Đề bài

4. Combine each pair of sentences, using the conjunction in brackets.

(Kết hợp từng cặp câu, sử dụng liên từ trong ngoặc.)

1. l arrive at the station. I will call you right after. (as soon as)

(Tôi đến nhà ga. Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn ngay sau đó. - ngay khi)

2. Many Vietnamese women wear conical hats. They work in the field. (when)

(Nhiều phụ nữ Việt Nam đội nón lá. Họ làm việc trên cánh đồng. - khi)

3. My father taught me how to use the computer. Then he bought one for me. (before)

(Bố tôi đã dạy tôi cách sử dụng máy tính. Sau đó, bố đã mua một cái cho tôi. - trước khi)

4. Nick is reading a novel. Jack is reading a cartoon. (while)

(Nick đang đọc tiểu thuyết. Jack đang đọc một bộ phim hoạt hình. - trong khi)

5. The tornado hit. There were only a few houses left standing. (After)

(Cơn lốc xoáy ập đến. Chỉ còn vài ngôi nhà đứng vững. - sau đó)

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. I will call you as soon as I arrive at the station.

(Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn ngay khi tôi đến ga.)

2. Many Vietnamese women wear conical hats when they work in the field.

(Nhiều người phụ nữ Việt Nam đội nón lá khi họ làm việc trên đồng.)

3. My father taught me how to use the computer before he bought one for me.

(Bố tôi dạy tôi cách sử dụng vi tính trước khi mua cho tôi một cái.)

4. Nick is reading a novel while Jack is reading a cartoon.

(Nick đang đọc tiểu thuyết trong khi Jack đang đọc truyện tranh.)

5. There were only a few houses left standing after the tornado hit.

(Chỉ còn vài ngôi nhà trụ vững sau khi lốc xoáy cuốn qua.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Grammar – Complex sentences with adverb clauses of time

(Ngữ pháp – Câu phức với mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian)

1. Read the sentences and write I.C if the underlined clause is an independent clause or D.C if it is a dependent clause.

(Đọc các câu và viết I.C nếu mệnh đề được gạch chân là mệnh đề độc lập hoặc D.C nếu đó là mệnh đề phụ thuộc.)


You must be careful when you cross the street. D.C

(Ví dụ: Bạn phải cẩn thận khi băng qua đường. -> mệnh đề phụ thuộc)

1. I'll wait for you here until you get back. ___

2. Make sure you lock the door when you go out. ___

3. You must get a permit before you build a campfire at a national park. ___

4. Dont use too much water while you are having a shower. ___

5. As soon as my friends come, we will pick up rubbish on the beach. ___

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Bài 2 :

2. Choose A, B, or C to complete each sentence.

(Chọn A, B hoặc C để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. I was not at home _____ he came to see me yesterday.

A. when

B. until

C. as soon as

2. We called the forest guard unit _____ we saw the bush fire.

A. as soon as

B. while

C. until

3. I went straight to the gym _____ I left home.

A. while

B. before

C. after

4.. You can stay with us _____ you find a suitable place to stay.

A. as soon as

B. before

C. until

5. We cleaned up everything at the campsite _____ we left.

A. until

B. before

C. while

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Bài 3 :

3. Match the clauses in the two columns to form complex sentences.

(Nối các mệnh đề trong hai cột để tạo thành câu phức.)

1. We will clean up the beach

a. until he made a successful light bulb.

2. Don’t forget to turn off the lights

b. as soon as it stops raining.

3. You have to show your ticket

c. while I'm cooking the soup?

4. Can you help me lay the table

d. before you go out.

5. Thomas Edison kept trying

e. when you get on the train.

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Bài 4 :

5. GAME Matching game. Work in two groups, A and B. Group A write main clauses. Group B write adverb clauses of time.

(Làm việc theo hai nhóm, A và B. Nhóm A viết các mệnh đề chính. Nhóm B viết mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.)

Do they match? Are there any funny sentences?

(Chúng hợp nhau không? Có câu nào buồn cười không?)

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Bài 5 :


3. Complete the following sentences using a clause. Use your own ideas.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng một mệnh đề. Sử dụng những ý tưởng của riêng bạn)

1. We should wait here until _____.

2. As soon as l arrived, _____.

3. Remember to lock the door before _____.

4. There were not many animals on the mountain after _____.

5. When we finished our picnic, _____.

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Bài 6 :

4. Circle A, B, or C to identify the underlined part that needs correction.

(Khoanh tròn A, B hoặc C để xác định phần gạch chân cần sửa.)

1. As soon as it rains, I go to school by bus.

         A                          B                C

2. I learned a lot about wildlife until I visited Cuc Phuong National Park last week.

                     A                         B                                                          C     

3. You can't go out to play before you will finish your homework.

                     A                    B                C

4. Instead of riding a motorbike, walk or cycle while you can.

                       A                         B                   C

5. How much power do we save this year for Earth Hour?

          A                   B         C

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Bài 7 :

5. Complete the sentences, so that they are true for you.

(Hoàn thành các câu, để chúng đúng với bạn.)

1. When I finished my lessons yesterday, _____.

2. Before I go to bed at night, _____.

3. I will wait until the teacher _____.

4. As soon as we have our summer holiday, _____.

5. I usually listen to music while _____.

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Bài 8 :

b. Combine two sentences into one using and or so (that). Add a comma when necessary.

(Kết hợp hai câu thành một bằng cách sử dụng and hoặc so (that). Thêm dấu phẩy khi cần thiết.)

1. We should take quick showers. => We don't waste water.

(Chúng ta nên tắm nhanh. => Chúng ta không lãng phí nước.)

We should take quick showers so (that) we don't waste water.

(Chúng ta nên tắm nhanh để chúng ta không lãng phí nước.)

