Đề bài

6. Work in pair. Ask and answer questions beginning Which .. ? Use the comparative form of the adjectives.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng Which…? Sử dụng dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ.)

1. dangerous/ a blizzard/ a thunderstorm/?

Which is more dangerous, a blizzard or a thunderstorm?

2. beautiful/ snowflake/ rainbow/?

3. holiday venue/ good /the mountains /the beach/?

4. city/ have/ many seasons/ Ha Noi/ Ho Chi Minh City/?

5. for you personally/ temperature/ bad/ -5°C/ 35°C/?

6. Ha Noi/ month/ hot/ June/ August?

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Which is more dangerous, a blizzard or a thunderstorm? - A blizzard is more dangerous.

(Cái nào nguy hiểm hơn, một trận bão tuyết hay một trận bão sấm? – Một trận bão tuyết nguy hiểm hơn.)

2. Which is more beautiful, a snowflake or a rainbow? - A rainbow is more beautiful.

(Cái nào đẹp hơn, bông tuyết hay cầu vồng? – Cầu vồng đẹp hơn.)

3. Which holiday venue is better, the mountains or the beach? - The beach is better.

(Địa điểm du lịch nào tốt hơn, núi nay biển? – Biển tốt hơn.)

4. Which city has more seasons, Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh CIty? - Ha Noi has more seasons.

(Thành phố nào có nhiều mùa hơn, Hà Nội hay TP.HCM? – Hà Nội có nhiều mùa hơn.)

5. Which temperature is worse for you personally, -5°C or 35°C? - -5°C is worse.

(Theo cậu thì nhiệt độ nào tệ hơn, âm 5 độ hay 35 độ? – Âm 5 độ tệ hơn.)

6. Which month in Ha Noi is hotter, June or August? - June is hotter.

(Tháng nào ở Hà Nội nóng hơn, tháng 6 hay tháng 8? – Tháng 6 nóng hơn.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives

(Ngữ pháp: So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của tính từ)

1. Choose the correct answers.

(Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. WTO rules make trade the easiest / easier for smaller member countries. 

2. This job offer is more attractive / the most attractive than the previous one.

3. Because of poorly designed packaging, our products are less competitive / the least competitive than foreign products.

4. Over the past few years, Vet Nam has become one of more popular / the most popular destinations for foreign visitors in Southeast Asia. 

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Bài 2 :


Write another sentence using the word(s) in brackets. Make sure it has the same meaning as the previous one.

(Viết một câu khác sử dụng (các) từ trong ngoặc. Đảm bảo rằng nó có cùng ý nghĩa với câu trước đó.)

1. Viet Nam wasn’t as attractive to foreign tourists as it is nowadays. (more attractive)

=> __________________________________

2. The United Nations is the largest international organisation. (larger)

=> __________________________________

3. The international market wasn’t as competitive as it is now. (more competitive)

=> __________________________________

4. No other country is a bigger financial provider to this organisation than Japan. (the biggest)

=> __________________________________

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Bài 3 :

2. Rewrite the sentences using comparative and superlative adjectives or the passive voice without changing their meanings.

(Viết lại các câu bằng cách sử dụng tính từ so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất hoặc câu bị động mà không thay đổi nghĩa của chúng.)

1. The United Nations is the largest international organisation.

=> No international organisation _______________________ the United Nations.

2. We can’t accept your application today.

=> Your application __________________________________ today.

3. Viet Nam wasn’t as active as it is now in the region.

=> Now Viet Nam __________________ in the region than it was in the past.

4. I have never taken such an interesting online course.

=> This is __________________________ I have ever taken.

5. They should provide more job opportunities for women in mountainous areas.

=> More jobs opportunities _____________ in mountainous areas.

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Bài 4 :

2. Complete the table with comparative adjectives from part 1 of the text.

(Hoàn thành bảng với dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ từ phần 1 của bài khóa.)

Short adjective





+ -er



+ -r



-y --> -ier



double consonant + -er

Long adjective





more + adjective

Irregular adjective





(no rules)





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Bài 5 :

3. Read the Learn this! box. Then find examples of each rule (a-d) in part 1 of the text.

(Đọc hộp Learn this! box. Sau đó tìm các ví dụ cho mỗi quy tắc (a-d) trong phần 1 của bài khóa.)

LEARN THIS! Comparative forms (Thể so sánh hơn)

a. We use than to make comparisons. (Ta dùng than để tạo thể so sánh hơn.)

Greece is hotter than the UK. (Hy Lạp thì nóng hơn Anh.)

b. We use not as ... as to make negative comparisons. (Ta dùng not as … as để tạo sự so sánh phủ định.)

