Đề bài

3. Rewrite the sentences.

(Viết lại câu.)

1. She couldn’t concentrate on her work because she was too tired.

(Cô ấy không thể tập trung vào công việc vì cô ấy quá mệt mỏi.)

Because of ____________________________________________.

2. My father didn’t finish the project because of the lack of necessary materials.

(Bố tôi đã không hoàn thành dự án vì thiếu tài liệu cần thiết.)

As ____________________________________________.

3. I couldn’t go to the party because of my late work.

(Tôi không thể đến bữa tiệc vì làm việc muộn.)

Because ____________________________________________.

4. Mr Tuấn got a promotion because he worked hard.

(Anh Tuấn được thăng chức vì anh ấy làm việc chăm chỉ.)

Because of ____________________________________________.

5. Clare doesn’t feel pleased because of her low salary.

(Clare không cảm thấy hài lòng vì mức lương thấp.)

Since ____________________________________________.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Because of her tiredness, she couldn’t concentrate on her work.

(Vì mệt mỏi nên cô không thể tập trung vào công việc.)

Giải thích: sau “because of” cần dùng cụm danh từ, chuyển tính từ “tired” về danh từ “tiredness” – sự mệt mỏi

2. As my father didn’t have enough necessary materials, he didn’t finish the project.

(Vì bố tôi không có đủ tài liệu cần thiết nên ông đã không hoàn thành dự án.)

Giải thích: sau “as” cần dùng mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân

3. Because I had to work late, I couldn’t go to the party.

(Vì tôi phải làm việc muộn nên tôi không thể đến dự tiệc.)

Giải thích: sau “because” cần dùng mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân

4. Because of working hard, Mr Tuấn got a promotion.

(Vì làm việc chăm chỉ nên anh Tuấn được thăng chức.)

Giải thích: sau “because of” cần dùng cụm danh từ hoặc “V_ing”

5. Since Clare gets a low salary, she doesn’t feel pleased.

(Vì Clare nhận được mức lương thấp nên cô ấy không cảm thấy hài lòng.)

Giải thích: sau “since” cần dùng mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

a. Read about adverbial clauses/ phrases of reason, then fill in the blanks.

(Đọc về mệnh đề trạng từ/cụm từ chỉ lý do, sau đó điền vào chỗ trống)

I’m learning English (1) ______ the study abroad program I want to do.

Me too! (2) ____________ we have the same goal, let’s practice together.

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Bài 2 :

b. Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.

(Nghe và kiểm tra. Nghe lại là nhắc lại.)

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Bài 3 :

c. Fill in the blanks with as/since/because or because of.

(Điền vào các chỗ trống với as/ since/ because hoặc because of)

Linh: Why are you learning English?

Thảo: I'm learning it (1) because of the university I want to go to. It's overseas.

Linh: Oh, I see. (2) __________ you'll learn everything in English, you need to be really good at it, right?

Thảo: Yeah, that's right. How about you?

Linh: That's easy. I'm learning it (3) __________ most of my favorite movies are in English.

Thảo: That's interesting. We should study together (4) _________ we both want to improve.

Linh: That's a great idea. Let's meet at the library after school.

Thảo: Sorry, I can't go after school today (5) _________English club. It starts at 4 p.m.

Linh: OK. Another time.

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Bài 4 :

d. Use the prompts to write replies using as/since/because or because of.

(Sử dụng lời nhắc để viết câu trả lời bằng as/ since/ because hoặc because of.)


Friend: I love English songs.

(Tôi thích những bài hát tiếng Anh.)

You: We both like English songs/do you want/sing karaoke?

(Cả hai chúng ta đều thích những bài hát tiếng Anh/bạn có muốn/hát karaoke không?)

As/Since/Because we both like English songs, do you want to sing karaoke?

(Vì cả hai chúng ta đều thích những bài hát tiếng Anh nên bạn có muốn hát karaoke không?)


New girl in class: How is your class so good at English?

(Cô gái mới vào lớp: Sao lớp bạn giỏi tiếng Anh thế?)