2. We should recycle things. => We can reduce land pollution.

(Chúng ta nên tái chế mọi thứ. => Chúng ta có thể giảm ô nhiễm đất.)


3. We should recycle plastic bottles. => We can reuse glass bottles.

(Chúng ta nên tái chế chai nhựa. => Chúng ta có thể tái sử dụng chai thủy tinh.)


4. We shouldn't throw trash into the sea. => We should help clean up beaches.

(Chúng ta không nên vứt rác xuống biển. => Chúng ta nên giúp làm sạch các bãi biển.)


5. We should turn off air conditioners when we leave a room. => We can save electricity.

(Chúng ta nên tắt điều hòa khi ra khỏi phòng. => Chúng ta có thể tiết kiệm điện.)


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Bài 9 :

c. In pairs: What should people do to reduce pollution in your town?

(Làm việc theo cặp: Mọi người nên làm gì để giảm ô nhiễm trong thị trấn của bạn?)

My town should clean up the beaches, and people shouldn't throw trash on the beach.

(Thị trấn của tôi nên dọn sạch các bãi biển và mọi người không nên vứt rác trên bãi biển.)

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Bài 10 :

b. Combine two sentences into one using and or so (that). Add a comma when necessary.

(Kết hợp hai câu thành một bằng cách sử dụng và hoặc so (that). Thêm dấu phẩy khi cần thiết.)

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Bài 11 :

Complex sentences

4 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1 We always say ‘thank you’ when/although we receive gifts.

2 You shouldn't shake your head to say ‘no’ in Bulgaria because/before it means ‘yes’.

3 Your hosts will be happy if/before you offer them some fruit.

4 You should learn about local customs although/before you visit a new country.

5 He offered me an ice cream although/because the weather was cold.

6 When/Because first visited Việt Nam, I learnt a lot about their customs.

7 In Australia, people give the thumbs up if/before they want to say ‘everything is OK’.

8 In Singapore, people don't open their presents before/as soon as they get them.

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Bài 12 :

5 Combine the sentences using the words in brackets to make complex sentences.

(Kết hợp các câu sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc để tạo thành các câu phức.)

1 Amy bought some flowers for her host. She went to the party. (before)

Amy bought some flowers for her host before she went to the party.

(Amy đã mua một số hoa cho chủ nhà trước khi cô ấy đến bữa tiệc.)

2 The local people will feel good. You respect their customs. (if)

3 We meet new people. We usually shake hands for greeting. (when)

4 In the UK, you should eat what is on your plate. Sharing food is rude. (because)

5 This is George's first trip to Việt Nam. He knows a lot about the local culture. (although)

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Bài 13 :

6 Think of some advice to give to someone visiting your country. Make complex sentences.

(Hãy nghĩ một số lời khuyên để đưa ra cho ai đó đến thăm đất nước của em. Đặt câu phức.)

In Việt Nam, when you give something to the elderly, you should use both hands.

(Ở Việt Nam, khi đưa đồ cho người lớn tuổi, bạn nên dùng cả hai tay.)

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Bài 14 :

3 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1 We bought our theatre tickets early, so/but we have great seats.

2 Sarah booked her tickets for the new art exhibition although/as soon as she heard about it.

3 Ann's dish won the first prize at the food festival and/or mine won the second prize.

4 Sam left the concert early because/when he didn't like the live music.

5 The music was fantastic, or/but the singers weren't so good as I expected.

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Bài 15 :

3 Combine the sentences using the words in brackets to make compound/complex sentences.

(Kết hợp các câu sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc để tạo câu ghép/câu phức.)

1 I'm visiting Japan soon. I'm reading a lot about the country. (so)

2 The guests will leave at 9 o'clock. Then, Shelley will open her presents. (when)

3 Your cousin is young. She is a very good performer. (although)

4 We have to finish our homework. We go to school. (before)

5 Wanda said ‘thank you’. Her mum gave her a plate of food. (as soon as)

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Bài 16 :

3. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. I took off my shoes as soon as/ although I walked in the house.

2. After/Because I got home, I sent a thank-you note to Minh.

3. I didn't open my gift in front of other people because/before it's impolite in the local culture.

4. When/Because I meet someone, I always bow my head for greeting.

5. When/Although I am usually polite, I sometimes make mistakes.

6. If/As soon as Jenny invites me to her home, I will offer her some fruit.

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Bài 17 :

4. Combine the sentences using the words in brackets.

(Kết hợp các câu sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Giving the thumbs up means 'everything is OK' in many countries.  It's very rude in Thailand. (BUT)

2. I arrived home. I sent a thank-you note to Jane. (AS SOON AS)

3. I arrived late. Everyone was very polite. (ALTHOUGH)

4. I go to friends' houses. I always offer some flowers. (WHEN)

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Bài 18 :

5. Complete the email with and, but, so, before and after.

(Hoàn thành email với and, but, so, before và after.)

Hi Jenny,

Here I am in Việt Nam 1) _____ I am having a great time. My friend, Thanh, invited me to her house last night, 2) _____ I offered a gift. I took off my shoes 3) _____ I entered her house. All her family were there and we greeted each other by bowing our heads slightly with a smile. When Thanh's grandparents started eating their dinner, we all ate ours - it was great! I sent a thank-you note to Thanh 4) _____ I got home. I want to invite Thanh's family for dinner, 5) _____ my flat is very small. Maybe I will take them to a restaurant.

Bye for now.


Lời giải chi tiết:

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Bài 19 :

6. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. I'll do my environment project as soon as/before I get home.

2. Henry wanted to go to the cinema, but/so Amy preferred the theatre.

3. Polly enjoyed the food festival although/because the dishes weren't tasty.

4. Tonia opened her presents after/or the party was over.

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