Đề bài

11. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.)

1. Travelling abroad isn’t cheap enough for them to do.

Travelling abroad is ____________________________________________________.

2. It’s not safe enough to explore the jungle alone.

It’s  ________________________________________________________________.

3. The tour is too boring to entertain the children.

The tour isn’t  ________________________________________________________.

4. The guesthouse is too small for all of us to sleep in.

The guesthouse isn’t ____________________________________________________.

5. It’s too late to have dinner at the restaurant.

It isn’t  _____________________________________________________________.

6. The village isn’t close enough to walk there.

The village is  ________________________________________________________.

7. The weather is too bad to go hiking today.

The weather isn’t  _____________________________________________________.

8. The mountaintop isn’t high enough to have snow on.

The mountaintop is  ___________________________________________________.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Travelling abroad isn’t cheap enough for them to do. ( Đi du lịch nước ngoài không đủ rẻ để họ thực hiện.)

Travelling abroad is too expericnce for them to do. (Du lịch nước ngoài là quá kinh nghiệm đối với họ.)

2. It’s not safe enough to explore the jungle alone. (Khám phá rừng rậm một mình không đủ an toàn.)

It’s too dangerous to explore the jungle cone. (Thật quá nguy hiểm khi khám phá nón rừng.)

3. The tour is too boring to entertain the children. (Chuyến tham quan quá nhàm chán để giải trí cho bọn trẻ.)

The tour isn’t experience enough to entertain the children. (Chuyến tham quan không đủ trải nghiệm để giải trí cho trẻ em.)

4. The guesthouse is too small for all of us to sleep in. (Nhà khách quá nhỏ để tất cả chúng tôi có thể ngủ ở đó.)

The guesthouse isn’t big enough for all us to sleep in. (Nhà khách không đủ rộng cho tất cả chúng tôi ngủ.)

5. It’s too late to have dinner at the restaurant. (Quá muộn để ăn tối ở nhà hàng.)

It isn’t early enough to have dinner at the restaurant. (Vẫn chưa đủ sớm để ăn tối tại nhà hàng.)

6. The village isn’t close enough to walk there. (Ngôi làng không đủ gần để đi bộ tới đó.)

The village is too far to walk there. (Ngôi làng quá xa để có thể đi bộ đến đó.)

7. The weather is too bad to go hiking today. (Thời tiết hôm nay quá xấu để đi leo núi.)

The weather isn’t good enough to ho hiking today. (Thời tiết hôm nay không đủ tốt để đi bộ đường dài.)

8. The mountaintop isn’t high enough to have snow on. (Đỉnh núi không đủ cao để có tuyết.)

The mountaintop is to too low to have snow on. (Đỉnh núi quá thấp để có tuyết.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

too - enough

too + adjective + to-infinitive

- Alaska is too cold for tourists to visit in winter.

enough + noun + to-infinitive

- She didn’t have enough energy to hike to the top of the mountain.

(not) + adjective + enough + to-infinitive

- This tourist attraction is exciting enough to keep us busy.

- The hotel is not cheap enough for us to stay at.

Tạm dịch:

too + tính từ + to-infinitive

- Alaska quá lạnh để du khách đến thăm vào mùa đông.

đủ + danh từ + to-infinitive

- Cô ấy không còn đủ sức để leo lên đỉnh núi.

(không) + tính từ + đủ + to-infinitive

- Địa điểm du lịch này đủ thú vị để khiến chúng tôi bận rộn.

- Khách sạn không đủ rẻ để chúng tôi ở.

4. Fill in each gap with too or enough.

(Điền quá hoặc đủ vào mỗi chỗ trống.)

1. Do we have _______ time to visit Tà Đùng Lake today?

2. Susie was _______ tired to go on a sightseeing tour in the city.

3. The weather is _______ foggy for us to see the Northern Lights tonight.

4. The hotel bus is not full _______ to leave yet, so we’re waiting for more guests.

5. My health is good _______ to go hiking in the Hoàng Liên Sơn Mountain Range.

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Bài 2 :

5. Combine the sentences using the words in brackets.

(Kết hợp các câu sử dụng từ trong ngoặc.)

1. The weather isn’t good. We can’t go sightseeing. (ENOUGH)


2. The holiday destination is very far. We can’t get there by car. (TOO)


3. I was close to Paricutin Volcano. I could take good photos of it. (ENOUGH)


4. The Grand Canyon is dangerous. We shouldn’t get close to the edge. (TOO)


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Bài 3 :

6. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

(Viết lại câu mà không làm thay đổi nghĩa của chúng.)

