Đề bài

D. Read the rest of the article. What do these numbers refer to?

(Đọc phần còn lại của bài viết. Các con số này đề cập đến điều gì?)

$125,000  65 feet 7,700 square miles


Lời giải chi tiết :

- $125.000: the amount of money Sonam Wangchuk raised on a crowdfunding site to build an “ice stupa”.

(125.000 USD: số tiền mà Sonam Wangchuk đã quyên góp được trên một trang web gây quỹ cộng đồng để xây dựng một “bảo tháp băng”.)

- 65 feet: the height of the ice stupa.

(65 feet: chiều cao của bảo tháp băng.)

- 7,700 square miles: the size of the rainforest that the organization “Size of Wales” saved.

(7.700 dặm vuông: diện tích của khu rừng nhiệt đới mà tổ chức “Size of Wales” đã cứu được.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

A. Read the article from a student magazine. What advice does the article give? Do you think it's good advice?

(Đọc bài báo từ một tạp chí sinh viên. Bài báo đưa ra lời khuyên gì? Bạn có cho rằng đó là một lời khuyên tốt?)


Managing your Money

        Congratulations! You just received your first student loan. So now it's decision time. How are you going to spend it? On a new phone? Or some cool sneakers? Well, don’t! Before you spend a penny of it, make a budget. Compare the amount of your loan with your expenses (rent, transportation, food).

        If you don't have enough money for the year, maybe you can borrow more. But if you borrow money from a bank, you pay interest. So, if possible, ask a friend or family member to lend you the money. If they have some extra money, they will probably help you. Or, a lot of students have part-time jobs to earn some money. And if you are a student, you don't pay much in taxes for the money for the job. With this income, try to save some money for later in the year.
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Bài 2 :

Conversation (Hội thoại)

F. Listen to the conversation. What does the tourist want? What instructions and advice does Jim give?

(Nghe đoạn hội thoại. Khách du lịch muốn gì? Jim đưa ra những chỉ dẫn và lời khuyên gì?) 

Tourist: Excuse me. Can you help me?

Jim: Sure, what’s the problem? 

Tourist: I’m from Japan and I don’t have any dollars. I only have Japanese yen.

Jim: If you want to change money, go to the currency exchange.

Tourist: Where is it?

Jim: If you go down this street, there’s a currency exchange on the right. 

Tourist: Oh, thank you very much. If I change my money, then I will be able to get something to eat.

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Bài 3 :

B. Read the article. Underline five verbs we use with the word money.

(Đọc bài báo. Gạch chân năm động từ chúng ta sử dụng với từ “money” – tiền bạc.)

Money Travel Tips

    If you had a hundred million đồng now, what would you do with that money? Some people would open a bank account to earn interest if they had that much money. Others would use the money to travel the world. If you traveled abroad, you would probably need to change money. For example, if you visited Japan, you would need to change the money into yen. If you went to Brazil, you would need to pay in reals. It can be confusing! Here are some tips: 

• Plan how much money you will spend each day. Then, calculate the amount in the local currency. 

• If you change your money before you leave, it’ll be cheaper than changing it at airports or hotels. 

• When you arrive, carry your money in different places in your wallet, your bag, and your pocket. Then, if someone steals any, you won’t lose all of it.

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Bài 4 :

C. Read the first paragraph of the article. Check (✓) two sentences that are true about crowdfunding.

(Đọc đoạn đầu tiên của bài báo. Đánh dấu (✓) vào hai câu đúng về huy động vốn từ cộng đồng.)

Crowdfunding for a Better World

“Crowdfunding” is a way of raising money from a large number of people on the Internet. When crowdfunding began, it was mostly used by new businesses. Nowadays, people use it for different reasons. Musicians who want to make an album can ask fans for money, a photographer can get money for a new book, and different types of charities raise money this way. Here are examples of how crowdfunding has made a real difference in the world.

Bringing water

Sonam Wangchuk, an engineer, raised $125,000 on a crowdfunding site to build an “ice stupa.” In higher parts of the Himalayas, the glaciers are disappearing, so local people have less water, in the spring for crops. Sonam invented a way to bring water up the Himalayas in the winter from the lower parts of the mountains. As water comes out of a pipe, it freezes and becomes the 65-foot-tall ice stupa. Then, in the spring, the stupa melts and people have water for their fields.

Saving the rainforest

The organization “Size of Wales” wants to save rainforests because they are disappearing. It has already saved 7700 square miles of rainforest (the same size as the country, Wales). Crowdfunding is important for the organization because people give money, but it's also a good way to make people think about climate change.

So if you want to give money to a charity, visit a crowdfunding site-or, if you want to raise money for a charity, why not try crowdfunding for yourself?

raise money (verb phrase) get money from other people for a special reason (e.g., for a charity or a business) stupa (n) a religious tower in Buddhism 

glacier (n) a river of ice that moves slowly down a mountain 

melt (v) when ice becomes water


1. ◻ A lot of people give money online.

(Rất nhiều người góp tiền trực tuyến.)

2. ◻ It's only for people who want to start a business.

(Nó chỉ dành cho những người muốn bắt đầu kinh doanh.)

3. ◻  It can help musicians who want to make an album.

(Nó có thể giúp ích cho các nhạc sĩ muốn thực hiện một album.)

4. ◻ It's not very useful for charities.

(Nó không hữu ích cho các tổ chức từ thiện.)

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Bài 5 :

C. Work in groups. Three of your friends need to make big decisions. Discuss each situation and make a list of choices. Decide what your friend should do.

(Làm việc nhóm. Ba người bạn của bạn cần phải đưa ra quyết định lớn. Thảo luận về từng tình huống và lập danh sách các lựa chọn. Quyết định xem bạn của bạn nên làm gì.)

1. A friend is a very good cook. He wants to open his own restaurant, but he needs money to start the business. He thinks he should ask a bank for a loan. What should he do? 2. A friend has won a scholarship to study in the US for two years. She would like to study abroad, but she also likes her current school, her home, and her friends What should she do? 3. A friend won over 10,000,000 đồng in the lottery. She is a student and never has much money. She also does volunteer work with a charity for animals. The charity always needs more money. What should she do?

A: If he asks for a loan, he'll pay interest.
(Nếu anh ta hỏi vay, anh ta sẽ trả lãi.)

B: But if she goes away, she won't be near her friends.

(Nhưng nếu cô ấy đi xa, cô ấy sẽ không ở gần bạn bè của cô ấy.)

A: She should keep the money!

(Cô ấy nên giữ đống tiền!)

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Bài 6 :

G. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.

(Khoanh tròn các từ hoặc cụm từ đúng để hoàn thành câu.) 

1. On the whole, / In contrast, I think that doing volunteer work is the best choice for all the reasons I’ve just mentioned. 

2. On the one hand, going to the game would be fun. In addition, / On the other hand, I have a test tomorrow and need to study! 

3. She wants to save up for a laptop. Similarly, / However, it's impossible because she needs to pay for her classes soon.

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