Đề bài

6. Complete the future predictions with the given words and the adverbs of certainty in brackets as in the example.

(Hoàn thành các dự đoán tương lai với các từ cho sẵn và trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn trong ngoặc như trong ví dụ.)

In the future, ...

1 people / not work / offices (definitely)

people definitely won't work in offices.

(mọi người chắc chắn sẽ không làm việc trong văn phòng.)

2 vacuum tube trains / be / a popular / form of transport (probably)

3 many houses / have / smart locks (perhaps)

4 cities / not have / floating houses (probably)

5 we / grow / more food / vertical farms (maybe)

6 some / cities / be / underground (definitely)

7 skybridges / have / spaces / gyms (probably)

8 more cars / not have / drivers (probably)

Phương pháp giải :

Vị trí của trạng ngữ chỉ sự chắc chắn thường:

- Sau “will” trong câu phủ định

- Trước “will” hoặc giữa “will” và “not” trong câu phủ định.

- maybe / perhaps: thường được đặt ở đầu câu.

Lời giải chi tiết :

In the future, ...

(Trong tương lai,…)

2 Vacuum tube trains will probably be a popular form of transport.

(Tàu ống chân không có thể sẽ là một hình thức vận chuyển phổ biến.)

3 Many houses may have smart locks.

(Nhiều ngôi nhà có thể có khóa thông minh.)

4 Cities probably won't have floating houses.

(Thành phố chắc sẽ không có nhà nổi)

5 Maybe we will grow more food in vertical farms.

(Có thể chúng tôi sẽ trồng nhiều lương thực hơn trong các trang trại thẳng đứng.)

6 Some cities will definitely be underground.

(Một số thành phố chắc chắn sẽ nằm dưới lòng đất.)

7 Skybridges will probably have spaces for gyms.

(Các cây cầu trên không có thể sẽ có không gian cho phòng tập thể dục.)

8 More cars probably won't have drivers.

(Nhiều xe sẽ không có tài xế.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

a. Look at the picture. What do you think the boy is saying?

(Nhìn vào bức tranh. Bạn nghĩ cậu bé đang nói gì?)

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Bài 2 :

a. Unscramble the sentences.

(Sắp xếp lại câu.)

1. Commuters/probably/downtown./drive/won't/cars

Commuters probably won't drive cars downtown.

2. more/could/life/expensive./become/possibly/City

3. probably/trains/be/safe./Self-driving/will

4. cars/reduce/downtown/will/congestion./Maybe/flying

5. won't/Speed/be/probably/reduced./limits

6. a/definitely/problem/will/Pollution/bigger/become

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Bài 3 :

b. Look at the table and write sentences to make predictions about our cities in the future.

(Nhìn vào bảng và viết các câu để đưa ra dự đoán về các thành phố của chúng ta trong tương lai.)

1. We'll definitely have more energy-efficient cars.

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________

4. _____________________________________

5. _____________________________________

6. _____________________________________


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Bài 4 :

c. In pairs: Ask and answer using the topics in the table and your own predictions and reasons.

(Theo cặp: Hỏi và trả lời bằng cách sử dụng các chủ đề trong bảng cũng như các dự đoán và lý do của riêng bạn.)

Do you think we'll have more energy-efficient cars in the future?

(Bạn có nghĩ rằng chúng ta sẽ có những chiếc xe tiết kiệm năng lượng hơn trong tương lai?)

I think we'll probably have them because we already have some energy-efficient electric cars.

(Tôi nghĩ có lẽ chúng ta sẽ có chúng vì chúng ta đã có một số ô tô điện tiết kiệm năng lượng.)

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Bài 5 :

Adverbs of certainty

We can use adverbs of certainty (definitely, certainly, probably, perhaps, maybe) and will to express how certain or sure we feel about an action or something in the future.

•  definitely / certainly (not): (not) happen or be true without any doubt.

•  probably (not): (not) be likely to happen or be true.

•  perhaps / maybe: might be possible to happen or be true.

The adverbs of certainty usually:

•  come after will in affirmative sentences.

Drones will probably deliver all packages in the future.

•  come before will not (won't) or between will and not in negative sentences.

We probably won't go shopping in malls. OR We will probably not go shopping in malls.

The adverbs maybe / perhaps are usually be placed at the beginning of a sentence.

