Đề bài

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

How to Make Our City More Eco-friendly

The city of Cranford has lots of environmental problems. We have a lot of air, water, and land pollution. Here are some simple things we can do to help our city's environment.

1. Creat some parks.

We should create more green spaces like parks and playgrounds. They would be great places to plant more trees. This will reduce the air pollution in Cranford. It will also provide more spaces for animals and birds to live. This should bring more wildlife to our city.

2. Provide more trash cans

We should put more trash cans on the streets and near the river. This will give people more places to put their trash. They will stop throwing trash in the river or on the streets. This will reduce our water pollution problem.

3. Teach people to recycle

We should send people to schools to teach children how to recycle. They should also tell children how important recycling is. This will get more people to recycle in their homes and reduce land pollution in our city.

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

At the Go Green Club

(Tại câu lạc bộ Sống Xanh)

1. Listen and read. 

(Nghe và đọc.)

Club leader: Hello. Welcome back. Today we re discussing environmental problems and environmental protection. What are our serious environmental problems now?

Nam: Pollution and habitat loss, I think.

Ann: I agree. The air and water quality are getting worse and worse.

Club leader: Any others?

Ann: Yes, I can think of some like global warming, endangered species loss,...

Nam: So what should we do to help protect our environment?

Club leader: We can reduce our carbon footprint even in our homes.

Ann: What do you mean by 'carbon footprint'?

Club leader: Its the amount of carbon dioxide we release into the environment.

Ann: I see. So we can do things like turning off devices when were not using them.

Club leader: Right... And there is mụch more we can do, like practising the 3Rs.

Nam: We can plant more trees in our neighbourhood too.

Ann: And try to avoid using single-use products, like plastic bags, and stop littering.

Club leader: Yeah. And we can volunteer at some local environment programmes to save endangered species.

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Bài 2 :

2. Read the conversation again and match the two halves in the two columns.

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại một lần nữa và nối hai nửa ở hai cột.)

To protect the environment, we should:

1. reduce

a. using single-use products

2. turn off

b. littering

3. plant

c. our carbon footprint

4. avoid

d. devices when we’re not using them

5. stop

e. more trees in our neighbourhood

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Bài 3 :

3. Read the passage and tick () the correct answers.

(Đọc đoạn văn và đánh dấu () vào câu trả lời đúng.)

Every year on April 22nd, more than 190 countries celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet. The first Earth Day started in 1970 in America. Today more than 1 billion people participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it one of the largest movements. By taking part in activities like picking up litter and planting trees, you can help protect nature and the environment. You can also do things like buying green products and practising reduce, reuse and recycle. We can celebrate Earth Day and protect the earth at the same time. Moreover, we should continue doing things to save the earth every day of the year.

What activities do people do on Earth Day?

1. picking up litter 

2. protecting endangered species  

3. planting trees      

4. buying green products    

5. helping neighbours   

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Bài 4 :

4. Match the activities people do on Earth Day with their results.

(Ghép các hoạt động mọi người làm vào Ngày Trái đất với kết quả của chúng.)

1. planting trees

a. making our environment clean, reducing pollution

2. buying green products

b. reducing global warming, protecting animals habitats

3. picking up litter

c. saving electricity to save natural resources

4. turning off the lights

d. improving our health, reducing pollution

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the text and choose the words or phrases to make the following statements correct.

(Đọc đoạn văn và chọn từ hoặc cụm từ để làm cho các câu sau đúng.)

Today, there are national parks all over the world, and the number is rising all the time. A national park is a special area for the protection of the environment and wildlife.

In Viet Nam, there are now 34 national parks. Con Dao National Park is one of them. It became a national park in 1993. The park is in Con Dao District, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province. It contains 16 small islands covering 20,000 hectares. The ecosystem here is very diverse with thousands of species, including marine animals. Many species of corals as well as sea turtles, dolphins, and endangered dugongs live here as well. The park is also home to a lot of valuable kinds of woods and medicinal plants. Three ancient trees in the park were named “Vietnamese Heritage Trees”.

Con Dao National Park, like other national parks, plays a key role in saving endangered species as well as protecting the environment and natural resources. It also helps raise the awareness of local residents about the importance of nature.

1. There are 34 national parks / nations’ parks in Viet Nam now.

2. The conservation / ecosystem in Con Dao is very diverse.

3. The dugong is a(n) dangerous / endangered animal.

4. National parks play a key role in saving the environment / small islands.

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Bài 6 :

3. Read the text again and choose the correct opinion A, B or C.

(Đọc lại văn bản và chọn ý kiến đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. What is the best title for the passage?

