Đề bài

2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng dạng đúng của từ trong bài 1.)

1. Wind and sunlight are examples of ___________ sources of energy.

2. The world produces more than two billion tonnes of solid __________ every year.

3. Governments need to limit the amount of greenhouse gases that is ____________ into the air.

4. Her grandpa is now suffering from ill health after many years of working in the _____________ industry.

5. The burning of ____________ like coal and gas has led to an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 - renewable

2 - waste

3 - released

4 - coal

5 - fossil fuel

1. Wind and sunlight are examples of renewable sources of energy.

(Gió và ánh sáng mặt trời là những ví dụ về các nguồn năng lượng có thể tái tạo.)

2. The world produces more than two billion tonnes of solid waste every year.

(Thế giới tạo ra hơn hai tỷ tấn chất thải rắn mỗi năm.)

3. Governments need to limit the amount of greenhouse gases that is released into the air.

(Các chính phủ cần hạn chế lượng khí nhà kính thải vào không khí.)

4. Her grandpa is now suffering from ill health after many years of working in the coal industry.

(Ông của cô ấy hiện đang bị bệnh sau nhiều năm làm việc trong ngành than.)

5. The burning of fossil fuels like coal and gas has led to an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

(Việc đốt nhiên liệu hóa thạch như than đá và khí đốt đã dẫn đến sự gia tăng lượng CO2 trong khí quyển.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Global warming (Sự nóng lên toàn cầu)

1. Match the words with their meanings.

(Nối các từ với nghĩa của chúng.) 

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Bài 2 :

Black carbon and global temperature

(Cacbon đen và nhiệt độ toàn cầu)

1. Work in pairs. Match the words with their meanings.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Nối các từ với ý nghĩa của chúng.) 

1. soot

a. to make or become liquid by heating

2. melt

b. the upper layer or the earth in which trees and plants grow

3. crop

c. tiny pieces of black dust that are produced when wood, coal, etc. is burnt

4. soil

d. a plant such as rice or fruit, grown by farmers and used as food

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Bài 3 :

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

(Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. Ending the use of carbon / coal is one of the COP’s key goals.

2. Human activities cause most of the global warming by releasing / melting greenhouse gases.

3. Crop waste / Renewable energy comes from sources like wind, rain, waves, and sunlight, and is replaced naturally.

4. The burning of fossil fuels / soot increases the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.

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Bài 4 :

1. What are the missing letters? Complete the sentences using the pictures to help you. The first sentence is done for you.

(Các chữ cái còn thiếu là gì? Hoàn thành câu sử dụng hình ảnh để giúp bạn. Câu đầu tiên được thực hiện cho bạn.)

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Bài 5 :

2. Complete the sentences using these words and phrases.

(Hoàn thành câu sử dụng từ và cụm từ dưới đây.)

leadership skills                  greenhouse gas               current issues                  pollutants          contribution

1. Country leaders are meeting to discuss ___________, such as climate change and land use, in the region.

2. Using renewable energy is the best way to reduce ___________ emissions.

3. The company provides training sessions to improve the managers’ ___________.

4. Young people need the right skills and knowledge to be able to make a ___________ to the economy.

5. ___________, such as carbon dioxide and methane, are known as greenhouse gases.

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Bài 6 :

2. What greenhouse gases are produced through human activities? Match column A with column B to have an answer.

(Những loại khí nhà kính được sản xuất thông qua các hoạt động của con người? Nối cột A với cột B để có câu trả lời.)


Refrigerator Aerosols (thiết bị làm lạnh)

Cattle-Fertiliser (gia súc-phân bón)

Oil-Coal (dầu - than)

Gasoline-Agriculture (xăng dầu - nông nghiệp)






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Bài 7 :

3. VOCABULARY Check the meaning of the following words or phrases. Which is not related to global warming?

(Kiểm tra nghĩa của các từ hoặc cụm từ sau. Từ nào không liên quan đến sự nóng lên toàn cầu?)



climate change


habitat destruction

animal poaching

ice melting

population growth

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Bài 8 :

a. Match the underlined words to the definitions. Listen and repeat.

