Đề bài

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

New message

Hi James,

Thanks for your last email. You were right - It is really easy to do my own laundry. I think mom will be surprised when I tell her about it!

The first few weeks of university have been great, and I'm making lots of new friends. The only problem is that I've almost run out of money already. Eating out every day is so much more expensive than I thought it would be! You always made really good fried rice when you lived with us. Is it difficult to make?

Please tell Mom and Dad I said "hi" and make sure Mom waters the plants in my room, OK?



New message

Hello Mark,

I'm glad it's all going well! Mom will be happy when she hears about how independent you're becoming. Maybe you can do all of our laundry the next time you visit us, haha.

About food, it's really important for you to take care of yourself. You can save a lot of money by making your own meals. Fried rice is really easy to cook, but it'll be much better for you to learn some healthier recipes. I think you should try a simple chicken curry. It's a bit more difficult to cook, but it's much healthier. It's also really good to make a lot of curry at once, and then freeze it. I guess you're really busy with your lessons, so it will be convenient for you to heat it up quickly when you're hungry. You could even share some with your new friends!

Anyway, see you soon, Mark!


Tạm dịch:

Tin nhắn mới

Chào James,

Cảm ơn email cuối cùng của bạn. Bạn đã đúng - Tự giặt quần áo thật dễ dàng. Tôi nghĩ mẹ sẽ ngạc nhiên khi tôi nói với mẹ về điều đó!

Vài tuần đầu tiên ở trường đại học thật tuyệt vời, và tôi đang kết bạn với rất nhiều bạn mới. Vấn đề duy nhất là tôi đã gần hết tiền rồi. Đi ăn ngoài mỗi ngày đắt hơn nhiều so với tôi nghĩ! Bạn luôn làm cơm chiên rất ngon khi bạn sống với chúng tôi. Có khó thực hiện không?

Hãy nói với bố mẹ là con đã nói "xin chào" và đảm bảo rằng mẹ sẽ tưới cây trong phòng của con, được chứ?



Tin nhắn mới

Xin chào Mark,

Tôi rất vui vì mọi chuyện đang diễn ra tốt đẹp! Mẹ sẽ rất vui khi biết bạn đã trở nên độc lập như thế nào. Có lẽ bạn có thể giặt tất cả quần áo của chúng tôi vào lần tới khi bạn đến thăm chúng tôi, haha.

Về thức ăn, điều quan trọng là bạn phải tự chăm sóc bản thân. Bạn có thể tiết kiệm rất nhiều tiền bằng cách tự nấu ăn. Cơm chiên rất dễ nấu, nhưng sẽ tốt hơn nếu bạn học một số công thức nấu ăn tốt cho sức khỏe hơn. Tôi nghĩ bạn nên thử món cà ri gà đơn giản. Nó khó nấu hơn một chút, nhưng nó tốt cho sức khỏe hơn nhiều. Nó cũng thực sự tốt để làm nhiều cà ri cùng một lúc, sau đó đông lạnh. Tôi đoán bạn đang thực sự bận rộn với các bài học của mình, vì vậy sẽ thuận tiện cho bạn hâm nóng nó nhanh chóng khi bạn đói. Bạn thậm chí có thể chia sẻ một số với bạn bè mới của bạn!

Dù sao, hẹn gặp lại, Mark!


Lời giải chi tiết :

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Earning your parents’ trust

(Được bố mẹ tin tưởng)

1. Listen and read. 

(Nghe và đọc.)

Nam: Mai, why don't you answer your phone? It keeps ringing.

Mai: It’s my mum who's calling me again. She wants me to contact her from time to time while I’m out.

Nam: My parents usec to be like that. They thought I didn’t have the confidence to deal with difficult situations.

Mark: I had the same experience. It was earning my parents’ trust that took a long time. But I managed to convince them that I'm responsible when I’m out and about.

Mai: It’s my parents who still think I don’t have the skills to be independent. I'm not good at managing my time or money, but I’m independent at home - I can cook, clean the house, and do my laundry!

Nam: That’s a good star! I use a time-management app to plan my weekly schedule including all my activities and responsibilities. Would you like me to help you install it?

Mai: That'd be great. Thanks, Nam.

Mark: I use a money-management app. It’s the app that taught me how to be responsible with money.

Mai: Mark, can you show it to me?

Mark: No problem. My parents also encourage me to take part-time jobs and pay me for doing certain chores around the house.

Mai: Lucky you!