You: We are very good/how much/read and listen/English content every day

(Chúng tôi rất giỏi/bao nhiêu/đọc và nghe/Nội dung tiếng Anh mỗi ngày)



Sister: English is spoken att around the world.

(Tiếng Anh được sử dụng khắp thế giới.)

You: Yes/English/help you with international travel/people speak it worldwide

(Có/Tiếng Anh/giúp bạn đi du lịch quốc tế/mọi người nói tiếng Anh trên toàn thế giới)



Teacher: Why do you want to improve your English?

(Tại sao em muốn cải thiện tiếng Anh của mình?)

You: English is/language of overseas study/essential to be good/it

(Tiếng Anh là/ngôn ngữ du học/cần thiết để giỏi/nó)



Friend: You seem to really like learning English.

(Có vẻ bạn rất thích học tiếng Anh.)

You: I/learning English/career opportunities/will give me/future

(Tôi/học tiếng Anh/cơ hội nghề nghiệp/sẽ cho tôi/tương lai)


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Bài 5 :

3. Join the sentences, using the given word in brackets.

(Nối các câu, sử dụng từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc.)

1. Jenny didn't attend the job fair. She was ill. (because)

(Jenny không tham dự hội chợ việc làm. Cô ấy bị ốm.)

2. Henry is excellent at maths. Everyone thinks he will become a mathematician. (since)

(Henry giỏi toán. Mọi người đều nghĩ rằng anh ấy sẽ trở thành một nhà toán học.)

3. Mai practised speaking English a lot. She wanted to get a high score on the speaking test. (because)

(Mai luyện nói tiếng Anh rất nhiều. Cô ấy muốn đạt điểm cao trong bài kiểm tra nói.)

4. Ms Nga is away this week. We'll put off the next class meeting. (since)

(Tuần này cô Nga đi vắng. Chúng ta sẽ hoãn buổi họp lớp tiếp theo.)

5. I couldn't go to the office on time. There was a traffic jam. (because)

(Tôi không thể đến văn phòng đúng giờ. Đã xảy ra ùn tắc giao thông.)

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Bài 6 :

1. Study the sentences a-d. Then choose the correct options to complete the rules.

(Nghiên cứu các câu a-d. Sau đó chọn các phương án đúng để hoàn thành các quy tắc.)

a. Companies pay them a lot of money to advertise products because they are like internet celebrities.

(Các công ty trả cho họ rất nhiều tiền để quảng cáo sản phẩm vì họ giống như những người nổi tiếng trên mạng.)

b. Companies want to reach young customers as they spend a lot and they stick with the brands they like.

(Các công ty muốn tiếp cận những khách hàng trẻ tuổi vì họ chi tiêu nhiều và gắn bó với những thương hiệu họ thích.)

c. A clothes retailer gives lots of their products to influencers since they hope the influencers will wear or just mention their stuff online.

(Một nhà bán lẻ quần áo tặng rất nhiều sản phẩm của họ cho những người có tầm ảnh hưởng vì họ hy vọng những người có tầm ảnh hưởng sẽ mặc hoặc chỉ đề cập đến sản phẩm của họ trên mạng.)

d. Marketing companies give me a product because of my popularity on social media.

(Các công ty tiếp thị cung cấp cho tôi một sản phẩm vì sự nổi tiếng của tôi trên mạng xã hội.)

RULES (Quy tắc)

1. We use a clause / noun phrase after because / as / since to indicate the reason for an action or event.

2. We use a clause / noun phrase after because of to indicate the cause of something.

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Bài 7 :

2. Complete the sentences with because or because of.


(Hoàn thành câu với “because” hoặc “because of”)

1. My sister could not reach the destination on time _____ the terrible traffic jam.

2. The final test was so easy _____ Olive knew all the answer.

3. _____ the language barrier, my uncle and my aunt got divorced.

4. All flights to Đà Nẵng were cancelled _____ the harsh climate conditions.

5. _____ Tom’s laziness, he can’t get the high scores in the exam.

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Bài 8 :


4. Complete the second parts of the sentences using adverbial clauses or phrase of reason.

(Hoàn thành phần thứ hai của câu bằng cách sử dụng mệnh đề trạng ngữ hoặc cụm từ chỉ lý do.)

