Đề bài

2. Look quickly at texts A and B opposite. Match each text with a photo from exercise 1 and one of the titles below. There is one extra title. 

(Nhìn nhanh vào các đoạn A và B. Ghép mỗi đoạn văn với một bức ảnh từ bài tập 1 và một trong các tiêu đề bên dưới. Có một tiêu đề thừa.)

a. Model builder (Người xây dựng các mẫu vật)                   Photo _____ Text ______

b. Costume designer (Nhà thiết kế trang phục hóa trang)    Photo _____ Text ______

c. Film tagger (Người gắn thẻ phim)                                   Photo _____Text _______

Lời giải chi tiết :

a. Model builder (Người xây dựng các mẫu vật)                              Photo 2 Text 1

c. Film tagger (Người gắn thẻ phim)                                              Photo 1 Text 2

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

7. Work in pairs. Discuss your answers to the questionnaire below. Try to find the ideal job for your partner.

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Bài 2 :

1. Look at the photo. How do you think the girl is feeling? Then read and listen to the dialogue.

(Nhìn vào bức tranh. Bạn nghĩ cô gái đang cảm thấy như thế nào? Sau đó đọc và nghe đoạn hội thoại.)

Toby: Hi, Mia. Is anyone sitting here? 

Mia: Hi, Toby. No. Sit down, I'll move my bag. 

Toby: Thanks. Are you OK? You look a bit anxious. 

Mia: I've got a job interview in twenty minutes. 

Toby: Oh! I won't chat, then, I promise! 

Mia: It's OK. I'm going to leave soon anyway. I need to walk to Hill Top Road. Is it far? 

Toby: Not really. It'll take about ten minutes. 

Mia: Oh no. Look at that rain! I'm going to get wet! 

Toby: I'll lend you my umbrella. 

Mia: It's OK. I'll call a taxi. 

Toby: There isn't time for that. Here, take it. 

Mia: Thanks. I'll give it back later. Where will you be? 

Toby: I'll wait here for you. Good luck!

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Bài 3 :

6. Read the text and check your answer to exercise 5. What other jobs do you think might disappear in the future?

(Đọc đoạn văn bên dưới và kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn trong bài 5. Những công việc nào bạn nghỉ sẽ biến mất trong tương lai?)

A hundred years ago, every lift had an operator who stopped the lift at the different floors, and opened and closed the doors. That job no longer exists because lifts are now automatic. Which jobs that people do today will disappear because of technology? Most people book their holidays online. If this trend continues, travel agents will probably become unnecessary. Self-service check-outs at supermarkets are becoming very common, and so are automated toll booths on motorways. Many people now read the news online. If newspapers disappear entirely, we won't need newsagents. And what will happen if everyone learns online instead of in a classroom? Teachers might disappear!

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Bài 4 :

1. Read the article. What job is Harris applying for? 

(Đọc bài báo. Harris đang ứng tuyển công việc gì?)

Harris Aslam is an ambitious young man who left school at the age of thirteen to work in his family's grocery business. Now, at the age of eighteen, he owns three shops in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, the town where he was born and brought up. But Harris has bigger ambitions and wants a new challenge. The job he is now applying for is CEO of Nisa Retail, a grocery business whose annual sales are about £1.6 billion! This is a job which usually attracts middle-aged business people, not eighteen-year-olds.

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Bài 5 :

6. Read the article. Do you think this interview was fair? 

(Đọc bài báo. Bạn có nghĩ rằng cuộc phỏng vấn này công bằng?)

Alan Bacon, who left university in July, was invited to an interview with a major retailer. He prepared thoroughly for the interview, which was a role in the marketing department. But Alan, whose degree is in film and TV studies, was shocked that the interview included dancing. The retailer has apologised and said that they are investigating managers at the store in Cardiff, where the interview took place.

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Bài 6 :

2. Read the two texts. Which one is more positive about going to univeristy? 

(Đọc hai văn bản. Đoạn văn nào tích cực hơn về việc học đại học?)

Is university education overvalued?

