Đề bài

 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. A: Tickets for the festival are 100 each!

    B:  Yes, but you will save (save) 50% if you book (book) online. 

2. A: The performance starts at 7:30 a.m

    B:  Unless we _______ (catch) the 6 o’clock train, we ______ (be) late for the performance.

3. A: There’s a concert this weekend. If we _____ (go), we _____ (see) our favourite singer. 

    B:  Great. Let’s book tickets now. 

4. A: Hurry up, Fiona. The play starts in 10 minutes. If we _______ (be) late, we _______(miss) the first part. 

    B: OK. I’m ready. 

Phương pháp giải :

If + hiện tại đơn, will/won’t + đọng từ nguyên thể.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. A: Tickets for the festival are 100 each!

    B:  Yes, but you will save (save) 50% if you book (book) online. 

(A: Mỗi vé của lễ hội là 100 pound.

B: Ừ, nhưng bạn có thể tiết kiệm 50% nếu bạn đặt online.)

2. A: The performance starts at 7:30 a.m

    B:  Unless we catch the 6 o’clock train, we will be late for the performance.

(A: Buổi biểu diễn bắt đầu lúc 7:30 sáng

B: Nếu chúng ta không bắt đầu chuyến tàu lúc 6 giờ sáng, chúng ta sẽ đến buổi biểu diễn muộn.)

3. A: There’s a concert this weekend. If we go, we will see our favourite singer. 

    B:  Great. Let’s book tickets now. 

(A: Có 1 buổi hòa nhạc cuối tuần này. Nếu chúng ta đi, chúng ta sẽ thấy được ca sĩ chúng ta yêu thích.

B: Tuyệt. Đi mua vé giờ đi.)

4. A: Hurry up, Fiona. The play starts in 10 minutes. If we are late, we will miss the first part. 

B: OK. I’m ready. 

(A: Nhanh lên nào, FIona. Vở kịch bắt đầu trong 10 phút nữa. Nếu chúng ta đến muộn, chúng ta sẽ lỡ mất phần đầu tiên.

B: OK. Tớ đây rồi.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

 1.Match 1–5 with a–e to make sentences. Then match the sentences with the people in the text on page 70.

(Nối 1–5 với a – e để tạo thành câu. Sau đó, nối các câu với những người trong văn bản ở trang 70.)

1 If she changes her eating habits,                                 a. if he doesn’t take any risks.

2 He won’t go far                                                           b. if he wants to survive.

3 If she doesn’t do anything stupid,                                 c. she’ll go a long way.

4 He will need to work hard                                            d. if she wants to get to the end?

5 Who will need luck                                                       e. she’ll do very well

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Bài 2 :

 2.Complete the Rules with action or result.

(Hoàn thành các Quy tắc bằng actionhoặc result.)


1 We use the first conditional to talk about an action and the result of this action in the future.

2 We describe the ……………. with if + the present simple.

3 We describe the ……………. with will + base form.

4 The sentence can start with the …………….  or the result

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Bài 3 :

3.Choose the correct words.

(Chọn từ đúng.)

1 I use / ’ll use my phone to get directions if I get lost.

2 If you take / ’ll take warm clothes, you won’t get cold.

3 If we find mushrooms on our walk, we don’t pick / won’t pick them.

4 Will you pick apples if you find / will find any on your walk?

5 What will / does the team leader say if we get / will get lost?

6 If he drinks / ’ll drink that dirty water, he is / ’ll be ill.

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Bài 4 :

4.Order the words to make questions.

(Sắp xếp các từ để đặt câu hỏi.)

1 if / is / you / Will / on Saturday / go out / sunny / it / ?

2 you / stay / rains / at home / it / tonight / Will / if / ?

3 will / early / if / your homework / you / What / do / finish / you / ?

4 get / your parents / a bad school report / if / be / you / Will / angry / ?

5 will / you / money / get / What / buy / for your birthday / if / you /

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Bài 5 :

5.Look at the picture and match 1–5 with a–e

to make sentences.

(Nhìn vào hình và nối 1–5 với a – e để tạo thành câu.)

1 If she brings her phone,                                2 If she brings water,

3 If she brings sandals,                                    b. she’ll be sick.

4 If she brings warm clothes,                            c. it won’t work.

5 If she eats fruit she doesn’t know,                    d. she’ll be too hot.

a. insects will bite her feet.                                  e. she won’t be thirsty.


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Bài 6 :

4.CONDITIONAL CHAIN. Work in two groups and follow the instructions.

(CHUỖI ĐIỀU KIỆN. Làm việc theo hai nhóm và làm theo hướng dẫn.)

-One person in each team writes down the sentence above on a clean piece of paper, and completes it. He /

She passes the paper with the sentence to the next person in the team.

If I go to the jungle, I’ll take my backpack.

-The next person in your taem writes another sentence, using the last part of the first sentence. He / She

passes the paper to the next person.

If I take my backpack, I’ll pack some water.

-The third person writes another sentence, using the last part of the previous sentence. He / She passes the

paper to the next person.

If I pack some water, I won’t be thirsty.