A. National Parks in Viet Nam

B. Con Dao National Park

C. The Protection of Wildlife

2. National parks are areas for _____.

A. the protection of the environment

B. the management of marine life

C. the sale of animal products

3. What is the area of Con Dao National Park?

A. 34 hectares.

B. 16 hectares.

C. 20,000 hectares.

4. Con Dao National Park has many kinds of _____.

A. valuable plants

B. ancient trees

C. natural values

5. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. There are more and more national parks in the world.

B. Con Dao National Park is rich in animal species.

C. Con Dao National Park's mission is to help other national parks.

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Bài 7 :

2. Read the fact sheet. What happens to water when it falls to the Earth?

(Đọc tờ thông tin. Điều gì xảy ra với nước khi nó rơi xuống Trái đất?)


Now here is a challenge for you. Go and get a glass of water and take a look at it. Can you guess how old it is? Well, your water perhaps fell from a cloud just a couple of weeks ago, but it has been around for the same length of time as planet Earth! That means that your glass of water was around when the first creatures swam in the sea and when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. But how is this possible?

The fact is that the quantity of water on the Earth remains the same over time and it constantly goes through the water cycle. In the cycle, there is continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. Firstly, the sun heats the water in the rivers, seas and oceans, and it evaporates into the air. Plants and trees lose water, too, and this also goes up into the air. The water vapour then cools and condenses into small drops which form clouds. You can see how condensation happens if you look again at your glass of water on a hot day. After a short time, water from the air condenses onto the cold glass. Back to the sky, though, and the next step is that the clouds gradually get heavier and heavier until they can’t hold the water any more, and it falls to Earth as rain, sleet or snow.

Water can change state from liquid to vapour to solid during the cycle, but any form of water that falls from the clouds is called precipitation. When on Earth, some of the water runs into rivers, lakes and streams and becomes surface water. Some enters the ground and forms underground rivers or lakes before eventually flowing back to the seas and oceans. The cycle is complete.


Bây giờ đây là một thử thách cho bạn. Đi lấy một cốc nước và nhìn vào nó. Bạn có đoán được nó bao nhiêu tuổi không? Chà, nước của bạn có lẽ đã rơi xuống từ một đám mây chỉ vài tuần trước, nhưng nó đã tồn tại cùng khoảng thời gian với hành tinh Trái đất! Điều đó có nghĩa là cốc nước của bạn đã ở xung quanh khi những sinh vật đầu tiên bơi ở biển và khi những con khủng long lang thang trên Trái đất. Nhưng làm thế nào là điều này có thể?

Thực tế là lượng nước trên Trái đất không đổi theo thời gian và nó liên tục trải qua vòng tuần hoàn nước. Trong chu trình, có sự chuyển động không ngừng của nước, trên và dưới bề mặt Trái đất. Đầu tiên, mặt trời làm nóng nước ở sông, biển và đại dương, và nó bốc hơi vào không khí. Thực vật và cây cối cũng bị mất nước, và điều này cũng bay lên không trung. Hơi nước sau đó nguội đi và ngưng tụ thành những giọt nhỏ tạo thành mây. Bạn có thể thấy sự ngưng tụ xảy ra như thế nào nếu bạn nhìn lại cốc nước của mình vào một ngày nắng nóng. Sau một thời gian ngắn, nước từ không khí ngưng tụ trên kính lạnh. Tuy nhiên, nó quay lại bầu trời và bước tiếp theo là các đám mây ngày càng nặng dần cho đến khi chúng không thể giữ nước nữa và rơi xuống Trái đất dưới dạng mưa, mưa tuyết hoặc tuyết.

Nước có thể thay đổi trạng thái từ lỏng sang hơi sang rắn trong suốt chu kỳ, nhưng bất kỳ dạng nước nào rơi xuống từ các đám mây đều được gọi là kết tủa. Khi ở trên Trái đất, một phần nước chảy vào sông, hồ, suối và trở thành nước mặt. Một số xâm nhập vào lòng đất và tạo thành sông hoặc hồ ngầm trước khi chảy trở lại biển và đại dương. Chu trình đã hoàn tất.)

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Bài 8 :

4. Read and listen to the fact sheet again. Answer the questions.

(Đọc và nghe lại tờ thông tin. Trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What is true about the amount of water on Earth?