Eighteen-year-old American, Andrew Brackin, has received $100,000 to go and live in San Francisco and develop his own business. He plans to create a website that helps charities to raise money. The money comes from Peter Thiel, co-creator of PayPal. Every year, Thiel selects 20 students with the best business ideas. Andrew got to the final where he had to present his ideas to important business people from Silicon Valley. Thiel is an ex-student himself and he has strong views on university education. He feels that many young people overestimate the benefits of university education and undervalue the benefits of working in business. They apply for degree and postgraduate courses without thinking about how it will help them.

Benefits of going to university

There are several benefits of going to university that you should think about before making a decision about your future.


lf you have a university degree, you will generally be offered higher paid jobs. Furthermore, graduates have the option to fast-track their career with multiple graduate study schemes.

Lifelong friends

You can meet people from different backgrounds and visit other countries. lf you like sports, many universities have teams where you can play at all different levels, even semi-professional.


University offers the opportunity to live away from home for the first time. You can learn how to manage your time and not oversleep.

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Bài 7 :

3. Read the Reading Strategy. Then look at the sentences in exercise 4 below. Find a synonym or paraphrase in the text for each underlined phrase in the sentences. 

(Đọc Chiến lược Đọc hiểu. Sau đó xem các câu trong bài tập 4 bên dưới. Tìm một từ đồng nghĩa hoặc cách diễn giải trong văn bản cho mỗi cụm từ được gạch chân trong các câu.)

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Bài 8 :

4. Complete the sentences with information from the text. Use your answers to exercise 3 to help you.

(Hoàn thành các câu với thông tin từ văn bản. Sử dụng câu trả lời của bài tập 3 để giúp bạn.)

1. The toy company was very keen on the _____ that Andrew Johnson sent with his job application. [1 word]

2. Andrew is happy to earn money for something that used to be a _____. [1 word]

3. Netflix offered Joe the job because he speaks _____. [2 words].

4. A disadvantage of the job is that Joe can't _____ what programmes to watch. [1 word]

The best job in the world ... probably

A. Back in 2012, Andrew Johnson planned to apply to a film school after graduation, rather than look for a job. But then his dad noticed an advertisement for a job with toy manufacturer Lego. Andrew, who was already a Lego fan, sent in an application. It included a video of himself making models. The company loved it and invited him to participate in an unusual interview. He had to compete against seven other finalists in a model-building test. Andrew won. As a result, he was employed at Legoland Discovery Centre in lllinois as a Master Model Builder. “Lego was just a hobby, but now I can do what l love and get paid for it,” said Andrew happily in an interview.

B. Some film providers like Netflix employ people to watch new films and TV series, then ask them to make a note of what type of film it is (horror, rom-com, etc.), what age group and type of person might like it. The film provider can then recommend it to their members. Joe Mason finished his degree in film studies about two years ago and didn't know what to do next. Then he read an article about film taggers. The job was so fantastic, and he wrote to Netflix. At first, they weren't interested, but when Joe told them he speaks fluent French, they gave him a job. He watches French films and TV programmes. “lt's a great job because I can have flexible working hours," said he. The only problem with the job is that Joe can't choose what he wants to watch.

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Bài 9 :

5. Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false. Write T or F. 

(Đọc lại văn bản. Nhưng câu sau đúng hay sai. Viết T hoặc F.)

1. Andrew's brother told him about the job with Lego.

2. Andrew had to take part in a model-building competition.

3. Joe Mason didn't complete his university degree.

4. Netflix were very pleased to receive Joe's application.

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Bài 10 :

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words below.

(Đọc văn bản và điền vào khoảng trống với các từ dưới đây.)

as     got     in     later     of (x2)     that     to (x3)

Anita Roddick

Anita Perilli was born in 1942 in Littlehampton, a town (1) _____ the south of England. After leaving school, she trained (2) _____ an English teacher, but before she found a job, she decided to travel around the world. When Anita returned (3) _____ Britain, she met a Scottish man called Gordon Roddick. They fell in love and (4) _____ married. They had two daughters and moved to Brighton. 

