Đề bài

3. Read the text again and fill in the gaps to complete the sentences.

(Đọc lại văn bản và điền vào các khoảng trống để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. Vietnamese ________ students study many subjects.

2. They mostly study ________ literature.

3. Students study ________ and ________ in their maths lessons.

4. For science, they study biology, ________ and physics.

5. They learn about Việt Nam in their history and ________ classes.

6. ________ is the most popular foreign language for Vietnamese students.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. secondary

2. Vietnamese

3. algebra - geometry

4. chemistry

5. geography

6. English

1. Vietnamese secondary students study many subjects.

(Học sinh cấp 2 ở Việt Nam học rất nhiều môn.)

2. They mostly study Vietnamese literature.

(Họ chủ yếu đều học về văn học Việt Nam.)

3. Students study algebra and geometry in their maths lessons.

(Học sinh học đại số và hình học trong các tiết học toán của họ.)

4. For science, they study biology, chemistry and physics.

(Trong các môn khoa học, họ học sinh học, hóa học và vật lí.)

5. They learn about Việt Nam in their history and geography classes.

(Họ học về Việt Nam trong các tiết lịch sử và địa lý.)

6. English is the most popular foreign language for Vietnamese students.

(Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất đối với học sinh Việt Nam.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

a. Read the letter from James to his aunt. Is James doing well in school?

(Đọc thư của James gửi cho dì anh ấy. Có phải James đang học tốt ở trường?)

1. Yes (có)           

2. No (không)

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Bài 2 :

b. Now, read and circle the correct answer.

(Bây giờ, đọc và khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.)

1. What did Aunt Ivy give James for Christmas? 

(Dì Ivy tặng James cái gì cho Giáng sinh?)

a. a game (1 máy game)                

b. a basketball (một quả bóng rổ)   

c. a sweater (một chiếc áo len)

2. How does his mom feel?

(Mẹ anh ấy cảm thấy thế nào?)

a. surprised (ngạc nhiên)

b. annoyed (khó chịu)

c. delighted (vui mừng)

3. Why does James think he failed some tests? 

(Tại sao James nghĩ anh ấy thi rớt bài kiểm tra?)

a. he didn't study (anh ấy không học)

b. he played games (anh ấy chơi game)

c. they were difficult (chúng khó)

4. Which test did James pass?

(Bài kiểm tra nào James thi đậu?)

a. math (toán)

b. P.E. (thể dục)

c. biology (sinh học)

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Bài 3 :

 a. Read the article. Did Anna have more good or bad experiences during her time in Spain?

(Đọc bài viết. Anna có nhiều trải nghiệm tốt hay xấu hơn trong thời gian ở Tây Ban Nha?)

1. Good (tốt)       

2. Bad (xấu)


This week, we talked to some students to find out how they feel about studying abroad. 


Ohio, USA 

"I just came back from my year studying in Spain. I'd like to share my experience of studying abroad. My Spanish is so much better after a year in Spain. I also met lots of interesting people. However, making friends was difficult at first. My Spanish wasn't good and no one understood me, but now I have five very good friends. Although it wasn't easy living alone, I quickly learned how to take care of myself. I got lots of help from my teachers and classmates during my time there. They showed me how to use public transportation and where to eat. I had a fantastic time in Spain!" 

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Bài 4 :

b. Now, read and write True or False.

(Bây giờ, đọc và viết Đúng hoặc Sai.)

1. Teen World Magazine asked teachers about studying abroad. 

2. Studying abroad helped Anna improve her Spanish. 

3. It was easy for her to make friends at first. 

4. Anna's classmates helped her a lot.

5. Anna enjoyed her year in Spain.

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Bài 5 :

 Read the article about Anna's school year. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Đọc đoạn văn về năm học của Anna. Chọn đáp án đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

My School Year

Anna Smith, aged 12

This year was quite difficult for me in January and June. I had important tests in most subjects then. I had to work very hard because I had a lot of homework and so much revision. I was very happy because I got good results. I passed all my tests, so my mom was delighted!