(Điều gì đúng về lượng nước trên Trái đất?)

2. Why does water vapour condense?

(Tại sao hơi nước ngưng tụ?)

3. What happens to a glass of water on a hot day?

(Điều gì xảy ra với cốc nước trong ngày nắng nóng?)

4. Name two forms of precipitation. Do you know any more?

(Kể tên hai dạng kết tủa. Bạn có biết nữa không?)

5. What are the three states that water can be in?

(Nước có thể ở ba trạng thái nào?)

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Bài 9 :

a. Read the essay about some effects of pollution and choose the best introduction sentence.

(Đọc bài văn về một số ảnh hưởng của ô nhiễm và chọn câu giới thiệu đúng nhất.)

1. Air, water, light, and noise are the four main types of pollution affecting our world.

(Không khí, nước, ánh sáng và tiếng ồn là bốn loại ô nhiễm chính ảnh hưởng đến thế giới của chúng ta.)

2. There are many types of pollution, and each type can affect people, wildlife, and the environment.

(Có nhiều loại ô nhiễm và mỗi loại có thể ảnh hưởng đến con người, động vật hoang dã và môi trường.)

                                                                                  . This essay will discuss the effects of different kinds of pollution.

Air pollution causes health issues such as coughing, breathing problems, and heart and lung diseases. Nearly seven million people die every year because of air pollution*. It also affects animals. If we keep polluting the air, more humans and wildlife will die.

Water pollution affects fish the most. In the USA, about 40% of the rivers and lakes are very polluted. Fish can't live in those rivers and lakes**. Unless people stop polluting the water, there won't be any fish left in our rivers.

Land pollution affects trees, wildlife, and people. Trees and plants cannot grow well in polluted soil, so animals lose their homes and cannot find food. Fruit and vegetables can even be dangerous to eat if they grow on polluted land. If people eat this poisoned food, they will get sick.

In conclusion, we need to reduce pollution because it is damaging the environment, causing health problems, and affecting wildlife.

*Air pollution, World Health Organization

**Water pollution, ECAVO

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Bài 10 :

b. Now, read and write True, False, or Doesn't say.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và viết Đúng, Sai, hoặc Không đề cập.)

According to the essay,

(Theo bài luận)

1. pollution is the biggest problem facing the world today.

2. nearly seven million people die each year because of heart and lung diseases.

3. the biggest effect of water pollution is on fish.

4. more than half of the rivers in the USA are too dirty, and fish can't live in them.

5. food can cause health problems if people grow it on polluted land.

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Bài 11 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

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Bài 12 :

a. Read the guide and write the correct heading for each section.

(Đọc hướng dẫn và viết tiêu đề chính xác cho mỗi phần.)

Provide more trash cans. (Cung cấp thêm thùng rác.)

Create some parks. (Tạo một số công viên.)


Teach people to recycle. (Dạy mọi người tái chế.)

How to Make Our City More Eco-friendly

The city of Cranford has lots of environmental problems. We have a lot of air, water, and land pollution. Here are some simple things we can do to help our city's environment.

1.                                                    .

We should create more green spaces like parks and playgrounds. They would be great places to plant more trees. This will reduce the air pollution in Cranford. It will also provide more spaces for animals and birds to live. This should bring more wildlife to our city.

2.                                                    .

We should put more trash cans on the streets and near the river. This will give people more places to put their trash. They will stop throwing trash in the river or on the streets. This will reduce our water pollution problem.

3.                                                    .

We should send people to schools to teach children how to recycle. They should also tell children how important recycling is. This will get more people to recycle in their homes and reduce land pollution in our city.

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Bài 13 :

b. Now, read and circle the correct answers.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và khoanh tròn các câu trả lời đúng.)

1. Does the city have many parks or forests?

(Thành phố có nhiều công viên hay rừng cây không?)

A. Yes                                                

B. No                                                

C. Doesn't say

2. Will new parks bring more birds to the city?

(Các công viên mới sẽ mang nhiều chim đến thành phố hơn?)

A. Yes                                                

B. No                                                

C. Doesn't say

3. Will more trash cans reduce water pollution?

(Nhiều thùng rác sẽ giảm ô nhiễm nước?)

A. Yes                                                

B. No                                                

C. Doesn't say

4. Does the writer think people should clean the river?

(Người viết có nghĩ rằng mọi người nên làm sạch dòng sông không?)