1. Susan failed the university entrance exam _____.

2. The team won the championship _____.

3. I couldn’t attend the meeting _____.

4. Nam lost the opportunity at work _____.

5. The plane couldn’t take off on time _____.

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Bài 9 :

3. Find the mistakes in these sentences and correct them.

(Tìm lỗi sai trong những câu này và sửa lại.)

1. Her sister can’t get the good job so she doesn’t have enough qualifications.

2. As getting the poor scores in the exam, he felt deeply disappointed.

3. We couldn’t drive to the wedding party on time because the bumpy road.

4. That boy isn’t allowed to enter the club since he not old enough.

5. Because of the weather is terribly bad, the drivers have to drive very slowly.

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Bài 10 :

Clauses/Phrases of reason

Clauses of reason explain the reasons why things happen.


Thanh studies English because he wants to study abroad.

Since/As Mai studied hard, she passed her English exam.

because of + noun/verb-ing

Because of his good English, Phong can read English books.

Lan can now understand spoken English easily because of watching English films.

Tạm dịch:

Mệnh đề lý do giải thích lý do tại sao sự việc xảy ra.


Thanh học tiếng Anh vì anh ấy muốn đi du học.

Vì/Vì Mai học chăm chỉ nên cô ấy đã đậu kỳ thi tiếng Anh.

because of + danh từ/động từ

Vì tiếng Anh tốt nên Phong có thể đọc sách tiếng Anh.

Lan bây giờ có thể hiểu tiếng Anh nói một cách dễ dàng nhờ xem phim tiếng Anh.

1. Complete the sentences using because or because of.

(Hoàn thành câu sử dụng because hoặc because of.)

1. _______ Dan wants to improve his English, he is going to take an online course.

2. Amy could improve her English so fast _______ her teacher’s support.

3. Learning a new language cn boost your brainpower _______ it trains your brain with thinking skills.

4. I learnt a lot of new words _______ listening to English radio shows.

5. _______ living in London for ten years, Binh can now speak English fluently.

6. Some people study English _______ they need to prepare for their new life in an English-speaking country.

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Bài 11 :

2. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings. Use the words in brackets.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. Sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Because I live in the countryside, I can’t find many job opportunities. (BECAUSE OF)


2. Alex didn’t speak much in the English class because of his weak speaking skills. (SINCE)


3. She does well in her English class as she has strong communication skills. (BECAUSE OF)


4. We decided to move to the UK because of its good universities. (BECAUSE)


5. I knew lots of British expressions because I watched films from the UK. (BECAUSE OF)


6. They studied English because of being interested in American culture. (AS)


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Bài 12 :

3. Talk about things you did or places you went to. Ask and answer as in the example.

(Nói về những việc bạn đã làm hoặc những nơi bạn đã đến. Hỏi va trả lơi như trong vi dụ.)

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Bài 13 :

Clauses/Phrases of reason

1. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings. Use the words in brackets.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. Sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.)

1 I missed three English lessons because of my illness. (SINCE)

Since I was ill, I missed three English lessons.

2 The teacher gave us an extra week to do the project as we had school holidays.



3 Thanh decided to study English because of her love for the language. (BECAUSE)


4 As Ben wrote a beautiful poem, he won a school literature prize. (BECAUSE OF)


5 The students always enjoy the lessons as their teacher is amazing. (BECAUSE OF)


6 Kate can help you practise the language because of her great speaking skills. (AS)


7 She's a greal English teacher because she supports her students in their studies. (BECAUSE OF)


8 Because of his excellent performance, his teacher chose him to take part in an English-speaking contest. (AS)


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Bài 14 :

3 Read the Grammar box and find examples of clauses of reason from the dialogue.
(Đọc khung Ngữ pháp và tìm ví dụ về các mệnh đề lý do trong đoạn hội thoại.)

Grammar                             Clauses of reason

(ngữ pháp)                               (Mệnh đề lý do)

• Clauses of reason show the reason why something happened due to the action of the main clause.