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Bài 2 :

2. Read the conversation again and decide who has these skills. Put a tick in the correct column.

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại một lần nữa và quyết định xem ai có những kỹ năng này. Đánh dấu vào cột đúng.) 





1. Managing money




2. Cooking, cleaning and doing laundry




3. Managing time




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Bài 3 :

3. Find words and a phrase in 1 that have the following meanings.

(Tìm các từ và một cụm từ trong 1 có các nghĩa sau.)

1. a belief in your own ability to do things well


2. confident and free to do things without help from other people


3. things that you must do as part of your duty or job


4. the activity of planning how to spend and save money


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Bài 4 :

4. Match the two halves to make sentences used in 1.

(Nối hai nửa để tạo câu được sử dụng trong 1.) 

1. It’s my mum

a. that took a long time

2. It was earning my parents’ trust

b. who still think I don’t have the skills to be independent.

3. It’s my parents

c. that taught me how to be responsible with money

4. It’s the app

d. who’s calling me again

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the text. Match the paragraphs (A-C) with the headings (1-5). There are TWO extra headings.

(Đọc văn bản. Nối các đoạn văn (A-C) với các tiêu đề (1-5). Có HAI tiêu đề bị thừa.)

1. Manage your money

(Quản lý tiền của bạn)

2. Relax and sleep well 

(Thư giãn và ngủ ngon)

3. Develop time-management skills

(Phát triển kỹ năng quản lý thời gian)

4. Improve your decision-making skill 

(Cải thiện kỹ năng ra quyết định của bạn)

5. Learn basic, but important life skills 

(Học những kỹ năng sống cơ bản nhưng quan trọng)

Becoming independent is important for teenagers. Below are the necessary skills you should learn to achieve independence for the future.

A. ___________________

First, make sure you can safely get around by yourself using public transport, walking, or cycling. Second, learn to communicate well and develop good relationships with people. Do some part-time jobs and get to know how to manage your money. You should also learn to cook healthy meals for your family. Finally, help your parents with household chores like cleaning and doing laundry.

B. ___________________

To begin with, identify the problem and come up with as many solutions as possible. Write down the options, so you can review the advantages and disadvantages of each one. This will help you see which option could be the best for you. Don’t base your decision on emotion only. Once you have made your choice, create a plan of specific steps to move forward. Then carry out your plan, and think about whether you have achieved the result you wanted.

C. ___________________

First of all, get into the habit of making a to-do-list every day or week. Make use of time-management tools, such as apps or diaries, to know what you need to do next. In addition, decide how much time you need for each task and always do one thing at a time to make sure you complete it. Schedule time to relax as well, and make sure you sleep at least nine hours each night. A good night's sleep is necessary for teenage brain development and good health. Becoming independent is not easy, but itis not as challenging as you may think. It’s about learning useful skills, making decisions by yourself, and knowing how to spend your time.

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Bài 6 :

3. Read the text again and match the highlighted phrases in the text with their meanings.

(Đọc lại văn bản và nối các cụm từ được đánh dấu trong văn bản với ý nghĩa của chúng.)

1. get around

a. to start doing something regularly so that it becomes a habit

2. come up with

b. to perform and complete something

3. carry out

c. to go or travel to different places

4. get into the habit of

d. to use something to achieve a particular result or benefit

5. make use of

e. to produce or find an answer or a solution

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Bài 7 :

4. Read the text again. Complete the diagrams with information from the text. Use no more than TWO words for each gap.

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Hoàn thành các sơ đồ với thông tin từ văn bản. Sử dụng không quá HAI từ cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

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Bài 8 :

Teen independence in the US

(Sự tự lập của thanh thiếu niên ở Mỹ)

1. Read the text below and complete the diagram. Use no more than THREE words for each gap.

(Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và hoàn thành sơ đồ. Sử dụng không quá BA từ cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

American parents usually encourage independence in their teenage children, and it is normal for teens to want more responsibility and freedom for their choices.

American teenagers often start high school with a basic plan of classes they need to take to get a high school diploma. Some subjects like English, maths, science, or social studies are required, others can be selected. Schools also provide extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, and bands. American teenagers who plan to go to college study hard to get good grades. They are highly motivated and very confident, and take responsibility for their learning.

Many American teenagers have part-time jobs as they want to gain work experience and learn how to manage their money. Many teens work at fast-food restaurants and stores, or do babysitting, and dog walking for neighbours. They also volunteer at local hospitals, food banks, and old people's homes, or take part in clean-up activities to improve their neighbourhood. This community service counts towards the volunteer hours that some schools require for university admission.