(Nối các từ được gạch chân với các định nghĩa. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

1. Fossil fuels are one of the main ways we get electricity.

2. Global warming has caused the Earth to get hotter.

3. The forest is getting smaller by fifty thousand hectares a day.

4. Billions of tonnes of plastics are released into the ocean every year.

5. The air quality in the city is really bad because of the emissions from traffic and factories.

6. Approximately 2,400 trees are cut down. every minute.

7. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached dangerously high levels.

a. a unit of weight-one of these is the same as one thousand kilograms.

b. types of energy like gas, oil, and coal

c. an area which is the same as ten thousand square meters

d. the increase in Earth's temperature because of more greenhouse gases in the air

e. gas (also known as CD) which comes from humans, animals, and burning trees and coal.

f. gas or smoke which goes into the air and damages the environment

g. near or close to a number or amount

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Bài 9 :

a. Match the underlined words with the definitions. Listen and repeat.

(Nối các từ được gạch chân với các định nghĩa. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

1. Governments should prohibit farmers from destroying forests to stop deforestation.

2. We can switch from oil to solar power.

3. Governments should increase the tax on gas to make it more expensive.

4. Biofuels are much cleaner than fossil fuels.

5. If we continue to consume fossil fuels, global warming will get worse.

6. Wind and solar energy are more sustainable than fossil fuels.

a. use something, usually in large amounts

b. energy made from living things

c. part of the money that we earn or spend, which goes to the government

d. stop something by using a rule or law

e. change to something different

f. using natural products and energy that doesn't damage the environment

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Bài 10 :

Environmental problems (Những vấn đề môi trường)

3. Match the headlines (1-6) to the environmental problems (A-F).

(Nối các tiêu đề (1-6) với các vấn đề môi trường (A-F).)







A. climate change

B. deforestation

C. rise in endangered species

D. air pollution

E. emission of greenhouse gases

F. plastic pollution

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Bài 11 :

Environmental protection activities (Hoạt động bảo vệ môi trường)

4a) Put the environmental protection activities in the list under the appropriate categories.

(Đưa các hoạt động bảo vệ môi trường vào danh sách theo các hạng mục phù hợp.)


put out campfires

use solar energy

have a compost bin

use public transport

take part in clean-up days

be a member of a wildlife group

use energy-efficient lights

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Bài 12 :

1a. Fill in each gap with recycle, eat, drink, use, shop, get, drive or take.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống các từ recycle, eat, drink, use, shop, get, drive hoặc take.)

How big is your carbon footprint?

Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) you create. It's important to be aware of your carbon footprint because CO2 is mainly responsible for global warming. How big is your carbon footprint? Take this test by circling 'Yes' or No'.

Do you ...

1) ___________ organic food? Yes/No

2) ___________ your rubbish? Yes/No

3) ___________ rid of your food waste? Yes/No

4) ___________ fewer flights every year? Yes/No

5) ___________ from reusable cups? Yes/No

6) ___________ with a cloth bag? Yes/No

7) ___________ an electric car? Yes/No

8) ___________ energy-efficient devices? Yes/No

So how many times did you answer 'Yes'?

1-3 You need to make some changes to the way you live your life.

4-6 You care about the environment but the planet needs more help

7-8 You really care about the planet and want to leave it in good condition.

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Bài 13 :

1. Complete the sentences with the words below.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ dưới đây.)

1 ___________ events, like droughts and wildfires, are causing problems to many ecosystems.

2 Global warming has created new ___________ in ecosystems that could endanger animal species.

3 We need to ___________ and stop global warming before it is too late.

4 Many ___________ animals cannot live in warmer waters.

5 Scientists are worried about the ___________ of global warming on the world's ecosystems.

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Bài 14 :

2. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

(Viết dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.)

1 Greenhouse gases are _________ to the atmosphere. (HARM)

2 Mike drives an _________ car because it doesn't burn greenhouse gases. (ELECTRICITY)

3 We need to find solutions to _________ problems. (ENVIRONMENT)

4 The cafe serves drinks in _________ cups. (REUSE)

5 We need to do more to help animals that are _________. (DANGER)

6 The nature organisation _________ animals by stopping the destruction of their habitats. (PROTECT)

7 We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to stop global _________ (WARM)

8 People use a lot more _________ than they did years ago. (ELECTRIC)

9 We must learn about _________ friendly ways of living to save our planet. (ENVIRONMENT)

10. I _________ my shopping bags instead of taking plastic bags at the supermarket. (USE)

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Bài 15 :

2. Match the words and phrases in the VOCABULARY FOCUS with their definitions. Write the number of the words in the blanks.