(Mệnh đề lý do thể hiện lý do tại sao sự việc lại xảy ra do hành động của mệnh đề chính.)
1 Since we went to the shopping mall last week, we stayed home yesterday.

(Vì tuần trước chúng tôi đi trung tâm mua sắm nên hôm qua chúng tôi ở nhà.)
2 As it was too far to travel, we didn’t visit my cousins this year.

(Vì quá xa để đi du lịch nên năm nay chúng tôi đã không đến thăm anh em họ hàng của mình.)
3 I didn’t eat dinner because I was not hungry.

(Tôi không ăn tối vì tôi không đói.)
• We can rewrite clauses of reason using Because of / Owing to / Due to + N

(Chúng ta có thể viết lại mệnh đề lý do bằng cách sử dụng Because of / Owing to / Due to + N)
1 Because of the time, I didn’t wash my clothes.
(Vì có lúc nên tôi không giặt quần áo.)

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Bài 15 :

4 Rewrite sentences using the given phrases.

(Viết lại câu sử dụng các cụm từ cho sẵn.)
1 Because technology has advanced, we can now easily communicate with relatives in different countries.

(Bởi vì công nghệ đã tiến bộ nên giờ đây chúng ta có thể dễ dàng liên lạc với người thân ở các quốc gia khác nhau.)
Due to               .

(Bởi vì)
2 As there has been a lot of economic growth over the past 12 years, our living conditions have improved.

(Vì kinh tế đã có nhiều tăng trưởng trong 12 năm qua nên điều kiện sống của chúng tôi đã được cải thiện.)
Because of              .
(Bởi vì)

3 Since the infrastructure around our town has increased, it’s much easier these days to get around.

(Vì cơ sở hạ tầng xung quanh thị trấn của chúng tôi đã phát triển nên ngày nay việc đi lại dễ dàng hơn nhiều.)
Owing to              .
(Bởi vì)

4 As noise pollution has increased, many people no longer want to live near the centre of our city.

(Khi tình trạng ô nhiễm tiếng ồn ngày càng gia tăng, nhiều người không còn muốn sống gần trung tâm thành phố nữa.)
Due to              .
(Bởi vì)

5 Because the government has improved the public transport, it’s easier to travel to far-away cities now.

(Vì chính phủ đã cải thiện phương tiện giao thông công cộng nên giờ đây việc đi đến các thành phố xa đã trở nên dễ dàng hơn.)
Owing to              .

(Bởi vì)

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Bài 16 :

a. Choose the correct answer.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. I want to learn English because of/because the overseas study options it will give me.

(Tôi muốn học tiếng Anh vì những lựa chọn du học mà nó sẽ mang lại cho tôi.)

2. Since/Because of international businesses use English, it's essential to speak it well.

(Vì các doanh nghiệp quốc tế sử dụng tiếng Anh nên việc nói tiếng Anh tốt là điều cần thiết.)

3. I will study English every evening because of/as it will give me more career opportunities.

(Tôi sẽ học tiếng Anh vào mỗi buổi tối vì nó sẽ mang lại cho tôi nhiều cơ hội nghề nghiệp hơn.)

4. I don't enjoy traveling because/because of I'm not very good at speaking English.

(Tôi không thích đi du lịch vì tôi nói tiếng Anh không giỏi lắm.)

5. Because of/As the benefits to international work, study, and travel, everyone should learn some English phrases.

(Vì lợi ích cho công việc, học tập và du lịch quốc tế nên mọi người nên học một số cụm từ tiếng Anh.)

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Bài 17 :

b. Use the prompts and one of the phrases in brackets to write sentences.

(Sử dụng gợi ý và một trong các cụm từ trong ngoặc để viết câu.)

1. foreign/universities/use/English,/learn/it/very/important (because of/since)

Since foreign universities use English, learning it is very important.

(Vì các trường đại học nước ngoài sử dụng tiếng Anh nên việc học nó là rất quan trọng.)

2. we/learn/new English words/we/watch/TV/with/the/subtitles (as/because of)


3. are/you/learn/English/you/want/live/overseas? (because/because of)


4. you/watch/lot of/English/content,/can/teach/us/any/new/words? (because of/since)


5. she/sings/English/songs/she/wants/practice/pronunciation (since/because of)


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Bài 18 :

1. Match the half-sentences in column A and B.

(Hãy nối các nửa câu ở cột A và B.)