The teenage years form an important period of their development that influences adult life. The main goal of this period for most American teenagers is becoming independent, and they work hard both at school and outside school to achieve this goal.

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Bài 9 :

a. Read the mails very quickly. Which two dishes did Mark and James talk about?

(Đọc thư rất nhanh. Mark và James đã nói về hai món ăn nào?)

New message

Hi James,

Thanks for your last email. You were right - It is really easy to do my own laundry. I think mom will be surprised when I tell her about it!

The first few weeks of university have been great, and I'm making lots of new friends. The only problem is that I've almost run out of money already. Eating out every day is so much more expensive than I thought it would be! You always made really good fried rice when you lived with us. Is it difficult to make?

Please tell Mom and Dad I said "hi" and make sure Mom waters the plants in my room, OK?



New message

Hello Mark,

I'm glad it's all going well! Mom will be happy when she hears about how independent you're becoming. Maybe you can do all of our laundry the next time you visit us, haha.

About food, it's really important for you to take care of yourself. You can save a lot of money by making your own meals. Fried rice is really easy to cook, but it'll be much better for you to learn some healthier recipes. I think you should try a simple chicken curry. It's a bit more difficult to cook, but it's much healthier. It's also really good to make a lot of curry at once, and then freeze it. I guess you're really busy with your lessons, so it will be convenient for you to heat it up quickly when you're hungry. You could even share some with your new friends!

Anyway, see you soon, Mark!


Tạm dịch:

Tin nhắn mới

Chào James,

Cảm ơn email cuối cùng của bạn. Bạn đã đúng - Tự giặt quần áo thật dễ dàng. Tôi nghĩ mẹ sẽ ngạc nhiên khi tôi nói với mẹ về điều đó!

Vài tuần đầu tiên ở trường đại học thật tuyệt vời, và tôi đang kết bạn với rất nhiều bạn mới. Vấn đề duy nhất là tôi đã gần hết tiền rồi. Đi ăn ngoài mỗi ngày đắt hơn nhiều so với tôi nghĩ! Bạn luôn làm cơm chiên rất ngon khi bạn sống với chúng tôi. Có khó thực hiện không?

Hãy nói với bố mẹ là con đã nói "xin chào" và đảm bảo rằng mẹ sẽ tưới cây trong phòng của con, được chứ?



Tin nhắn mới

Xin chào Mark,

Tôi rất vui vì mọi chuyện đang diễn ra tốt đẹp! Mẹ sẽ rất vui khi biết bạn đã trở nên độc lập như thế nào. Có lẽ bạn có thể giặt tất cả quần áo của chúng tôi vào lần tới khi bạn đến thăm chúng tôi, haha.

Về thức ăn, điều quan trọng là bạn phải tự chăm sóc bản thân. Bạn có thể tiết kiệm rất nhiều tiền bằng cách tự nấu ăn. Cơm chiên rất dễ nấu, nhưng sẽ tốt hơn nếu bạn học một số công thức nấu ăn tốt cho sức khỏe hơn. Tôi nghĩ bạn nên thử món cà ri gà đơn giản. Nó khó nấu hơn một chút, nhưng nó tốt cho sức khỏe hơn nhiều. Nó cũng thực sự tốt để làm nhiều cà ri cùng một lúc, sau đó đông lạnh. Tôi đoán bạn đang thực sự bận rộn với các bài học của mình, vì vậy sẽ thuận tiện cho bạn hâm nóng nó nhanh chóng khi bạn đói. Bạn thậm chí có thể chia sẻ một số với bạn bè mới của bạn!

Dù sao, hẹn gặp lại, Mark!


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Bài 10 :

b. Now, read and match.

(Bây giờ, đọc và kết hợp.)

1. Mark says that it's easy…

2. Mark asks James if it's easy…

3. James thinks it's important for Mark...

4. James says that it's useful...

a. to cook a lot of curry and freeze it.

b. to take care of himself.

c. to make fried rice.

d. to do laundry.

5. According to paragraph 2 in James's message to Mark, chicken curry is _________.

(Theo đoạn 2 trong tin nhắn của James gửi cho Mark, cà ri gà là________)

a. easier to cook than fried rice (dễ nấu hơn cơm chiên)

b. healthier but more expensive to make (lành mạnh hơn nhưng tốn kém hơn để thực hiện)

c. harder to make but is better for you (khó làm hơn nhưng tốt hơn cho bạn)

d. quick and easy to make when you are busy (nhanh chóng và dễ dàng để thực hiện khi bạn bận rộn)

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Bài 11 :

a. Read Patricia's letter to her high school teacher. What's one purpose of her letter?

