Đề bài

3. Rewrite the sentences using too or enough and the adjective in brackets. Do not change the meaning.

(Viết lại các câu sử dụng quá hoặc đủ và tính từ trong ngoặc. Không thay đổi ý nghĩa.)

1. This game isn’t easy enough for me. (difficult)

This game is too difficult for me.

2. We’re too young to go on holiday alone. (old)


3. This bed is too hard. (soft)


4. This film isn’t interesting enough. (boring)


5. It isn’t warm enough to go to the beach. (cold)


6. His family were too poor to go on holiday. (rich)


Phương pháp giải :

Cấu trúc enough và too

  • Enough: S + tobe + Adj + enough + (for O) + to V (đủ)

         Too: S + tobe + too + Adj + (for O) + to V (quá đến nỗi không thể)

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. This game isn’t easy enough for me. (difficult)

This game is too difficult for me.

(Trò chơi này quá khó đối với tôi.)

2. We’re too young to go on holiday alone. (old)

We’re not old enough to go on holiday alone.

(Chúng tôi chưa đủ lớn để đi nghỉ một mình.)

3. This bed is too hard. (soft)

This bed isn’t soft enough.

(Giường này không đủ mềm.)

4. This film isn’t interesting enough. (boring)

This film is too boring.

(Phim này chán quá.)

5. It isn’t warm enough to go to the beach. (cold)

It’s too cold to go to the beach.

(Trời quá lạnh để đi biển.)

6. His family were too poor to go on holiday. (rich)

His family weren’t rich enough to go on holiday.

(Gia đình anh ấy không đủ giàu để đi nghỉ.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

5. Study the underlined examples of too and enough in the text in exercise 2. Complete the Learn this! box with after and before.

(Nghiên cứu các ví dụ được gạch chân về too và enough trong bài khóa trong bài tập 2. Hoàn thành hộp Learn this! với after và before.)

LEARN THIS! too and enough

a. too comes (1) _____ an adjective too small

b. enough comes (2) _____ an adjective. not small enough

c. enough comes (3) _____ a noun. (not) enough money

d. We often use an infinitive with to after too + adjective or adjective + enough.

He's too young/old enough to join the army.

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Bài 2 :

6. Rewrite the sentences using the adjective in brackets and too or enough.

(Viết lại câu sử dụng các tính từ trong ngoặc và too hoặc enough.)

1. He isn't tall enough to reach the shelf. (short)

He's too short to reach the shelf.

2. Skiing holidays aren't cheap enough for me. (expensive)

3. My dad's old car is too dangerous to drive. (safe)

4. The storm was too weak to cause much damage. (strong)

5. My shoes aren’t clean enough to wear to the party. (dirty)

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Bài 3 :

4D (Part 2). Too and enough

9. Write sentences with words from the table below. Use too and the infinitive.

(Viết câu với các từ trong bảng dưới. Dùng too và động từ nguyên mẫu có to.)


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Bài 4 :

10. Rewrite the sentences in exercise 9 with the adjectives below and enough.

(Viết lại các câu trong bài 9 với các động từ bên dưới và enough.)

dear   cool   light   old   tall   warm

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Bài 5 :

3. Complete the sentences with too or not enough and the adjectives in brackets. Are any of the sentences true for you?

(Hoàn thành các câu có quá hoặc không đủ và các tính từ trong ngoặc. Có câu nào đúng với bạn không?)

1. I'm not old enough to drive a motorbike. You have to be eighteen. (old) 

2. I don't go to the cinema much: tickets are ________. (expensive) 

3. I'm _________ to perform on the stage. (shy) 

4. I'm ___________to remember music from the 1990s! (young) 

5. I'm _________to learn a musical instrument. (talented) 

6. I don't download films. My Internet connection is ____________. (fast) 

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Bài 6 :

4. USE OF ENGLISH Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

(SỬ DỤNG TIẾNG ANH Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nó có nghĩa tương tự với câu đầu tiên.)

1. Our music teacher speaks too softly. I can't hear her. ENOUGH 

(Giáo viên dạy nhạc của chúng tôi nói quá nhẹ nhàng. Tôi không thể nghe thấy cô ấy.)

Our music teacher ________. I can't hear her. 

2. There are too many arts students compared to science students. NOT 

(Có quá nhiều sinh viên nghệ thuật so với sinh viên khoa học.)

There ________compared to arts students. 

3. I don't have enough free time to take on a role in the school play. BUSY 

(Tôi không có đủ thời gian rảnh để tham gia một vai trong vở kịch của trường.)

I’m__________to take on a role in the school play. 

4. The old school hall wasn't big enough to put on concerts. TOO 

(Hội trường cũ của trường không đủ lớn để tổ chức các buổi hòa nhạc.)

The old school hall _________to put on concerts.

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Bài 7 :

5. Talk about one singer you know. Use enough and too.

(Nói về 1 ca sĩ mà bạn biết. sử dụng đủ và quá)

I don't like __________This singer's voice is too loud. His song is not good enough for me. 

(Tôi không thích __________ Giọng ca sĩ này quá lớn. Bài hát của anh ấy không đủ xuất sắc đối với tôi.)