1. My electricity was cut off

2. Danny wanted to go to bed right away

3. Mr Khôi used to leave school early

4. We spent the whole day in the garden

5. The villagers can't use the water in this river

6. He looked very upset

a. as he failed the entrance exam.

b. because of the nice weather.

c. because it is extremely polluted.

d. because of his sickness.

e. as his life was so hard.

f. since I didn't pay the bill

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Bài 19 :

2. Complete the sentences with the words.

(Hoàn thành câu với các từ.)

because         as      since  because of    if        so

Her family decided to eat out yesterday because / as / since there was no food at home.

1. The flight to Italy was cancelled _____ the heavy fog.

2. You should look the words up in a dictionary _____ you don't understand them.

3. No one was watching the film, _____ I turned it off.

4. _____ Nancy had no beautiful clothes to wear, she didn't come up at your party last night.

5. The team lost the trophy _____ their bad performances yesterday.

6. _____ you are not fluent in English, you won't be accepted for this job.

7. _____ the cheap price, my son insisted on buy him a new laptop.

8. I found the last exam so easy _____  I had worked very hard during the course.

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Bài 20 :

3. Complete the dialogue with the adverbial clauses and phrase of reason.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với mệnh đề trạng ngữ và cụm từ chỉ lý do.)

Kyle: Hi Daisy! Great to see you again. How was your trip to New York?

Daisy: It was nice, but not as great as I had expected.

Kyle: What happened?

Daisy: (1) _____  the heavy rain, we couldn't enjoy many outdoor activities. We mostly went window shopping and found a shelter in a small café. It was very cozy, though.

Kyle: That's too bad. I saw your photos of the café on social media. They were great shots.

Daisy: Thanks. (2) _____  it was raining all day, we couldn't do anything except watching the raindrops from the glass window. How romantic it was! I couldn't hesitate to snap the photos.

Kyle: I also saw the candle on the table, too. It did make the photos even more eye-catching.

Daisy: It was my intention to put the candle there (3) _____ I thought it would make the best shot.

Kyle: Brilliant!

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Bài 21 :

4. Rewrite the sentences.

(Viết lại câu.)

Olivia wants to travel to Milan this summer so she has to save money from now.

Since Olivia wants to travel to Milan this summer, she has to save money from now.

1. Because of driving too fast, my brother caused a serious accident last night.

My brother ______________________________________________________________

2. As the fashion bloggers make really funny videos, they become popular on social media.

Because of ______________________________________________________________

3. Ann didn't sleep well last night so she's having a headache now.

Since ___________________________________________________________________

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Bài 22 :

1. Complete the sentences with as/ since / because (of).

(Hoàn thành các câu với as/ since / because (of).)

My mother was very angry because / as / since Tommy behaved rudely.

1. _____ her impatience, Tina will never be successful in her career.

2. She came in very quickly _____ she didn't want to wake her baby up.

3. He got bad marks this exam _____ his incomplete answers.

4. _____ Mr Tuan stayed up too late last night, he forgot his meeting this morning.

5. _____ the heavy fog, they cancelled the football match yesterday.

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Bài 23 :

2. Rewrite the sentences.

(Viết lại các câu.)

We missed the train so we came to the party late.

As we missed the train, we came to the party late.

1. Mai was absent from school so she didn't understand the lessons.

Because of _____________________________________________________

2. My mother couldn't sleep last night because she had an awful headache.

My mother couldn't sleep last night because of _________________________

3. My bike broke out so I had to take the bus to work.

Since __________________________________________________________

4. Nam walked so slowly as his leg was hurt.

Nam walked so slowly because of ___________________________________

5. Since the snow was so heavy, I couldn't go to school on time.

Because of ______________________________________________________

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Bài 24 :

Clauses/Phrases of reason

1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. Lâm is taking an English course because/because of he wants to study abroad.