Although we didn't have a test for our English class in January, we had to work on presentations in groups. My group did a presentation about organizing charity events to help our community. We talked about having a bake sale and my teacher thought it was a great idea. I was really pleased.

1. Why did Anna have to work hard in those months?

(Tại sao Anna phải học tập chăm chỉ những tháng đó?)

A. She had a lot of homework. 

(Cô ấy có nhiều bài tập về nhà.)

B. She had a lot of homework and revision.

(Cô ấy có nhiều bài tập và bài ôn tập.)

C. She did so much revision. 

(Cô ấy làm nhiều bài luyện tập.)

2. How did Anna's mom feel about her results?

(Mẹ Anna cảm thấy thế nào về kết quả của cô ấy?)

A. happy (vui)

B. delighted (hài lòng)

C. pleased (thỏa mãn, vui)

3. What did students do in English class in January?

(Học sinh đã làm gì trong lớp học tiếng Anh vào tháng 1?)

A. They worked on projects. (Họ đã làm dự án.)

B. They took tests. (Họ làm bài kiểm tra.)

C. They worked on presentations. (Họ làm thuyết trình.)

4. What was Anna's group's topic? (Chủ đề của nhóm Anna là gì?)

A. organizing a bake sale (tổ chức bán bánh nướng)

B. how to have a presentation in groups (làm thế nào để thuyết trình trong nhóm)

C. organizing charity events (tổ chức sự kiện gây quỹ)

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Bài 6 :

1. Listen. Which rules are Mai and Nam talking about?

(Lắng nghe. Những quy tắc nào mà Mai và Nam đang nói đến? )

Mai: Shouldn't you stop playing video games and work on your homework assignment? You have to turn it in tomorrow.

Nam: No, we don't. Our teacher said we must turn it in by Friday. But you're right. I shouldn't play so many video games.

Mai: You must spend more time preparing for your biology exams.

Nam: I don't see why. I am going to pass. I think I will get an A. Biology is an easy subject for me.

Mai: I'm not into it. We must do a biology lab every Thursday. But I don't like it. I broke a microscope last week. And I dropped a test tube too.

Nam: Really? You mustn't be so careless.

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Bài 7 :

2.  Read the text and choose the best title.

(Đọc đoạn văn và chọn tiêu đề thích hợp nhất.)

1. Why I like my secondary school

(Lý do vì sao tôi thích trường trung học của mình)

2.  Subjects Vietnamese students study

(Các môn học mà học sinh Việt Nam học)

3. Vietnamese students only study maths and science

(Học sinh Việt Nam chỉ học toán và khoa học)

There are many useful subjects that we, Vietnamese students, study at secondary school. First, we must take literature. This is mainly on Vietnamese literature, but sometimes we also study foreign literature. In maths lessons, we learn how to solve maths problems.We learn both algebra and geometry in a year. Science subjects such as chemistry, physics, and biology are difficult but interesting. Sometimes we do experiments in these classes. In our history and geography classes, we learn about our country’s heritage and its geographical characteristics. English is the most common language we study in our language classes. However, some students also learn French, Chinese, or Japanese. We also have physical education classes and learn how to stay healthy. Information technology now becomes a compulsory subject in every school at this level. Students study how to use computers and design computer programs.

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Bài 8 :

1. Read the dialogue and complete the statements. Write Huong and Jasmin.

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại dưới đây và hoàn thành các câu văn. Viết tên Hương và Jasmin.)

Huong: I always get bored while I am doing my science homework. I don’t understand why I have to study science.

Jasmin: You should join the robot club after we finish school on Tuesday with me. 

Huong: Why?

Jasmin: It’s great fun. You will see as soon as you make your first robot.

Huong: What’s so fun about making robots?

Jasmin: You will get to make a robot, then test it out.

Huong: Will the robot pass the test?

Jasmin: You won’t know until you make one. You will also meet a lot of new friends when you enter robot competitions.

Huong: What are robot competitions?

Jasmin: We compete to see whose robot can do a task the fastest.

1. __________ joined a robot club.                  

