Đề bài

e. In pairs: Use the prompts in the table to make sentences.

(Theo cặp: Sử dụng gợi ý trong bảng để đặt câu.)

everyone/sing happy birthday

Mom/bring out/cake



he/pack/go to university




While everyone was singing happy birthday, my mom brought out my cake.

(Trong khi mọi người đang hát chúc mừng sinh nhật thì mẹ tôi mang bánh ra.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

- I felt embarrassed while I was giving a presentation.

(Tôi cảm thấy xấu hổ khi đang thuyết trình.)

- While he was packing to go to his university, he was anxious.

(Trong khi chuẩn bị đồ đạc để đến trường đại học, anh ấy rất lo lắng.)

- It started to rain when I was riding my bike home.

(Trời bắt đầu mưa khi tôi đang đạp xe về nhà.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Past simple vs. Past continuous

(Thì quá khứ đơn & Quá khứ tiếp diễn)

1. Circle the correct answer to complete each of the sentences.

(Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. My dad watched/was watching a documentary about war heroes at 9 p.m. on 30th April.

2. It snowed/was snowing heavily, and icy winds were blowing/blew across the city. We lit a fire in the fireplace and sat next to it to keep warm.

3. She finished/was finishing school and applied/was applying to college at the age of 18.

4. My father started/was starting his own business in his youth and became/was becoming very successful.

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Bài 2 :

2. Work in pairs. Tell the life stories of people you know and admire. Use the past simple and past continuous.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Kể câu chuyện cuộc đời của những người bạn biết và ngưỡng mộ. Sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn.)

Example: My grandfather joined the army when he was 24. While he was fighting in the war, my grandmother was taking care of the whole family…

(Ông nội tôi nhập ngũ khi ông 24 tuổi. Trong thời gian ông tham gia chiến tranh, bà nội tôi đã chăm sóc cả gia đình…)

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Bài 3 :


Circle the mistake in each sentence. Then correct it.

(Hãy khoanh tròn lỗi sai trong mỗi câu. Sau đó sửa nó.)

1. When I (A) was looking for some books (B)  in the library, I (C) was finding an interesting biography (D) about General 

Vo Nguyen Giap.

2. (A) At the age of 16, Walt Disney (B) was dropping out of school because he (C) wanted to join (D) the army.

3. Vo Thi Sau (A) was caught while she (B) tried (C) to attack some (D) French soldiers.

4. (A) While the famous author (B) read from his biography, everyone (C) was listening and (D) taking notes.

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Bài 4 :

1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences.

(Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu sau.)

1. The teacher explained (A) of her students (B) the importance (C) of preserving (D) cultural identity.

2. Don't (A) forget to turn (B) out all lights (C) when the rooms are not (D) in use.

3. I (A) was finding an interesting biography (B) while I was looking (C) around the (D) bookshop.

4. When I (A) was arriving at my grandparents' house, they (B) were watching a programme about (C) the customs (D) of ethnic minorities in Viet Nam. 

5. As the second longest river in (A) the world, (B) an Amazon flows through several countries (C) in South America before emptying into (D) the Atlantic Ocean.

6. When my father studied in (A) the UK, he also learnt to play (B) a guitar and (C) performed in (D) a band.

7. After graduating (A) from university, my brother applied (B) to more than five jobs before he was invited (C) for his first job (D) interview.

8. My brother dropped (A) out of school (B) at 15, (C) that made it harder (D) for him to find a job.

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Bài 5 :

2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences.

(Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu kết hợp tốt nhất từng cặp câu.)

1. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries. This is also linked to biodiversity loss.

A. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries, which is also linked to biodiversity loss.

B. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries, but this is also linked to biodiversity loss.

C. As air pollution levels have increased in many countries, this is also linked to biodiversity loss.

D. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries, that is also linked to biodiversity loss.

2. My classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers. I was writing an introduction for our presentation.

A. My classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers, or I was writing an introduction for our presentation.

B. While my classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers, I was writing an introduction for our presentation.

C. My classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers when I wrote an introduction for our presentation.

D. My classmate was not only searching for more information about recycling plastic containers, but also writing an introduction for our presentation.

3. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme. This gave me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

A. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme because this gave me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

B. Although I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme, this didn't give me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

C. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme, which gave me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

D. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme and this didn't give me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

4. We arrived at the party yesterday. Everybody was dancing and having a great time.

A. Everybody was dancing and having a great time when we arrived at the party yesterday.

B. While we were arriving at the party yesterday, everybody was dancing and having a great time.

C. We were arriving, dancing, and having a great time at the party yesterday.

D. Everybody liked dancing and having a great time, but we didn't arrive at the party yesterday.

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Bài 6 :

2 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple, past continuous, or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 

(Hoàn thành câu với dạng quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)

1 My brother _________ (learn) to drive while he _________ (study) at university. 

2 It _________ (snow) all the time that we _________(drive) up to Scotland. 

3 I _________   (grow) up in London, but when I was  sixteen, we _________ (move) to Endinburgh.

4 My sister finally _______________ (get) her first job a year after she  ____________ (leave) university! 

5 My mum _________ (emigrate) to New York, and she _________ (start) a business while she _________ (live) there. 

6 I _________ (meet) my best friend last night. I _________ (not see) her for over a year! 

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Bài 7 :

3 Read the Learn this! box. Then choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. 

(Đọc phần khung Learn this! Sau đó chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu.)

1 Mary's face is red because she has been jogging / jogged for an hour. 

2 My parents have been marrying / married for 25 years. 

3 It's been raining / rained all morning and I don't think it'll ever stop. 

4 We've been buying / bought a new house, and we move in next week! 

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Bài 8 :

I.3 Past tenses

(Thì quá khứ)

Past simple and past continuous

• We use the past simple

    a   for an action or event at a definite point in the past.

       We played volleyball last Saturday.

       He joined the team at the age of sixteen.

    b   for actions or events that happened one after another.

        I passed the ball to him and he scored

        She got up, had a shower, got dressed and left the house.

     c   with certain verbs that are not used in continuous tenses: for example, believe, hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, want.

        I believe his story. (NOT I was believing his story.)

• We use the past continuous for a description of a scene in the past.

It was raining. Some children were playing rugby.

• We often use the past continuous and the past simple in the same sentence. The past continuous describes a background action or event; the past simple describes a shorter action or event that interrupted it.

I was having breakfast when the phone rang.

My friends were watching TV when I arrived.

• We can use the past simple or the past continuous with when, as and while.

What were you thinking as you walked down the street?

What were you thinking as you were walking down the street?

• We often use as with the past simple for two short actions that happened at the same time.

As I left the room I tripped over the cat.

Tạm dịch

Quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn

• Chúng ta sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn

    a cho một hành động hoặc sự kiện tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.

Chúng tôi đã chơi bóng chuyền vào thứ Bảy tuần trước.

Anh ấy gia nhập đội ở tuổi mười sáu.

    b cho những hành động hoặc sự kiện xảy ra nối tiếp nhau.

Tôi chuyền bóng cho anh ấy và anh ấy đã ghi bàn

Cô đứng dậy, đi tắm, mặc quần áo và rời khỏi nhà.

     c với một số động từ không được dùng ở các thì tiếp diễn: ví dụ: tin, ghét, biết, thích, yêu, cần, thích, muốn.

Tôi tin câu chuyện của anh ấy. (KHÔNG DÙNG tôi đã đang tin vào câu chuyện của anh ấy.)

• Chúng ta dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để mô tả một cảnh trong quá khứ.

Trời đang mưa. Một số đứa trẻ đang chơi bóng bầu dục.

• Chúng ta thường sử dụng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn và quá khứ đơn trong cùng một câu. Quá khứ tiếp diễn mô tả một hành động hoặc sự kiện nền; thì quá khứ đơn mô tả một hành động hoặc sự kiện ngắn hơn làm gián đoạn nó.

Tôi đang ăn sáng thì điện thoại reo.

Bạn bè của tôi đang xem TV khi tôi đến.

• Chúng ta có thể sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn với when, as và while.