It isn't as warm as yesterday. (Trời hôm nay không ấm bằng hôm qua.)

c. We use as ... as to say two things are equal. (Ta dùng as … as để nói về hai thứ bằng nhau.)

Yesterday, London was as hot as Athens (Hôm qua, ở Luân Đôn nóng như A-ten.)

d. We use far or much to make a comparison stronger. (Ta dùng far hoặc much để làm sự so sánh mạnh hơn.)

Libya is far/ much hotter than Canada. (Libya thì nóng hơn nhiều so với Canada.)

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Bài 6 :

5. Read the Look out! box. Complete part 2 of the text with the comparative form of the words in brackets.

(Đọc hộp Chú ý! Hoàn thành phần 2 của bài khóa với thể so sánh hơn của cac từ trong ngoặc.)

LOOK OUT! little - less

Some quantifiers also have comparative forms. (Có vài định lượng từ có thể so sánh hơn.)

few-fewer much/many-more

Part 2

The Tunguska Event of 1908 was (1) _____ (far) from a city so (2) _____ (few) people saw it, but it was much (3) _____ (powerful) than the one in Chelyabinsk. It destroyed more than 80 million trees in the Siberian forest, so it's lucky it was not (4) _____ (close) to a town or city. The night sky became (5) _____ (bright) than normal for a few days, and people a hundred kilometres away could read a newspaper outdoors even at midnight.

Most scientists believe it was a meteor explosion, but there are some (6) _____ (unusual) theories too. Perhaps it was a UFO!

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Bài 7 :

1. Write the comparative form of the adjectives and quantifiers.

(Viết dạng so sánh hơn của các tính từ và lượng từ sau.)

1. small (nhỏ)

2. large (lớn)

3. early (sớm)

4. powerful (mạnh)

5. much (nhiều/ ít)

6. bright (sáng)

7. few (ít)

8. many (nhiều)

9. far (xa)

10. wet (ướt)

11. pretty (xinh đẹp)

12. frightening (đáng sợ)

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Bài 8 :

2. Complete the email with the comparative form of the adjectives and quantifiers in brackets.

(Hoàn thành bức thư điện tử với dạng so sánh của các tính từ và lượng từ trong ngoặc.)

Dear Aunt Polly,

I hope you're well. Jake seems (1) _____ (happy) at his new school. It's (2) _____ (small) and (3) _____ (friendly) than his old school. His grades are (4) _____ (good) than last year. He gets (5) _____ (a little) homework but the lessons at school are (6) _____ (difficult), he says. The only bad thing about his new school is that it's (7) _____ (far) from our house. At the moment

he cycles there, but he's planning to go by bus when the weather gets (8) _____ (cold) and (9) _____ (wet).

I'm working hard for my exams but I’m not enjoying it. It's always (10) _____ (bad) at the weekend because I want to go out!

Write soon,


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Bài 9 :

3. Write sentences comparing a and b. Include the correct form of the words in brackets.

(Viết các câu so sánh a và b, bao gồm dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.)

1. a. Iceland                 b. Egypt                  (far/ cold)

2. a. the Earth               b. the sun               (much/ small)

3. a. gold                      b. silver                   (heavy)

4. a. rock-climbing         b. hiking                  (dangerous)

5. a. cycling                   b. skiing                  (much/ easy)

6. a. the USA                 b. the UK                 (far/ big)

7. a. Porsches                b. Skodas                (expensive)

8. a. icestorms               b. thunderstorms      (far/ rare)

9.a. a broken ankle         b. a sprained ankle    (bad)

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Bài 10 :

a. Listen and repeat.

(Nghe và nhắc lại.)

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Bài 11 :

1. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. Ba Bể Lake in Vietnam is about 20 metres deep, but Lake Baikal in Russia is more deep/deeper, at 1,642 metres.

2. Fansipan is more high/higher than any other mountain in Vietnam. Since 2016, there has been a cable car so people can reach the top more easy/more easily.

3. The Atlantic Ocean is smaller/more small than the Pacific Ocean.

4. Saudi Arabia is large/larger than all the other countries in Western Asia.

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Bài 12 :

2. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the comparative form of these adjectives/ adverbs.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nó có nghĩa giống như câu đầu tiên. Sử dụng hình thức so sánh hơn của các tính từ / trạng từ này.)

warm • expensive • good • often

 1. The weather is cold in the UK in the autumn, but it’s colder in Iceland.

-> The weather in the UK in the autumn is warmer than the weather in Iceland.