2. __________ doesn’t like science.

3. __________ thinks making robots is fun.

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Bài 9 :


(Lịch sử)

Văn Miếu - The Temple of Literature

(Văn Miếu - Ngôi đền văn học)


The Temple of Literature - Văn Miếu - is in Hà Nội. It is at the corner of Nguyễn Thái Học Street, Tôn Đức Thắng Street and Quốc Tử Giám Street. King Lý Thánh Tông built the temple in 1070 to worship Confucius. Six years later, King Lý Nhân Tông built a school - Quốc Tử Giám - behind the Temple to teach members of the royal family. In 1253, King Trần Thái Tông opened the school to everybody and made it a place for all talented people. In 1484, King Lê Thánh Tông started to build stone stelae on tortoises to honor the most outstanding doctors. Today, students often visit the temple before exams. They come here and show respect to the tortoises. They believe that it will bring luck and help them do better in exams.

Tạm dịch:

Ngôi đền văn học - Văn Miếu - ở Hà Nội. Nằm ở góc đường Nguyễn Thái Học, đường Tôn Đức Thắng và đường Quốc Tử Giám. Vua Lý Thánh Tông cho xây đền vào năm 1070 để thờ Khổng Tử. Sáu năm sau, vua Lý Nhân Tông cho xây dựng một trường học - Quốc Tử Giám - phía sau ngôi đền để dạy học cho các thành viên trong hoàng tộc. Năm 1253, vua Trần Thái Tông mở trường dạy học cho mọi người và coi đây là nơi đào tạo nhân tài. Năm 1484, vua Lê Thánh Tông cho dựng bia đá đặt trên những chú rùa để vinh danh những vị tiến sĩ xuất sắc nhất. Ngày nay, học sinh thường đến thăm chùa trước các kỳ thi. Họ đến đây và bày tỏ sự kính trọng đối với những chú rùa. Họ tin rằng nó sẽ mang lại may mắn và giúp họ làm bài tốt hơn trong các kỳ thi.

1. Read the article and circle the location of Văn Miếu on the map.

(Đọc bài và khoanh tròn vị trí của Văn Miếu trên bản đồ)

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Bài 10 :

2. Read the article again. What happened in the following years? 

(Đọc bài lần nữa. Cái gì xảy ra vào những năm sau đó?)

  1. in 1070 (vào năm 1070)
  2. in 1076 (vào năm 1076)
  3. in 1253 (vào năm 1253)
  4. in 1484 (vào năm 1484)
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Bài 11 :

A visit to Binh Minh Lower Secondary School

(Chuyến tham quan đến trường Trung học cơ sở Bình Minh)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Phong: What are you doing, Mi? 

Mi: I'm preparing to visit Binh Minh Lower Secondary School. 

Phong: Sounds great! I think that's one of the best schools in my neighbourhood. Who is going with you and when? 

Mi: My teacher and my classmates. We're going in the afternoon. 

Phong: I see. What will you do there?

Mi: Well, I think we'll visit the school library, the computer room, and the gym. We'll meet the students and share ideas for a project in our English class. 

Phong: That's interesting. What else will you do there?

Mi: We'll meet the members of their Go Green Club and take photos of the school. 

Phong: Fantastic! So don't forget to take your camera.

 Mi: I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.

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Bài 12 :

2. Read the conversation again and answer the questions by circling A, B, or C.

 (Đọc lại đoạn hội thoại và trả lời các câu hỏi bằng cách khoanh tròn A, B hoặc C)

1. What are they talking about?

(Họ đang nói về cái gì?)

A. A visit to a computer room.

(Một chuyến tham quan một phòng máy tính.)

B. A visit to a school.

(Một chuyến tham quan đến một trường học.)

C. A visit to a school library.

(Chuyến thăm thư viện trường học.)

2. Who is going to visit the school?

(Ai sẽ đến thăm trường?)

A. Mi and her teacher.

(Mi và giáo viên.)

B. Mi and her classmates.

(Mi và các bạn cùng lớp.)

