Đề bài

8. In pairs, take turns to complete the story using the following words.

(Theo cặp, lần lượt hoàn thành câu chuyện dùng các từ bên dưới.)

• (though) weather / cold / we / go out / yesterday.

• (because) we / eat / Thai restaurant / we / want / celebrate / my brother's birthday.

• (so that) we / choose / table / by the window / we / can / enjoy / view outside.

• (as soon as) we / sit down / the waiter / show / menu / and / take / our order.

• (so ... that) food / good / we / all / eat / a lot.

• (as though) I / feel / we / be / really / Thailand.

A: Though the weather was cold, we went out yesterday.

(Dù hôm qua trời lạnh nhưng chúng tôi vẫn ra ngoài.)

B: ...

Lời giải chi tiết :

Though the weather was cold, we decided to go out yesterday. We chose to eat at a Thai restaurant because we wanted celebrate my brother’s birthday. We chose a table by the window, so that we could enjoy the view outside. As soon as we sat down, the waiter showed us the menu and took our order. The food was so good that we all ate a lot. It felt as though we were really in Thailand.

(Mặc dù thời tiết lạnh nhưng chúng tôi quyết định đi ra ngoài ngày hôm qua. Chúng tôi chọn ăn ở một nhà hàng Thái vì chúng tôi muốn tổ chức sinh nhật cho anh trai tôi. Chúng tôi chọn một chiếc bàn cạnh cửa sổ để có thể ngắm cảnh bên ngoài. Ngay khi chúng tôi ngồi xuống, người phục vụ đưa cho chúng tôi thực đơn và gọi món. Thức ăn ngon đến nỗi tất cả chúng tôi đều ăn rất nhiều. Cảm giác như thể chúng tôi thực sự đang ở Thái Lan.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

LEARN THIS! Adverbs and adverbial phrases

1 Some adverbs have the same form as the adjective: early, fast, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.

A weekly bus pass is cheaper.

I buy my bus pass weekly.

2 Other adjectives ending -ly do not have an adverbial form: friendly, lively, cowardly, motherly, lovely, etc. Instead we put the adjective in an adverbial phrase:

She smiled at me in a friendly way.

3 Some adverbs have two forms: one with -ly and one without: close / closely, deep / deeply, late / lately, pretty / prettily, etc.

The meanings are sometimes very similar:

Let's stay close together.

The policeman watched them closely.

But they can also be unrelated:

The train arrived late.

Have you been abroad lately?

Tạm dịch

LEARN THIS! Trạng từ và cụm trạng từ

1 Một số trạng từ có dạng giống như tính từ: sớm, nhanh, hàng tuần, hàng tháng, hàng năm, v.v.

Vé xe buýt hàng tuần rẻ hơn.

Tôi mua vé xe buýt hàng tuần.

2 Các tính từ khác kết thúc bằng -ly không có dạng trạng từ: thân thiện, sống động, hèn nhát, giống mẹ, đáng yêu, v.v. Thay vào đó chúng ta đặt tính từ ở dạng trạng từ:

Cô ấy mỉm cười với tôi một cách thân thiện.

3 Một số trạng từ có hai dạng: một dạng có -ly và một dạng không có: close/close, deep/deep, muộn/gần đây, đẹp/xinh, v.v.

Ý nghĩa đôi khi rất giống nhau:

Hãy ở gần nhau nhé.

Viên cảnh sát theo dõi họ chặt chẽ.

Nhưng chúng cũng có thể không liên quan:

Tàu đến muộn.

Gần đây bạn có ra nước ngoài không?

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Bài 2 :

2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find an example of each rule in exercise 1.

(Đọc phần Learn this! Sau đó tìm ví dụ về từng quy tắc trong bài tập 1.)

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Bài 3 :

3 Complete the response to the blog in exercise 1. Use each word once to form an adverb or adverbial phrase.

(Hoàn thành câu trả lời cho blog trong bài tập 1. Sử dụng mỗi từ một lần để tạo thành một trạng từ hoặc cụm trạng từ.)

Great tips - thanks, Laura! I'd also add that it's worth booking accommodation 1 _______ as you may get a discount.  Check travel websites 2 _______ too, as the special offers don't last for very long. And watch your luggage 3 _______ if you're travelling by train - there have been several thefts reported 4 _______  Finally, in each country it's worth 5 _______  learning a few local phrases as soon as you arrive - you'll find the locals treat you in a more 6 _______ way!

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Bài 4 :

4 Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentences. Use a dictionary to help you.

(Chọn trạng từ đúng để hoàn thành câu. Hãy sử dụng từ điển để giúp bạn.)

1 a The journey took us deep / deeply into the country.

b I was deep / deeply shocked by the cost of the ticket.