(Nối các từ và cụm từ trong TỪ VỰNG TRỌNG TÂM  với định nghĩa của chúng. Viết số từ vào chỗ trống.)


1. atmosphere

2. carbon dioxide

3. climate change

4. deforestation

5. emissions

6. fossil fuels

7. greenhouse gas

a. A gas that traps heat above the Earth _______

b. The cutting down of trees in a forest   _______

c. A mixture of gases that surround a planet    _______

d. A gas produced by animals and burning fuels   _______

e. A permanent change in the Earth's weather conditions   _______

f. Gases that are sent out   _______

g. Fuels made from decaying animals and plants  _______

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Bài 16 :

3. Fill in the blanks with the words from VOCABULARY FOCUS in Exercise 2.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ NGÔN NGỮ TRỌNG TÂM trong Bài tập 2.)

1. _______ is a cause of climate change.

2. We must reduce our use of _______ to help the environment.

3. _______ is a gas found in our atmosphere.

4. The _______ above the Earth traps heat from the sun.

5. The _______of greenhouse gases come from factories.

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Bài 17 :

4. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

(Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành các câu.)


1. The greenhouse effect occurs when gases in our atmosphere trap heat and block it from escaping _______.

a. the Earth

b. the solar system

c. the glasses

2. Most scientists think climate change is _______.

a. not serious

b. real

c. not real

3. Examples of greenhouse gases include water vapor, methane and _______.

a. oxygen

b. hydrogen

c. carbon dioxide

4. We can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by wasting less _______.

a. atmosphere

b. food

c. rubbish

5. Climate change causes heatwaves, rising surface temperatures and _______.

a. sea levels

b. ozone layer depletion

c. floods

6. Production of electricity and heat emits greenhouse _______.

a. vapour

b. gases

c. emissions

7. Deforestation and the use of fossil fuels cause _______.

a. rising sea level

b. water shortage

c. climate change

8. China and the US emit the most _______ in the world.

a. carbon dioxide

b. water

c. fossil fuels

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Bài 18 :

1. Use the words / phrases in the box to complete the table about climate change.

(Sử dụng các từ/cụm từ trong khung để hoàn thành bảng về biến đổi khí hậu.)

changes in climate patterns

increase in spread of diseases


temperature changes

rising sea levels

increase in carbon dioxide

use of fossil fuels

renewable energy



melting ice

heat waves




gas emissions








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Bài 19 :


1. Find Word Friends from the the box to fill the blanks.

(Tìm cặp từ trong hộp để điền vào chỗ trống.)

annual temperatures                carbon dioxide                coastal communitie             climate change

extreme weather events          dengue fever                   fossil fuels                          sea levels

sea temperature                       solar energy                     wind energy

1. Two Word Friends that describe types of energy. _________

2. Two Word Friends that are effects of global warming. _________

3. Two Word Friends that cause greenhouse gases. _________

4. Three Word Friends that are increasing because of global warming. _________

5. A Word Friend that is rising due to increased annual rainfall. _________

6. A Word Friend that describes an area affected by rising sea levels. _________

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Bài 20 :

2. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with words/phrases from the box.

(Đọc đoạn văn và điền vào chỗ trống với các từ/cụm từ trong khung.)

concerned about                      global warming                 polar ice caps                sea levels

annual temperatures                annual rainfall                   dengue fever                deforestation

fossil fuels

Some experts say the biggest challenge we face today in climate change is due to 1_________. Scientists and the general public are growing more 2_________ damage caused by increases in 3_________ around the world. These include the melting of 4_________ being flooded by rising 5_________.

Coastal communities are . Furthermore, we are experiencing more cases of 6_________ as the amount of 7_________has increased. The burning of 8_________and 9_________of rainforests are much to blame for our planet's higher temperatures.


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Bài 21 :

Environmental problems & protection activities

(Vấn đề môi trường & các hoạt động bảo vệ)

2. Match the words in the two columns.

(Nối các từ trong hai cột.)

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Bài 22 :

1. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành câu sử dụng dạng đúng của từ trong hộp.)