C. Mi, her teacher and her classmates.

(Mi, giáo viên của cô ấy và các bạn cùng lớp của cô ấy.)

3. Where is the school?

(Trường học ở đâu?)

A. In the city.

(Trong thành phố.)

B. In the countryside.

(Ở nông thôn.)

C. In Phong's neighbourhood.

(Ở khu phố của Phong.)

4. When are they going?

(Khi nào họ đi?)

A. In the morning.

(Vào buổi sáng.)

B. In the afternoon.

(Vào buổi chiều.)

C. At noon.

(Vào buổi trưa.)

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Bài 13 :

4. Work in groups. Read the passage and complete the table about a high school in the UK. Then discuss and fill in the information about your school.

(Làm việc nhóm. Đọc đoạn văn và hoàn thành bảng về một trường trung học ở Vương quốc Anh. Sau đó thảo luận và điền thông tin về trường của bạn.)

Wilson High School is for students aged 11 -16 in London. It has about 1,000 students and 100 teachers. The school has some modern science laboratories, computer rooms, a large library, a sports hall, and an activity studio. 

The students study many different subjects such as English, literature, maths, science, etc. They also study extra subjects and get involved in projects, use school resources and take part in a number of outdoor activities and school trips. 


Wilson High School

Your school

Number of students & teachers




School facilities



There are about 1,000 students in Wilson High School. They are between 11 and 16 years old.

(Có khoảng 1.000 học sinh trong trường Trung học Wilson. Họ từ 11 đến 16 tuổi.)

Our school has about 900 students. We are between 11 and 14 years old.

(Trường chúng mình có khoảng 900 học sinh. Chúng mình từ 11 đến 14 tuổi.)

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Bài 14 :

2. Read the passage and answer the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi.)

Quoc Hoc - Hue is one of the oldest schools in Viet Nam. It is on the bank of the Huong River, in Hue. It was founded in 1896. It used to be a school for children from rich and royal families. Well-known people such as Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap, Xuan Dieu studied there. Nowadays, the school is for gifted students. They are intelligent and study hard. They have to pass an entrance exam to enter the school. The school has over 50 classrooms with TVs, projectors, and computers. It also has a swimming pool, a library, two English labs, four computer rooms, and many other modern facilities. The school is one of the largest and most beautiful schools in Viet Nam. 

1. Where is Quoc Hoc - Hue?

(Trường Quốc Học – Huế ở đâu?)

2. Who were some of the well-known students of the school?

(Một số học sinh nổi tiếng của trường là ai?)

3. What are the students like?

(Học sinh như thế nào?)

4. How many English labs does it have?

(Trường có bao nhiêu phòng thí nghiệm tiếng Anh?)

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Bài 15 :

3. Read the passage again and complete the table. Then report it to the class.

(Đọc lại đoạn văn và hoàn thành bảng. Sau đó báo cáo trước lớp.)







School facilities


Example: The name of the school is Quoc Hoc - Hue. 

(Ví dụ: Tên trường là Quốc học Huế.)
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Bài 16 :

1. Choose one appropriate option (A, B, C) to fill in each gap of the paragraph.

(Chọn một đáp án thích hợp (A, B, C) để điển vào mỗi chỗ trống của đoạn văn.)

What kind of music do you enjoy? Some people like going to (1) _________ concerts or listening to an orchestra. The musicians wear very formal clothes, and the audience is silent until the end of the (2) ________. If you are a fan of rock music, you can dance to the music or sing some rock songs at football stadiums or in parks. (3) ______ music is often played at weddings and parties in many countries. Nowadays, we can (4) _________ to music in shops and lifts. Teenagers even listen to music when they (5) _________. Music is everywhere!

1. A. classic   

2. A. performance

3. A. Historical

4. A. hear

5. A. study  

B. class 

B. orchestra

B. Traditional

B. have

B. do  

C. classical

C. band

C. National

C. listen

C. go

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Bài 17 :

1. Complete the passage with the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn với các từ trong hộp.)

students              talking                experience                   visit               learnt                activities

Last year, we had a visit to Thao Dien Lower Secondary School for blind students. Before the (1) _______, we spent time learning about what outdoor (2) _______ the students do there.