Bạn đã nghĩ gì khi bước xuống phố?

Bạn đã nghĩ gì khi đi dạo trên phố?

• Chúng ta thường dùng as với thì quá khứ đơn cho hai hành động ngắn xảy ra cùng một lúc.

Khi tôi rời khỏi phòng, tôi vấp phải con mèo.


Past perfect

We use the past perfect simple for an action that happened before a specific time in the past.

After I had washed up, I watched TV.

Tạm dịch

Quá khứ hoàn thành

Chúng ta sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành đơn cho một hành động xảy ra trước một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ.

Sau khi tôi tắm rửa xong, tôi xem TV


1   Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in bracket. Sometimes both tenses are possible.

(Hoàn thành các câu. Sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn của động từ trong ngoặc. Đôi khi cả hai thì đều có thể.)

1  The sun ______________(shine) and the birds ______________(sing) when I ______________ (leave) the house.

2  The moment I ______________(see) him, I ______________(realise) I’d met him before.

3  What ________you _________(do) when Joe __________(call) you?

4  While we _____________(wait) for you, it _____________(start) to rain.

5  She _____________(walk) into the room, _____________(sit down) and _____________(start) to read the paper.

6  At the time of the earthquake, I _____________(live) in Tokyo. I _____________(move) back to the UK shortly afterwards.

7  Harry _____________(play) a lot of football while he _____________(live) in Oxford.

8  As I _____________(leave) the house the sun _____________(come out).

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Bài 9 :

2  Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use each verb twice, once in a simple and once in a continuous form.

(Hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng của động từ dưới đây. Sử dụng mỗi động từ hai lần, một lần ở dạng đơn và một lần ở dạng tiếp diễn.)





1  I noticed that a man _____________ at our car.

2  My great-grandfather _____________ a clothes shop in London in the 1950s.

3  I _____________the doctor tomorrow about my cough.

4  I missed my stop because I _____________about dinner.

5  When we arrived, the teachers _____________a meeting.

6  It’s raining, but I _____________it will stop soon.

7  I _____________ that you’ve been eating my crisps!

8  That game _____________ fun. Can I have a go?

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Bài 10 :

a. Read about the Past Continuous, then fill in the blanks.

(Đọc về Quá khứ tiếp diễn, điền vào chỗ trống.)

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Bài 11 :

b. Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.

(Nghe và kiểm tra. Nghe lại và lặp lại.)

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Bài 12 :

c. Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous or the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

(Điền vào chỗ trống ở dạng Quá khứ tiếp diễn hoặc Quá khứ đơn của động từ trong ngoặc.)

Our class (1) _________ (visit) the zoo last week when a funny thing (2) _______ (happen). At about 9:30 a.m. that day, we (3) __________ (look) at the gorillas. We (4) _______(take) photos when someone saw a snake on the floor. It was my pet snake! While I (5) ________ (get) ready at home that morning, my pet snake (6) ___________(fall) into my school bag, but I didn't see it. At the zoo, it (7) ________ (get) out of my bag. I (8) _________(pick) up my snake and calmly put it back into my bag. My classmates were all so amazed. While my teacher (9) _________(call) the zookeepers for help, my classmates (10) ___________(take) selfies with me. Everyone was so grateful and relieved.

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Bài 13 :

d. Combine the sentences using the word in brackets.

(Nối câu sử dụng từ trong ngoặc.)

1. She was traveling in Australia. She saw lots of exciting places. (while)

(Cô ấy đang đi du lịch ở Úc. Cô ấy đã thấy rất nhiều nơi thú vị.)

She saw lots _______________

2. I took a photo of my sister. She was swimming in the ocean. (when)

(Tôi đã chụp ảnh em gái tôi. Em ấy đang bơi ở biển.)

My sister was_______________

3. He was studying in university. He was working in a restaurant. (while)

(Anh ấy đang học đại học. Anh ấy đang làm việc ở một nhà hàng.)


4. He started to feel depressed about his exam results. He was cycling home. (when)

(Anh ấy bắt đầu cảm thấy chán nản về kết quả bài thi của mình. Anh ấy đang đạp xe về nhà.)