A. Yes                                                

B. No                                                

C. Doesn't say

5. The word provide in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to                  .

(Từ cung cấp trong đoạn 2 gần nghĩa nhất với          .)

A. feed (cho ăn)                                                

B. create (tạo ra)                                            

C. send (gửi)

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Bài 14 :

Read the passage. Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.

(Đọc đoạn văn. Chọn từ đúng nhất (A, B hoặc C) cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

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Bài 15 :

5. Look at the picture and read the title of the text. What do you think the text is about?

(Nhìn vào bức tranh và đọc tiêu đề của đoạn văn. Em nghĩ đoạn văn nói về điều gì?)

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Bài 16 :

6. Read the text. For questions (1-5), choose the correct options (A, B, C, D).

(Đọc văn bản. Đối với các câu hỏi (1-5), chọn các phương án đúng (A, B, C, D).)

Save Mother Earth!

Environmental problems will cause damage to plants, animals and people if we don’t stop them. Read about

some of these problems below.

What will happen if the rainforests disappear? It will be a big problem. All over the Earth, people are 1) ________ down rainforests. If we don’t stop them, we will 2) ________ many endangered animals and plants.

Protecting the ice caps is important. When ice caps melt, sea levels will rise and floods will happen more often. If it doesn't stop, cities and towns near the sea will 3) ________.

When we polluted the air, water and land, we will do great damage to the Earth. It doesn’t only harm plants and animals. People won’t have fresh air to breathe if air 4) ________ continues. Also, we won’t have enough food to eat if we continue to pollute water and land. If we aren’t more co-friendly, the problems will get 5) ________ and we will get more health problems.


A. cutting              

B. taking             

C. making            

D. polluting

2. A have                   

B. get                  

C. keep                

D. lose


A. rise                   

B. disappear       

C. melt                

D. stop


A. pollute               

B. polluted          

C. unpolluted      

D. pollution


A. worse                

B. better               

C. more             

D. less

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Bài 17 :

7. What did you learn from the text? Tell your partner.

(Em đã học được gì từ đoạn văn? Nói với bạn cặp của em.)

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Bài 18 :


1. Which of these activities do you think a ‘Dolphin Doc for a Day’ can do?

(Theo em thì ‘Dolphin Doc for a Day' sẽ có các hoạt động nào trong số những hoạt động này?)

look after sick dolphins (chăm sóc cá heo bị bệnh)          

feed dolphins (cho cá heo ăn)                 

sell dolphin souvenirs (bán quà lưu niệm cá heo)

swim with dolphins (bơi với các con cá heo)              

train dolphins (đào tạo cá heo)

Dolphin Doc for a Day

Fancy working with one of the most intelligent animals on the planet?

That's exactly what you can do on the ‘Dolphin Doc for a Day’ programme at Dolphins Plus in Florida, USA.

Dolphin Plus experts don't just look after dolphins; they also carry out research.

When you arrive, you’ll learn our safety practices and how scientists collect data. Dolphins are friendly animal, but you must be careful when you are around them.

You will also help feed the dolphins; they love feeding time. We need to make sure that the dolphins get the right vitamins and minerals, so our animal nutritionists will show you some of the dolphins’ favourite recipes. As you can see, to be a volunteer at Dolphins Plus, you have to be caring, careful and brave.

Volunteering at Dolphins Plus isn’t all hard work, though. The best part of your day will probably be swimming with the dolphins. You’ll also have unforgettable moments and you'll be able to share what you learnt with your family and friends! So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

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Bài 19 :

2. Read the text and decide if the statements (1-5) are R(right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

(Đọc đoạn văn và quyết định xem các câu (1-5) là R (đúng), W (sai) hay DS (không nói).)

1. “Dolphin Doc for a Day’ is a volunteer programme.

2. At Dolphins Plus, you will learn how to be safe when you are around the dolphins.

3. The dolphins are happier around feeding time.

4. Only animal nutritionists can feed the dolphins.

5. Swimming time with the dolphins is after feeding time.

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Bài 20 :


8. Read the email and decide if the statements (1-5) are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

(Đọc email và quyết định xem các câu (1-5) là R (đúng), W (sai) hay DS (không nói tới).)

Hi Josh,

How are things? Sorry I didn't write earlier because I was busy with my exams. I finished them yesterday, so I want to tell you about my plans for the summer.