(Đọc bức thư của Patricia gửi cho giáo viên trung học của cô ấy. Một trong những mục đích của bức thư của cô ấy là gì?)

1. To talk about the difficulties Patricia has now, and how she feels about them

(Để nói về những khó khăn mà Patricia gặp phải hiện tại và cô ấy cảm thấy thế nào về chúng)

2. To talk about how the things Patricia learned in high school affect her life

(Nói về những điều Patricia học được ở trường trung học ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của cô ấy như thế nào)

Dear Ms. Johnson,

How are you doing? It's been a long time since I last talked to you. I am writing to tell you that I really appreciate having had you as a teacher in high school. You showed me lots of love and helped me become a better person. The skills that I learned from you have helped me a lot.

I love having learned emotion management skills in your class. I was so stressed when I started living alone. Everything was new and different. Thanks to the skills you taught me, I was able to stay calm and control my feelings better.

I also appreciate your lessons on time management. Last semester I completed all my assignments! And thank you for having given me many great lessons about relationship building. I still remember what you said about showing our friends support. This helped me make many good friends.

Finally, I want to thank you for having made me spend many hours redoing my homework. I hated it then, but now I understand that you only wanted to help me get better. I learned a lot, and my assignments now get really good grades because of it.

Thank you for always supporting me and making me do my best.


Patricia Harris

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Bài 12 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What skills helped Patricia when she started living alone?

(Những kỹ năng nào đã giúp Patricia khi cô ấy bắt đầu sống một mình?)

2. How did her time management lessons help her last semester?

(Những bài học quản lý thời gian của cô ấy đã giúp cô ấy học kỳ trước như thế nào?)

3. What did Ms. Johnson talk about in her relationship building lessons?

(Cô Johnson đã nói gì trong bài học xây dựng mối quan hệ của mình?)

4. What didn't she like during high school?

(Cô ấy không thích điều gì ở trường trung học?)

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Bài 13 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Dear Ms. Johnson,

How are you doing? It's been a long time since I last talked to you. I am writing to tell you that I really appreciate having had you as a teacher in high school. You showed me lots of love and helped me become a better person. The skills that I learned from you have helped me a lot.

I love having learned emotion management skills in your class. I was so stressed when I started living alone. Everything was new and different. Thanks to the skills you taught me, I was able to stay calm and control my feelings better.

I also appreciate your lessons on time management. Last semester I completed all my assignments! And thank you for having given me many great lessons about relationship building. I still remember what you said about showing our friends support. This helped me make many good friends.

Finally, I want to thank you for having made me spend many hours redoing my homework. I hated it then, but now I understand that you only wanted to help me get better. I learned a lot, and my assignments now get really good grades because of it.

Thank you for always supporting me and making me do my best.


Patricia Harris

Tạm dịch:

Kính gửi bà Johnson,

Bạn dạo này thế nào? Đã lâu rồi kể từ lần cuối tôi nói chuyện với bạn. Tôi viết thư này để nói với bạn rằng tôi thực sự biết ơn vì đã có bạn làm giáo viên ở trường trung học. Bạn đã cho tôi rất nhiều tình yêu và giúp tôi trở thành một người tốt hơn. Những kỹ năng mà tôi học được từ bạn đã giúp tôi rất nhiều.

Tôi thích học các kỹ năng quản lý cảm xúc trong lớp học của bạn. Tôi đã rất căng thẳng khi bắt đầu sống một mình. Mọi thứ đều mới mẻ và khác biệt. Nhờ những kỹ năng bạn dạy tôi, tôi đã có thể giữ bình tĩnh và kiểm soát cảm xúc của mình tốt hơn.

Tôi cũng đánh giá cao bài học của bạn về quản lý thời gian. Học kỳ trước tôi đã hoàn thành tất cả thời gian bài tập của mình! Và cảm ơn vì đã cho tôi nhiều bài học lớn về xây dựng mối quan hệ. Tôi vẫn nhớ những gì bạn nói về việc thể hiện sự ủng hộ của bạn bè chúng tôi. Điều này giúp tôi có nhiều bạn tốt.