Perhaps / Maybe all buildings will have solar windows in the future.

Tạm dịch

Trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn

Chúng ta có thể sử dụng các trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn (definitely, certainly, probably, perhaps, maybe) và will để diễn tả mức độ chắc chắn hoặc cảm giác chắc chắn của chúng ta về một hành động hoặc điều gì đó trong tương lai.

• definitely / certainly (not) (chắc chắn): (không) xảy ra hoặc là sự thật mà không nghi ngờ gì.

• probably (not) (có lẽ): (không) có khả năng xảy ra hoặc là sự thật.

• perhaps / maybe (có lẽ): có thể xảy ra hoặc đúng.

Các trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn thường:

• đứng sau will trong câu khẳng định.

Máy bay không người lái có thể sẽ cung cấp tất cả các gói hàng trong tương lai.

• đứng trước will not (sẽ không) hoặc đứng giữa will và not trong câu phủ định.

Chúng tôi có lẽ sẽ không đi mua sắm trong trung tâm thương mại. HOẶC Chúng tôi có thể sẽ không đi mua sắm trong trung tâm thương mại.

Trạng từ maybe / perhaps (có thể / có lẽ) thường được đặt ở đầu câu.

Có lẽ / Có thể tất cả các tòa nhà sẽ có cửa sổ năng lượng mặt trời trong tương lai.


5. Put the adverb of certainty in bold in the correct gap in each sentence.

(Đặt trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn được in đậm vào chỗ trống chính xác trong mỗi câu.)

1 Shoppers ✓  won't ____ use a smart mirror in the future. (certainly)

2 ____ people____ will live on other planets. (perhaps)

3 Underground motorways ____ will ____ be possible in the future. (definitely)

4 Roads will ____ not ____ have traffic congestion in the future. (probably)

5 People ____ won't ____ use petrol in cars in the next 50 years. (definitely)

6 Drones____ will ____ make finding things easier in the future. (certainly)

7 ____ more houses will have robots ____ in twenty years. (maybe)

8 Moving walkways_____won't____ be possible in the next ten years. (probably)

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Bài 6 :

7. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. Use the word in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai để nó có cùng nghĩa với câu thứ nhất. Sử dụng từ trong ngoặc.)

1 There's no chance that robots will replace all human jobs. (definitely)

(Không có khả năng robot sẽ thay thế tất cả các công việc của con người.)

Robots definitely won't replace all human jobs.

(Robot chắc chắn sẽ không thay thế tất cả các công việc của con người.)

2 I think some people will live on space stations in the future. (probably)

Some people

3 I'm certain more people will drive electric cars in ten years. (definitely)

More people

4 It's not likely that foldable cars will be popular in the future. (probably)

Foldable cars

5 There's no doubt that more businesses will use drones in the future. (certainly)

More businesses

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Bài 7 :

Word families

I can recognise different words formed from the same base.

1. Complete the sentences with adverbs formed from the nouns in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu với trạng từ được tạo thành từ danh từ trong ngoặc.)

1 Angrily, (anger) he threw his bag onto the floor.

(Tức giận, anh ta ném túi xách của mình xuống sàn.)

2 'It's broken,' she said _______________ (sadness).

3 ______________________________ (happiness), everyone passed the exam.

4 We looked _______________(anxiety) at the screen.

5 He looked _______________(surprise) calm as the exam began.

6 When she'd finished the painting, she _______________ (pride) showed it to her friends.

7 I left my bag in the café. _______________ (hope), it's still there!

8 The police officer looked _______________ (suspicion) at the men on the street corner.

9 We stood outside the restaurant and stared _______________ (hunger) at the menu in the window.

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Bài 8 :

a. Unscramble the sentences.

(Sắp xếp lại câu.)

1. definitely/ taxis./ We/ will/ have/ electric

2. travel/ flying/ in/ Commuters/ could/ possibly/ buses.

3. probably/ cities/ Future/ buildings/ will/ have/ taller

4. We/ buses/ in/ the/ petrol/ have/ probably/ won’t/ future.

5. electric/ we’ll/ airplanes./ in/ travel/ Maybe

6. definitely/ coal/ plants./ won’t/ We/ have/ power

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Bài 9 :

b. Write sentences using the prompts in the table.