-The game continues until you can’t think howto finish the sentence and the chain is broken. The winner is

the team who can make the most sentences.

-Start another chain and continue the game. This time, don’t write the sentences, but say them.

If I go to the desert, I’ll take …

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Bài 7 :

11.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng đúng của động từ.)

1 If she ……………..  (eat) that dangerous fruit, she ……………..  (feel) very ill.

2 I ……………..  (stay) in the shelter if it ……………..  (rain).

3 If they ……………..  (not work) hard, they ……………..  (not win) the survival competition.

4 We ……………..  (not get) cold if we ……………..  (take) warm coats.

5 If he ……………..  (see) a lion, he ……………..  (be) afraid.

6 Charlie ……………..  (get) better if he (drink) some water.

7 If you ……………..  (finish) your homework in time, ……………..  (you / watch) that adventure programme on


8 What ……………..  (we / do) if we ……………..  (lose) our map?

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Bài 8 :

 2. Read the statements and use the phrases in brackets to make type 1 conditional sentences in your notebook.

(Đọc các mệnh đề và sử dụng các cụm cho trong ngoặc để tạo câu điều kiện loại 1 vào vở ghi của bạn.)

1. I don’t want to eat my dinner. (you/ be/ hungry/ during/ ballet) 

If you don’t eat your dinner, you’ll be hungry during the ballet.

(Tôi không muốn ăn tối.

Nếu bạn không ăn tối, bạn sẽ bị đói suốt buổi ba lê.)

2. They don’t want to go to bed. (they/ be tired/ during/ dance show/ tomorrow)

3. He doesn’t want to leave now. (he/ miss/ film)

4. She doesn’t want to take a taxi (she/ late/ sports match)

5. We don’t have the tickets for the concert. (we/ stay/ at home).


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Bài 9 :

3. Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 2 into your notebook using unless.

(Viết lại các câu ở bài 2 vào vở với unless.)

Unless you eat your dinner, you’ll be hungry during the ballet. 

(Trừ khi bạn ăn tối, bạn sẽ bị đói trong suốt buổi ballet.)


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Bài 10 :

4. Continue the story.

(Tiếp tục câu chuyện.)

A: If I have some free time, I’ll listen to music. (Nếu tôi có thời gian, tôi sẽ nghe nhạc.)

B: If I listen to music, I’ll feel relaxed. (Nếu tôi nghe nhạc, tôi sẽ cảm thấy thư giãn.)

A: If I feel relaxed, … (Nếu tôi cảm thấy thư giãn, …)


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Bài 11 :

4. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. If you come, you will meet/meet Jane.

2. The/- Oxford Street is always very busy.

3. If/Unless it rains, we won’t go to the concert.

4. The/- Silver Pagoda is in Cambodia.

5. If you will finish/finish your project, we’ll go to the cinema.

6. The/- British Museum is in London.

7. We’ll go to -/the Rex to watch a film tonight.

8. The/- Argentina is a country in South America.

9. If she doesn’t/won’t call, we’ll go without her.

10. The/- Parthenon is in Athens, Greece. 


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Bài 12 :

2. Make sentences as in the example. Use reduce or save.

(Tạo câu như trong ví dụ. Sử dụng giảm thiểu hoặc giữ.)

If we walk or ride a bike, we can reduce air pollution.

(Nếu chúng ta đi bộ hoặc đạp xe, chúng ta có thể giảm thiểu ô nhiễm không khí.)

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Bài 13 :


1. Complete the sentences with will or won't.

 (Hoàn thành các câu với will hoặc won't)

1. Petrol-powered cars are not eco-friendly, so they _____be popular.

2. We _____travel by teleporter soon because it is faster

3. Rich people _______choose to travel to other planets for their holidays.

4. People _______take holidays in crowded places as in the past.

5. Bullet trains _______soon become a popular means of transport in Viet Nam because they are green and safe.

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Bài 14 :

Conditional (type 1)

1. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp.)

1. If you go to Ha Noi, you see/will see the Ho chi Minh Mausoleum.

2. If we will have/ have free time, we will go to the fashion show.

3. Liam will call/ call us If he finishes early.

4. Jane won’t come If she doesn’t finish/ won’t finish her homework.

5. Minh will show/ shows us the way to the theatre if he comes with us.

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Bài 15 :

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. If Mary _________ (go) to the film fesstival, she’ll see her favourite actor.

2. You _______ (get) free tickets if you call now.

3. Unless we study hard, we ________ (not/pass) the exams. 

4. I ________ (come) to the dance show if my parents agree. 

5. If they stay at home, they _________ (watch) a cartoon.

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Bài 16 :

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Unless John _________ (hurry), he ________ (miss) the concert.

2. Kathy _______ (not/go) to the fesstival if the tickets ____ (be) expensive.

3. If Steve _________ (visit) us, we ___________ (order) pizza for dinner.

4. If it _________ (not/rain), we ______ (go) to the exhibiton centre tomorrow. 

5. You __________ (love) Cosmo World in Japan if you ________ (like) extreme roller coasters.

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