 2. We go on holiday once a year, but Mr and Mrs Addams go four times a year.

-> Mr and Mrs Addams go on holiday _____________________we do.

3. Our holiday in the USA wasn’t that good, but our holiday in Vietnam was very good.

-> Our holiday in Vietnam was _____________________ our holiday in the USA.

4. He paid €65 for his flights and €400 for his hotel room.

-> His hotel room was _____________________ his flights.

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Bài 13 :

5. Complete the second sentence to express a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in bold.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai để nêu ý nghĩa tương tự câu thứ nhất. Sử dụng các từ in đậm.)

1. The beach is 3 km away, and the hotel is 4 km. (LITTLE)

-> The beach is ____________________________ than the hotel.

2. 19 million people visit the Lake District National Park every year, but only 4 million visit Yellowstone National Park. (MUCH)

-> The Lake District National Park is ____________________________ than Yellowstone National Park.

3. The package holiday is £695 and the cruise is £925. (AS)

-> The package holiday____________________________ as the cruise.

4. Mount Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world. (FAR)

-> Mount Everest is ____________________________ mountain in the world.

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Bài 14 :

Grammar (See Grammar Reference pp. 156-157)

(Ngữ pháp: (Xem Tài liệu Ngữ pháp trang 156-157))

E. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in parentheses.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau. Sử dụng hình thức so sánh hơn của các tính từ trong ngoặc.)

1. I like the green handbag, but it is _____________ (expensive) than the brown one. 

2. These jeans are _____________ (nice) than my old ones. 

3. These are stylish, but those black shoes are _____________  (good) for work. 

4. This sweater is OK, but I need a _____________ (warm) one for the winter. 

5. I think the blue blouse is _____________ (pretty) than the black one.
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Bài 15 :

F. Listen and read the conversation. Write in the missing comparative forms.

(Nghe và đọc đoạn hội thoại. Điền thêm các dạng so sánh còn thiếu.)

Danny: Can you help me? I have a job interview tomorrow, and I don't know what to wear.

Edris: Sure. This brown jacket is nice. 

Danny: Yes, but this black suit is (1) _____________. And it matches my shirt. 

Edris: Perfect! That's much (2) _____________. Do you have a tie? 

Danny: I only have two. Black or blue? 

Edris: The blue tie is (3) _____________. What about shoes? 

Danny: Well, I like these brown shoes, but my black ones are (4) _____________.

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Bài 16 :

Lesson A

A. Complete the conversation with the comparative form of the adjectives in parentheses. 

(Hoàn thành bài hội thoại với dạng so sánh hơn của các tính từ trong ngoặc.)

A: I like your new car. Was it expensive?

B: No, it was (1) _____ (cheap) than my old car. But it’s much (2) _____ (fast)!

A: Can I sit in it?

B: Sure!

A: Oh, it’s (3) _____ (comfortable) than your other car, too. It also feels (4) _____ (big) inside.

B: Yes, I think it is. The design is much (5) _____ (good).

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Bài 17 :

2. B. Make comparative sentences

(Đặt câu so sánh hơn.)

1. This motorcycle / fast / your car.

This motorcycle is faster than your car.

2. My brother / tall / you.


3. The Amazon River / long / the Ganges River.


4. Your apartment / much / big / mine.


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Bài 18 :

1. Complete the table with the comparative forms.

(Hoàn thành bảng với các dạng so sánh.)

Adjective Comparative
Short adjectives
tall (1)
large (2)
hot (3)
early (4)
Long adjectives
powerful (5)
spectacular (6)
Irregular adjectives
good (7)
bad (8)
far (9)
few (10)
much/many (11)
little (12)
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Bài 19 :

2. Complete the fact file. Use the comparative form of the words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành hồ sơ dữ kiện. Sử dụng hình thức so sánh của các từ trong ngoặc.)


●   Comets are made of ice and pieces of rock. Asteroids are made of rock and metal, and are (1)__________________ (heavy).

●   Most comets are much (2)__________________ (big) than most asteroids.

●   You can find asteroids (3)__________________ (close) to the sun than comets. If comets get too close to the sun, they melt. So you can only find comets much (4)__________________ (far) from the sun, where it is (5)__________________ (cold) and ice doesn’t melt.

●   Comets are (6)__________________ (bright) than asteroids because they have long, white tails.

●   Comets are (7)__________________ (rare) than asteroids. There are hundreds of millions of asteroids in our solar system, but far (8)__________________  (few) comets – only about 4,000. For this reason, asteroids are (9)__________________ (dangerous), as one of them is (10)__________________ (likely) to hit the Earth.

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