He was_______________

5. The adults were chatting about the news. All the children were playing. (while)

(Người lớn đang trò chuyện về tin tức. Tất cả bọn trẻ đều đang chơi.)

The adults_______________

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Bài 14 :

a. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với dạng động từ đúng.)

1. While he __________ (take) photos, someone ___________ (snatch) his camera.

2. They aren't millionaires, but they spent money on their vacation as if they ___________ (be) rich.

3. Make sure you check in with your friends and family when _______ (travel) alone.

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Bài 15 :

1. Put the verbs in brackets (1-7) into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. Then match them to their uses (a-g).

(Chia dạng đúng các động từ trong ngoặc (1-7) ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn. Sau đó nối chúng với cách dùng (a-g).)

1. ___ This time last week, my brother and I _____ (go) on a safari in Africa.

2. ___ The wind _____ (blow) and the stars _____ (shine) in the sky.

3. ___ Tom _____ (not/go) on holiday much when he was a child.

4. ___ While my friends _____ (relax) at the beach, I _____ (trek) in the mountains.

5. ___ We _____ (pack) our bags and _____ (go) to the airport.

6. ___ May _____ (win) a medal for the first time at the 2018 Winter Olympics.

7. ___ Jack _____ (run) a marathon when he _____ (hurt) his leg.

a. a past habit

b. an action that happened at a certain time in the past

c. an action that was in progress at a stated time in the past

d. actions that happened one after the other in the past

e. an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it

f. a description of the atmosphere, setting, etc. in the introduction to a story.

g. two or more simultaneous actions in the past.

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Bài 16 :

2. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. A: When did you meet/were you meeting Alberto?

B: I met/was meeting him while I competed/ was competing at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada.

2. A. Did you go/Were you going on holiday every summer during your childhood?

B: Yes, we travelled/were travelling abroad every June.

3. A What did Paul do/was Paul doing at 8 am. yesterday?

B: He ran/was running a marathon to raise money for a charity.

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Bài 17 :

3. Choose the options (A, B, C or D) to indicate the underlined parts that needs correction in the given sentence.

(Chọn các đáp án (A, B, C or D) để chí ra phần gạch chân cần sửa lại cho đúng trong các câu sau.)

1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is (A) one of my (B) favourite fairy tales (C) when I was (D) a child.

2. Ann was dancing (A) with her (B) friends while (C) the band sang (D) on stage.

3. Peter was sleeping (A) under the stars when (B) he was hearing (C) a strange noise near his (D) tent.

4. The sun shone (A) and the birds were singing (B) as (C) I was trekking (D) in the mountains.

5. First, Mindy book (A) her (B) tickets and then (C) she went (D) on a city tour.

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Bài 18 :

4. Use the ideas below to continue the story.

(Dùng các ý tưởng bên dưới để tiếp tục câu chuyện.)

• hot sunny day / and / the sun / shine

• Sam and Leah / relax / beach

• then / Leah / decide / take / walk

• she / walk / near / water / when / hear / a splash

• Leah / turn around / and / see / three dolphins

• she / call / Sam / and / he / get / camera

• Leah / watch / dolphins / while / Sam / take / lots / amazing photos

• they / feel / excited / see / these amazing creatures / up close

A: It was a hot sunny day and the sun was shining.

B: Sam and Leah were relaxing on the beach. A: ...

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Bài 19 :

1. Put the verbs into Past Simple or Past Continuous

(Chia động từ ở dạng quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn.)

1. run

a. James _____ a marathon at 7 a.m. last Saturday.

b. James _____ a marathon last week.

2. trek

a. Andrea _____ in the mountains when she was on holiday in France.

b. Andrea _____ in the mountains in France at this time last week.

3. explore

a. George and his friends _____ London yesterday morning.

b. George and his friends _____ London when they met a famous person.

4. travel

a. She _____ a lot when she was younger.

b. She met lots of interesting people while she _____ to Vietnam last year.

5. swim

a. Jane _____ with dolphins last week.

b. Jane _____ with dolphins at this time last week.

