Đề bài

1. (Reading) Read the text. Circle the correct option (a-d).

(Đọc bài khóa. Khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng (a-d).)

Lost in Australia

When eighteen-year-old student Sam Woodhead left college, he decided to have a gap year and go travelling before joining the army. Sam was already a fit long-distance runner, but he thought backpacking in Australia was great training for his future. 

Sam arrived in Central Queensland and found a job on a cattle farm in the middle of the countryside. One Tuesday morning, soon after his arrival, he decided to go for a run. But Sam made some mistakes. He took a heavy backpack but only one bottle of water, and he didn't plan a route. After only two hours, he finished his water and realised he was lost. The temperature was close to 40°C, and he was soon exhausted. After four or five hours, he decided to stop and spend the night in the outback.

The next morning, Sam didn't report for work. His employers checked his room. His backpack and running shoes were gone, but his mobile and wallet were there. They called the rescue services and Sam's family. The rescue services sent helicopters to the area to try to find Sam, but there were a lot of trees so it was difficult for the pilots to see a person on the ground.

1. Sam went backpacking because 

a. he didn't know what to do with his life. 

b. he didn't like being a student. 

c. he wanted to become fit. 

d. he thought it would be good for his career plans. 

2. Sam got lost because 

a. he didn't prepare well. 

b. his map was incorrect. 

c. the weather suddenly changed. 

d. he wasn't well. 

3. Sam's employers realised Sam was lost when 

a. he called them from his mobile. 

b. they saw that all his money was gone. 

c. his family rang to speak to him. 

d. some of his things were missing. 

4. The rescue services 

a. called Sam's family. 

b. started to look for Sam by helicopters. 

c. spent the night in the outback to look for Sam. 

d. set out to find Sam before Sam's employers phoned.

Phương pháp giải :

Tạm dịch:

Khi chàng trai mười tám tuổi Sam Woodhead rời đại học, anh ấy quyết định có một năm tạm nghỉ và đi chu du trước khi gia nhập quân đôi. Sam đã là một vận động viên chạy cự li dài rất sung sức, nhưng anh ấy nghỉ đi du hành ở Úc thì sẽ tốt cho việc huấn luyện sau này.

Sam đến Trung tâm Queensland và tìm thấy một công việc trong một trang trại gia súc ở giữa miền quê. Một sáng thứ ba nọ, sau khi anh ấy đến, anh ấy quyết định đi chạy bộ. Những Sam đã mắc vài sai lầm. Anh ấy mang một cái ba lô nặng nhưng chỉ có một chai nước và không hề vạch ra lộ trình đi. Chỉ sau hai giờ đồng hồ, anh ấy đã uống hết nước và nhận ra mình bị lạc. Nhiệt độ đã gần đến 40°C, và anh ta sớm đã thấm mệt. Sau bốn đến năm tiếng, anh ấy quyết định dừng lại và dành cả đêm ngoài rừng núi.

Sáng hôm sau, Sam không báo cáo công việc. Sếp của anh ta kiểm tra phòng. Ba lô và giày thể thao đã biến mất, nhưng điện thoại và ví tiền vẫn còn đó. Họ gọi dịch vụ cứu hộ và gia đình Sam. Dịch vụ cứu hộ đã gửi nhiều trực thăng đến để tìm Sam, nhưng ở đó có quá nhiều cây nên khó cho phi công có thể nhìn thấy người trên mặt đất.

Lời giải chi tiết :





1. d

Sam went backpacking because he thought it would be good for his career plans.

(Sam đi du hành vì anh nghĩ nó sẽ tốt cho lộ trình công danh của anh.)

Thông tin: … but he thought backpacking in Australia was great training for his future.

(nhưng anh ấy nghỉ đi du hành ở Úc thì sẽ tốt cho việc huấn luyện sau này.)

2. a

Sam got lost because he didn't prepare well.

(Sam bị lạc vì anh ấy không chuẩn bị kỹ càng.)

Thông tin: He took a heavy backpack but only one bottle of water, and he didn't plan a route.

(Anh ấy mang một cái ba lô nặng nhưng chỉ có một chai nước và không hề vạch ra lộ trình đi.)

3. d

Sam's employers realised Sam was lost when some of his things were missing.

(Sếp của Sam nhận ra anh ấy đi lạc khi một vài thứ của anh ấy đã biến mất.)

Thông tin: His employers checked his room. His backpack and running shoes were gone, but his mobile and wallet were there. They called the rescue services and Sam's family.

