Đề bài

7 Choose the adjective that does NOT fit in each sentence.

(Chọn tính từ KHÔNG phù hợp trong mỗi câu.)

1 I don't like that film. I think it's               .

a terrible                       b exciting                      c boring

2 E-books are               because they're light and easy to carry.

a brilliant                      b perfect                       c noisy

3 My old phone is               ,but I'd like to get a new one.

a awesome                    b OK                            c all right 

4 Thank you for the present What a               surprise!

a nice                           b disgusting                  c lovely

5 I love your new tablet. It's                !

a awful                         b amazing                    c awesome

6 I like Sara, but I don't know why she wears such               clothes.

a strange                       b noisy                         c old-fashioned

7 He's such a                actor - he always makes me laugh!

a cool                           b funny             c useful

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 boring

I don't like that film. I think it's boring.

(Tôi không thích bộ phim đó. Tôi nghĩ rằng nó nhàm chán.)

2 brilliant

E-books are brilliant because they're light and easy to carry.

(Sách điện tử rất tuyệt vời vì chúng nhẹ và dễ mang theo.)

3 OK

My old phone is OK, but I'd like to get a new one.

(Điện thoại cũ của tôi vẫn ổn, nhưng tôi muốn mua một cái mới.)

4 lovely

Thank you for the present. What a lovely surprise!

(Cảm ơn vì món quà. Thật là một bất ngờ đáng yêu!)

5 awesome

I love your new tablet. It’s awesome!

(Tôi yêu máy tính bảng mới của bạn. Nó thật tuyệt vời!)

6 old-fashioned

I like Sara, but I don't know why she wears such old-fashioned clothes.

(Tôi thích Sara, nhưng tôi không biết tại sao cô ấy lại mặc quần áo lỗi thời như vậy.)

7 funny

He's such a funny actor - he always makes me laugh!

(Anh ấy là một diễn viên hài hước - anh ấy luôn làm tôi cười!)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

3. Find synonyms in the text for the words below.

(Tìm từ đồng nghĩa trong văn bản cho các từ dưới đây.)

1. incredible

2. identify

3. artificial

4. organic

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Bài 2 :

1. Nối adjectives 1-6 with the extreme adjectives in blue in the questionnaire. Then listen and check.

(Ghép các tính từ từ 1-6 với các tính từ mức độ cao màu xanh lam trong bảng câu hỏi. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

1. fantastic (tuyệt vời)

2. interesting (thú vị)

3. tasty (ngon)

4. scary (đáng sợ)

5. horrible (kinh khủng)

6. tired (mệt mỏi)

Example: 1. fantastic - wonderful 

(Ví dụ: 1. tuyệt vời)

Feelings questionnaire

1. Name the two most delicious and the two most disgusting things that you've ever eaten.

2. What's the most wonderful place that you can remember?

3. Have you ever felt totally exhausted? Why?

4. Have you ever touched a weird or fascinating animal? What was it like?

5. Have you ever been on a really terrifying ride at a theme park?

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Bài 3 :

READING - Crazes

2. Choose the correct words.

(Chọn từ đúng.)

1. Jack is in a basketball team. They generally/ obviously play about once a week.

2. It generally/ amazingly takes more time to get from London to Rome by car than by plane.

3. Obviously/Amazingly, some people spend over two hours on social media every day.

4. I thought this app was free, but apparently/ amazingly I have to pay £3 for it.

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Bài 4 :

1 Complete the table with the adjectives below.

(Hoàn thành bảng với các tính từ dưới đây.)

amazing      wonderful       loud       sad        terrible

Normal adjectives



1 …………………

2 …………………

Extreme adjectives



3 …………………

4 …………………

5 …………………

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Bài 5 :

2. Complete the rules with extreme or normal.

(Hoàn thành các quy tắc extreme hoặc normal.)


We use the intensifiers absolutely and really with 1) ……………….. adjectives.

We use the intensifiers very with 2) ……………….. adjectives.

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Bài 6 :

3 Choose the correct words. There may be more than one answer.

(Chọn từ đúng. Có thể có nhiều hơn một câu trả lời.)

The music at the festival is very / absolutely loud.

1 The beaches in this area are very / really pretty.

(Âm nhạc tại lễ hội rất / hoàn toàn ồn ào.)

2 The food is very / absolutely disgusting!

(Đồ ăn rất/hoàn toàn kinh tởm!)

3 I felt very miserable / sad when we left.

(Tôi cảm thấy rất đau khổ/buồn khi chúng tôi rời đi.)

4 The tickets are really / absolutely cheap.

(Vé thực sự / hoàn toàn rẻ.)

5 These sights are absolutely good / amazing.

(Những điểm tham quan này hoàn toàn tuyệt vời/tuyệt vời.)

6 Our journey was really / absolutely awful.

(Cuộc hành trình của chúng tôi thực sự/hoàn toàn khủng khiếp.)

7 Ireland is very / amazing beautiful.

(Ireland đẹp tuyệt vời.)

8 The water-slide was very / really terrifying.

(Đường trượt nước rất / thực sự đáng sợ.)

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Bài 7 :

1 Which word is the odd one out?

(Từ nào là từ bị lẻ ra?)

scary                            terrifying                                 delicious

1 tasty                          delicious                                  angry

2 fantastic                    scary                                        wonderful

3 horrible                    disgusting                                sad

4 tired                          terrifying                                 exhausted

5 interesting                fascinating                               disgusting

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Bài 8 :

2 Complete the blog post with the words.

(Hoàn thành bài viết blog với các từ.)

Today, I’ve been to an amazing food festival with my family. We’ve learned a lot of 1 ………. things about food from different countries. We tried a tasty Jamaican dish called “Jerk chicken”. I thought it was absolutely 2 ………….! My younger sister didn’t agree. She thinks hot sauces are 3 ……….. ! She looked sad until we found the Italian ice cream. How 4 ………! Now we’re home, I’m going to go to bed. I’m 5 …………… after all that food!

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Bài 9 :

3. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. My brother wasn't scared when the car crash happened, but I was _______!

A. terrified                                    B. relieved

2. Jane was _______ about the fire causing an explosion, but luckily it didn't happen.

A. frightened                                 B. worried

3. We were _______ when the firefighters put out the fire.

A. relieved                                     B. worried

4. Pilots never feel _______ in a plane because they fly a lot.

A. relieved                                     B. worried

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