào mùa hè này, nhé?)

5 You won't forget to bring the food donations, will you?

(Bạn sẽ không quên mang thức ăn quyên góp, phải không?)

6 There are lots of volunteers at the community kitchen, aren't there?

(Có rất nhiều tình nguyện viên tại bếp ăn cộng đồng phải không?)

7 Everyone helped out at the fundraising event, didn't they?

(Mọi người đã giúp đỡ tại sự kiện gây quỹ, phải không?)

8 No one is waiting outside the homeless shelter, are they?

(Không có ai đợi bên ngoài nơi trú ẩn dành cho người vô gia cư phải không?)

9 That charity raised a lot of money for poor families, didn't it?

(Tổ chức từ thiện đó quyên góp được rất nhiều tiền cho các gia đình nghèo phải không?)

10 You've never been unemployed, have you?

(Bạn chưa bao giờ thất nghiệp phải không?)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

8.3 Reply questions

(Câu hỏi đáp trả)

We use a reply question to respond to a statement. They express interest or surprise.

“I've bought a new bike.”

“Have you? How could you afford it?”

We use the verb be, auxiliary verbs (do, have), or modal verbs (will, would, etc.), depending on the tense and verb form in the statement.

'He hasn't seen that film.

'Hasn't he? Well, let's rent it, then.'

'I hate cats'

'Do you? I thought you liked them."

Notice these special cases:

I'm not hungry. "Aren't you?' NOT Amn't you? X

"You never invite me to your house." "Don't I?"

"Nothing bad happened." "Didn't it?"

'Nobody wants to sit next to me.' 'Don't they?"


Tạm dịch

Chúng ta sử dụng một câu hỏi đáp trả để trả lời một tuyên bố. Họ thể hiện sự quan tâm hoặc ngạc nhiên.

“Tôi đã mua một chiếc xe đạp mới.”

“Có thật không? Làm thế nào bạn có thể đủ khả năng đó?

Chúng ta sử dụng động từ be, trợ động từ (do, have), hoặc động từ khuyết thiếu (will, would, v.v.), tùy thuộc vào thì và dạng của động từ trong câu.

'Anh ấy chưa xem bộ phim đó.

'Phải không? Vậy thì chúng ta hãy thuê nó.

' Em ghét mèo'

'Thật hả? Anh tưởng em thích chúng."

Lưu ý những trường hợp đặc biệt này:

Tôi không đói. "Phải không?" (Aren’t you)  KHÔNG DÙNG dạng Amn’t you?X

"Anh không bao giờ mời tôi đến nhà anh." "phải không?"

"Không có gì xấu xảy ra." "Phải không?"

'Không ai muốn ngồi cạnh tôi.' “Phải không?”


1 Match the reply questions (a-e) with the statements (1-5).

(Ghép các câu hỏi phản hồi (a-e) với các câu (1-5).)

1 Yesterday was Monday.

2 Nothing exciting happened on holiday.

3 Our dog had never run away before.

4 The train had to stop suddenly.

5 My laptop has broken again.

a Didn't it?

b Did it?

c Was it?

d Has it?

e Hadn't it?

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Bài 2 :

2 Write reply questions for these statements.

(Viết câu hỏi phản hồi cho những câu nói này.)

1 I want to go somewhere different for my holiday this year.

2 Nobody told me about your accident.

3 I'm not ready to go out yet.

4 Our friends hardly ever go out during the week.

5 It costs a lot to send texts abroad.

6 Gorillas can't swim.

7 I'd rather spend this weekend at home.

8 My parents wouldn't enjoy skiing.

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Bài 3 :

8.4 Question tags

(Câu hỏi đuôi)

We use question tags when we want somebody to confirm something that we are saying. A statement with a question tag often sounds more polite than a direct question or a plain statement.

You live in Madrid, don't you?

When the main verb is affirmative, the question tag is negative, and vice versa.

She was late, wasn't she?

She wasn't late, was she?

We use the verb be, auxiliary verbs (do, have), or modal verbs (will, would, etc.), depending on the tense of the verb in the statement.

Notice these special cases:

I'm the winner, aren't I?

It hardly ever rains here, does it?

Let's go to the park, shall we?

Nothing's wrong, is it?

Nobody minds if I eat the last piece, do they?