Cuối cùng, tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn vì đã khiến tôi dành nhiều giờ để làm lại bài tập về nhà. Lúc đó tôi ghét điều đó, nhưng bây giờ tôi hiểu rằng bạn chỉ muốn giúp tôi khỏe hơn. Tôi đã học được rất nhiều, và bài tập của tôi bây giờ đạt điểm rất cao nhờ nó.

Cảm ơn bạn đã luôn ủng hộ tôi và khiến tôi cố gắng hết sức.

Trân trọng.

Patricia Harris

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Bài 14 :

1. Look at the picture and the title. What information do you think the text will provide? How do you think the people feel? Listen/Watch and read to find out.

(Nhìn hình ảnh và tiêu đề. Bạn nghĩ văn bản sẽ cung cấp thông tin gì? Bạn nghĩ mọi người cảm thấy thế nào? Nghe/Xem và đọc để tìm hiểu.)

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Bài 15 :

2. Read the text again and decide if each of the statements (1-5) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc lại văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi câu (1-5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

1. The language we use is very important when solving problems.     

2. It is important to tell the other person what they are doing wrong. 

3. The generation gap doesn't affect family arguments.                        

4. You must immediately discuss a problem.                                       

5. Taking a small break can help calm you down.                

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Bài 16 :

3. Find the adjectives of feelings and emotions in the text.

(Tìm các tính từ chỉ tình cảm, cảm xúc trong văn bản.)

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Bài 17 :

1 Two students, Kevin and Tú, are talking about qualities of an independent person. Listen and read the text. Choose the correct option.

(Hai sinh viên Kevin và Tú đang nói về phẩm chất của một người độc lập. Nghe và đọc văn bản. Chọn phương án đúng.)

Kevin: My older brother is determined to move out, but my parents don't think he is independent enough.

Tú: Why is that?

Kevin: They say he doesn't take responsibility for his own laundry or preparing his own meals.

Tú: I see. But surely, he can easily do these, right?

Kevin: Well, yes. But he's a bit lazy. I think he needs to be more self-reliant.

Tú: What do you mean?

Kevin: Well, he has problems making decisions.

Tú: It sounds like he needs to be more decisive.

1. Whose brother wants to move out?

a. Kevin's brother                       b. Tu's brother

2. Does Kevin's brother cook his own food?

a. yes                                          b. no

3. Does Tú think Kevin's brother can do his own laundry?

a. yes                                          b. no

4. What does Kevin think his older brother should be?

a. less self-reliant                       b. more self-reliant

5. Why does Kevin think his brother is not self-reliant enough?

a. He is not decisive enough.     b. He is not independent enough.

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Bài 18 :

3 Listen and read the text. Answer the questions using TWO WORDS.

1. What does brushing your teeth prevent?

_______ ________

2. Whom should you visit twice a year?

_______ ________

3. What does getting enough sleep help you maintain?

_______ ________

4. What kinds of drinks should you avoidWhom should you visit twice a year? before sleeping?

_______ ______

You probably have heard your parents tell you many times to brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth not only prevents bad breath, but it is also essential for keeping your teeth healthy. In addition to brushing your teeth regularly, you should also visit your dentist twice a year for a checkup.

Getting enough sleep is also key to maintaining good health. Many people find getting not enough sleep a negative thing, as it affects many areas of their lives. Building the habit of a good routine before going to bed is important. Avoid thinking of problems and having sugary drinks just before bedtime.

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Bài 19 :

1. In pairs, discuss: What information should be included in a course advertisement? Tick ()

(Làm việc theo cặp, thảo luận: Thông tin gì nên được đưa vào quảng cáo về khóa học? Đánh dấu ().)

         course objectives 

         course content

         price of course

         contact people

Then read the text and check what is mentioned.

(Sau đó đọc văn bản và kiểm tra những gì được đề cập.)

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Bài 20 :

2. Read the text and choose the best heading from below for each paragraph. Write the letter (a-e) next to the paragraph number.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn tiêu đề tốt nhất từ bên dưới cho mỗi đoạn văn. Viết chữ cái (a-e) bên cạnh số đoạn văn.)

a. How to network and build positive social relations

b. How to fail so you can succeed

c. How to create personalized short-term and long-term goals

d. How to save money and spend it wisely

e. How to manage time

Is your teen ready to move out and become fully independent? Most parents think their teenagers need a bit of help. This life-skills course teaches teenagers the necessary skills to become more independent. In this course, teenagers will learn:

1. _________

Successful individuals all set goals for themselves. But goal setting can be a bit tricky. Students will learn effective tips for goal setting in this course.