1. The weather is too cold to go on a beach holiday.

The weather isn’t _________________________________________________.

2. It isn’t safe enough to climb Mount Everest on windy days.

It’s _____________________________________________________________.

3. The flight tickets to the UK are too expensive for us to buy.

The flight tickets to the UK aren’t ____________________________________.

4. The hike in the Grand Canyon isn’t easy enough for me to complete.

The hike in the Grand Canyon is _____________________________________.

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Bài 4 :

7. Describe a holiday you had using too and enough. Talk about the weather, accommodation and activities.

(Hãy mô tả một kỳ nghỉ mà bạn đã sử dụng quá đủ. Nói về thời tiết, chỗ ở và các hoạt động.)

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Bài 5 :

4. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings in your notebook.

(Viết lại các câu mà không làm thay đổi nghĩa của chúng trong vở.)

1. The hotel is too far for us to walk to.

The hotel isn’t ___________________.

2. It’s too risky to go near the volcano.

It isn’t _________________________.

3. A cruise isn’t cheap enough to afford.

A cruise is _______________________.

4. Can you tell me where I can try some Vietnamese dishes?

Can you tell me ___________________________________.

5. Liz wants to know how she can get to the airport.

Liz wants to know __________________________.

6. Let’s find out when we should book our holiday to get the best price.

Let’s find out ______________________________________________.

7. I don’t know what I shoud pack for my camping trip.

I don’t know __________________________________.

8. Can you tell me who I shoud contact for a guided tour?

Can you tell me _________________________________.

9. The weather isn’t warm enough to go swimming in the sea.

The weather is _____________________________________.

10. Henry is too young to take part in a volunteer holiday.

Henry isn’t _____________________________________.

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Bài 6 :


5. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings. Use too and enough.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. Sử dụng quá và đủ.)

1 It isn't safe enough to go hiking in the forest on your own.

It is too dangerous to go hiking in the forest on your own

2 Jenny is too weak to lift these heavy suitcases to her room.

 Jenny isn't _______________________________________

3 It isn't warm enough to do outdoor activities.

It is __________________________________

4 It isn't early enough to go for a walk in the park now.

It is ________________________________________

5 Two hours is too short to look at all the paintings in the museum.

Two hours isn't ________________________________________

6 My brother and I have too little petrol to get to the airport.

My brother and I don't have _________________________

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Bài 7 :

too - enough

3. Fill in each gap with too or enough.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với too hoặc enough.)

1. The hikers were close _______ to see the top of Mount Everest.

2. The tour guide is talking ______ fast for me to understand him.

3. George doesn't have ________ money to book a flight to Tokyo.

4. It is _________ dangerous to climb up that rocky mountain.

5. We don't have ________ time to see all the sights on the tour today.

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Bài 8 :

4. Rewrite the sentences using too or enough.

(Viết lại câu sử dụng too hoặc enough.)

1. Mount Everest isn't easy enough for us to climb.

(Đỉnh Everest không hề dễ dàng để chúng ta leo lên.)

Mount Everest is too difficult for us to climb.

(Đỉnh Everest quá khó để chúng ta leo lên.)

2. The tourist site is too boring for visitors to visit.

(Địa điểm du lịch quá nhàm chán đối với du khách đến tham quan.)

The tourist site isn't _____________________.

3. The package holiday isn't cheap enough to book.

(Kỳ nghỉ trọn gói không đủ rẻ để đặt trước.)

The package holiday is ___________________.

4. The Ba Vì Mountain Range is too far for them to drive to.

(Dãy núi Ba Vì quá xa để họ có thể lái xe tới.)

The Ba Vì Mountain Range isn't ____________.

5. The river isn't safe enough for me to cross here.

(Sông không đủ an toàn để tôi qua đây.)

The river is _____________________________.

6. The weather isn't nice enough to go hiking in the mountain.

(Thời tiết không đủ đẹp để đi leo núi.)

The weather is ___________________________.

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Bài 9 :

too - enough

10. Fill in each gap with too or enough.

(Điền quá hoặc đủ vào mỗi chỗ trống too or enough.)

1. There wasn’t _______ snow to go skiing last weekend.

2. The mountain is _______ high to climb in a day.

3. Excuse me. Your bag is _______ heavy to take on the plane.

4. The hotel was cheap _______ for us to book for two weeks.

5. I’m sorry, but these facilities aren’t clean _______ for us to use.

6. The beds at the hotel weren’t comfortable _______ to sleep in. I was awake all night.

7. The national park was interesting _______ to spend all day there.

8. I’m afraid you’re _______ young to go on the cave diving tour. 

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