It was there in 1976 that Anita Roddick opened the first Body Shop store. She wanted (5) _____ sell cosmetics that were natural and not tested on animals. She also recycled the bottles (6) _____ contained her products: customers could bring them back to the shop and refill them. Six months (7) _____, she opened another shop, and by 1991, there were seven hundred Body Shop stores. By 2004, the Body Shop had over two thousand stores with 71 million customers in 51 countries. Anita Roddick was passionate about social and environmental issues. She gave money (8) _____ many charities. She joined anti-globalisation protests and criticised big oil companies that did not invest in renewable energy.

Near the end (8) _____ her life, she sold Body Shop to LOréal, one of the world's largest cosmetics companies.

Many of her customers were angry, but she gave most (10) _____ her money to charities. She died in 2007 at the age of 65.

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Bài 11 :

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

(Đọc lại văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Where did Roddick go after she left school?

(Roddick đã đi đâu sau khi bà ấy rời ghế nhà trường?)

2. Where did she live when she opened her first Body Shop store?

(Bà ấy sống ở đâu khi mở cửa hàng Body Shop đầu tiên?)

3. What was different about the Body Shop products?

(Có điều gì khác biệt về sản phẩm của Body Shop?)

4. Why did some of her customers feel angry?

(Tại sao một vài khách hàng của cô ấy lại tức giận?)

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Bài 12 :

1. Reading (Đọc hiểu)

Read the text and match the interview question A-E with paragraphs 1-4. There is one extra question.

(Đọc văn bản và nối câu hỏi phỏng vấn A-E với đoạn văn 1-4. Có một câu bị thừa.)

A. What is the most dangerous part of being a firefighter?

(Điều gì là phần nguy hiểm nhất khi trở thành một lính cứu hỏa?)

B. How physically fit do you have to be? 

(Bạn phải khỏe đến mức độ nào?)

C. How did you become a firefighter?

(Bạn đã trở thành lính cứu hỏa như thế nào?)

D. Why did you decide to become a firefighter? 

(Tại sao bạn lại quyết định trở thành lính cứu hỏa?)

E. What other skills do you need?

(Những kĩ năng khác cần có là gì?)

(1) _____ I'm Jack Gomez, a firefighter in California. I remember watching an interview with a firefighter pilot when I was a child. He'd been fighting a fire for about five days. He was exhausted then. However, he was so optimistic and committed that I thought that I wanted to do the same thing. And I never changed my mind.

(2) _____ I did a training camp to get my wildfire qualification card - you can't fight fires in the US without one. I learned how to light controlled fires, how to put them out again, and how to use all the equipment. The camp was really hard, but I passed first time! After that I was lucky enough to get a job.

(3) _____ One of the things you have to do in the early days is the pack test. This consists of a five - kilometre walk while carrying a twenty-kilogram backpack. You have to complete it in forty-five minutes or less without jogging or running. This shows how strong you are. 

(4) _____ You can be out alone in vast forests and national parks, and sometimes the smoke is so thick that you can hardly see. So, it is important to be able to read map, and to use a compass. Also, you must know how to put up a tent, cook outdoors, drive a truck, and have other basic survival skills.

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Bài 13 :

B. Read the article. Circle T for true and F for false.

(Đọc bài viết. Khoanh vào chữ T – đúng và F – sai.)

The Best Job In The World

What is a good job? Is it a job with a good salary? Not always. For some people, their salary is good, but their job is boring. And for other people, their salary isn’t good, but the job is easy. And some people are happy because their jobs are interesting. Let’s meet some people with great jobs.

Maritza Morales Casanova is Mexican and she’s from Merida. She’s a teacher, but there are no tables or chairs in her classroom because it’s a park. She says, “Empower children with information … and they will change the world.”

Jeff Kerby is a National Geographic photographer. Animals are difficult to photograph, so the job isn’t easy. Sometimes, the job is very difficult, but when you have a bad day, you look at the beautiful views and, Jeff says, “life isn’t so bad; in fact, it’s really interesting.”