(Sếp của anh ta kiểm tra phòng. Ba lô và giày thể thao đã biến mất, nhưng điện thoại và ví tiền vẫn còn đó. Họ gọi dịch vụ cứu hộ và gia đình Sam.)

4. b

The rescue services started to look for Sam by helicopters.

(Dịch vụ cứu hộ bắt đầu tìm kiếm Sam bằng trực thăng.)

Thông tin: The rescue services sent helicopters to the area to try to find Sam…

(Dịch vụ cứu hộ đã gửi nhiều trực thăng đến để tìm Sam…)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Read the opening paragraph of a story. Why does the narrator notice the tall man?

(Đọc phần mở đầu của câu chuyện. Tại sao người kể chuyện lại chú ý đến người đàn ông cao lớn?)

With my backpack in my hands. I stepped off the train onto the crowded platform. It was 7.30 in the evening. People were hurrying home. A mother and her two young children were sitting on a bench. The mother was talking to the boy, but he wasn't looking at her. The girl was singing quietly and playing with a toy. Around them, travellers were shouting greetings, waving goodbye, carrying heavy bags or running to catch trains. A very tall man was standing completely still near the exit. Why was he wearing summer clothes in this weather?

And why was he looking straight at me?

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Bài 2 :

1. Read a short extract from a story. Where is Harry at the start of the paragraph? Where is he at the end?

(Đọc một đoạn trích ngắn từ một câu chuyện. Harry ở đâu ở đầu đoạn văn? Cuối cùng thì anh ấy ở đâu?)

(1) A cold wind was blowing and large dark clouds were moving across the sky. (2) A hundred metres from the cliffs, the boat was rising and falling with the waves. (3) Harry took off his jacket and his jeans and put them into the water and began to swim. (4) Then he climbed down into the water and began to swin. (5) As he was getting near the boat, he heard a shout. (6) He held his breath and dived under the waves.

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Bài 3 :

1. Read the text. Find the name of the person in the photo. Do you agree with the theory at the end? Why?/ Why not?

(Đọc bài văn. Tìm tên của người trong bức ảnh. Bạn có đồng ý với ý kiến cuối bài không? Tại sao/ Tại sao không?)

Yesterday, sixteen-year-old Hector Turner began his attempt to become the youngest Briton to complete a 242 km 'ultra-marathon' across the Sahara Desert. On the same day, Geordie Stewart, a twenty-year-old university student, set off for Everest. He wanted to be the youngest Briton to achieve the 'Seven Summits' challenge - climbing the highest mountain on each continent. Last year, Mike Perham circumnavigated the world alone by boat at the age of seventeen. Why do today's teenagers feel this need for exploration and adventure? Why do they want to have wild experiences? Mike Perham has a theory: ‘Kids dream more than adults.’

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Bài 4 :

2. Complete the table with words from the text in exercise 1. 

(Hoàn thành bảng với các từ trong bài đọc trong bài tập 1.)

















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Bài 5 :

1. Look at the photos. What do you think the text is about? Choose from headlines a, band c.

(Nhìn vào những bức ảnh. Bạn nghĩ bài đọc nói về điều gì? Chọn từ các tiêu đề a, b, c.)

a. Tourists’ fishing trip disaster. (Thuyền đánh cá của hành khách gặp nạn)

b. How to protect sea creatures. (Làm cách nào để bảo vệ các loài sinh vật biển.)

c. Fish rescues sailors. (Cá giải cứu các thủy thủ.)

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Bài 6 :

2. Read the first paragraph of the text. Did you choose correctly in exercise 1? How do you know?

(Đọc đoạn đầu của bài khóa. Bạn có chọn đúng tiêu đề trong bài tập 1 không? Sao bạn biết điều đó?)

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Bài 7 :

3. Read the Reading Strategy. Then read the text, focusing on each gap and thinking about what might happen next.

(Đọc Chiến thuật Đọc hiểu. Sau đó đọc bài khóa, tập trung vào mỗi khoảng trống và nghĩ xem chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra tiếp theo.)

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Bài 8 :

4. Match sentences A-F with gaps 1-5 in the text. There are one extra sentences. Do any of the sentences match your ideas from exercise 3?

A. So Dan and Kate started to swim as fast as they could towards land.

B. The captain helped them as they climbed onto dry land.

C. He gave them water and food, and stayed with them until the police arrived.

D. So they did, and a few minutes later, the boat disappeared under the waves.

E. Out of the water at last, they lay down and rested.

F. But they couldn't get out of the water here.

A dream holiday turned into a nightmare for an American brother and sister, Dan and Kate Suski. During a fishing trip in the Caribbean, their boat sank.