Tạm dịch

Chúng ta sử dụng câu hỏi đuôi khi muốn ai đó xác nhận điều gì đó mà chúng ta đang nói. Một câu nói với một câu hỏi đuôi thường nghe lịch sự hơn một câu hỏi trực tiếp hoặc một câu nói đơn giản.

Bạn sống ở Madrid, phải không?

Khi động từ chính ở thể khẳng định thì câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định và ngược lại.

Cô đến muộn phải không?

Cô ấy không đến trễ, phải không?

Chúng ta sử dụng động từ be, trợ động từ (do, have), hoặc động từ khuyết thiếu (will, would, v.v.), tùy thuộc vào thì của động từ trong câu.



Lưu ý những trường hợp đặc biệt này:

Tôi là người chiến thắng, phải không?

Ở đây hầu như không bao giờ mưa, phải không?

Chúng ta hãy đi đến công viên, nhỉ?

Không có gì sai, phải không?

Không ai phiền nếu tôi ăn miếng cuối cùng, phải không?

1 Match the question tags below with statements 1-8.

(Ghép các câu hỏi đuôi dưới đây với các câu 1-8.)

1 You hadn't seen your friends for years, __________

2 Let's go away for a few days, __________

3 You'd rather be alone this evening, __________

4 Nobody was surprised at his decision, __________

5 We won't arrive on time, __________

6 Your parents were teachers, __________

7 I'm the best chess player in the school, __________

8 You had double maths this morning, __________

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Bài 4 :

2 Add a question tag to these statements.

(Thêm câu hỏi đuôi cho những câu nói này.)

1 It isn't too late to change my mind, __________?

2 Nobody wants to go home, __________?

3 We hadn't finished that pizza, __________?

4 You can't see my phone, __________?

5 That shop is never open, __________?

6 Your dad wouldn't give us a lift, __________?

7 You're hardly ever at home, __________?

8 Let's buy some popcorn, __________?

9 I'm your best friend, __________?

10 They aren't listening, __________?

11 Calls from abroad cost a lot, __________?

12 I'll see you soon, __________?

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Bài 5 :

a. Look at the picture. What do you think the girls are saying?

(Nhìn vào bức tranh. Bạn nghĩ các cô gái đang nói gì?)

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Bài 6 :

b. Now, listen and check your ideas.

(Bây giờ, hãy lắng nghe và kiểm tra ý tưởng của bạn.)

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Bài 7 :

c. Listen and repeat.

(Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

This looks good, doesn’t it?

(Cái này có vẻ tốt, phải không?)

Yes, it does.

(Đúng vậy.)

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Bài 8 :

a. Fill in the blanks with the correct tag questions and responses.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các câu hỏi và câu trả lời chính xác.)

1. A: The 1970s had the best music, didn't it?

    B: No, it didn't. 80s music was much better.

2. A: Men's fashion in the 1970s wasn't very good, ______________?

    B: _________________ , it wasn't. It was very boring.

3. A: Teens like to follow the latest trends, ________________?

    B: Yes, __________________.They always want the latest fashions.

4. A: We didn't have the best hairstyles back then, _________________?

    B: No, ______________. Hairstyles looked silly in those days.

5. A: He likes wearing practical clothes, ______________?

    B: Yes, __________________.

6. A: Alice is really interested in fashion, __________________?

   B: Yes, ___________________. She always buys new clothes.

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Bài 9 :

b. Complete the questions using the prompts, then answer the questions.

(Hoàn thành các câu hỏi bằng cách sử dụng các gợi ý, sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. A: Their clothes were silly, weren't they? (past-be/silly)

    B: No, they weren't.

2. A: She ____________________, __________________? (now-look/stylish)

    B: ______________________________________

3. A: Those jeans ___________________, _________________? (now-be/too short)

    B: _______________________________________

4. A: She ____________________with short hair, ___________________? (past-look/good)

    B: ________________________________________

5. A: Those leather boots ___________________, __________________? (now not be/stylish)

    B: ___________________________________

6. A: Those jeans ____________________for girls, _________________? (now-be/suitable)

    B: ____________________________________

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Bài 10 :

c. In pairs: Make comments on the pictures on page 14 and see if your friend can guess which picture you're commenting on.

