Đề bài

1. Choose the correct words.

(Chọn những từ đúng.)


1. bury / examine

2. remove / display

3. unearth / preserve

4. restore / locate

5. hide / destroy

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. examine

2. display

3. unearth

4. restore

5. destroy

1. bury / examine (chôn / kiểm tra)

2. remove / display (xóa / trưng bày)

3. unearth / preserve (khai quật / bảo tồn)

4. restore / locate (khôi phục / định vị)

5. hide / destroy (ẩn / phá hủy)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. Circle the two words in each list that are synonyms.

(Khoanh tròn hai từ trong mỗi danh sách là từ đồng nghĩa.)

e.g.: destroy, demolish, reconstruct

(phá huỷ, phá đổ, tái xây dựng)

1. build, construct, destroy

2. bury, find, locate

3. display, uncover, unearth

4. examine, excavate, inspect

5. remove, renovate, restore

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Bài 2 :

7. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn lựa chọn đúng.)

The Royal Exhibition Building

The Royal Exhibition Building is (1) ones / one / some of the most famous 19th century buildings in Australia. It (2) is located / located / locates in the centre of Melbourne. It (3) were built / was build / was built in 1880 as a place for large exhibitions and it is still a working exhibition centre today. Parts of the building (4) was destroyed / were destroyed / were destroy by fire in the 20th century, but the main building with its impressive roof is still standing. If you look (5) to / up / at, you can see the large dome with a flag on the top. If you go (6) upside / onside / inside the building, you’ll find one of the latest exhibitions (7) there / that / then. Outside you can see beautiful gardens. The place is well worth (8) to visit / a visit / for visit.

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Bài 3 :

2. Complete the sentences with the past participle of some of the verbs in exercise 1.

(Hoàn thành câu bằng quá khứ phân từ của một số động từ ở bài tập 1.)

The ancient vase was unearthed by carefully brushing away the earth on top of it.

1. The money was _____ by thieves in a secret room. It was only found recently.

2. The coin was _____ with a microscope. The archaeologists could then see the details.

3. Was his body _____ in the ground here over 1,000 years ago when he died?

4. The precious Roman necklace was _____ to its original beauty and is now in a museum.

5. Some hair was carefully _____ from the skeleton and taken away for testing.

6. 'Where are the ancient ruins _____? ''Next to the river. They're open to visitors every day.'

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