1. Solid __________ like coal and wood are still used for cooking and heating.

2. Burning __________ for heating and cooking can increase indoor air pollution.

3. When trees are cut down or burnt, they __________ the carbon they store into the atmosphere.

4. Many people are not aware that __________ is a stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

5. One of our goals is to reduce global CO2 __________ by half in about ten years’ time.

6. Carbon dioxide is a __________ gas because it traps too much of the sun’s heat and stops it from escaping back into space.

7. It is important to understand the causes and effects of global __________ to protect our planet.

8. Soot from burning rubbish and organic __________ in open fires can cause the worst type of air pollution.

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Bài 23 :

2. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

(Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. Greenhouse gases/Renewable sources are heat-trapping pollutants that cause global warming.

2. Emissions of black carbon/greenhouse effect from indoor stoves can cause serious health problems.

3. When black carbon falls on snow it warms its surface and the snow melts/releases faster.

4. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are mainly produced by human activities/bodies.

5. Deforestation/The greenhouse effect means cutting down or burning the trees in an area.

6. The burning of crop waste/fossil fuels can kill useful soil bacteria and make the soil poorer.

7. Renewable/Non-renewable energy is important to our future as it is clean and sustainable.

8. Increase in temperatures can add more water to oceans, which can lead to a rise in sea levels/CO2 levels.

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Bài 24 :

3. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

1. Global warming is the __________ in the earth’s temperature caused by greenhouse gases.

A. balance

B. pollution

C. increase

D. heat

2. How do greenhouse gases __________ heat in the earth’s atmosphere?

A. trap

B. burn

C. melt

D. cut

3. The greenhouse __________ is the gradual warming of the earth’s surface.

A. effect

B. gas

C. pollution

D. impact

4. Do you think __________ global temperature rise to 1.5oC is possible?

A. cooling

B. limiting

C. achieving

D. stopping

5. Countries should switch __________ clean sources of energy.

A. from

B. on

C. to

D. off

6. Forests are useful as they __________ CO2 from the atmosphere and slow global warming.

A. release

B. remove

C. cut

D. replace

7. Ending deforestation will be an __________ way to limit global warming.

A. useful

B. unusual

C. equal

D. effective

8. Methane is __________ for more than 30 per cent of global warming from human activities.

A. responsible

B. dirty

C. powerful

D. important

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Bài 25 :

a. Unscramble the words.

(Sắp xếp lại các từ.)

1. cnarob eoixidd                    ______

2. trecehsa                               ______

3. smieisnso                            ______

4. mpytxaplrieoa                     ______

5. galolb agrinmw                   ______

6. slofis eulfs                           ______

7. notsne                                  ______

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Bài 26 :

b. Fill in the blanks with the words from Task a.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ trong Phần a.)

1. Billions of _______ of pollution are released into the atmosphere every year.

2. The _______ from cars and motorbikes are a major cause of air pollution.

3. We must reduce _______ in the atmosphere to save our planet.

4. Greenhouse gases are a major cause of _______.

5. There were _______ 36.4 billion tonnes of CO, released in 2019.

6. Thousands of _______ of rainforest are cut down every day.

7. We must stop using _______ like coal and oil.

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Bài 27 :

a. Read and match to make sentences.

(Đọc và nối để tạo thành câu.)

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Bài 28 :

b. Fill in the blanks with the words from Task a.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ trong Phần a.)

1. We can _____ from fossil fuels to green energy to stop global warming.

2. It’s important to _____ the cutting down of rainforests in Brazil.

3. Unlike wind power, oil is not a _____ source of energy.

4. People _____ too much junk food.

5. _____ do not make greenhouse gases when you use them.

6. We should raise the _____ on fossil fuels so that people will use them less.

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Bài 29 :

1. Match the picture with the word.

(Nối hình ảnh với từ.)

a emissions

b fossil fuels

c deforestation

d climate change

e greenhouse effect

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Bài 30 :

2. Circle the correct answer.

(Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng.)

1 Scientists believe that humans are the primary cause of _________.

A climate change

B sea levels

C fossil fuels

2 The greenhouse _________ is a process that occurs when gases trap heat in the atmosphere and warm the planet.

A gas

B effect

C change

3 _________ still supply about 80 percent of the world's total energy.

A Carbon dioxide

B Fossil fuels

C Greenhouse gases

4 Climate change has resulted in melting glaciers and rising _________.

A emissions

B sea levels

C deforestation

5 Transportation is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas _________ in the US.

A atmosphere

B emissions

C effects

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