(Làm theo cặp: Đưa ra các nhận xét về bức tranh ở trang 14 và xem bạn của bạn có đoán được bạn đang nhận xét bức tranh nào không.)

The woman's outfit is very stylish, isn't it?

(Trang phục của người phụ nữ rất phong cách phải không?)

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Bài 11 :

Question tags

(Câu hỏi đuôi)

Question tags are short phrases added at the end of statements. They are used to check if something is true or not.

•  A positive statement takes a negative question tag. He's a volunteer, isn't he?

• A negative statement takes a positive question tag. You don't work here, do you?

We form a question tag with the correct form of to be / auxiliary verb / modal verb + subject pronoun.

He's a volunteer, isn't he?

You haven't sent Josh an email about the healthcare project, have you?

Joe and Jack can attend the party raising money for poor countries, can't they?

If the statement doesn't have the verb to be, an auxiliary verb or a modal verb, we use don't, doesn't for the present simple and didn't for the past simple.

Mary knows about the new free medical centre, doesn't she?

You sent the job application form to a company in Vietnam, didn't you?

In question tags, we use falling intonation (æ) when we are sure of the answer and rising intonation (ä) when we aren't sure and want to check the answer.

Jessica is looking for a job, isn't she (ä)?

The event started at 4 p.m., didn't it (æ)?


Tạm dịch

Câu hỏi đuôi là những cụm từ ngắn được thêm vào cuối câu. Chúng được sử dụng để kiểm tra xem điều gì đó có đúng hay không.

• Một câu khẳng định có một câu hỏi đuôi phủ định. Anh ấy là tình nguyện viên phải không?

• Câu phủ định dùng câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định. Bạn không làm việc ở đây, phải không?

Chúng ta tạo thành một câu hỏi đuôi với dạng đúng của to be / trợ động từ / động từ khuyết thiếu + đại từ chủ ngữ.

Anh ấy là tình nguyện viên phải không?

Bạn chưa gửi cho Josh một email về dự án chăm sóc sức khỏe phải không?

Joe và Jack có thể tham dự bữa tiệc gây quỹ cho các nước nghèo, phải không?

Nếu câu không có động từ to be, trợ động từ hoặc động từ khuyết thiếu, chúng ta dùng don't, don't cho thì hiện tại đơn và did't cho thì quá khứ đơn.

Mary biết về trung tâm y tế miễn phí mới, phải không?

Bạn đã gửi đơn xin việc cho một công ty ở Việt Nam phải không?

Trong câu hỏi đuôi, chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu đi xuống (æ) khi chúng ta chắc chắn về câu trả lời và ngữ điệu đi lên (ä) khi chúng ta không chắc chắn và muốn kiểm tra câu trả lời.

Jessica đang tìm việc phải không (ä)?

Sự kiện bắt đầu lúc 4 giờ chiều phải không (æ)?


5. Match the sentences (1-6) to the correct question tags (a-f).

(Nối các câu (1-6) với các câu hỏi đuôi đúng (a-f).)

1 The charity raises money for the World Food Programme,

2 You helped with collecting blankets for the shelters,

3 Melissa isn't working at the local children's hospital,

4 You are a new medical volunteer,

5 We will go to the march against racism,

6 The homeless have received free meals,


a won't we?

b is she?

c haven't they?

d aren't you?

e doesn't it?

f didn't you?

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Bài 12 :

6. Study the theory box below. Then choose the correct question tag.

(Nghiên cứu phần lý thuyết dưới đây. Sau đó chọn câu hỏi đuôi chính xác.)

• I am → aren't I? I'm late for the event on obesity prevention, aren't I?

• Imperative → will you? Have a bowl of soup, will you? (an invitation)

• Imperative → won't you? Come with me to the community kitchen, won't you? (a polite request)

• Don't→ will you? Don't forget to collect food and bring it to the shelter, will you?

• Let's → shall we? Let's go to the employment centre, shall we?

• Have (got) possession → haven't + subject? You've (got) donations for the poor,

haven't you?

• never/none/hardly ever, etc. → positive verb + subject? You've never volunteered at the Action Against Hunger, have you?

Tạm dịch

• I am → aren't I? Tôi đến trễ sự kiện về phòng chống béo phì phải không?