2. _________

Many teenagers easily waste time on social media or playing video games. Time management helps teenagers devote time to their most important tasks so they can better achieve their goals. This is a skill that teenagers shouldn't miss in our course!

3. _________

The key difference between those who have and don't have money is how much they save and how they spend their money. In our course, teenagers will learn good financial management techniques and how to avoid impulsive buying.

4. _________

Social relations is a key to doing well and to our emotional health. Teenagers need to learn how to build positive social relations to help them along their journey to adulthood.

5. _________

No one automatically becomes a success. Successful people fail a lot, but they do so in a way that helps them develop. Teenagers will learn how to use their dreams as a tool for self-development. The course will begin this autumn. All of the skills will be taught by leading experts in finance management. If you are interested, please contact us for more information about the fees.

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Bài 21 :

3. Read the text again and choose the best option to answer the questions.

(Đọc lại văn bản và chọn phương án đúng nhất để trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. How do parents generally feel about their teenagers' ability to be independent?

a. They feel that teenagers are not yet ready to live on their own.

b. They feel that teenagers need to marry before leaving home.

2. What do successful people do?

a. Spend money wisely

b. Set personal goals

3. What is an important part of time management?

a. Finding ways to spend money wisely and not waste it

b. Spending most of our time on tasks that lead to achieving our goal

4. What will good financial management help you avoid?

a. Impulsive buying

b. Impulsive saving

5. What leads to good emotional health?

a. Having positive social relationships

b. Saving and spending money wisely

6. What is NOT possible for a person?

a. To become successful without failure

b. To become successful without saving money 

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Bài 22 :

4. Read the instructions and fill in each blank with ONE WORD from the dialogue.

(Đọc hướng dẫn và điền vào mỗi chỗ trống MỘT TỪ trong đoạn hội thoại.)

How to stop bleeding

If you bleed first,¹______ pressure to it. Then 2______ the wound. Often this is done by holding it under running water. 3______ apply any medicine yet. Next, remember to 4______ the wound with a clean cloth. Finally, it's important to 5______ some medical attention.

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Bài 23 :

5. Read the article and choose the best option to complete the text.

(Đọc bài viết và chọn lựa chọn tốt nhất để hoàn thành văn bản.)

The way teenagers are brought up varies greatly around the world. In this article, we will look at the 1___________  between how Vietnamese and American teenagers are raised.

The early years

A big difference starts early in life. American toddlers are encouraged to be 2___________ from a very young age. Even before their first birthday they will often sleep 3___________ at night in their own rooms. It doesn't mean that American parents abandon their children at night. Rather, they do visit them when they 4___________ and help them fall asleep. 5___________  parents, on the other hand, normally let their children sleep with their parents for a few years. They don't feel comfortable 6___________ their young children to sleep alone.


The late teen years


When an American teenager turns 18, some of them are 7___________ to leave home and find a new place to live, often with a friend. They may get a job and 8___________ themselves. Some only work while others work and continue studying in college or university. This is not normal for many Vietnamese teenagers. They usually live with their parents until they get 9___________ or find their first job. Even after finding a job, many will remain with their parents until they are ready to buy or rent their own home. When Vietnamese males marry, it is common for them to live with their parents.

1. A. differences     B. similarities        2. A dependent       B. independent

3. A. alone             B. together             4. A. cry                 B. play

5 A American        B. Vietnamese       6. A allowing         B. preventing

7. A encouraged     B. expected            8. A. support          B. work

9. A married           B. old

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Bài 24 :

1. Read the text. Match the headings (A-F) below with the paragraphs (1-4). There are TWO extra headings.

(Đọc văn bản. Nối các tiêu đề (A-F) bên dưới với các đoạn văn (1-4). Có HAI tiêu đề thừa.)

A. Planning how to use your money

B. Learning valuable lessons

C. The importance of saving money

D. Opening a bank account

E. Saving your pocket money for university

F. Earning money as a teenager

How to earn and manage money

1. _____________

You probably get some pocket money from your parents by doing nothing. But you can tell them that you’ll be happy to earn the money by doing chores for them. It’s also good to work for someone else, such as a neighbour or grandparent, to earn more money. Doing a part-time job at a family-run café is not a bad idea.

2. _____________

Once you have earned some money, think about having a bank account. Generally, teenagers can’t open bank accounts by themselves, so their parents will need to help. By having them as co-owners, you’ll learn valuable lessons from your parents about how to keep track of spending and balance your account.

