Đề bài


1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1. We went on holiday to the countryside to enjoy the                       air.

A. peaceful                   

B. clean

C. quiet

D. calm                          

2. The building was shaking for 2 minutes during the ___ last night.

A. earthquake                

B. landslide

C. tsunami                   

D. storm

3. _______ need to be caring because they took after animals.

A. Road sweepers

B. Zookeepers

C. Forest firefighters

D. Landscape gardeners

4. People in big cities are often                      , so they don't have much time to relax.

A. crowded             

B. busy

C. friendly

D. modern                  

5. Did you see the car                          in Merritt Street this morning?

A flood C eruption

B disaster D crash

6. The ___ destroyed the village and covered everything in water.

A. flood               

B. eruption

C. landslide

D. volcano

7. There are a lot of ______ animals around the earth's ice caps.

A. polluted                    

B. endangered

C. eco-friendly            

D. illegal

8. John doesn't want to live in the city because there is heavy ______.

A. scenery                

B. entertainment

C. pollution     

D. traffic

9. We heard a loud                   coming from a building down the street.

A. fire                 

B. shipwreck

C. explosion     

D. plane crash

10. The wind was _________ hard during the storm and it damaged trees and buildings.

A. overflowing              

B. crashing

C. blowing                  

 D. erupting

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. B

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. C

10. C

1. B

We went on holiday to the countryside to enjoy the clean air.

(Chúng tôi đi nghỉ ở vùng nông thôn để tận hưởng không khí trong lành.)

peaceful: thanh bình      

quiet: yên tĩnh                   

clean: sạch sẽ                        

calm: yên bình

2. A

The building was shaking for 2 minutes during the earthquake last night.

(Tòa nhà rung chuyển trong 2 phút trong trận động đất đêm qua.)

earthquake: động đất              

tsunami: sóng thần

landslide: lở đất                

storm: bão

3. B

Zookeepers need to be caring because they took after animals.

(Những người trông coi vườn thú cần phải biết quan tâm vì họ đã chăm sóc động vật.)

Road sweepers: người quét đường

Zookeepers: người giữ vườn thú

Forest firefighters: lính cứu hỏa rừng

Landscape gardeners: người làm vườn cảnh quan

4. C

People in big cities are often busy, so they don't have much time to relax.

(Người dân ở các thành phố lớn thường bận rộn nên không có nhiều thời gian để thư giãn.)

crowded: đông đúc  

friendly: thân thiện

busy: bận  

modern: hiện đại

5. D

Did you see the car crash in Merritt Street this morning?

(Bạn có thấy vụ đâm xe ở đường Merritt sáng nay không?)

flood: lụt

eruption: phun trào

disaster: thảm họa

crash: tai nạn

6. A

The flood destroyed the village and covered everything in water.

(Lũ lụt phá hủy ngôi làng và nhấn chìm mọi thứ trong nước.)

flood: lụt  

landslide: lở đất

eruption: phun trào

volcano: núi lửa

7. B

There are a lot of endangered animals around the earth's ice caps.

(Có rất nhiều loài động vật đang bị đe dọa xung quanh các chỏm băng của trái đất.)

polluted: bị ô nhiễm

eco-friendly: thân thiện với môi trường

endangered: bị đe dọa

illegal: bất hợp pháp

8. D

John doesn't want to live in the city because there is heavy traffic.

(John không muốn sống trong thành phố vì có giao thông đông đúc.)

scenery: phong cảnh   

pollution: sự ô nhiễm

entertainment: sự giải trí

traffic: giao thông

9. C

We heard a loud explosion coming from a building down the street.

(Chúng tôi nghe thấy một tiếng nổ lớn phát ra từ một tòa nhà dưới phố.)

fire: hỏa hoạn

explosion: vụ nổ

shipwreck: sự chìm tàu

plane crash: tai nạn máy bay

10. C

The wind was blowing hard during the storm and it damaged trees and buildings.

(Gió thổi mạnh suốt cơn bão làm hư hại cây cối và các tòa nhà.)

overflowing: tràn ngập

blowing: thổi

crashing: va chạm  

erupting: phun trào

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :


2. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. Mi is _____ gardening in her free time.

A. in                

B. into            

C. to

2. Mai is interested _____ building websites for her friends.

A. of               

B. with           

C. in

3. Minh is not fond of _____ puzzles because he thinks it takes a lot of time.

A. making      

B. doing         

C. building

4. I'm not keen on _____ our class photos to the forum.

A. uploading     

B. surfing     

C. messaging

5. While l was _____ some websites, I saw an advertisement about a resort.

A. creating     

B. browsing    

C. uploading

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Bài 2 :

3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong hộp.)

bully                trained                hospitable                  pressure                  focus

1. People in my village are very _____ to all visitors.

2. Parents in our village don’t put much _____ on their children to do well at school.

3. In my school, we can _____ on study and play, and do not have to worry about bullies.

4. The best _____ player in our chess club will not be able to join the competition.

5. If a boy uses his strength to frighten weaker peers, he is a _____.

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Bài 3 :


2. Match a verb or verb phrase in A with a noun or noun phrase in B.

(Nối động từ hoặc cụm động từ ở A với danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ ở B.)