• Bắt buộc → will you? Ăn một bát súp nhé? (lời mời)

• Bắt buộc → won't you? Đi với tôi đến nhà bếp cộng đồng, được không? (một yêu cầu lịch sự)

• Don't→ will you? Đừng quên thu thập thức ăn và mang nó đến nơi trú ẩn, bạn nhé?

• Let's → shall we? Chúng ta hãy đến trung tâm việc làm, phải không?

• have (got) → have not + chủ ngữ? Bạn đã (có) quyên góp cho người nghèo, phải không?

• never/none/hardly ever, v.v. → khẳng định động từ + chủ ngữ? Bạn chưa bao giờ tình nguyện tham gia Hành động chống lại nạn đói phải không?

1 Send me some information about the anti - bullying programme, won't you / will you?

2 Let's help out at the World Food Day, will we / shall we?

3 Jimmy hardly ever complains about working late at the free medical centre, does he / doesn't he?

4 Please don't come to the depression awareness-raising event late, will you / do you?

5 Kevin has got toys to donate to the daycare, doesn't he / hasn't he?


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Bài 13 :

Question tags

(Câu hỏi đuôi)

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 You cook at the community kitchen, ________?

A aren't you

B don't you

C do you

D are you

2 I'm volunteering at the homeless shelter tomorrow, ________?

A am I

B don't I

C aren't I

D can't l

3 Lisa hasn't collected food for charity, ________?

A has she

B is she

C will she

D did she

4 They'll never forget about that event, ________?

A will they

B haven't they

C aren't they

D won't they

5 Mr Smith said we could use the community centre for the fundraiser, ________?

A didn't he

B can't he

C did he

D has he

6 Tom isn't unemployed, ________?

A does he

B isn't he

C doesn't he

D is he

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Bài 14 :

3. Complete the example sentences in LANGUAGE FOCUS with the correct auxiliary verbs. Then listen again and check.

(Hoàn thành các câu ví dụ trong LANGUAGE FOCUS với trợ động từ chính xác. Sau đó nghe lại và kiểm tra.)


Question tags

• You use question tags to change affirmative or negative statements into questions. •  You form question tags with an auxiliary / modal verb + pronoun.

Positive statement + negative tag

You've got the Food Delivery App, haven't you?

We can use Regal Pizzas, 2__________we?

Negative statement + positive tag

I'm not the only one, 3__________I?

We haven't had pizza for ages, 4__________we?

Special cases

That's unusual, 5__________ it?

Let's order some pizzas, 6__________ we?

Eat more healthy food, 7__________ you?

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Bài 15 :

4. Listen and complete the exchanges from Pizza Delivery Part 2. Does the intonation rise or fall? Listen again and check.

(Nghe và hoàn thành phần trao đổi từ Pizza Delivery Part 2. Ngữ điệu lên hay xuống không? Nghe lại và kiểm tra.)

1. Hi, you ordered food, didn't you?

2. That's everything, __________?

3. You are Mr. and Mrs. Whitecross, __________?

4. We don't look like Mr. and Mrs. anybody, __________?

5. And this isn't 102 Corn Street, __________?

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Bài 16 :

5. Choose the correct question tag, A, B or C to complete Pizza Delivery Part 3.

(Chọn câu hỏi đuôi đúng A, B hoặc C để hoàn thành Giao hàng Pizza Phần 3.)

Jess: Listen, I'm so hungry. We could just take the curries, 1__________

Delivery 1: Mr. and Mrs. Whitecross wouldn't be too happy, 2__________

Olly: They won’t know, 3__________

 Maggie: No, that's just wrong. We can wait a bit longer, 4__________.Listen, number 102 is across the road. You won't get lost again now, 5__________

Delivery 1: I'll try not to. Thanks!

Delivery 2: Hello. This is 120 Corn street, 6__________

All: Yes, it is.

Olly: Have you got our pizzas?


A shall we?

B could we?               

C couldn't we?


A are they?

B would they?

C would he?


A will they?           

B would they?            

C won't they?


A shall we?

B can we?                  

C can't we?


A do you?               

B won't you?  

C will you?


A isn't it?                 

B is this?                    

C is it?

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Bài 17 :

6. Role-play. Student A is a customer calling to order food. Student B receives orders for a restaurant. Make a conversation. Use question tags below.