3. _____________

While earning money is difficult, spending it is very easy. As a teenager, you should learn how to manage your money carefully so that you can become a responsible and independent adult. Always plan what to buy and how much you can afford to spend on it. For example, if you buy something for yourself or a family member, think about its price and where to buy it. Don’t spend more than you earn.

4. _____________

People often say “A penny saved is a penny earned” meaning that it’s important to save the money you already have. You can use your savings for bigger things, such as school trips or university fees. Once you start earning a salary, follow the 50/30/20 rule: 50 per cent for needs, 30 per cent for wants, and 20 per cent for savings.

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Bài 25 :

2. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Bank accounts for teens

To become independent, teens need to learn about financial responsibility. Managing a bank account provides first-hand (1) _____________ and valuable lessons about saving and spending money.

First, do some (2) _____________ on banks in your area and choose one. Go to its website to find out the different types of bank accounts and what you can use them for. Get some (3) _____________ from your parents as well. Then call the bank to make a(n) (4) _____________ during office hours and go there to discuss your bank account and fill in an application form. You will also need proof of your (5) _____________ and some money to put in your new account. If you’re under 18, you may also consider having a joint account with a parent. This way, your parents will be kept (6) _____________ about any activity in the bank account.

A bank account can teach you how to save and spend money. You’ll learn the value of money and get into the habit of saving money. Try to regularly put pocket money, (7) _____________ gifts received for birthdays, or any earnings from part-time jobs into your account, and watch your savings (8) _____________.

Experts say having a bank account is a great way to learn about banking services and apps and to (9) _____________ your financial abilities. Building your money knowledge, skills, and (10) _____________ can prepare you for independent living.

1. A. library

B. independence

C. responsibility

D. experience

2. A. learning

B. studying

C. research

D. planning

3. A. help

B. advice

C. books

D. decision

4. A. appointment

B. plan

C. meeting

D. decision

5. A. identity

B. information

C. birthday

D. character

6. A. learnt

B. informed

C. curious

D. managed

7. A. card

B. valuable

C. family

D. cash

8. A. carry out

B. decrease

C. grow

D. develop

9. A. gain

B. boost

C. earn

D. better

10. A. habits

B. routine

C. to-do lists

D. development

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Bài 26 :

a. Read the information about a website. What is it about?

(Đọc thông tin về một trang web. Nó nói về cái gì?)

1. Life at university

2. A place for students to get help

Student Advice

Moving away from home and starting university life can be difficult. It’s hard to cook for yourself, budget your money, and keep your home clean. But don’t worry! The Student Advice Center is here to help you. We can teach you lots of useful life skills. You’ll find it easy to adapt to independent life if you follow our advice.

It’s important to learn domestic skills so that you can take care of yourself. We can show you how to wash, fold, and organize your laundry and keep your apartment tidy. We can also teach you how to cook tasty, healthy food with our easy-to-follow recipes. You won’t ever have to rely on eating out again. We can show you how to budget and take care of your money. We have life skills booklets for all students. Visit our office and we can give you extra information on things like time management and budgeting.

We also run special weekend courses for all students. Our courses are fun, interesting, and you go away feeling good. We announce our courses here on our website. If you need advice about future careers or help getting a part-time job, we can help with that, too.

Make an appointment to see one of our career advisors using the booking form below. Our advisors can answer any questions you have. We are open Mondays to Fridays and also on Saturday mornings. We’re here for all students. If you have a problem and need help or advice, come and see us soon.

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Bài 27 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What will the Student Advice Center help students adapt to?

(Trung tâm tư vấn sinh viên sẽ giúp sinh viên thích nghi với điều gì?)

2. What will they show you how to do with your laundry?

(Họ sẽ chỉ cho bạn cách làm gì với đồ giặt của bạn?)

3. What won’t students have to rely on after learning the recipes?

(Sinh viên sẽ không phải dựa vào điều gì sau khi học các công thức nấu ăn?)

4. What does the Student Advice Center have booklets on?

(Trung tâm tư vấn sinh viên có các tập tài liệu về vấn đề gì?)

5. How can students make an appointment?

(Làm thế nào để sinh viên có thể đặt lịch hẹn?)

6. When is the center open on the weekend?

(Khi nào trung tâm mở cửa vào cuối tuần?)

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Bài 28 :

a. Read Ethan’s letter to Ms. Thomas. How do they know each other?

(Đọc lá thư của Ethan gửi cho cô Thomas. Họ quen nhau như thế nào?)