2 a It's rough / roughly five kilometres to the next village.

b The sight of homeless people sleeping rough / roughly makes me really sad.

3 a We should get a pretty / prettily good deal at the hostel.

b You need to dress comfortably, not pretty / prettily!

4 a They stayed somewhere near / nearly.

b We've near / nearly reached the end of our trip.

5 a Which flight goes direct / directly to Hai Phong?

b The receptionist will be with you direct / directly.

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Bài 5 :

5 Complete the sentences with the adverbs and adverbial phrases below.

(Hoàn thành câu với các trạng từ và cụm trạng từ dưới đây.)

1 We've been driving for hours, so we must be ______ near.

2 Tina updates her Facebook page ______.

3 If you look ______ , you can see me at the back of the photo.

4 You've been so busy ______; you really should take a break.

5 I lost my money and had to sleep ______ for two nights.

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Bài 6 :

4.3 Adverbs and adverbial phrases

(Trạng từ và cụm trạng từ)

• Some adverbs have the same form as the adjective: early, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.

We do a weekly shop in town.

Is this magazine published weekly?

• Other adjective ending in -ly do not have an adverbial form: friendly, lively, cowardly, motherly, lovely, etc. Instead we put the adjective in an adverbial phrase:

He smiled in a friendly way and waved at us.

• Some adverbs have two forms: one with -ly and one without: close / closely, deep / deeply, late / lately, pretty / prettily, etc. The meanings are sometimes very similar and sometimes unrelated.

Does your uncle live close to you?

English and German are closely related languages.

We’re going to be late.

I haven’t seen my best friend lately.

Tạm dịch

• Một số trạng từ có dạng giống như tính từ: sớm, hàng tuần, hàng tháng, hàng năm, v.v..

Chúng tôi làm một cửa hàng hàng tuần trong thị trấn.

Tạp chí này có được xuất bản hàng tuần không?

• Các tính từ tận cùng bằng -ly không có dạng trạng từ: thân thiện, sống động, hèn nhát, giống mẹ, đáng yêu, v.v. Thay vào đó chúng ta đặt tính từ ở dạng trạng từ:

Anh ấy mỉm cười thân thiện và vẫy tay chào chúng tôi.

• Một số trạng từ có hai dạng: một dạng có -ly và một dạng không có -ly: gần, sâu, muộn/gần đây, hơi/một cách đẹp đẽ, v.v. Ý nghĩa đôi khi rất giống nhau và đôi khi không liên quan.

Chú của bạn có sống gần bạn không?

Tiếng Anh và tiếng Đức là những ngôn ngữ có liên quan chặt chẽ với nhau.

Chúng ta sẽ bị trễ.

Gần đây tôi không gặp người bạn thân nhất của mình.


1  Choose the correct adverb or adverbial phrase to complete the sentences.

(Chọn trạng từ hoặc cụm trạng từ đúng để hoàn thành câu.)

1  It was ____ hot for the whole of our holiday.

        a  pretty                      b  prettily

2  I find kittens so cute, especially when they play together ____.

        a  lively                      b  in a lively way

3  This film gives a ____ moving account of a brilliant musician’s life.

        a  deep                       b  deeply

4  My team eventually won after a ____ fought match.

        a  closely                              b  close

5  A policeman asked them to leave, but did it ____.

        a  in a friendly way     b  friendly

6  No one’s won the lottery ____, so the prize money is huge.

        a  lately                      b  late

7  She reached ____ into her bag and took out a pen.

        a  deep                       b  deeply  

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Bài 7 :

Adverbial clauses (Mệnh đề trạng từ)

1. Choose the correct answer. (Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. Dave bought two festival tickets _____ his friend Paul could go with him.

A. so that          B. since             C. as                    D. seeing that

2. We hired a professional to organise the Viking Festival, _____ everything went well.

A. such              B. so                   C. since             D. so that

3. The music at the Carnevale parade was _____ loud that I had to cover my ears.

A. so                   B. such                             C. as                    D. because

4. Joe brought his camera to the wedding anniversary _____ he wanted to take some photos.

A. because       B. so                   C. so that          D. in order that

5. _____ everyone has arrived, we can begin the marriage ceremony.

A. So that          B. Now that     C. In order that            D. So

6. _____ it was New Year's Eve, there was a big fireworks display in the city centre.

A. So                   B. Such              C. So that          D. Since

7. There was _____ a lot of traffic that Ann was late for the baby shower.

A. such              B. so                   C. since             D. because

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Bài 8 :

7. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nó cùng nghĩa với câu thứ nhất. Dùng các từ trong ngoặc)

1. We left the parade early because there was bad weather. (so ... that)

The weather _________________________ we left the parade early.