Ross Donihue and Marty Schnure are mapmakers. For their job, they travel and they make digital maps of different parts of the world. One of their favorite places is Patagonia, in Argentina. Ross says, “I love Patagonia because no two days are the same. Every day is different.”

empower (v): give control to

digital (adj): electronic

1. A job with a good salary is always interesting.

2. Animals are not easy to photograph.  

3. Jeff says his job is boring.

4. Maritza is from Mexico. 

5. There are tables and chairs in her classroom.

6. Ross and Marty work in one place.   

7. They like Patagonia because every day is different. 

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Bài 14 :

C. Answer the questions.

(Trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What does Jeff do?

(Jeff làm nghề gì?)

2. Do you think Jeff is happy?

(Bạn có nghĩ là Jeff hạnh phúc không?)

3. Where is Maritza’s classroom?

(Lớp học của Maritza ở đâu?)

4. What are her lessons about?

(Những tiết học của cô ấy về cái gì?)

5. What do Ross and Marty do?

(Ross và Marty làm nghề gì?)

6. Where is Patagonia?

(Patagonia ở đâu?)

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Bài 15 :


A. Read the ad for college jobs. Answer the questions.

(Đọc mẩu quảng cáo về công việc ở trường đại học. Trả lời các câu hỏi.)


There are jobs for you in July and August!

- Summer school assistants: Play sports and games with children

- Waiters at a pizza restaurant: At lunchtime and in the evening

- Cashiers in a supermarket: The pay is good!

Email: infor@summerjobs.com

1. When are the jobs for?

(Những công việc cho thời gian nào?)

2. Who is the ad for?

(Mẩu quảng cáo dành cho ai?)

3. What are the three jobs?

(Ba công việc là gì?)

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Bài 16 :

1. Read about three famous British authors. What kind of books did they write? 

(Đọc về ba tác giả nổi tiếng của Anh. Họ đã viết những loại sách gì?)


Alan Alexander Milne was was born in 1882 in London, England. He wrote stories about a teddy called Winnie-the-Pooh in the 1920s. His son Christopher and his son's soft toys gave him the idea for the characters: Christopher Robin, Piglet, Kanga, Roo and others. Milne's Pooh stories: Winnie-the Pooh Corner quickly became children's classics in the UK and other countries. In 1927, A. A. Milne published Now We Are Six - a book of poems. After A. A. Milne died, a film studio bought the rights to the stories, so today there are picture books, films, and cartoon series about Pooh Bear. 

Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote the well-known books Little Lord Fauntleroy, A Little Princess and Secret Garden between The born in 1916 in 1885 and 1911. She was born in

Cardiff, Wales, but Manchester, England in 1849, but she lived in America most of the time and she published her first stories in American magazines. The illustrations of Little Lord Fauntleroy's suit and white shirt started a fashion for boys. Today her first books aren't as popular as they were 100 years ago, but The Secret Garden is still a best-seller. 

Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Cardiff, Wales, but his parents were from Norway. He disliked school because some teachers were unkind. He probably remembered this in his books as others his good characters are children and his bad characters are often adults.  His most well-known books are James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Matilda. Roald Dahl often worked with a well-known British illustrator, Quentin Blake. 

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Bài 17 :

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

 (Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong hộp.)

author                          best-seller                    characters                   classic                           illustrations                  picture books                     poems                               popular                        publish                        series                         well-known                   illustrator 

1. A.A. Milne wrote stories and poems for children.

2. The Pooh stories are now a cartoon_________

3. The __________in one of Frances Hodgson Burnett's books started a fashion.

4. The classic novel The Secret Garden is a_________still today.

5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of Roald Dahl's most _______books.

6. Quentin Blake was the _______Roald Dahl's books. 

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Bài 18 :

3. Read the texts again and complete the information for each author.

(Đọc lại các văn bản và điền đầy đủ thông tin cho từng tác giả.)

1. Name: A. A. Milne 

    Date of birth: 1882

    Place of birth: ___________,England

    Well-known books: _______, The House at Pooh Corner, Now We Are Six 

2. Name: Frances Hodgson Burnett 

    Date of birth: __________

    Place of birth: __________,England

    Well-known books: Little Lord Fauntleroy__________The Secret Garden

3. Name: Roald Dahl 

    Date of birth: __________

    Place of birth: ____________,Wales

    Well-known books: James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, _________

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