First of all, I'm going to travel to Scotland. I’m going to stay at Dundreggan Conservation Estate for a week. I'm going to volunteer to plan tees and pick up rubbish there. And guess what? Its near Loch Ness, so maybe I’ll see the monster!

After that, I'm going back home for a short rest and then it’s more volunteering. I’m going to help out at the local animal shelter in the mornings. They need people to walk and feed the dogs. I'm sure I’ll have a great time.

Anyway, I’ve got to go now. I’m taking my brother to the aquarium. Write back and tell me what you're doing this summer.

See you soon.


1. Dave knows his exam results.

2. Dave lives in Scotland.

3. Dave is going to work as a volunteer.

4. Dave isn't going to work at the local animal shelter in the evenings.

5. Dave is going to the local animal shelter now.

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Bài 21 :

5 Read the text and decide if the statements (1-5) are 7 (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem các câu (1-5) là R (đúng), W (sai) hay DS (không nói).)

1 Air pollution comes from different things.

(Ô nhiễm không khí đến từ nhiều thứ khác nhau.)

2 Greenhouse gases make the air warmer.

(Khí nhà kính làm cho không khí nóng hơn.)

3 Warmer air causes stronger storms.

(Không khí ấm hơn gây ra những cơn bão mạnh hơn.)

4 When the ice caps melt, there will be less floods.

(Khi băng tan, lũ lụt sẽ ít hơn.)

5 Taking public transport is the best way to reduce air pollution.

(Sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng là cách tốt nhất để giảm ô nhiễm không khí.)

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Bài 22 :

2 Do the quiz. Then read the text and check your answers.

(Làm bài kiểm tra. Sau đó đọc văn bản và kiểm tra câu trả lời của em.)

1 You can take public transport instead of driving in

 A the city                         B the countryside                        C both

2 You can reuse or recycle to create less rubbish in

A the city                          B the countryside                         C both

3 You can take care of injured animals in

A the city                          B the countryside                         C both

4 You can walk to school to reduce air pollution in

A the city                          B the countryside                         C both

5 You can plant trees in

A the city                          B the countryside                         C both

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Bài 23 :

2 Read the text and decide if the statements (1-5) are R(right), W(wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem các câu (1-5) là R(đúng), W(sai) hay DS (không nói).)

1 Climate change is happening because people do bad things to the environment.

(Biến đổi khí hậu đang xảy ra do con người tác động xấu đối với môi trường.)

2 Air pollution is making the planet colder.

(Ô nhiễm không khí đang làm cho hành tinh lạnh hơn.)

3 The ice caps help keep the sea from taking in some of the hot sunlight.

(Các chỏm băng giúp biển không hấp thụ một phần ánh nắng nóng.)

4 Polar bears are the only animals living near the ice caps.

(Gấu Bắc Cực là loài động vật duy nhất sống gần các chỏm băng.)

5 There are many ways people can stop climate change.

(Có nhiều cách để ngăn chặn biến đổi khí hậu.)

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Bài 24 :

2 Match the headings (A-E) to the paragraphs (1-4). There is one extra heading.

(Nối các tiêu đề (A-E) với các đoạn văn (1-4). Có một tiêu đề phụ.)

A School Recycling Programmes

(Chương trình tái chế tại trường học)

B Clean-up Days

(Ngày Dọn Dẹp)

C Environmental Projects

(Dự án môi trường)

D After-school Programmes

(Các chương trình sau giờ học)

E School Gardens

(Vườn trường)

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Bài 25 :

1 Read and listen to the web article. Match paragraphs A-D with headings 1-5. There is one extra heading.

(Đọc và nghe bài viết trên web. Nối các đoạn A-D với các tiêu đề 1-5. Có thêm một tiêu đề nữa.)

1 A popular interest A

(Một mối quan tâm phổ biến)

2 Cooking and eating together ..........

(Nấu ăn và ăn cùng nhau)

3 Using less energy ..........

(Sử dụng ít năng lượng hơn)

4 Making our own food ..........

(Tự làm đồ ăn)

5 Making cooking easier ..........

(Giúp việc nấu ăn trở nên dễ dàng hơn)


A These days a lot of people enjoy trying out new recipes. Our kitchens are full of gadgets that make cooking quicker, easier and better for the environment. Experts predict this trend will continue, so what changes will we see in tomorrow's kitchen?