2. The way Claire talks about the Songkran celebration makes it sound like she has experienced it. (as though)

Claire talks about the Songkran celebration _________________________ it.

3. We will be late for the Carnevale if we don't leave now. (unless)

We will be late for the Carnevale _________________________ now.

4. The locals will ring the temple bell the moment it turns midnight. (soon)

The locals will ring _________________________ midnight.

5. We were driving to our friend's birthday party when we saw a street parade. (while)

We saw a street parade _________________________ to our friend's birthday party.

6. Jane is going to the wedding venue early because there may be heavy traffic. (in case)

Jane is going to the wedding venue early _________________________ traffic.

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Bài 9 :

1. Choose the correct answer. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. I wore a traditional outfit _____ I could take part in the cultural celebration.

A. so that         B. as                C. if                 D. now that

2. We celebrate the Songkran Festival _____ it is a significant festival in our Thai culture.

A. even though                        B. in order that

C. as                                        D. so that

3. We visit the temple on New Year's Day _____ we can pray for good health and fortune.

A. seeing that  B. such            C. as                D. in order that

4. In Denmark, on New Year's Eve, we stand on chairs and jump off them _____ we will have good luck in the coming 12 months.

A. in case        B. since           C. so                D. now that

5. _____ everyone is here, we can start the traditional dance performance.

A. While         B. Seeing that C. So that        D. In case

6. The Brazilians wear white clothes on New Year's Eve _____ they symbolise good luck.

A. so                B. because       C. so that         D. in order that

7. The village festival will be a huge success _____ it doesn't rain.

A. provided that                      B. while

C. so that                                 D. unless

8. We will be late for my parents' anniversary party _____ we leave now.

A. so                B. if                 C. so long as   D. unless

9. _____ we have time, we will visit the traditional food stalls.

A. Unless        B. So long as   C. Now that     D. In order that

10. We still went to watch the fireworks display _____ it was very cold outside.

A. even though                        B. provided that

C. seeing that                          D. because

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Bài 10 :

4. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences below.

(Chọn đáp án (A, B, C hoặc D) để chọn ra cách kết hợp các cặp câu cho trước.)

1. We knew the weather would be hot. That's why we took suncream with us to the Dia de Los Muertos celebration.

A. If we knew the weather would be hot, we would take suncream with us to the Dia de Los Muertos celebration.

B. Provided that we knew the weather would be hot, we would take suncream with us to the Dia de Los Muertos celebration.

C. We knew the weather would be so hot because we took suncream with us to the Dia de Los Muertos celebration.

D. Since we knew the weather would be hot, we took sunscreen with us to the Dia de Los Muertos celebration.

2. My birthday cake this year was tastier than any I had had in previous years.

A. My birthday cake this year was not as tasty as the one's in previous years.

B. My birthday cake tasted better in previous years.

C. My birthday cake this year has the tastiest one so far.

D. My birthday cake this year was as tasty as the one's in previous years.

3. The traditional dance performance was beautiful. It received applause from the audiences.

A. If the traditional dance performance was so beautiful, it would receive applause from the audiences

B. Although the traditional dance performance was beautiful, it did not receive applause from the audiences.

C. The traditional dance performance did not receive applause from the audiences although it was so beautiful.

D. The traditional dance performance received applause from the audiences because it was so beautiful.

4. The food at the world culture festival was delicious. The queues were very long.

A. Provided that the food at the world culture festival was delicious, the queues were very long.

B. The food at the world culture festival was delicious because the queues were very long.

C. If the food at the world culture festival was delicious, the queues would be very long.

D. The food at the world cultural festival was so delicious that the queues were very long.

5. The cultural parade was held in a small town. It attracted tourists from all over the world.

A. Even though the Cultural parade was held in a small town, it still attracted tourists from all over the world. B. The cultural parade was held In a small town, so it attracted tourists from all over the world.

C. If the cultural parade was held in a small town, it wouldn't attract tourists from all over the world.

D. The cultural parade was held in such a small town that it didn't attract tourists from all of the world. 

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Bài 11 :

Adverbs and adverbial phrases

I can use adverbs and adverbial phrases

1 Complete the sentences with the words below.

(Hoàn thành câu với các từ dưới đây.)






1 We love going camping and try to go ________ -  usually in September.

2 Lessons will finish ________ today for the parents' meeting.

3 'Do you go shopping every week?' 'No, we just do one big shop ________.'

4 He gestured in a ________ way and invited us over.

5 She hugged the crying child in a ________ way.

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Bài 12 :

2 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

(Viết các từ theo thứ tự đúng để tạo thành câu.)