(Nhập vai. Học sinh A là khách gọi điện đặt đồ ăn. Học sinh B nhận đơn đặt hàng cho một nhà hàng. Thực hiện một cuộc trò chuyện. Sử dụng câu hỏi  đuôi dưới đây.)


don't you?

aren't you?

haven't you?

will you?

isn't it?

shall we?

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Bài 18 :

1. Complete the text with the correct words.

(Hoàn thành văn bản với các từ chính xác.)

We all love cooking, don't 1_________ ? And one thing which proves this is the current popularity of cooking programmes on TV. You can probably name two or three popular cooking shows, can't 2_________? And that's because we also enjoy watching other people cook. That, basically, is what this recent trend is all about, isn't 3_________?

Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, Jordi Cruz - we've all heard of them, haven't 4_________? They all became famous for the same reason – they  are celebrity chefs, aren't 5_________? If you don't know who they are, then you haven't been spending enough time in the kitchen, have 6_________? Or, in fact, in front of the TV.

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Bài 19 :

2 Complete the dialogues with the correct answers A-C.

(Hoàn thành các cuộc đối thoại với các câu trả lời đúng A-C.)


Laurel: We can start baking the cake now, _________?

Adrianne: Not yet. We're waiting for Kyle to bring the eggs.

A cannot we

B can we

C can't we



Lester: I'll have a slice of mushroom pizza.

Carlo: But you're allergic to mushrooms, _________?

A are you

B aren't you

C will you



Eva: It's cold in here, don't you think?

Megan: Yes, that window's open, _________?

A isn't it

B is it

C doesn't it



Dario: I don't think I'd like anything to eat, to be honest.

Rufus: Oh, I'm not the only one of us that's hungry, _________?

A is it

B am I

C are we



Maureen: Did Martha say she wanted something to eat?

Hollis: Well, she hasn't had anything to eat since breakfast, _________?

A has she

B had she

C did she

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Bài 20 :

3. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

(Hoàn thành các câu với một từ trong mỗi khoảng trống.)

1 That's octopus meat, isn't _________? Yuk.

2 James and Oli absolutely love avocados, _________ they?

3 There's a new burger bar opening in town, isn't _________?

4 We don't have to leave a tip for the waiter, _________ we?

5 We should complain about the service, _________ we?

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Bài 21 :

4. Choose the best answer to complete the text.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành văn bản.)

Every nationality has its traditional meals, 1_________ they? Scotland, for example, with their haggis - a meat dish made with a sheep's stomach. You'd just love to try that, 2_________ you? Yummy! Well, here are some more strange and delicious dishes from around the world.

We all know the Japanese are famous for eating fish, 3_________ we? But did you know that one speciality is tuna eyeballs? These are boiled in hot water and served with soy sauce or garlic.

But you don't really fancy that, 4_________ you? Then how about some tasty white ant eggs soup? Sounds tasty, 5_________ it? This speciality comes from Laos, is topped with baby ants and tastes like squid (an animal similar to octopus) apparently. Eating insects is your thing, 6_________ it? Yes? Then how about some fried tarantula? A popular snack in Cambodia so I hear.


1 A do

B don't

C haven't


2 A wouldn't

B couldn't

C won't


3 A don't

B doesn't

C can't


4 A don't

B aren't

C do


5 A aren't

B doesn't

C isn't


6 A is

B are

C isn't

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Bài 22 :

a. Circle the correct words.

(Khoanh vào từ đúng.)

1. That skirt is very stylish, isn’t it/ didn’t it?

2. Your mother doesn’t like pop music, does she/ do they?

3. That dress doesn’t/ isn’t suitable for school, is it?

4. You like to argue with your parents, do you/ don’t you?

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Bài 23 :

b. Write tag questions using the prompts.

(Viết câu hỏi đuôi bằng cách sử dụng các gợi ý.)

1. those boots/ not suitable/ school (now)      Those boots aren’t suitable for school, are they?

2. your sister/ very fashionable (now)            _______________________________________

3. your parents/ very strict (now)                  _______________________________________

4. that outfit/ look/silly (past)                        _______________________________________

5. she/ look/ stylish (past)                              _______________________________________

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Bài 24 :

2. Read the Speaking Strategy. Then choose the correct reply question below for each statement. There are two extra questions.