The weather wasn't brilliant that day, but Dan had caught a huge fish! He was trying to pull it onto the boat when the captain realised water was coming into the cabin. The boat was sinking last. The captain used his radio to send a message for help. Then he shouted, ‘Jump out!’. (1) _____. They were about 15 km from land.

The captain said that help was coming. The weather was now awful, but they were wearing life jackets. After an hour, the captain and the Suskis lost each other, and there was no sign of rescue. (2) _____. They were both thinking the same terrifying thought: sharks! 

A helicopter appeared, but nobody saw Dan and Kate in the water. Day turned to night and the Suskis swam for fourteen hours. Finally, they saw some cliffs; they were near land! (3) _____. There were dangerous sharp rocks. By now, they were exhausted. Eventually, they reached a sandy beach. (4) ____.

Then they found a town and picked some green bananas. Finally, they met a young farm worker (5) _____. He also gave them some tragic news: the captain was lost at sea. After a few days in hospital Dan and Kale were fine. Their story had another happy ending: a rescue boat found the captain after 23 hours on the water!

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Bài 9 :

 5. Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

(Đọc lại bài khóa một lần nữa. Những câu sau đúng hay sai? Viết T hoặc F.)

1. Dan was the first person to see that there was a problem with the boat.

2. The boat sank before Dan and Kate could jump into the water.

3. A helicopter saw Dan and Kate in the sea, but it couldn't rescue them.

4. When Dan and Kate reached land, they couldn't get out of the water at first.

5. There was nobody on the beach when Dan and Kate got out of the sea.

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Bài 10 :

3. Read the invitation and reply. They answer the questions.

1. What time does the party begin?

2. What are the first activities?

3. What does Lisa suggest?

Hi Bess,

I'm having a party on the beach to celebrate the end of term. It's on Sunday 20 July and starts at 3 p.m. In the afternoon, we're going to try two different water-sports: jet-skiing and kite surfing. It's going to be a lot of fun! In the evening, we're having a BBQ on the beach, with loads of food and music too. Please let me know if you can come.


PS My dad is doing the BBQ, so you don't have to bring anything.

Dear Lisa,

Thank you so much for your invitation. It sounds like a great way to celebrate the start of the school holidays. Unfortunately, I can't make it because I'm going to be in France with my parents.

We get back on 27 July. It would be nice to meet up some time. Why don't we go to the cinema?

I hope you enjoy the party!


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Bài 11 :

1. USE OF ENGLISH: Read the text about BASE jumping and choose the correct answers (a-c)to complete gaps 1-5.

(Đọc văn bản về BASE jumping và chọn câu trả lời đúng (a-c) để hoàn thành khoảng trống 1-5)

1   a   alike b   like c   similar
2   a   However b   Otherwise c   Instead
3   a   part b   place c   off
4   a   thanks b   because c   according
5   a   invented b   decided c   thought
BASE jumping

BASE jumping is an extreme sport. It is (1)____ to sky-diving, but there are important differences. Firstly, the jumps are much lower – usually no more than 600 metres. And secondly, there is no aircraft. (2)____, participants jump from some kind of bridge, building or cliff. The first BASE jump took (3)____ in 1912 in New York when Frederick Law jumped from the Statue of Liberty. In the 1960s and 70s, the sport became more popular, partly (4)____ to film-maker Carl Boenish. He made documentaries about BASE jumping and also (5)____ of the name. He died in 1984 while he was jumping in Norway. BASE jumping is a thrilling experience but it is very risky too.
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Bài 12 :

4. Read the text again, including the missing sentences. Are the sentences true (T) or false(F)? Write the paragraph (A-E) which contains the answer.

(Đọc lại văn bản, kể cả những câu còn thiếu. Các câu đúng (T) hay sai (F)? Viết đoạn văn (A-E) có chứa câu trả lời.)

1. Steven wanted to sail to the Canary Islands. T or F? ◻

Paragraph? ◻

2. Steven’s nightmare started four days into the trip. T or F? ◻


3. Steven managed to get some useful things from the sinking yacht. T or F? ◻

 Paragraph? ◻

4. Steven ate birds and fish in order to survive. T or F? ◻

 Paragraph? ◻

5. Steven didn’t reach the Caribbean. T or F? ◻

 Paragraph? ◻
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