(Viết câu sử dụng gợi ý trong bảng.)

Certainty (Độ chắc chắn)

travel on electric buses (di chuyển trên các xe buýt điện)


have robot police officers (có cảnh sát người máy)


use self-driving cars (sử dụng ô tô tự lái)


use underwater taxis (sử dụng taxi dưới nước)


have traffic jams (bị kẹt xe)


1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________

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Bài 10 :

What do you think your city will be like in the future? Write five predictions.

(Bạn nghĩ thành phố của bạn sẽ như thế nào trong tương lai? Viết năm dự đoán.)

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Bài 11 :

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 Perhaps/Certainly people will drive flying cars in the future. (It might be possible)

2 I think foldable cars will probably/definitely not be popular in the future. (It's not likely)

3 Maybe/Definitely drones will deliver all our packages one day. (It might happen)

4 I will probably/certainly not get a smart mirror. (It is unlikely)

5 One day soon everyone will definitely/ maybe use electric cars. (It's without a doubt)

6 Probably/Maybe a lot of new buildings will have solar windows. (It is likely to happen)

7 With flying cars, we will definitely/probably not need underground motorways. (It's without a doubt)

8 People will certainly/maybe use vacuum tube trains in the future to travel faster. (It's without a doubt)

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Bài 12 :

4. Rearrange the words to make complete sentences. Mind the position of adverbs of certainty.

(Sắp xếp lại các từ để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. Lưu ý vị trí của trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn.)

1 won't /cars / They / petrol / that / into cities. / allow / certainly / use

2 Physics. / study / he / Perhaps / will

3 wood. /We / build / probably / from / will / homes / not

4 definitely more / vertical farms / in / People / 50 years. / will / use

5 probably / live / not / in / People / the / underground / in / will / cities / future.

6 Vacuum / trains / become / common / definitely tube / future. / the / in /will

7 skybridges / Maybe / have / will / every / in / a / years /city. / few

8 have / their / Everyone / definitely / will / the own / future. / 3D printed house / in

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Bài 13 :

Adverbs of certainty

(Trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn)

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 Perhaps/Certainly/Probably people will live in underground cities in the future. (possibly)

2 We think vertical farms probably/ definitely/maybe won't be in every city in the future. (unlikely)

3 Maybe/Definitely/Probably the sky will be full of drones delivering packages in 20 years from now. (possibly)

4 Perhaps/Certainly/Definitely people will use flying cars in 2050. (likely)

5 By 2050, everyone will definitely/maybe/ perhaps use electric cars. (without any doubt)

6 I maybe/probably/certainly won't get a virtual reality headset. (without any doubt)

7 All new building will probably/maybe/ certainly have roof gardens. (without any doubt)

8 Drones will certainly/perhaps/probably become more and more popular. (likely)

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Bài 14 :

4. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. Mind the position of the adverbs of certainty.

(Sắp xếp lại các từ để tạo thành câu có nghĩa. Lưu ý vị trí của các trạng từ chắc chắn.)

1 vehicles / be /will / flying / certainly / common / 50 / years / in / think / I

2 astronaut / to be / he / perhaps / will / train / an

3 solar panels / we / put / probably / on / will / building / every

4 definitely / electric vehicles / 50 years / more / than / petrol vehicles / will /people

5 probably / live / some / in / people / the / space stations / on / will / future

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Bài 15 :

3. Complete the story with the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành câu chuyện với các từ trong hộp.)

I didn't want to go home!

I 1 _______ didn't want to go home!  My holiday in Barbados had been my best holiday ever and I was sitting at the airport, waiting for my flight home, feeling very 2 _______.  Why couldn't I stay just one more day?

'Passengers for Flight 207 to London, please board now,' a voice came from the loudspeaker. 3 _______, I picked up my case and got on the plane behind my parents. 4 _______, they were looking forward to getting back. Can you imagine that?

We sat in the plane, waiting to take off for about an hour. People were starting to whisper about the 5 _______ delay. Then we all heard the pilot's voice: 6 _______, we have some engine trouble and we can't take off this afternoon,' he said. 'We are arranging 7 _______ accommodation at the Tree Tops Hotel for all passengers.'

I couldn't believe it. 'Yes!' I shouted 8 _______. My wish had come true. I had one more day and I was going to stay in the best hotel in the area!

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