Đề bài

Listening Strategy 1

It is sometimes difficult to catch names and proper nouns when you listen. However, you can use the words around them (including collocations) to work out what they are (a person, a place, etc.). For example, if you hear 'We stayed four nights at the Grand Plaza', the underlined words tell you that the Grand Plaza is a hotel.

(Chiến lược nghe 1

Đôi khi rất khó để nắm bắt tên và danh từ riêng khi bạn nghe. Tuy nhiên, bạn có thể sử dụng các từ xung quanh chúng (bao gồm cả các cụm từ ghép) để tìm ra chúng là gì (một người, một địa điểm, v.v.). Ví dụ, nếu bạn nghe thấy 'Chúng tôi đã ở bốn đêm tại Grand Plaza', những từ được gạch chân sẽ cho bạn biết rằng Grand Plaza là một khách sạn.)


2 VOCABULARY Read Listening Strategy 1. Match the verbs and nouns below to make travel-related collocations. Some verbs can go with more than one noun.

(Đọc Chiến lược nghe 1. Nối các động từ và danh từ dưới đây để tạo thành các cụm từ liên quan đến du lịch. Một số động từ có thể đi với nhiều hơn một danh từ.)

Collocations: verb + noun




check in

check into





stay at


a cab / taxi

a car a


a holiday

a hotel

luggage / bags

a plane / flight

a room

a ship

a train

to board a plane / a flight / a ship / a train

Phương pháp giải :

*Nghĩa của từ vựng

Collocations: verb + noun

(Collocations: động từ + danh từ)


(động từ)

board (v): lên

book (v): đặt

check in (v): làm thủ tục vào

check into (v): nhận vào

hail (v): ra hiệu

hire (v): thuê

miss (v): bỏ lỡ

reach (v): đến

stay at (v): ở tại


(danh từ)

a cab / taxi (n): một chiếc taxi

a car (n): một chiếc ô tô

a destination (n): điểm đến

a holiday (n): một kỳ nghỉ

a hotel (n): khách sạn

luggage / bags (n): hành lý / túi xách

a plane / flight (n): một chiếc máy bay / chuyến bay

a room (n): một căn phòng

a ship (n): một chiếc thuyền

a train (n): một chuyến tàu

to board a plane / a flight / a ship / a train

(lên máy bay / chuyến bay / tàu thủy / xe lửa)

Lời giải chi tiết :

Các cụm từ:

- book a cab / taxi / a hotel room / a holiday

(đặt taxi / taxi / phòng khách sạn / kỳ nghỉ)

- check in a hotel / a flight

(làm thủ tục vào khách sạn / chuyến bay)

- check into a hotel

(nhận phòng khách sạn)

- hail a cab / taxi

(gọi taxi)

- hire a car

(thuê một chiếc xe hơi)

- miss a plane / a train

(lỡ máy bay/tàu hỏa)

- reach a destination

(đến điểm đến)

- stay at a hotel / a holiday destination

(ở tại một khách sạn / một điểm đến du lịch)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

5 VOCABULARY Complete the verb-noun collocations with the nouns below. They are all in the text.

(Hoàn thành các cụm động từ-danh từ với các danh từ bên dưới. Tất cả đều có trong văn bản.)

Verb-noun collocations

1 take _________

2 assume _________

3 send _________

4 bridge _________

5 offer _________

6 keep _________

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Bài 2 :

5 Make the phrases more formal by replacing the underlined words with words from the list below.

(Làm cho các cụm từ trang trọng hơn bằng cách thay thế các từ được gạch chân bằng các từ trong danh sách dưới đây.)

1 I am sorry to tell you that...

2 I would ask that passengers stay seated...

3. give you an update later.

4... pass through the cabin with free food and drink.

5... we are getting near our destination.

6... we should be there about ten minutes early.

7 We understand that this is inconvenient...

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Bài 3 :

5F Verb-noun collocations

1 Cross out the one verb which cannot be used to complete each sentence grammatically. The sentences may have different meanings with each correct verb.

(Gạch bỏ một động từ không thể được sử dụng để hoàn thành mỗi câu về mặt ngữ pháp. Các câu có thể có ý nghĩa khác nhau với mỗi động từ chính xác.)

1 Today is not the best time to fail / set / make / complete the test.

2 Our class took part in / held / organised / opened a history competition.

3 I hate informing / receiving / delivering / passing on messages that are upsetting.

4 John got into / overheard / joined in / took up an interesting conversation about robots in the canteen.

5 I’m sure some of us might guess / speculate / offer / expect some kind of an answer.

6 The team gained / deserved / claimed / were awarded a prize for their entry.

7 We regularly log onto / update / set up / post promotional websites for marketing.

8 Do you think we’ll ever be able to crack / decipher / smash / unlock the secret codes?

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Bài 4 :

2 Match a-f with 1-6 and g-l with 7-12.

(Nối a-f với 1-6 và g-1 với 7-12.)

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Bài 5 :

3 Complete the sentences with compounds from exercise 2.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các danh từ ghép từ bài tập 2.)