1. weave

a. terraced fields

2. chase away

b. crops

3. harvest

c. crafts

4. overlook

d. clothing

5. make

e. bad spirits

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Bài 4 :

3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ và cụm từ trong hộp.)

              habit          lifestyle          minority group               festivals          decorative items

1. Ethnic minority girls wear a lot of beautiful _____ on special occasions.

2. I love attending local _____ in my area because they are unique.

3. It was a big change in _____ when my family moved from the city to the countryside.

4. I'd prefer you not to make a _____ off going to bed late.

5. The Bahnar is a large ethnic _____ in the Central Highlands.

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Bài 5 :


2. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ và cụm từ trong khung.)

customers          bargain          single-use          habitats          natural disasters

1. We should recycle various _____ products instead of throwing them away.

2. Shopping centres attract a lot of _____ during the sales season.

3. Population growth is causing destruction of wildlife _____ throughout the world.

4. Luckily, my home town rarely suffers from _____, such as floods or storms.

5. Generally, you can’t _____ over prices of goods in supermarkets.

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Bài 6 :

3. Use the correct forms of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

(Sử dụng dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu.)

1. The tsunami in Tonga was very (destroy) ______; hundreds of houses were swept away.

2. One (advantage) ______of shopping online is that you do not know exactly what you will get.

3. Endangered species are animals in the wild that face a high risk of (extinct) ______.

4. (Addict) ______shopping is a form of behaviour that makes shoppers buy many items they don’t need.

5. When a natural disaster happens, we must listen to (instruct) ______from local authorities.

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Bài 7 :

2. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. An _______ is a smail digital image used on social media to express emotions.

A. symbol     

B. emoji       

C. picture

2. We had a ________ with students from different countries yesterday.

A. video conference     

B. video group     

C. private message

5. The results of the ________ were very interesting.

A. finding     

B. communication     

C. experiment

4. When you look at the ________ for too long, your eyes may get tired.

A. contact lenses     

B. computer screen     

C. online class

5. Do you know how many stars there are in the __________ ?

A. spaceship     

B. planet     

C. galaxy

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Bài 8 :

3. Fill in each blank with the suitable form of the word given.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống dạng thích hợp của từ cho sẵn.)

1. Scientists are interested in the ____________ life on Mars. (possible)

2. We can use face ___________ to identify people. (recognise)

3. When we communicate using technology, it is called digital _____________. (communicate)

4. The Internet ___________ is slow here, so we can't get in the chat room. (connect)

5. Do you think this _________ machine will be cheaper in the future? (translate)

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Bài 9 :

1 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1 After days of heavy rain, a(n)           damaged many houses in the town.

A volcanic eruption

B flood

C earthquake

D tsunami

2 Do you have to sit lots of                  at your school, Dan?

A exams

B presentations

C school trips

D experiments

3 We went to an art                  at the museum last Friday.

A performance

B parade

C costume

D exhibition

4 James likes playing games on his games                  after school every day.

A device

B console

C player

D tablet

5 If the seas become               , a lot of sea animals will die.

A disappeared

B endangered

C polluted

D injured

6 She said that she wanted to be a(n)              and go to space.

A gardener

B zookeeper

C astronaut

D firefighter

7 If you                        with your friends or family, you should talk to them about your feelings.

A argue

B suffer

C start

D addict

8 Don't stand with your hands on your                       . It's impolite.

A head

B arms

C legs

D hips

9 I love the city because there's a lot of           to enjoy.

A entertainment

B traffic

C pollution

D gravity

10 Sea levels will rise if the ____melt.

A rivers and lakes

B ice caps

C rainforests

D habitats

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Bài 10 :

2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.

(Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu)

1. In his free time, my younger brother is ______ on taking photos and doing puzzles.

A. fond

B. keen

C. interested

D. crazy

2. What are you interested ______ doing at weekends?

A. into

B. on

C. about

D. in

3. How often do you ______ notifications on Facebook? - Once a day.

A. upload

B. browse

C. connect

D. check

4. Be quiet, please! I'm trying to ______ on my homework.

A. concentrate

B. log

C. advise

D. bully

5. It's ______ time, so the villagers are busy cutting and gathering their crops.

A. festival

B. growing

C. harvest

D. planting

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Bài 11 :

3. Complete each sentence below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word provided.

(Hoàn thành mỗi câu dưới đây bằng cách điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với dạng đúng của từ cho sẵn.)

1. The farmers are ______ the rice from the back of the truck. (LOAD)

2. They live in a beautiful cottage ______ by trees and flowers. (SURROUND)

3. When you feel you have to do something so that your friends accept you're experiencing peer ______. (PRESS)

4. The Internet ______ at our home is not strong, so I can't study. (CONNECT)

5. I ______ cooking because I usually burn the food. (LIKE)

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Bài 12 :

b. Fill in each blank with no more than TWO words.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống không quá HAI từ.)

6. There are students with something ______ in a club.

7. Club meetings help members ______ one another.

8. Joining a club develops students' ______ like communication, teamwork, and time management.

9. Being a club member makes students more ______.

10. They will also feel ______ about themselves.

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