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Bài 8 :


4. Choose the correct answer. 

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. X: We didn't go to the cinema ______.

    Y: Why not? 

 A. yet 

B. since then 

C. last night 

2. X: What a disappointing film! 

    Y: Yes, the plot was  ______.

A. too funny 

B. too complex 

C. too inspiring 

3. X: What do you think about this portrait? 

    Y: The girl looks OK, but the ______ is too dark. 

A. background 

B. centre 

C. foreground 

4. X: Why do the boys in the photo look so  miserable? 

    Y: Because the exhibition is __________ for them. 

A. not interesting enough 

B. too exciting

C. quite entertaining 

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Bài 9 :

4. Complete the dialogue. Use too or enough with the adjective in brackets or the superlative form.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại. Sử dụng quá hoặc đủ với tính từ trong ngoặc hoặc dạng so sánh nhất.)

Kate:    Now we join Brett Simpson for the (1)_____________________ (late) news about the wildfires. Brett, what’s happening?

Brett:   Well, the police aren’t allowing us to get (2)_____________________ (close) to the fires, but I can feel the heat from here.

Kate:   How are the people in the area reacting? It isn’t one of the (3)_____________________ (rich) parts of the country, is it?

Brett:   No, it isn’t. Some people are (4)_____________________ (lucky) to have relatives in other cities, so they’re leaving. But many are (5)_____________________ (old) or (6)_____________________ (ill) to travel. They’re waiting and hoping.

Kate   What’s the (7)_____________________ (good) thing other people can do to help?

Brett:   Well, I asked the police that question. They said the (8)_____________________ (helpful) thing is to stay away from the area. Thousands of people are coming here just to have a look. This is one of the (9)_____________________ (big) and (10)_____________________ (spectacular) fires for decades. But these people are getting in the way of the emergency services and their work. And their job is (11)_____________________ (difficult) without that!

Kate   What is the (12)_____________________ (likely) cause of the fire?

Brett:   It’s (13)_____________________ (early) to say. Sometimes lightning can start a fire like this, if the trees are (14)_____________________ (dry). But of course, humans are the (15)_____________________ (probable) cause.

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Bài 10 :

1. Choose the correct answer. 

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. Alison wastoo lazy/ enough lazy / lazy enough to walk to the theatre. 

2. Jake isn't enough strong / strong enough / too strong to carry the guitar. 

3. I think Patrick is insensitive enough / enough insensitive / too insensitive to write beautiful poems. 

4. Jessica speaks too quick / too quickly / quick enough for us to understand her easily. 

5. Vietnam national football team was strong enough / enough strong / strong too to beat all other teams and became the champion at SEA GAMES 2019. 

6. I don't think we've bought too much / too many / enough paper for making the concert posters. Look! It's just the perfect amount. 

7. Detective Andrews didn't seem to be fast enough / enough fast/ too fast to stop the crime. 

8. Marta is worried that we won't have enough chairs / chairs enough / too many chairs for everybody to sit down.

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Bài 11 :

2. Complete the sentences with too or enough and one of the adjectives from the box. There are two extra words.

(Hoàn thành các câu với “too” hoặc “enough” và một trong các tính từ trong hộp. Có hai từ thừa.)

addictive boring    embarrassing    funny 

moving   old         popular            serious

1. Ken Loach films are all too serious. I prefer more entertaining films where I can laugh and relax a bit. 

2. This new Harry Potter book is _________ I can't stop reading it.

3. Frank doesn't like jazz music. He says it's __________ and it all sounds the same.

4. You're not ____________ to watch this horror film. It's only for people over 18. 

5. I loved The Kings of Leon before they became __________ . Now their music is more like pop than rock. 

6. This romantic comedy is _________ Can you hear anybody laughing? I can't.

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Bài 12 :

 3. Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in capitals. 

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai để nó có nghĩa tương tự như câu đầu tiên. Sử dụng từ viết hoa.)

1. Avatar isn't old enough to be called a classic film. MODERN 

Avatar is too modern to be called a classic film. 

2. Jemima is an elegant dancer and could join the ballet. ENOUGH 

Jemima _____________________ to join the ballet. 

3. The chat show had more guests than was necessary in my opinion. TOO 

The chat show had ________________ in my opinion. 

4. I can't hear the news bulletin well because it's very quiet. LOUD 

The news bulletin _____________ for me to hear it well. 

5. There are too few famous composers to organise a festival. NOT 

There ________________ to organise a festival. 

6. This sofa isn't big enough for us to sit and watch the film. SPACE 

There is ______________ on this sofa for us to sit and watch the film.

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Bài 13 :

4. Find and correct the mistakes. There are two correct sentences. 

(Tìm và sửa chữa những lỗi sai. Có hai câu đúng.)

1. It's to hot in this theatre and there aren't any windows. too 

2. Claire hasn't got money enough to go to the Nick Cave concert. 

3. It's not cold enough to watch the opera in the park event today. 

4. The sculpture is too large to go in our living room. 

5. The band didn't sell many enough CDs for them to become famous. 

6. James read the poem too quickly for it to sound really beautiful. 

7. This painting is too expensive enough for Thomas to buy.

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