1 'What type of computer have you got?' 'It's an ________

2 The________ on my laptop isn't great so I have to keep recharging it.

3 I'll copy lots of songs onto a ________ so you can load them onto your computer.

4 You can stop most unwanted emails if you install a________

5 You use a________ by entering a keyword in the box and pressing enter.

6 You need a really good ________ in your computer if you want to play games with fast-moving and detailed images.

7 ________helps to protect the data on your computer from hackers.

8 Occasionally a________ is attached to something you download from the internet. This might allow someone to gain access to your computer.

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Bài 6 :

5 Complete the verb phrases with the words in the box. Use the underlined phrases in the article to help you. Then listen, check and repeat

(Hoàn thành các cụm động từ với các từ trong hộp. Sử dụng các cụm từ được gạch chân trong bài viết để giúp bạn. Sau đó nghe, kiểm tra và lặp lại.)

cut yourself off from                                     challenge                   

immerse yourself in

withdraw money from                                  take

1. immerse yourself in a foreign culture

2. ________________ your beliefs

3. ________________ your family/home

4. ________________ a gap year

5. ________________ a cash point

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Bài 7 :

4. Find the word which DOES NOT collocate.

(Tìm từ KHÔNG sắp xếp thứ tự.)

1 mountain peak / ridge / middle

2 desert / remote / alone island

3 high / growing / rising tide

4 dangerous / ocean / high current

5 fast-flowing / slow-moving / easy-going river

6 furious / calm / rough sea

7 tidal / spacious / enormous wave

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Bài 8 :

5. Choose the correct answers A-C.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng A-C.)

1 I love just lying on my back and floating on the _______ sea close to my beach home.

A calm

B heavy

c rough

2 Many species of animal will die _______ if we don't start protecting them soon.

A up

B down

C out

3 I won't go into that pool. The water's too _______ and you know I can't swim well.

A deep

B wide

c broad

4 The highest point of a mountain is known as the mountain _______.

A range

B ridge

c peak

5 Let's see how far we can walk across the sand when the tide _______ out.

A comes

B goes

C stirs

6 It's dangerous to swim in _______ rivers because the water can carry you away.

A fast-flowing

B slow-moving

C winding

7 I have just _______ across an article about an amazing microscopic organism called a water bear.

A gone

B been

C come

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Bài 9 :

1. Read the extract from an interview with a student about a project for an eco-school. Choose the correct options to complete the collocations in bold. Then listen and check.

(Đọc đoạn trích từ cuộc phỏng vấn với một học sinh về dự án trường học sinh thái. Chọn các phương án đúng để hoàn thành các cụm từ in đậm. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

A: First of all, we have solar panels on the roof of the school. [...]

B: And will they 1 use / provide / have power for the whole school?

A: Yes, that's the idea. It will 2 pay / cost / save a lot of money on electricity. [...]

Our eco-school will 3 eat / grow / cook vegetables and we'll use them for school dinners. [...] We'll also have chickens, rabbits and ducks.

B: And will they go into the school dinners too?

A: Ha, ha, no! That would be terrible. They'll be pets and they'll be useful. They'll 4 throw away / use / eat the leftovers from the kitchen and the chickens will 5 provide / eat / collect eggs.

B: Very good. So what other plans do you have to make the school more environmentally friendly?

A: We'll 6 use / buy / make low-energy light bulbs in all the classrooms. We'll also 7 clean / have / empty recycling bins in every classroom and in the school grounds.

B: And what about your lessons - will they be different from non-eco-schools?

A: Most of our lessons will be similar to lessons in any secondary school. But in our science lessons, we'll 8 focus / think / learn more on environmental issues like climate change and global warming. Then, in our technology lessons, we'll 9 consider / learn / study about things like renewable energy and even how to make solar panels.

B: I see. Well, we've almost run out of time. Thank you for talking to us about your project. It's very nice to meet a teenager who is so 10 confused / concerned / nervous about the environment. [...]

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Bài 10 :

 2. Complete the sentences with collocations from Exercise 1. Change the verb forms if necessary.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các cụm từ từ Bài tập 1. Thay đổi dạng động từ nếu cần thiết.)

1 If you turn down the heating at home, you'll use less energy and ________________

2 If Peter can't finish all the food on his plate, his dad always ________________

3 The wind farm currently ________________ for local houses.

4 The school now ________________ outside the main building, so please separate your rubbish.

5 If you are really ________________, why don't you sell that big car and buy something greener?

6 To save energy, the council will make sure all the street lights in the city ________________

7 Jeremy and Pat ________________, herbs and fruit in their garden.

8 Vote for the Green Party. We promise to ________________ not on defence and industry.

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Bài 11 :

Travel solutions

I can identify the context of a conversation and its register.

Revision: Student Book page 99

1.  Complete the collocation with the verbs below.

(Hoàn thành việc sắp xếp thứ tự với các động từ dưới đây.)

1   ___________ your bags / your luggage

2   ___________ a room / a flight / a holiday

3   ___________ your destination

4   ___________ a hotel

5   ___________ a taxi

6   ___________ a train / a ship / a flight

7   ___________ a car

8   ___________ your flight / your train

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