1. Ms. Thomas was his teacher.

2. Ms. Thomas was his old neighbor.

3. Ms. Thomas is his new neighbor.

Dear Ms. Thomas,

How are you doing? It’s been so long since we last met. I am writing to tell you that I really love having had you as a neighbor when I was in high school. You showed me how to be responsible and helped me become more independent.

The skills that I learned from you have helped me a lot.

I appreciate having learned about budgeting from you. I remember helping you make a shopping list and making sure we spent just the right amount at the supermarket. Thanks to the skills you taught me, I’m always easily able to pay my rent and buy groceries.

I also love having learned about emotion management from you. I appreciate having had those lessons on how to focus on my breathing to help me relax. Now, I’m never nervous when I have exams.

Finally, I want to say thank you for having spent many hours teaching me about domestic skills. I can easily fix simple electrical problems in my apartment. I didn’t appreciate it then, but now I can make some extra money helping my friends paint or fix things. I even made a few friends by helping students in my class.

Thank you for always supporting me and making me do my best.


Ethan Anderson

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Bài 29 :

b. Now, read and fill in the blanks.

(Bây giờ hãy đọc và điền vào chỗ trống.)

1. Ethan learned about budgeting by making a list and going to the _____.

2. Ethan never has trouble buying groceries or paying his _____.

3. During exams, Ethan doesn’t feel _____ because he learned to focus on his breathing.

4. Ethan finds it easy to _____ simple electrical problems at home.

5. By helping his friends paint and fix things, Ethan can make _____.

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Bài 30 :

For each question, choose the correct answer.

(Đối với mỗi câu hỏi, chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

Life skills for young people

Living away from home can be a difficult experience for a lot of young people. Many young people leave home to go to university or start a new career. Whether you’re leaving home to study at university or to start work, there are some important life skills you need to have in order to live successfully on your own. Cooking is one of the first life skills to learn. You can start with simple food like curries and omelets. Later, you can try to cook your favorite foods. Being able to cook can save you money, and you can make sure you eat good healthy food if you cook it yourself. Many young people find it difficult to manage their money. Try to set a budget so that you always have enough money to pay important bills. It’s really easy to open a savings account, which will help you to manage your money. Time management is another important skill. These days, technology like smartphones can help us to plan ahead and remind us about things we have to do. If you don’t have a smartphone, you could always manage your schedule with a diary or a notebook.

Tạm dịch:

Kỹ năng sống cho giới trẻ

Cuộc sống xa nhà có thể là một trải nghiệm khó khăn đối với nhiều bạn trẻ. Nhiều người trẻ rời nhà để đi học đại học hoặc bắt đầu một nghề nghiệp mới. Dù bạn rời nhà để đi học đại học hay đi làm, bạn vẫn cần có một số kỹ năng sống quan trọng để có thể tự mình sống độc lập thành công. Nấu ăn là một trong những kỹ năng sống đầu tiên cần học. Bạn có thể bắt đầu với những món ăn đơn giản như cà ri và trứng tráng. Sau đó, bạn có thể thử nấu những món ăn yêu thích của mình. Khả năng nấu ăn có thể giúp bạn tiết kiệm tiền và bạn có thể đảm bảo răng được ăn những món ăn tốt cho sức khỏe nếu tự nấu. Nhiều người trẻ gặp khó khăn trong việc quản lý tiền của mình. Cố gắng lập ngân sách để bạn luôn có đủ tiền để thanh toán những hóa đơn quan trọng. Thật dễ dàng để mở một tài khoản tiết kiệm, điều này sẽ giúp bạn quản lý tiền của mình. Quản lý thời gian là một kỹ năng quan trọng khác. Ngày nay, công nghệ như điện thoại thông minh có thể giúp chúng ta lên kế hoạch trước và nhắc nhở chúng ta về những việc phải làm. Nếu không có điện thoại thông minh, bạn luôn có thể quản lý lịch trình của mình bằng nhật ký hoặc sổ ghi chép.

1. Why do people need to learn life skills?

A. to live on their own

B. to start a career

C. to study at university

2. How can people start learning to cook?

A. take a cooking class

B. cook simple food

C. cook their favorite foods

3. What do many young people find it difficult to do?

A. open a savings account

B. manage their time

C. manage their money

4. What can help people manage their money?

A. a savings account

B. a smartphone

C. a notebook

5. What can a notebook help people to do?

A. set a budget

B. pay important bills

C. manage their schedule

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