B Our future ovens will be a lot like touch-screen computers. They may start to tell us which foods our bodies have too much or too little of, and prepare our meals automatically. Our fridges will check how fresh our food is, throw 1 it away when it gets old, and send a shopping list to our smartphones before we run out of our favourites. Washing-up will become a thing of the past, with self-cleaning tables, plates, knives and forks.

C Perhaps the biggest changes will be in how we share our food. As we develop virtual reality, we won't need to be in the same place to cook. or eat together. It'll be possible to share recipes or learn how to follow 2 them from a chef hologram. When the meal is ready, you can eat 3 it next to holographic dinner guests, even if 4 they are on the other side of the world!

D And can we expect our food to change, too? Chefs suggest we'll grow enough food at home for most meals, and 5 when that isn't enough, we'll use 3D printers to reproduce the more unusual items. All in all, we can expect technology to shape both how we eat and what we eat in the near future!

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Bài 26 :

2 Read the article again and write true or false.

(Đọc lại bài viết và viết đúng hoặc sai.)

Today, many people enjoy cooking.              true

(Ngày nay, nhiều người thích nấu ăn đúng nghĩa.)

1 Cooks today don't have help from technology.

(Đầu bếp ngày nay không có sự trợ giúp từ công nghệ.)

2 In the future, ovens will make our diets healthier.

(Trong tương lai, lò nướng sẽ giúp chế độ ăn của chúng ta lành mạnh hơn.)

3 In the future, fridges will do the shopping for us.

(Trong tương lai, tủ lạnh sẽ giúp chúng ta mua sắm.)

4 We'll learn from chefs at home.

(Chúng ta sẽ học từ các đầu bếp ở nhà.)

5 People won't need to be together to share meals.

(Mọi người sẽ không cần phải cùng nhau chia sẻ bữa ăn.)

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Bài 27 :

3 What do the bold words the article refer to?

(Những từ in đậm trong bài đề cập đến điều gì?)

they                  ovens

(chúng)            (lò nướng)

1 it ………………………..

2 them ………………………..

3 it ………………………..

4 they ………………………..

5 that ………………………..

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Bài 28 :

4 Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

(Trả lời các câu hỏi. Viết câu hoàn chỉnh.)

How do the kitchen gadgets we have today help us?

(Các thiết bị nhà bếp ngày nay giúp chúng ta như thế nào?)

They help us cook in a quick, easy and eco-friendly way.

(Chúng giúp chúng ta nấu ăn một cách nhanh chóng, dễ dàng và thân thiện với môi trường.)

1 What do experts think will happen to the number of gadgets in kitchens?

(Các chuyên gia nghĩ điều gì sẽ xảy ra với số lượng đồ dùng trong nhà bếp?)


2 How will food shopping change?

(Việc mua sắm thực phẩm sẽ thay đổi như thế nào?)


3 What will chef holograms do?

(Hình ảnh ba chiều của đầu bếp sẽ làm gì?)


4 Where will our food come from?

(Thức ăn của chúng ta sẽ đến từ đâu?)


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Bài 29 :

5 Complete the sentences with the words.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ.)

About eleven percent of the people in the world haven't got enough food to eat.

(Khoảng 11% dân số thế giới không có đủ lương thực để ăn.)

1 There are more people in China, at around 1,4 ………. than all of the countries in Africa.

2 Human beings can live to around one …………..  and fifteen years.

3 It's around one ……………. kilometres from London to Berlin.

4 About 749 …………… people live in Europe.

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Bài 30 :

3 Complete the reviews with the correct words.

(Hoàn thành phần nhận xét với những từ đúng.)

Shazam-A review by Sketchy

You know when you hear a song you like, but you don't know its name? It's annoying, isn't it? Well, not any more! You're going to hate / love / listen Shazam. This smartphone app identifies any music and I 1 found /felt /saw it very easy 2 for / to / by use. You record the music and the app tells you the song. Then it links you to an online store so that you can buy it. My only 3 problem / disadvantage / negative with it is that sometimes it offers you the same song, but by a different artist. I've spent a lot more money on music since I got Shazam, too! But overall, I'd definitely recommend this app.

Twitter-A review by Natasha

Twitter is a social media website where users send tweets, or short messages. It does 4 quite / very / exactly what the adverts say. You can write your own messages, or sign up to follow other people's tweets. You can only use 140 characters in a message, so it isn't 5 everything / something / nothing that's good for long conversations! Probably the biggest 6 disadvantage / advantage / positive with Twitter is that 140 characters aren't enough. It's easy to get the wrong idea from a tweet, and I don't really like that.

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