During our visit, we were surprised to see that the (3) _______ could interact with us easily. They enjoyed (4) _______ with us while painting, drawing, some of making fruits using clay, and making paper art. They even (5) _______ some of the English words for fruit.

Although it was a short visit, we had a good (6) _______ working with the blind students in our community.

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Bài 18 :

2. Read the conversation and then circle the best option (A, B, or C) to complete each of the sentences.

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại rồi khoanh tròn vào lựa chọn đúng nhất (A, B hoặc C) để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

Mai and Phong: Good morning, Mr Lam.

Mr Lam: Good morning. Welcome to Hung Vuong Lower Secondary School. Mai: Mr Lam, can you tell us something about the school?

Mr Lam: Well, it was founded in 1957. So it's one of the oldest lower secondary schools in the city.

Phong: How many students are there? And what are they like?

Mr Lam: More than two thousand students. Most of them are intelligent and hard-working. They're very active too. They do lots of outdoor activities.

Phong: Sounds really interesting. I wish I could study here.

Mr Lam: Well, to attend the school, you have to pass an entrance exam.

Phong: Yes, I understand... And.....

1. Hung Vuong Lower Secondary School is one of the _______ lower secondary schools in the city.

A. oldest                                

B. most beautiful                               

C. most modern

2. The number of students in the school is _______ .

A. 1,500                                 

B. 2,000                                             

C. more than 2,000

3. Most of the students are _______ .

A. intelligent              

B. hard-working                                 

C. intelligent and hard-working

4. The students not only study but also do _______.

A. morning exercise   

B. outdoor activities               

C. homework

5. To attend the school, students have to pass _______ .

A. an entrance exam  

B. a mid-term test                              

C. a final exam

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Bài 19 :

3. Read the passage and write answers to the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn và viết câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi.)

Westminster High School is a famous school in England. It is in the heart of London, next to the Houses of Parliament. The school has some modern facilities such as a new sports hall, a golf course, a science centre, a large theatre, and a music centre.

There are 740 students in the school. They are intelligent and hard-working. To attend the school, they have to pass an entrance exam and an interview. All students have to take final exams in science, maths, English, literature, and French or German. They also take part in some outdoor activities such as playing golf, growing flowers or rowing on the Thames.

1. Where is Westminster High School?


2. What facilities does the school have?


3. What are the students like?


4. What do the students have to do to attend the school?


5. What outdoor activities do they take part in?


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Bài 20 :

7. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each question. (1.0 pt)

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi. (1,0 điểm))

In Britain children start school when they are five. Their first year - the reception - is usually a very happy one for the child. They learn to follow instructions from the teachers. Lots of new skills are introduced. Communal activities, socialising with the other children, learning to take turns are all part of the first-year experience.

As they paint, draw, and do other creative activities, they interact with other children and their language skills develop. When they have music and movement lessons or gym activities, they learn to control their body movements. Children learn to cooperate with others. During music lessons, they have to listen to a rhythm and try to copy it, and sing simple tunes.

In the morning students have number work and reading skills. The afternoons are more creative. They learn to have parties, make little cakes and pour cups of tea for others. They love dressing up in costumes and acting like adults.

1. What is the first year of school called in Britain?

A. The reception                                                                    

B. The year one

C. The beginners' year                                                           

D. The starters' year

2. Which of the following encourages language development?

A. Number work                                                                    

B. Creative activities

C. Music and singing                                                 

D. Movement lessons

3. The highlighted word "interact" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. control                                                                               

B. study

C. follow                                                                                

D. communicate

4. What types of learning do children take part in before lunch?

A. Maths and reading                                                

B. Making parties

C. Making cakes                                                                    

D. Acting in plays

5. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. Children in Britain start school when they are five.

B. When children interact with each other, their language skills develop.

C. In their music lessons, they try to copy musical notes.

D. Children love dressing up and acting like adults.

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