1 my / monthly / renew / membership / I /gym


2 a / way / smiled / lovely / she / in /really


3 band / town / my / in / plays / brother's / fortnightly


4 a / the / spoke / way / in / man / cowardly


5 crashed / driving / when / she / fast / was / too / she


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Bài 13 :

3 Choose the correct adverbs (a or b) to complete the sentences.

(Chọn trạng từ đúng (a hoặc b) để hoàn thành câu.)

1 The dentist asked her to open her mouth _____.

a wide

b widely


2 Despite watching _____, I don't know how the magician did that!

a closely

b close


3 I haven't seen you _____ - is everything OK?

a late

b lately


4 The next train goes _____to London without stopping.

a direct

b directly


5 Shall we sit _____to the door so we can leave quietly?

a close

b closely

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Bài 14 :


When you come across adverbs which have two forms, e.g. deep/deeply, write down example sentences to show the different meanings and to help you remember them.

The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.

I'm deeply sorry for upsetting you.

Tạm dịch

TĂNG Từ vựng!

Khi bạn gặp những trạng từ có hai dạng, ví dụ: deep/deeply, viết ra những câu ví dụ để chỉ ra những ý nghĩa khác nhau và giúp bạn ghi nhớ chúng.

Chiếc tàu ngầm đi sâu dưới chỏm băng.

Tôi xin lỗi thực sự vì đã làm bạn khó chịu.


4 Read the Vocab boost! box and complete the pairs of sentences with the correct form of the adverbs below.

(Đọc khung Tăng Từ vựng và hoàn thành các cặp câu với dạng đúng của các trạng từ dưới đây.)







a They're identical twins; you can ______ tell them apart.

b It started to rain ______ just as we left the house.


a This DVD came ______ with my magazine.

b You can speak ______ here - we're all good friends.


a I love cricket so I've been following the match ______

b We couldn't get ______ enough to ask for his autograph.


a All the students ______ denied cheating.

b She has a strong voice but a rather ______ tone.


a I ______ forgot to pack my swimming costume!

b It's November and Christmas is getting ______.

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Bài 15 :

5 Complete the text with the words below.

(Hoàn thành văn bản với các từ dưới đây.)








In Down and Out in Paris and London (1933), author George Orwell writes about the poverty in the two cities, describing in a 1 _____ way his experience of mixing with the very poor. After living in Paris for 2 _____ two years, Orwell fell seriously ill and had all his money stolen. He then returned to London, sleeping 3 _____ and living 4 _____ with tramps. His book was 5 _____ praised at the time for its honest study, but it seems that some things have 6 _____ changed more than eighty years on. Parts of the cities have become very rich 7 _____,  but the problems of unemployment and homelessness still exist.

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Bài 16 :

Adverbial clauses (purpose, result & reason) (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ (mục đích, kết quả và lí do)

1. Fill in each gap with because, now (that), so, such, so that or seeing that.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với because, now (that), so, such, so that hoặc seeing that.)

1. It took us ages to arrive at the marriage ceremony _____ our car had broken down.

2. We went shopping _____ we could buy some gifts for the baby.

3. The weather was _____ bad that the carnival was called off.

4. _____ you're expecting a baby, you should eat more healthily.

5. _____ she couldn't find any plane tickets for Venice, she decided to stay at home.

6. It was _____ a wonderful experience that everyone was delighted.

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Bài 17 :

2. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. Now that/So that/So Christmas was coming, she couldn't wait to decorate the Christmas tree.

2. It is so/such/so that a famous shrine that it attracts thousands of visitors every year.

3. He didn't work, so that/since/in order that it was a bank holiday.

4. She left early as/so that/now that the music at the birthday party was too loud.

5. They hired a DJ, in order that/as/since he would play music at their son's coming-of-age celebration. 

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Bài 18 :

6. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. She seemed as though/just as she hadn't eaten anything for days.

2. He had never injured his ankle until/just as he took up jogging.

3. The Venice Carnival seemed as crowded as/as more crowded as the Viking Festival.

4. It had started snowing before/while they arrived at the marriage ceremony.

5. This year's anniversary was the most successful/more successful than the one we had attended last year. 

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Bài 19 :

1. Complete the statements with comment adverbials, The first letters are given.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với các trạng từ nêu ý kiến. Các từ đầu tiên đã được cho trước.)

1. Obviously, freedom of speech applies to everyone including people whose views are generally disliked by the majority.

2. Fr_____, I'm tired of hearing the same old arguments from pro-gun campaigners.

3. Sa_____, the government chose to ignore nearly half a million protesters.

4. Cl_____, there is still a lot of work to be done to change people's attitudes.

5. Re_____, the company cares more about making money than it does about protecting the environment.

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