Đề bài

G. Practice the conversation in pairs. Switch roles and practice it again.

(Thực hành hội thoại theo cặp. Đổi vai và thực hành lại.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

Alex: I feel so tired all the time. I don't have any energy. What should I do? 

Faisal: Do you get eight hours of sleep every night?

Alex: Yes, I do. In fact, I usually sleep longer than that! 

Faisal: Well, you could get more exercise.

Alex: Like what? 

Faisal: You could work out at the gym.

Alex: But I don't have time. I'm too busy. 

Faisal: Really? How do you get to work in the morning?

Alex: I drive my car, of course. 

Faisal: Why?! It's only a mile to your office. You should walk or ride a bike.