(Đọc Chiến lược nói. Sau đó chọn câu trả lời đúng dưới đây cho mỗi câu phát biểu. Có hai câu hỏi bị thừa.)

1   I haven’t got enough money for this holiday.

     ____________________________________ ?

2   You need to book the train tickets soon.

     ____________________________________ ?

3   You’d better check in that large bag.

     ____________________________________ ?

4   You don’t seem happy about the arrangements.

     ____________________________________ ?

5   I’m booking a hotel for the first two nights.

     ____________________________________ ?

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Bài 25 :

4. Complete the sentences with questions tags.

(Hoàn thành các câu bằng câu hỏi đuôi.)

1   It shouldn’t be too far, ________________ ?

2   The train is quite fast, ________________ ?

3   It isn’t too expensive, ________________ ?

4   There are lots of other things we could do, ________________ ?

5   Everybody likes swimming, ________________ ?

6   Let’s tell the others, ________________ ?

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Bài 26 :

6. Complete the sentences with questions tags.

(Hoàn thành các câu bằng câu hỏi đuôi.)

1   You haven’t booked a hotel, ________________ ?

2   We shouldn’t go away right at the end of the holiday, ________________ ?

3   You’d rather stay at a campsite, ________________ ?

4   I’m the only one of use who can drive, ________________ ?

5   You never go on holiday with friends, ________________ ?

6   Don’t forget to pack the suncream, ________________ ?

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Bài 27 :

3. Fill in each gap with the correct question tag.

(Điền vào mỗi khoảng trống với câu hỏi đuôi đúng.)

1 Roy is working with unemployed people at the community centre, _____?

2 I'm joining an organisation that helps the homeless, _____?

3 They don't experience racism in their community, _____?

4 Don't forget to serve breakfast to the homeless today, _____?

5 You haven't had problems with bullying at school, _____?

6 You've got some free time on Sundays, _____?

7 Let's give some money to this charity, _____?

8 Help us to raise awareness of the poverty crisis, _____?

9 Sally works as a social worker in London, _____?

10 They organised the march, _____?

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Bài 28 :

4. Find and correct ONE mistake.

(Tìm và sửa MỘT lỗi sai.)

1 She is late, is she? isn't she

(Cô ấy đến muộn phải không?)

2 They worked hard to raise money for the new homeless shelter, did they? _______

3 Sally and John brought blankets for the homeless shelter, don't they? _______

4 It's a pity there are so many poor people in the world, is it? _______

5 I'm not suffering from depression, are I? _______

6 Let's give out food stamps to homeless people today, will we? _______

7 Don't be late for the lecture of disease prevention, do you? _______

8 Sheila's got the keys to the shelter, doesn't she? _______

9 We should put an end to racism, should we? _______

10 War has never affected anyone in this region, hasn't it? _______

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Bài 29 :

Question tags

(Câu hỏi đuôi)

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 I'm the only one in my family is unemployed, aren't I/am I?

2 Bob usually joins our clean-up days, doesn't he/hasn't he?

3 Don't forget to collect food for the poor, won't you/will you?

4 Sam's a supporter of gender equality, isn't he/is he?

5 They've got a lot of volunteers to help the homeless, have they/haven't they?

6 That's a skills training course, isn't it/is it?

7 You had free healthcare, don't you/didn't you?

8 There are food stamps for all, aren't they/ aren't there?

9 Everyone receives skills training, doesn't he/don't they?

10 Those are the shelters for the homeless, aren't those/aren't they?

11 Trang knows a lot about social issues, does she/doesn't she?

12 You've never been to the homeless shelter, haven't you / have you?

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Bài 30 :

4. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các dạng câu hỏi đuôi chính xác.)

1 Robert likes volunteering, _______?

2 Don't forget to read that article about bullying, _______?

3 Everything has been delivered, _______?

4 Racism isn't right, _______?

5 They had a conversation about bullying, _______?

7 I'm the only one here who gives cash to the homeless, _______?

8 He's forgotten to collect the donations, _______?

9 Lots of people came to the free clinic today, _______?

10 Everyone agreed with you, _______?

11 You will go to the environmental fundraiser, _______?

12 There isn't a crime wave in this area, _______?

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