2. We all enjoyed the lesson because of/since the topic was so interesting.

3. My teacher recommended taking online lessons as/because of the low cost.

4. Are your English skills better because of/as using English-learning apps?

5. Sylvia’s English is improving because of/because she practises every day.

6. I think I can enjoy entertainment more because of/since my good English skills.

7. I can’t play basketball with you because/because of I’m going to my English class.

8. Because of/Since Ariel loves listening to English music, she decided to study the language.

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Bài 25 :

2. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

(Viết lại câu sử dụng từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Hà sounds like a native speaker because her mother is English. (BECAUSE OF)


2. Sally is a great candidate for the job because of being able to speak many languages. (SINCE)


3. We are taking an online English class because its schedule is flexible. (BECAUSE OF)


4. Nina is studying English because of her love for English culture. (BECAUSE)


5. Paolo’s English is improving quickly because of his frequent practice. (AS)


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Bài 26 :


6. Read the paragraph. Which clause (a-c) best fits the gap (1-3)?

(Đọc đoạn văn. Mệnh đề nào (a-c) phù hợp nhất với chỗ trống (1-3)?)

a. because English is the international language of many fields, such as business, finance and technology

(bởi vì tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ quốc tế của nhiều lĩnh vực như kinh doanh, tài chính và công nghệ)

b. since it helps you read and research in the world's most spoken language

(vì nó giúp bạn đọc và nghiên cứu bằng ngôn ngữ được sử dụng nhiều nhất trên thế giới)

c. as English is the language of education in many countries

(vì tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ giáo dục ở nhiều nước)

There are many benefits to learning English. One benefit is that it gives you the chance to study abroad (1) _______. Another benefit is that it can help you widen your knowledge (2) _______. Finally, it can help you have more job opportunities in the future (3) _______. To sum up, learning English can benefit your education, personal life and future. 

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Bài 27 :

Clauses/Phrases of reason

1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. Dương speaks English fluently as/because of his father is from the UK.

2. Because of/Since you’re good at English, can you check my spelling?

3. I changed English class because of/since the level is too difficult for me.

4. English-learning apps are popular because of/because they are cheap and convenient.

5. Because/Because of Claire doesn’t know much about technology, I helped her set up her blog.

6. Kim is looking for a pen pal in the USA because of/since she wants to practise her written English. 

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Bài 28 :

2. Complete the sentences with because/since/as or because of.

(Hoàn thành câu với because/since/as hoặc because of.)

1. Huệ moved to the city _______ its good job opportunities.

2. I didn’t sign up for an English class _______ my busy schedule.

3. He’s applying for a visa _______ he wants to study abroad.

4. My grandma is learning another language _______ the benefits for her brain.

5. You will be able to be a great teacher _______ you have excellent communication skills.

6. I’m studying English _______ I want to move to the UK.

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Bài 29 :

3. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings. Use the words in brackets.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. Sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Nick isn’t coming to school today as he has a stomach ache. (BECAUSE OF)


2. I want to take English lessons online because of the flexible schedules. (AS)


3. We had our English lesson outside since the weather was nice. (BECAUSE OF)


4. They’re going to Australia because of wanting to visit the Great Barrier Reef. (BECAUSE)


5. I’d like to join this class since the class size is small. (BECAUSE OF)


6. Phương sounds like a native speaker. She has a great English accent. (BECAUSE OF)


7. He got the job because of his good English speaking skills. (SINCE)


8. She is top of the class because of her high test scores. (AS)


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Bài 30 :

3. Match the clauses on the left with the ones on the right to make meaningful sentences.

(Nối các mệnh đề bên trái với các mệnh đề bên phải để tạo thành câu có nghĩa.)

1. ☐As uniforms are compulsory in many schools,

a. our living conditions have improved.

2. ☐It's easier to travel to far-away cities now

b. a lot of students wear them daily.

3. ☐Because of my busy schedule,

c. because of its light silk fabric.

4. ☐Áo dài is well-suited for Việt Nam's hot and humid climate

d. due to improvements in public transport.

5. ☐Due to economic growth and increased infrastructure in the past decades,

e. I couldn't join the Áo dài festival last week.

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