6. sing, dance

a. While Ann _____ on stage, her friends _____.

b. Ann _____ a song on stage, and then _____ with her friends.

7. give

a. David _____ a speech in the town hall at 7 o'clock last night.

b. David _____ a speech in the town hall a few times last year.

8. camp

a. They _____ under the stars last week.

b. They _____ under the stars all night yesterday. 

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Bài 20 :

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa giống với câu thứ nhất.)

1. Chris and his friends started going on a safari at 8 a.m. and finished at 11 am.

Chris and his friends _________________________ at 10 a.m.

2. At 7 o'clock last night, Vanessa was singing in public and her brother was playing the guitar.

While Vanessa _________________________.

3. Susan hurt her ankle during her trek in the mountains.

Susan __________________________ when she hurt her ankle.

4. They swam with dolphins all morning yesterday.

They _________________________ at 10 a.m. yesterday. 

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Bài 21 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Last night, we ________ to the cinema to watch a movie about Vo Thi Sau.

A. go

B. are going

C. went

D. will go

2. My grandfather ________ in the resistance war against the US.

A fights

B. fought

C. will fight

D. has fought

3. Edison ________ the light bulb in 1879.

A. invents

B. will invent

C. has invented

D. invented

4. We ________ a documentary about the last king of Viet Nam at 8 p.m. that night.

A. watched

B. were watching

C. are watching

D. will watch

5. What ________ at 7 a.m. yesterday?

A. are you doing

B. did you do

C. were you doing

D. have you done

6. ________ dinner at this time yesterday?

A. Do you have

B. Are you having

C. Have you had

D. Were you having

7. He ________ to New York to start a new business. It was a huge success.

A. moves

B. moved

C. is moving

D. was moving

8. General Vo Nguyen Giap ________ the Communist Party of Viet Nam and led the army during the war.

A. joined

B. was joining

C. has joined

D. joins

9. After attacking a group of French soldiers, Vo Thi Sau ________ and sent to prison.

A. is arrested

B. will be arrested

C. was arrested

D. has been arrested

10. It ________ very hard. I sat by the window and watched the man. He took his coat off and stood in the rain.

A. rains

B. is raining

C. has rained

D. was raining

11. The students ________ their test. The room was so quiet that you could hear the sounds made by their pens when they were writing.

A. took

B. were taking

C. do

D. are doing

12. Sorry I missed your call. I ________ upstairs.

A. sleep

B. am sleeping

C. slept

D. was sleeping

13. When they arrived, everyone ________ for them.

A. waited

B. was waiting

C. wait

D. is waiting

14. When I turned on the radio, I ________ an interesting story about Steve Jobs.

A. hear

B. am hearing

C. heard

D. was hearing

15. When you ________ yesterday, we were having dinner.

A. call

B. called

C. are calling

D. were calling

16. After my brother ________ school, he ________ the army.

A. finished-joined

B. finished-was joining

C. was finishing-joined

D. was finishing - was joining

17. While my sister ________ in the woods, she ________ a strange animal.

A. walked-saw

B. walked-was seeing

C. was walking-saw

D. was walking-was seeing

18. While my mother ________ in the kitchen, my father ________ the living room.

A. cooked-cleaned

B. cooked-was cleaning

C. was cooking-cleaned

D. was cooking-was cleaning

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Bài 22 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. The city leader praised the young people for following Uncle Ho's teachings, and was giving them

                             A                                      B                                             C            D

the awards.


2. We waited for you at 8 p.m. yesterday, but you didn't come or call us.

            A                  B                            C                 D

3. When I woke up in the middle of the night, heavy rain beat against the windows.

     A            B                                                               C       D

4. Alexander Fleming was working in his lab when he was discovering penicilin by accident.

                                  A                            B                  C                             D

5. When the bus stopped, everyone quickly stood up, said goodbye to the driver, and was getting off the

                               A                                 B              C                                                 D


6. When the singer finished her song, everyone was standing up and clapped their hands loudly.

                               A                                               B                                C               D       

7. After my sister was studying in her room, someone was playing the piano next door.

    A                                        B                                    C            D

8. While the teacher was telling the life story of Uncle Ho, everyone in our class took notes carefully.

                              A                                B                                                    C                    D

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Bài 23 :

Contrast: past simple and past continuous

1 Match the ages (a-g) with the stages of life (1-7).

(Hãy ghép các độ tuổi (a-g) với các giai đoạn của cuộc đời (1-7).)

1 be an adult

2 be a centenarian

3 be a toddler

4 be an infant

5 be elderly

6 be in your teens

7 be middle-aged

a 100+

b 60+

c 13-19

d 40-60

e 1-3

f 0-1

g 18+

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Bài 24 :

Past tenses

1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu với dạng quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn của động từ trong ngoặc.)

1 I __________ (have) a shower when the postman __________ (arrive).

2 Sandra __________ (drop) her bag while she __________ (run) for the bus.

3 He __________ (read) the letter when he suddenly __________ (start) to laugh.

4 The sun __________ (shine), so we __________ (decide) to have a barbecue.

5 She __________ (hurt) her finger while she __________ (cut) some bread.

6 Pat __________ (live) in Greece when he __________ (meet) Hannah.

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Bài 25 :

a. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. She _______ (read) her book while they _______ (play) outside.

2. _______ you _______ (notice) anything strange while you _______ (live) at their house?

3. They _______ (hang) out all day yesterday.

4. We _______ (walk) home when we _______ (see) a kitten in a parking lot.

5. She _______ (ride) her bike home when someone _______ (call) her name.

6. We _______ (run) home yesterday at 3:30 in the afternoon.

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Bài 26 :

b. Write sentences using the prompts and when or while.

(Viết câu sử dụng gợi ý và when hoặc while.)

1. She/make/lots/new/friends - she/study/university


2. The dog/make/lots/noise - I/try/sleep


3. I/study/math test - mom/ask me/look after/little brother


4. They/make/pizza - the lights/go out


5. He/do/homework - sister/chat/on the phone


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Bài 27 :

Past Simple & Past Continuous (Thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

(Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn.)

1. A: _____ (you/travel) abroad often when you were young?

B: Yes, we _____ (visit) my grandparents in Spain every year.

2. A: What _____ (Ann/do) while John _____ (watch) the Olympics on TV?

B: I think she _____ (read) a book.

3. A: How _____ (be) the weather at the stadium yesterday?

B: Perfect! The sun _____ (shine) and there was a gentle breeze _____ (blow).

4. A: What _____ (Lucas/do) as soon as he won the race?

B: He _____ (hug) his family and then they all _____ (have) a photo together.

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Bài 28 :

2. Make complete sentences using the given words and the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1. 4 o'clock / yesterday. / Dan / trek / mountains / while / his father / put up / tent

2. It / rain / heavily / and / sky / get / darker / campsite

3. Claire / train / gym / when / she / inure / her / leg

4. This / time / last / week, / I / take pictures / safari

5. Rob sing / public / first / time / 2019 

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Bài 29 :

1. Choose the correct option.

1. A: What was Sally doing/did Sally do this time last week?

B: She was relaxing/relaxed on the beach.

2. A: Was it raining/Did it rain while you were on your holiday?

B.: No, the sun shone/was shining every day.

3. A: Did you win/Were you winning a medal in the race yesterday?

B: No, I didn't/wasn't.

4. A: Did you go/Were you going camping every summer when you were young?

B: Yes and we often slept/were sleeping under the stars whenever we could. 

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Bài 30 :

2. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.

(Chọn đáp án (A, B, C hoặc D) để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa lại cho đúng.)

1. Lisa was singing (A) in public when (B) she was losing (C) her voice, so she felt (D) embarrassed.

2. The wind was blowing (A) and the trees were sway (B) during (C) the storm last night (D).

3. Tom was swimming (A) with (B) dolphins every year (C) on holiday when (D) he was a child.

4. When (A) my mum was running a marathon last month (B), I was watching (C) her on (D) the TV.

5. We put (A) on our backpacks, grabbed (B) our cameras, getting (C) in the jeep and went (D) on a safari.

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